Indian Tribal Elders Hold Drum Ceremony Opposing Iron Mine


A ceremonial drum, made of elk skin and maple. Inspired by a dream had by Bad River Tribal Elder Bing Lemieux and Red Cliff Tribal Elder and Legend Teller Tony DePerry.Credit Rich Kremer / WPR News
A ceremonial drum, made of elk skin and maple. Inspired by a dream had by Bad River Tribal Elder Bing Lemieux and Red Cliff Tribal Elder and Legend Teller Tony DePerry.
Credit Rich Kremer / WPR News
By Rich Kremer
Mon May 20, 2013 On


Native American tribal elders from Bad River and Red Cliff held a drum ceremony this weekend calling upon the spirits to offer guidance in their fight against a proposed iron mine in northern Wisconsin.

Deep in the woods along the Potato River, a small group of tribal elders, members and non-native people gather around a drum created to protect the Bad River community from the proposed iron mine in the Penokee Hills.

Surrounded by the smell of burning sage, Red Cliff Tribal Legend Teller Tony DePerry leads a prayer in his native tongue.

It was then time to sing, with DePerry ad-libbing songs he says are borrowed from the spirits.

“One of the things that I’ve been hearing — that the drum was talking about — is we’ve got to stop the ignorance, the disrespect, the dishonor and the displaying of ownership because you know, we don’t call it ownership, we call it sharing: we call this land our home.”

DePerry says with these ceremonies non-native people can experience how sacred nature is to them and why they fear how the mine might affect them.

Bad River Tribal Elder Bing Lemieux says the spirits told him in a dream to make this drum to protect his community from the mine.

“We were told to make this and this is how we fight now. We’re calling in more than us and we do have other people now who are beginning to think like us and wanting to take care of our environment rather than tear it up.”

Lemieux says he and other tribal people are disappointed with lawmakers in Madison for not listening to them.

And, while some will fight the mine through protest or civil disobedience, he says they’ll continue their resistance through education, prayer and song.

CBS Won’t Apologize for ‘Drunk Indians’ Crack on ‘Mike & Molly,’ Protests Begin

Indian Country Today Media Network staff

Activist and ICTMN reader Raven Ross has sought resolution to the Mike & Molly situation from CBS — in vain. And now she’s taking her grievances to the street.

The “Mike & Molly situation” refers to an offensive comment made on a recent episode of the show.

“Arizona? Why would I go to Arizona?” said Molly’s mother-in-law, played by actress Rondi Reed. “It’s nothing but a furnace full of drunk Indians.”

Ross contacted CBS, and here is her report:

CBS/Mike & Molly show are not going to apologize!

I personally received a call back from CBS, Ms. Tiffany Smith Anoai, who told me that no apology would be coming from the Mike & Molly show!

Ms. Anoai said she is “speaking directly with Mike & Molly’s writers.” I asked, Is the Native voice is present and being heard at these sessions? Her answer: No. But, she said, the writers do attend a once-a-year diversity workshop!

(I bet the writers for Mike & Molly were either asleep, had headphones on, or were engaged in selective hearing!)

Ross is taking action today where she lives, and is hoping that other Natives will do the same.

I have organized in Phoenix, Arizona, today (3/11) an All Tribes Peaceful Anti-Racism Protest at CBS TV station-Channel 5! I recommend that all Native peoples do the same in their hometown.

CBS and the Mike & Molly show are perpetuating 500-plus years of racism, prejudice, and bigotry toward the original landowners and the original inhabitants of great North America! Anti-American Indian sentiment is here and growing throughout the USA. It has come to my attention, from articles published this past year on ICTMN, that Our People have been experiencing heightened racism. Western Society is using their tools of racist stereotyping and continue to engage in cultural and spiritual misappropriation and exploitation through the media to diminish our people to insignificance! It’s time to take a stand! No longer shall we be swept under the rug, and dismissed by an insensitive and ignorant segment of western society.

Protest and boycott CBS and the Mike & Molly show now. For our ancestors, yourselves, and future generations of indigenous people everywhere.