Submitted by Erika Queen, WIC Nutrition Program, Karen I Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic
Getting to the WIC office is easier than ever. No more paging WIC. The door just past the bathrooms is unlocked. Just come back to WIC and say “Hi!”
WIC gets money from the state and federal WIC budget and provides services to our local community. Women can get WIC services during pregnancy through baby’s first birthday so long as they are is breastfeeding. If a woman is not breastfeeding, she can get WIC for six months, even after a miscarriage. Infants and children can get WIC until their fifth birthday. Call to see if your family qualifies – 360-716-5625.
WIC can help new moms even more
Tulalip Health Clinic WIC clients can now borrow high-quality electric breast pumps, without fees (ask for details). If you, your family, or friends have questions about breastfeeding, call WIC at 360-716-5625.
WIC is offering painless iron tests
The WIC Program has recently offered a new option for all clinics to provide “no-poke” iron tests for most children and adults. Not all WIC offices are providing no-poke iron tests. Tulalip WIC is very happy to provide this painless test to our clients.
WIC started in order to prevent low iron in children. Common signs of low iron may include paleness, irritability, and tiredness. In little ones, low iron can cause behavioral problems and developmental delays. If untreated, problems may last into the school years. For more information, search for “anemia” at
WIC still gives checks for healthy foods
These checks are to provide fresh produce, milk (lactose-free & soy are available), whole grains, and more. Getting WIC is based on income. Almost all families/children participating in these programs can get WIC:
- Commodities/Basic Food
- Apple Health
- Infants/children up to age 5 who are placed in the care of others by a court (through the state or beda?chelh)
- Other families who meet our income guidelines (call for details)

Meet the staff
Erika Queen has been working with moms and babies for nearly ten years, in WIC for almost 5 years. She started with Tulalip’s WIC program in December 2014. Erika is a Health Educator and served in the US Navy before working with WIC. She loves working with moms and babies as well as providing families with understandable information about health and wellness. While not at work, Erika can be found volunteering with Search and Rescue, doing anything “DIY,” becoming more familiar with traditional cooking & other traditional health practices, and spending time outside with her husband, Brian, and their two pit bulls, Jessi & Bella.
Sydney Costello has been working as a WIC dietitian since 2001 in Snohomish County. She enjoys the relationships that she has built with families through pregnancy, into breastfeeding and infancy, then into the preschool years. Sydney’s time with Tulalip’s WIC program began in June 2015! Sydney’s husband, Geno, and her daughters Irene (9) & Stevie (7) keep her busy. Geno loves basketball & will coach Irene’s team in the fall. Irene will play soccer with Stevie this fall too! Sydney volunteers with La Leche League of Marysville, MOMS Club of Arlington/Stanwood, North Sound Dietetics Association, and Kent Prairie Elementary PTA.
Erika and Sydney are long-time Western Washington residents who look forward to getting to know everyone here in Tulalip better. They would like to thank Della and Sara for their many years of service, and feel honored to partner with the Tulalip community in promoting healthy, happy families for years to come.
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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call toll free (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are hearing impaired or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339; or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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