Greenhouse restoration underway at MPHS

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News

The long-abandoned greenhouse at Marysville Pilchuck High School, unused for the past 15 years, is being revitalized for the start of the 2024-25 school year as part of the MPHS Greenhouse Project. It all started when a few teachers, including Biology teacher Kayla Carter and Head of the Science Department Claire Luvera, walked by the neglected lot and thought, “Why is this land just going to waste?” This question inspired Kayla and her colleagues to bring the greenhouse back to life, seeing it as a valuable resource for students and the community.

Kayla and Claire took the issue to the school administration, who approved their plan to clean up the greenhouse. This was no small task, as the greenhouse had been an eyesore on the MP campus for over a decade. Undeterred, they gathered tools, secured funding, and rallied support through community donations. Blackberry bushes had overtaken the buildings, walkways, and even the inside of the greenhouse. The monumental undertaking began at the start of summer, clearing the overgrown foliage, removing debris, digging out walkways, and bringing in an electrician to get the building operational.

Inspired by this potential, Kayla Carter, who was in her first year at Pilchuck, saw an opportunity to transform the space. “From my classroom, I could see this big greenhouse and land,” she said. Motivated by what it could become, Carter started the greenhouse project. “To get it going, we needed a lot of help from the community,” she explained. Initially, it was just her and another teacher working on the project, but the community’s response has been incredibly supportive. According to Carter, they’ve been offered tools, donations of lumber and compost, and a tree company helped trim trees. 

The plan is to form a garden club to maintain everything, and involve students in activities like testing water and soil, and growing different plants in various areas. Carter said, “The garden club will sell flowers and, hopefully, tomato starts for the program,” 

For Carter, this project is about more than just gardening; it’s about bringing kids outside and connecting them with nature. “Some kids these days don’t go outside enough,” she said. She hopes that by having students grow plants they helped start, they will enjoy getting their hands dirty and seeing nature up close. “One of my dreams is to have students eat what they grew,” Carter shared, emphasizing her desire to have the students experience the entire cycle of growing and enjoying their food.

Luvera expressed enthusiasm for the new project and its potential impact on the curriculum. “We will be able to do so many labs and hands-on activities in all our life sciences,” she said. She explained that the decision to start this initiative was made earlier in the year. “Back in April, we looked around and decided to work on this project,” Luvera recalled. Her excitement for the future is apparent, especially regarding increasing student engagement through practical learning. “I am excited to get more hands-on activities for the kids,” she added. Luvera also shared her hope to revive an agriculture program, which would provide even more opportunities for experiential learning.

Eliza Davis, a member of the Marysville School Board, has been actively involved in supporting positive initiatives within the district. “I reached out to different organizations,” she said, explaining her efforts to find support for the greenhouse project. As someone deeply familiar with the challenges and negativity within the district, Davis wanted to focus on something positive happening in the schools.

“While on a tour, the Principal of MP, Peter Apple, told me about some teachers interested in getting this program going again,” Davis explained. Motivated by this opportunity, she connected with a few organizations and the non-profit Best Schools Marysville, which is dedicated to restoring schools in the community. The organization was eager to help and donated money to support the program.

Davis recalls that the program was once award-winning, with students making wreaths for Christmas and growing flowers for Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. “There are lots of opportunity for students to learn about business and practical, real-world skills,” she said. She is enthusiastic about seeing passionate young teachers. “It’s nice to see young teachers come in and want to change the culture and rebuild the program,” Davis added, reflecting on the potential for growth in the district.

The greenhouse project will continue throughout the school year, with plans to turn the greenhouse back into a functioning classroom. The district will decide later in the year whether to reopen the class. In the meantime, Carter and her team are hopeful for ongoing community support and involvement. For more information and updates, visit their Facebook page, MPHS greenhouse project.

Tulalip Foundation hosts 6th annual Salmon Bake Fundraiser

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News; photos courtesy of Nicole Sieminski, Stephanie Cultee and Tessa Campbell

A record breaking $70,000 was raised during the Tulalip Foundation’s Annual Salmon Bake Fundraiser benefiting the Hibulb Cultural Center. It was the hot ticket event of the summer and sold out during the week leading up to the gathering. Close to 250 people were dressed to the nines on the evening of August 17, as they convened at the cultural center’s terrace where they were greeted by the welcoming aroma of traditional baked salmon. 

“Our ultimate goal is to support the cultural center and to feature it’s work and all the good work that it’s doing,” expressed Nicole Sieminski, the Tulalip Foundation’s Executive Director. “It is gratifying to see people’s support and that they keep showing up for us. And we’re grateful that we keep getting new supporters as well. My goal is to keep growing, which we did by a lot. We raised $52,000 last year, which was big because it was the first time we broke $50. And this year we raised $70,000!”

Since its establishment, the Hibulb Cultural Center has imparted a vast amount of knowledge about the Tribe’s history and ancestral teachings to the wider community. With historical artifacts, photos, and documents, the center has provided insight and a tribal perspective on issues such as colonialism and assimilation while simultaneously celebrating the ancestral teachings, values, beliefs, and stories of the Tulalip people. 

Many of the cultural center’s gatherings, exhibits, and workshops are possible due in large part to the Tulalip Foundation’s annual salmon bake fundraiser. This is an all-hands-on deck event and is organized not only by the Foundation, but also the team from the cultural center. 

