RED Talks, Seattle Native community gathering, October 7


RED Talks is a Seattle Native community gathering where invited speakers from the community stand and speak about a topic or subject relevant to the group. The event starts with a potluck and a time to talk with and get to know one another.

After a summer break we are holding another RED Talks community event on Wednesday October 7th at Daybreak Star Arts Center in Discovery Park from 6-9 p.m.

This RED Talks topics will be “Working With Native American Youth in the 21st Century” and the speaker will be Sarah Sense-Wilson.

Sarah is Oglala Sioux and a long-time activist and advocate and leader in the Seattle Native community. She works in the fields of chemical dependency and problem gambling and is currently working for the Tulalip Tribe’s Behavior Wellness Problem Gambling Program. She is a state certified counselor in these areas. She is also a co-founder and elected chair of the Urban Native Education Alliance and has helped design and create and implement educational, cultural, and sports activities for our Seattle urban Native youth.

The second topic “Native Women in Technology” will be discussed as a panel three Native women who work in the high technology fields. Native people are highly underrepresented in the technology fields and Native women only more so. These women will share their experiences and thoughts around this disproportionality.

Sarah Kelly is White Earth Nation Pillager Band of Ojibwe. She is a founding member of the Urban Native education alliance and also has served as the president of the Title VII Parent Advisory board for the Seattle School District.
She has a B.A. in Business Administration and has worked in the software industry for over 15 years for such companies as Boeing, AT&T Wireless, T-Mobile, the Port of Seattle, and Microsoft. At Microsoft she worked for Xbox, MSN, and other teams.

Ruth Sims is Navajo/Oglala Sioux. She has a double B.S. in engineering and Mathematics; a Masters Degree in Controls and Robotics and her Ph.D. work is in Utility Scale Power Systems. She currently works for Boeing on solar cell efficiency for space applications. She hopes to work for tribally-owned and operated utility companies specializing in renewable energy.

Joey Gray is Metis/Okanagan and is the Executive Director of United Indians of All Tribes Foundation. She has a Masters Degree in Library Information Science. She has also worked to transform the international flying disc sport so that boys and girls can play as equally valued teammates in local school and international competition. She describes herself as “a nerd, a librarian, an athlete, and an activist.”


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