The Tulalip Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports tribal programs and projects based on five support areas – culture and natural resources, education and workforce, law and justice, community and development, and health and social. The Foundation has made a great impact on the tribal community and has become well-known throughout the region. Many local companies and nationwide corporations have donated thousands of dollars for the betterment of both Tulalip’s governmental programs, as well as community-led and focused projects. 

Making their sixth consecutive return to the event, the Taylor Family once again prepared the salmon over fire. What makes this special is that the people get to see this traditional method of cooking in real time. Attendees witnessed an act of passing knowledge to the next generation, as Lance Taylor guided his grandson Jared throughout the entire process. 

Ryan’s Rez-ipes, renowned for their delicious eats, was the official caterer for the event. And there were 22 sponsorships in total this year. Nicole shared that there were a few new sponsors, who have active contracts with the Tribe, that showed their support to the community including Korsmo Construction, KPFF Engineers, and the Wenaha Group.

While the food was being prepared, the guests were invited to tour the cultural center’s exhibits and gift shop. This was also the time to peruse the items that were up for bid at the silent auction. Rows of tables displayed artwork and regalia that was donated by nearly 30 Tulalip artists. Beside each donation there was an informational note, detailing the art piece and the artist, as well as a sheet of paper where the guests could place their bids.

“It’s always nice to see everybody’s work,” shared Nicole. “One that I loved this year was made by Jose Roja, who is a Tribal youth. He made his first traditional wool skirt and matching headband. Since it was his first one, he’s supposed to give it away, so he donated it to us to put in the silent auction. We actually had several Tribal youth who donated items for the silent auction, that was really cool to see our youth participate and show their support.”

Once the silent auction placed a last call for bids, the event began with an opening prayer by Natosha Gobin and the presentation of colors by the Tulalip Honor Guard. Young Tribal member Lizzie Mae Williams shared a traditional story, followed up by opening remarks from the Hibulb Cultural Center’s Museum Manager, Mytyl Hernandez. 

DJ Monie was behind the turntables and helped set the vibe of the soiree throughout the night. As the attendees enjoyed their fresh king salmon dinners, they were treated to a live spoken word and flute performance by Renee Roman Nose and Peter Ali. 

From the comfort of their seats, the guests could scan a QR code, where they could donate to a canoe restoration project via their smartphones. They also had the chance to enter in a drawing to win a canvas painting by Tulalip artist, Ty Juvinel. 

“This is the first year we did a specific fund a project,” said Nicole. “This was a canoe that was donated earlier this year that needs some serious restoration and treatment, it was outside for a very long time. Hopefully it will go on display in the canoe hall. This is a full-sized river canoe, the one in the canoe hall now is actually child sized. This is very similar to what we’d use here along our Snohomish, Stillaguamish, Skagit rivers. And Ty’s donation was great. We decided to use that for our special drawing. We always like to feature something unique for the special drawing. It was a very large print, almost 4ft x 4ft.”

This year’s fundraiser was dedicated in memory of David Spencer Sr., who was an active participant in countless events at the Hibulb Cultural Center for many years, notably at the annual film festival and the salmon bake. And according to Nicole, David also voices the introduction video that plays inside of the cultural center’s longhouse as people tour the museum.

Once everybody collected their winnings, the 2024 Salmon Bake Fundraiser was officially marked as a success in the books.

“I am extremely grateful for everyone’s support from friends, community, tribal partners,” Nicole stated. “Hopefully it means we’re doing our job well and showing them how the cultural center is continuing to serve the community. Every year the funds are going to future exhibitions and programming. Thankfully, the cultural center staff are able to continue to offer events. They just released their September events, and they have a busy schedule. It’s good to see that and hopefully our donors can see that as well.”

For more information, and to stay up to date on the Hibulb Cultural Center’s events, exhibits, and activities, be sure to give their Facebook page a follow. And for addition details about the Tulalip Foundation, please visit

M’s come up clutch during Native Night

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

It’s impossible to know exactly how many Native Americans attended the Seattle Mariners vs. Tampa Bay Rays baseball game on Monday, August 26. But what we do know is the game’s official attendance was announced as 29,755 and, based on pure observation, one can safely say that a good percentage of that was proud Indigenous culture bearers from across the Americas who journeyed to T-Mobile Park to celebrate ‘Native American Heritage Night’. 

Knowing full well how chaotic evening traffic can be, citizens of the region’s Coast Salish tribes hit the road early to ensure arrival into the Emerald City prior to the game’s 6:40pm opening pitch. Additional incentive to arrive early came in the form of a highly coveted, limited-edition jersey created by Muckleshoot tribal artists. Jerseys were only made available to the first 10,000 fans.

Last year, Muckleshoot and the Seattle Mariners announced a long-term, multi-faceted partnership allowing the organizations to work together to impact the broader community throughout the Pacific Northwest. 

“This partnership is the result of two organizations coming together who share common values and beliefs. We’re excited to celebrate the Tribe’s culture and traditions with fans at T-Mobile Park, while providing enhanced baseball and softball access to more children throughout our region,” stated Catie Griggs, Seattle Mariners President of Business Operations.

“To be able to assert … our place and our identity within the city, within the region, with organizations like the [Mariners and Kraken], it’s hugely important and it’s hugely meaningful and really a powerful step for our tribe, for our people,” added Muckleshoot tribal councilman Donny Stevenson at the time of the announcement.

Prior to Monday night’s first pitch, the Muckleshoot Canoe Family took to the always stunningly manicured green grass of T-Mobile Park and shared their culture though dance and song.

The Mariners’ 11,000-square-foot scoreboard routinely displayed facts about Indigenous tribes of Washington State throughout the evening. The monstrous digital screen even showed Tulalip tribal members on multiple occasion. The first being 7-year-old Anthony Jefferson Jr. saying “Let’s play ball!” in Lushootseed. Then again, when the cameras panned to Morning Star Creations founder Nina Gobin-Scott hard at work sewing a ribbon skirt. She was asked by members of the Mariners’ public relations team to represent Indigenous entrepreneurs on the center field foyer, where her custom-made ribbon skirts were being sold and auctioned off to benefit Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services.

“It’s a huge deal for me as an Indigenous woman and small business owner be asked to setup and display my work for so many people and communities to see. I feel so honored,” shared Nina while taking a brief break from her devout sewing machine. “An underrated part of opportunities like this are being able to impart insight and expand perspectives of non-Indigenous people who may be curious about our cultures, arts and businesses, but unsure of who or how to ask.

“One of my favorite moments from the night was being able to sell a skirt to a First Nations relative from Canada attending her first Native Night,” continued Nina. “It’s truly breathtaking. There are so many places someone can go to buy a ribbon skirt and recognizing this, I don’t take it for granted when someone sees one of my designs and is excited to purchase from me.”

Turns out that Canadian purchaser was Councillor Morning-Star Peters of Tk̓emlúps te Secwépemc. Think of her as a tribal councilwoman of her First Nation. Morning-Star graciously shared, “My family was determined to not miss out on Native American Heritage Night this year, so we got the specialized tickets and got here early for the jersey and hat. I definitely did not expect to find a ribbon skirt, but that’s the beauty of our people – they always find a way. I’m so excited to bring this ribbon skirt back home with me. It’ll be a precious memento of this special night.”

During actual gameplay, the Mariners gave their adoring fans much to cheer about for 9 full innings. Second baseman Jorge Polanco (Dominican Republic) hit a 341-foot homerun in the second inning to tie the game at 1-1. In the following inning, recently acquired outfielder Randy Arozarena (Mexico via Cuba) smashed a 376-foot, 3-run homer that gave the home team the lead for good. Starting pitcher Bryce Miller went 7 strong innings and tied a career-high with 10 strikeouts. 

Ultimately, the M’s won an excitement-filled game, 5-1, in front of the largest Monday home crowd they’ve had all season. Only adding to the growing legend that is ‘Native Night.’

Backpack giveaway makes triumphant return

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

It’s been five long years since the Tribes’ annual back to school bash featured its iconic backpack giveaway. Missing since 2019, the double shoulder strap carry-all bags made a triumphant return on Wednesday, August 21, to the delight of students and parents, alike.

Anticipation was so high that several families lined up in front of the Youth Center doors a good two-and-a-half hours before the giveaway started. Misty Flores wanted to guarantee teenagers Caianne Santee, 17, and Skylar Flores,16, had first choice among the ever popular and extremely limited Skyn Style backpacks that feature stunning Native designs. 

“It was important for us to be first in line so they could get the backpacks they wanted and so that I could get back to work,” said Misty. 

“I’m excited to pick out a really cool backpack for school,” added Caianne. She stated so eloquently, like only a current teenager can, that the importance of having a cool backpack is “to avoid being made fun of for having a weird or lame backpack.”

Skylar and Caianne accomplished their mission by both selecting Skyn Style backpacks. Skylar went with the subtle white and black tribal print design, while Caianne opted for the fearsome Warriors bag that features the portraits of Chief Joseph, Red Cloud, Geronimo, and Sitting Bull. Safe to say there’s nothing weird or lame about that backpack, that’s for sure.

Also, among the first ones in the doors after eagerly standing in line for two plus hours was Valerie Alcombrack and her kiddos. Six-year-old Zaida Castaneda was so full of excitement that she couldn’t help but shout, “A pink one!” when asked what kind of backpack she was hoping for. Minutes later, the soon-to-be 1st grader was radiating pure princess energy as she sported a sparkly pink backpack out of the gymnasium. Her eight-year-old, big brother Kain opted for the base blue, Minecraft themed bag to rock during his upcoming 3rd grade year. 

Hundreds of Tulalip students eagerly picked out a backpack before filling it with classroom supplies, like pens, pencils, spiral notebooks, folders and so much more. The deep-seeded commitment to the educational well-being and academic future of our youth went beyond essential school items. 

In addition to the distribution of backpacks, the event also includes various activities and resources that promote academic and personal development. Educational booths, cultural presentations, and health screenings are often part of the event, providing a holistic approach to preparing students for the upcoming school year. 

There were several resource booths on site with local school district staff, volunteers, and educators intent on boosting the confidence of students and parents as they transitioned into school mode. These resources help to address the broader needs of the youth, ensuring they are not only equipped with school supplies but also with knowledge and support that will help them thrive both in and out of the classroom.

“It’s just good to see all the support the kids have to motivate them in and out of the classroom. They know they have so many who want them to succeed and rally want them to move forward in the best way possible,” described papa bear Cory Pablo as he perused the resource tables with his kindergartener and 1st grader. “My kids have been talking about this backback day for like a week and a half. Now, they can’t wait to finish up in here so we can check out everything that waiting for them outside.”

Oh, the marvels of being back outside. Like a scene out of Willy Wonka, there were free snow cones and popcorn being handed out by Tulalip Bay paramedics, literally a thousand slices of Costco pizza being distributed, and a variety of wildly fun shenanigans for the kids to enjoy. RECKLESS spinning carnival ride? Of course. Rock climbing wall? Sure. American gladiator style jousting? Why not. 

Peak memory making and community building to end the kid’s summer vacation, the return of the backpack distribution is also a reflection of the Tribes’ emphasis on unity and mutual support. The excitement around the event brings together not only the children and their families but also local leaders, educators, and community members to socialize in a whimsical atmosphere.

“We did so much outreach behind the scenes to make this as successful an event as possible,” reflected Jessica Bustad, Executive Director of Education. “This is a prime opportunity to reach our people because there are hundreds, potentially thousands, who walk through our doors today. A big priority for us was recruiting departments and organizations that we know our students and families need access to prior to school beginning so that they can, hopefully, begin building a relationship that they can then carry forward into the new year. 

“As a parent, too, I’m so thankful for all the resources the Tribe makes available to our kids so they are in the best position to succeed,” she added. “Beyond the backpacks and school supplies, we know that as Tulalip families that our students are fully supported with their educational journeys.”

Drive-in fun and fundraising

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News

On Saturday, August 10, hundreds of community members gathered at the Boom City lot behind the Tulalip Resort Casino to support the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Foundation. The event, hosted by Dan and Kelsey Pablo, was the annual drive-in movie fundraiser for their son Keldon. It aimed to raise money and awareness for people suffering from cystic fibrosis. This year’s featured movie was Kung Fu Panda 4, and the event successfully raised $26,744 for the cause.

In addition to the movie screening, Kelsey and Dan organized a raffle with prizes donated by various businesses and local artists. The raffle items included hotel stays in downtown Seattle and Tulalip, Mariner’s memorabilia and game tickets, traditional wool skirts, and more.

Various local food trucks and vendors added to the festivities, offering delicious treats like homemade lemonade, snow cones, frybread, and tacos. Attendees enjoyed indulging in the tasty offerings. One of the kids at the event, Tyler, remarked, “This is fun. I liked the red raspberry lemonade I got.”

Kelsey explained the history and adaptation of the event. “This is year 16 of a Tulalip Cystic Fibrosis event, but our third year doing a drive-in. For fourteen years, we did a walk at the Amphitheater. Then, when COVID hit, because cystic fibrosis is a lung disease, we couldn’t have everyone close, so we came up with the drive-in movie so people could stay in their cars and stay separated. It was like bringing back the Thunderbird.”

Fondly recalling his high school memories of the Thunderbird drive-in, Dan shared, “It was always a fun time with friends.”

Highlighting the family and community involvement, Kelsey noted how amazing it is to see the money raised and awareness spread. She emphasized that everything is 100 percent donated, with contributions from friends, family, and the community. The raffle constitutes 90 percent of their fundraising since the event is free, aside from sponsorships from the Tribe and a few small businesses.

Dan expressed gratitude, saying, “We would like to thank the Tribe for all the help they have given. They let us use this place, and throughout the year, they help immensely with medical coverage for our son.”

Kelsey concluded, “We are truly grateful. There are a lot of CF families that struggle with supplies and medications, and this event will help with that.”

The evening was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a shared mission. The event’s success highlighted the power of collective support in making a difference for those affected by cystic fibrosis.

If you or someone you know is impacted by cystic fibrosis and would like to make a difference by donating or learning more, please consider visiting

RaeVolutionary Buckets

By Micheal Rios

The RaeVolution that is RaeQuan Battle’s evolution from a rez kid with a basketball to a professional bucket getter was celebrated in the traditional Tulalip way on Tuesday, August 13. A meaningful, community-led event to celebrate RaeQuan and his most recent basketball accomplishment – signing an Exhibit 10 contract with the Charlotte Hornets – was organized in the days following a breaking story by The Charlotte Observer. It’s just the latest development in the lifelong pursuit of Tulalip’s favorite baller as he lives out his hoop dreams.

Let’s clear up the confusion around what exactly an Exhibit 10 contract is. In the simplest of forms, it’s a training camp contract. It allows for RaeQuan to continue to build off his NBA Summer League momentum, dawn the Hornets’ signature teal and purple colors, and gain further exposure training with and playing under the tutelage of an actual NBA team. The structure of the contract offers the Tulalip icon a chance to make an NBA roster during training camp or to stay within Charlotte’s development system through the G League.

According to Alex Kirschenbaum of Hoops Rumors, “[RaeQuan] could also see his training camp contract converted to a two-way deal with the Hornets up until the day before the regular season begins (October 22). Charlotte currently has one open two-way slot available, with the other two committed to point guard K.J. Simpson and center Moussa Diabate. It’s more probable that [he] will be cut prior to the start of the year and will then become an affiliate player with their G League Squad, the Greensboro Swarm.”

So essentially, in RaeQuan’s case, the signing of an Exhibit 10 contract with the Charlotte Hornets means that while he wasn’t drafted, he still has an opportunity to compete for a spot on the team. If he doesn’t make the final Hornets’ roster, the contract could be converted to a two-way deal, or he could join Charlotte’s G League affiliate. His community supporters will have to wait until October when the ’24-’25 NBA season begins for confirmation on his NBA status.

Alas, that’s over two months from now. Let us refocus on the present and the hundreds of Coast Salish tribal members, of all ages, who journeyed to the Youth Center on short notice to celebrate the 23-year-old hoops legend before he returned to Charlotte.

“This is something we needed to do because he deserves all the love and medicine we as a community can wrap him in. It’s like we always say, ‘If one of us makes it, then we all make it,’” explained grass-roots organizer Sara Hart. “I had support from Kim Kalliber who made the flyer, Jessica Bustad with getting this facility to host, and Chuckie Jones with organizing the coastal jam. I didn’t know what the turn out would be with only a few days to make this happen, but seeing the gym full now makes my heart so happy. Our community really came through.”

Kicking-off the cultural get-together, RaeQuan was blanketed by sisters Theresa and Shawnee Sheldon before being gifted a hand carved spirit mask necklace and custom paddle created by artist Ty Juvinel. 

The 6-foot-5-inch RaeQuan was impossible to miss throughout the coastal jam that went well into the evening hours. He was either front and center with his mom and grandfather Hank Williams taking in all the glorious spiritual energy, on the court dancing with his fellow culture bearers, or, as was often the case, basking in community fandom by taking photos and signing autographs.

Youth, adults, and elders alike beamed with pride as they stood in the presence of the Tulalip trailblazer of the hardwood. RaeQuan was gracious enough to autograph any items they presented to him and didn’t say no to a single photo request. This seemingly simple act was not lost on Marlin Fryberg, who has known RaeQuan since before he could dribble a basketball.

“He definitely has the heart to give back to his community, supporters throughout Indian Country and the kids who idolize him. His desire and willingness to give back is an often-overlooked part of his story,” said Marlin. “He’s had challenges, some big, some small, but every challenge he’s managed to rise to the occasion. The whole community is proud of him. We hope he maintains this trajectory to reach heights none of us have seen before. He has a lot of work still to do, but he enters this next stage of his journey knowing he has the support of his Tribe every step of the way.

Tulalip Boys & Girls Club. Marysville Pilchuck High School. The University of Washington. Montana State University. West Virginia University. NBA Summer League. All of these are stages of RaeQuan’s basketball journey. As he’s journeyed through the world of basketball, he’s illustrated determination, adaptation, resiliency, and cultural pride.

He never shies away from telling people where he’s from and who he is as a proud Tulalip tribal member. That intention to never forgetting his roots, instead to showcase them whenever possible, is a big reason why so many from throughout Coast Salish territory showed up to shower him with all the positive vibes.

“This means the world to me that people not just from our reservation but other reservations and Canada, too, came together to sing and drum and really send me off on this next journey in the best possible way,” shared RaeQuan. “Tulalip and the game of basketball have been my whole world. For them to come together in this way, at this moment is just surreal to me.

“Everywhere I go and everyone I meet, I try to represent the Tribe in the best way that I can,” he continued. “I wouldn’t be here today with the opportunity I have before me if it wasn’t for my mom, my grandparents, and all the coaches and community supporters who have been courteous enough to help me along the way. All this support gives me the strength to kick down the door of the professional world.”

Breaking down barriers and getting buckets. In true RaeVolution style.

Protect Act 2024 aims to help tribal courts and law enforcement combat the opioid epidemic

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

On the afternoon of August 6, Representative Rick Larsen (WA-02) visited with the Tulalip Board of Directors, the Tulalip Police Department, and members of the Tribe’s Treaty Rights Office and legal team to discuss a bill recently introduced to congress this month. 

The bill is officially titled the Protection for Reservation Occupants Against Trafficking and Evasive Communication Act, or the Protect Act for short. If passed, this could have a major impact for tribal nations as they continue to combat the opioid and fentanyl crisis. 

Tulalip Chairwoman Teri Gobin opened the gathering and shared, “First of all I want to welcome you to Tulalip and thank you for leading and introducing this bill. It’s amazing what this could do for us, the Protect Act of 2024. We’ve had 71 fentanyl overdose deaths that accounted to an actual overdose, but we’ve had a lot more deaths than that (due to addiction). The sad thing about it is the children. So many of the children are being left orphaned, both of their parents passing away from overdose. We’re having a lot of children who are born addicted, born with it in their system. So, our hands go up to you, we’re really excited about moving this forward. It’s time.” 

The Protect Act addresses a glaring jurisdictional issue that currently prevents tribes from prosecuting non-tribal members for illiegal drug activities on the reservation. The act is specific to drug trafficking, but it is key to battling the crisis and preventing loss of life on reservations throughout the country and a big step for tribal court systems. 

Providing a little historical context, Vice-Chair Misty Napeahi explained, “The Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe was passed by the United States Supreme Court in 1978, which literally took away the ability for tribes to prosecute non-tribal people on the reservation, and that is steeped very much in racism. I feel really thankful for you and the other congress people that are going to sign on to this bill for standing up for tribes. The people that bring the drugs in, they’re not dumb. They understand jurisdictional issues and they fully capitalize on it.”

BOD Glen Gobin added, “Across this nation there’s a fentanyl epidemic that every state is dealing with and are feeling the impact. For tribes, it’s even more difficult because of the jurisdictional questions that come up, who has criminal authority over non-Indians on the reservation. This bill looks to address that and bring safety to our community to deal with this. We’re looking to protect all of our citizens on the reservation and stand up and be part of this, fight against this epidemic that we’re all dealing with.”

In Larsen’s official press release, he surmises the Protect Act, and it reads as follows: 

Specifically, the PROTECT Act:

  • Provides parity for Tribal courts to issue search warrants for certain electronic communications, including social media, by adding Tribal courts to the list of courts with “competent jurisdiction” under the Stored Communications Act.
  • Expands Special Tribal Criminal Jurisdiction (STCJ) to crimes associated with drug trafficking.

Amends the Bureau of Prison’s (BOP) Tribal Prisoner Program (TPP) by expanding eligibility to offenders who commit drug-trafficking-related offenses.

According to the Snohomish County Opioid Overdose and Prevention Data and Dashboard, there were 188 overdose deaths in our county alone last year. There have been numerous studies from the likes of the CDC and Washington Post that show Native communities have been hit the hardest by the opioid crisis. 

The Washington State Department of Health’s Opioid and Drug Use Data Dashboard gives detailed and up-to-date statistics about the epidemic in real time. If you navigate their website and pull up overdose deaths stats based on demographics, the results are shocking. For all other races and ethnicities, there was an average of about 30 deaths per 100,000 people in 2022. The number for Alaskan Natives/American Indians was literally off the charts, with over 120 deaths per 100,000 population. 

Director of Treaty Rights Office, Ryan Miller, expressed, “I’m very excited to continue to push this forward and add this as another tool in our ability to fight this problem on our reservation; for the surrounding communities as well. Yeah, we’re focused on the Tribe, we’re focused on the reservation, but this affects everybody, all of the communities around us. We’ve got so many tools that we’ve been successful with, the Healing Lodge and so many other things that have helped us bring our members out of addiction and back in the community. And those have been fantastic, but without that tool to be able to put away the people who bring these drugs on the reservation and commit these crimes against our community members, we’re not going to be successful. This is a huge step towards that.”

You can follow the bill as it goes through the process of becoming a law, as well as read it’s official text, by visiting 

Said Representative Larsen, “I look forward to working with you all to get the Protect Act passed and signed into law to ensure that tribes have the tools to combat the opioid epidemic and save lives. I raise my hand to all of you for the important work that you’re doing to save lives and make your communities safer.”

Strengthening community ties at National Night Out

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News

The annual National Night Out (NNO) brought together community members at the Tulalip Amphitheater on Tuesday, August 6, fostering a deeper connection between the Tulalip Police Department (TPD) and the people of Tulalip. Several families attended to support TPD while also getting some cool swag.

NNO strives to educate the community about various police and community programs that are accessible to them. These programs include child support, mental health and wellness, educational services and more. Each tribal department spotlighting these services had a booth where kids and adults received gifts, and could participate in games like spinning the wheel for prizes, or making buttons and keychains.

Moving along with the theme of the evening, the new Chief of Police, Shawn Ledford, was on the scene to introduce himself and express his excitement about joining the community. He shared his eagerness to engage with residents, saying, “I can’t wait to sit down, have some coffee, and go over your concerns and how the police department can meet the needs of this community.”

Ledford highlighted the importance of NNO, stating, “It’s a good opportunity for the community members to come out, meet some of the officers, and see some of the equipment. Break that barrier down where maybe the officer seems intimidating at some point, or it’s hard for them to make connections when they are out patrolling. Here, they can spend time with the officers and the K-9 and get to know each other.”

He also outlined his plans as the new Chief, emphasizing his commitment to safety: “Coming to Tulalip, I’m going to make sure that this is a safe community, making sure that we address the drug problem; help the users and hold the dealers responsible. We want to address any gang issue right away; make sure it’s not tolerated here on the reservation. Keep the neighborhoods safe. We want people to be able to walk around their community and not be worried about being a victim of crime.”

The event strengthened the bond between the Tulalip community and its police department, laying the groundwork for a safer and more connected future.

New apartment complex coming to Tulalip

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News

With their ever-growing community in mind, the Tulalip Tribes hosted a groundbreaking ceremony on August 5 for their new 85-unit apartment building, Quil Creek Crossing. Located just off 27th Avenue on Sandra Madison Loop Road, the groundbreaking marks the beginning of a new chapter in the Tribes’ history. 

Following a blessing of the land by tribal members Clarissa Johnny and Andy James, community members gathered to witness Tribal leaders, and representatives from the Wenaha Group and Korsmo Construction, as each of their golden shovels struck the earth.

Chairwoman Teri Gobin spoke about how the property was once filled with tires and junk vehicles and how glad she is that Tulalip could turn it into housing for tribal members. She emphasized that taking the land back was extremely important, but what’s more critical is providing affordable living spaces for Tribal members.

Vice Chairwoman Misty Napeahi shared, “We started this project pre-COVID, and we wanted to build a community for our 19-25-year-olds. There are 648 young adults in that age group. So, we thought about building a community for them. What would they want? We have one, two, and three-bedroom apartments. We know some of our people already have children, so we wanted to build for their families. It will be a beautiful complex with a basketball court, a BBQ pit, and walking trails. We are trying to build a healthy community for our young people. Also, they will have an opportunity to get residency so that in the future, if they do want children, they will be eligible for enrollment.”

The new apartment building is being created with an emphasis on comfort, while also acknowledging that it can be loud when many families are in one place. Secretary Theresa Sheldon discussed the challenges of growing up in low-income housing with holes in her floors and how so many of us accept these problems as normal. She went on to discuss the available amenities that will be offered in the apartments. There will be modern appliances, stylish cabinets, and quality rugs. Additionally, she mentioned using soundproof materials for the walls and floors to ensure privacy.

“The site was designed with families in mind,” said Jason Crain, senior project manager for the Wenaha Group. “Most apartment complexes avoid having 3-bedroom units, and this apartment complex has several. It was intentional by the Tribes to promote a family environment, create a home, and raise your kids. The site has a bunch of amenities to support that. There is a large playground and a garden area. There are some playscape areas that are going to have some culturally significant artwork in the native language. The aesthetic of the building is designed to reflect the Tribe’s heritage and its relationship with cedar. It’s not cedar but designed to look like cedar.”

Crain commended COO Sam Davis and his team for helping the tribe focus on family and community and emphasizing the importance of supporting the Tribe’s growth and future. And with rental costs at an all-time high, building these apartments couldn’t come at a better time. 

Council Member Glen Gobin discussed the Tribe’s longstanding goal of constructing more homes and apartments, but that they often lacked the necessary infrastructure. With the availability of sewer and electrical services and adequate space, bringing in an apartment complex as big as this will help immensely. Gobin said, “It’s also a change in how we build homes and places for our young people and elders. We have other apartments, but none like these. These are meant to be homesites for people to come in and live for as long as they need. We hope it’s transitional, but if they end up being there for 20-30 years, then that’s where they are.”

Construction on Quil Creek Crossing will begin soon, and the complex is slated for completion in 2026.

Embracing wellbriety for healing and empowerment

Desiree Dumont

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

There’s been a surge of Native American communities across the country embracing the concept of wellbriety. In its purest form, wellbriety is a culture-centered movement that goes beyond sobriety to include holistic healing, cultural reconnection, and community empowerment. Rooted in tradition, wellbriety offers a culturally resonant approach to recovery, addressing not just substance use but the deep-seeded historical trauma that often underlies addiction.

Back in the summer of 2023, Tulalip’s Family Services and Problem Gambling program partnered up to bring the wellbriety movement back to Tulalip. After an exclusive training called the Medicine Wheel and the 12 steps, created by Native American nonprofit White Bison, the wellbriety movement was officially relaunched within our reservation. 

“Hopefully [the concept of wellbriety] helps bring a better understanding because it talks a lot about intergenerational trauma,” explained licensed chemical dependency counselor, Robin Johnson. “So, with a better understanding of that and also their own family dynamics, this gives them an understanding of where it started, why it’s happened within their families, and why it continues to happen.”

By providing that must-needed understanding that lays at the root of the cause, wellbriety aims to arm adults with the power and cultural know how to take back control of their lives. They are first taught how, then empowered to re-chart their lives with healthy choices and healthy behaviors.

“What sets [wellbriety] apart is the medicine wheel. You do the steps in a circle,” Robin further explained. “In the linear way, when you relapse you start over. In A.A. or N.A., you start over. But with the medicine wheel, it’s a continuous circle, so you continue moving forward. That makes a huge difference.”

Continuing to move forward could’ve been the theme behind the most recent wellbriety celebration hosted at the Kenny Moses Building on August 2. An estimated 80 individuals came together to create an atmosphere of strength and support for their peers who are actively working towards wellbriety for the first time, tenth time, or wherever they may be within circle.

One of the defining features of wellbriety is its emphasis on community and family support. Programs often involve not just the individual in recovery but also their family and community members. This collective approach creates a sense of shared responsibility and support, which is essential for sustained recovery and well-being. With that in mind, the most recent wellbriety celebration began in traditional communal fashion. First with a healing song offered up by Andrew Williams, followed by Helen Gobin-Henson prayer.

“These events, whether sobriety-based or wellbriety-based, are so beautiful because they continue to bring those who are in recovery together. They are giving the families an opportunity to celebrate the changes they’ve made to their lives and all their accomplishments they’ve made along the way,” acknowledged Helen. She’s been a sponsor to so many over the years its impossible for her to even guess a number, but one number she does know exactly is the number of years she has clean and sober – a whopping 36 years.

“We gather to celebrate every day these young people have chosen the red road and to be in recovery. We gather to show them support and serve as the reminder they may need that they are not alone in this journey, no matter how difficult it might seem, they are not alone. Because we can do together what we can never do alone,” added the Tulalip matriarch.

The ultimate goal of wellbriety is to restore harmony within families and communities. This is achieved through activities that promote collective healing and the strengthening of supportive relationships. By focusing on the well-being of the community as a whole, wellbriety creates an environment where individuals are more likely to succeed in their recovery journeys.

On this particular evening, five inspirational individuals, all of whom are well on their way to wellbriety, took to the middle of the Kenny Moses Building floor one by one. Each offered up their stories of struggle, hitting rock bottom, and recounting the resources they implemented to find their way back.

Desiree Dumont (42)

“In the beginning, the hardest part of my recovery was accountability because it was never my fault. It was always someone else’s fault. It took a lot of acceptance, a lot of encouragement from my community, and many long looks at the person in the mirror. An ankle monitor didn’t stop me from using. Jail didn’t stop me from using. It wasn’t until I saw how hurt and unhappy my kids were; the moment I recognized that I was the cause of their pain and in that moment, I couldn’t blame anyone else but me. I got clean for them, but along the way I realized how much I really wanted to change myself for the better.

I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with that anger and pain that always needed to be numbed away because if I did, then I could pass it on to my children. I stand before you all now a different person than I was 18-months ago. My consistency to be clean and sober is allowing me to make a better life me for me and my children. I’ve regained my license, a bank account, and, most importantly, custody of my kids. I’m a better mom and a better Desiree.”

Verle Smith and Mitch Matta

Mitch Matta (46)

“I got clean and sober exactly 650 days ago. Like most of you, I was brought into this world watching people around me use. My father was my hero. I grew up watching him drink at least a fifth of his favorite drink R&R every day. I watched as his skin turned yellow from Jaundice. Eventually, he died of Cirrhosis of the liver in 2009. My father, my hero lost his battle to the bottle. After he died, it was easy for me to pick up that lifestyle.

I just want to stress that for me, and many others, social isolation is the trigger to use. If you know anybody who is in recovery and is in a state of isolation, then reach out to them. You have no idea how much it means to know people care. A simple phone call or text asking “how are you?” could mean the world to somebody.

After I got my year clean, my daughters moved back in with me. Their support gives me the strength to stay clean. I want to be their hero, like my dad was to me. I still have my difficult days, and when those days happen I’m thankful for my counselor Robin Johnson, the staff at the Recovery Resource Center, and the Healing Lodge. Their willingness to listen and offer encouragement is good medicine. So much so that I want to open my door to anybody and spread the word of recovery and ensure that my life revolves around being clean and sober.”

Janelle Lierman (50)

“We’re in recovery because we chose moments of fake happiness over real happiness. Fake happiness being those fleeting moments of being high, drunk, or winning at the casino. But that fake happiness is the occasional byproduct of a much larger set destructive, addictive, and life consuming behaviors that we ultimately could not control. That is why we’re in recovery.

When I was gambling, all I thought about was when I could get back to the casino again and where I could get more money from. I often gambled away my entire pay check, every week. I lied to everyone to cover up where I was and what I was doing. But at some point, each of us has decided that we had enough. Whether it was an intervention by those who love us, a criminal offense, or a near death experience, something made each of us realize we had a problem and needed to do something about it. For me, it was getting fired from my job and having to come clean to my husband.

I attend 5 to 6 recovery-based events every week because that’s what works for me. I’m very proud to say that I’ve been sober for over 15-months. The road has been anything but easy, and it’s a road that I will travel the rest of my life. I’ve learned that loving myself and forgiving myself is the first and most important step to finding healing and forgiveness in the relationships that I damaged with my addiction. I didn’t become a compulsive gambler overnight. I spent nearly 15 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars feeding my addiction. It would be unrealistic to think recovery would take any less dedication. Now, honesty, open-mindedness and accountability are the key words of my recovery. 

Verle Smith (58)

“At the beginning it was a struggle. I didn’t know which way to go. I had to give it to my higher power, listen up and work on myself. It slowly got brighter. There have been struggles, I’ve relapsed multiple times, but I continue to brighten up and just punch forward.

My daughter is here with me today. You have no idea what this means to me. I now have the opportunity to be around family and to really find a sense of inner peace on the water. I love it. I still struggle today, but every morning I have the opportunity for another day, so I’m living it one day at time. 

If it wasn’t for the Wellness Court, I don’t know where I’d be, if I’d even still be here. They gave me the opportunity to experience something that works for my life and I’m grateful for it. I do my mediation prayer and I believe that’s the key, make sure you say your morning prayers. I talk to a lot of people every day, like my best friend. Him and my family are my inspiration to fight harder for other people who need it. I love that people still have my back after everything.”  

Christopher Solomon,  (49)

“I’ve been in and out of treatment since I was 15-years-old. When I was growing up, I thought drinking and using drugs was normal. I remember watching my mom put alcohol in my siblings’ bottles and thinking ‘if she is doing that to them, then she did that to me.’ They’d have these huge parties at their house or my aunt’s house. There would always be a big stack of beer and it would all be gone by the end of the party

Drinking was so normal for me my entire life. Getting drunk, then sobering up just to get drunk again. I’m trying to make being sober normal now. My clean date is 12-26-23.”

The impact of wellbriety on our community is profound as evidenced by the truth to power spoken by Desiree, Mitch, Janelle, Verle and Christopher. Through the dedicated staff of Family Services, Problem Gambling, and the Recovery Resource Center, a culturally relevant and empowering path to recovery is now more accessible than ever before. Through wellbriety, individuals struggling with addiction can find a renewed sense of purpose, cultural connection, and hope for the future. 

Concluding, the wellbriety celebration was a countdown of days sober. Collectively, there was nearly 340 years of sobriety within the Kenny Moses Building’s walls. The next wellness celebration is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 24. Be on the look out for a syəcəb flyer with official time, date, and location later this fall.