Indian Country Today Media Network
As ICTMN reported in January, Matika Wilbur has embarked on a three-year project to photograph peoples and cultures that are not only alive but are thriving and a force in American life.
Wilbur, a 28-year-old Swinomish/Tulalip woman, hit the road November 28 on Project 562, an undertaking to photograph people from every federally recognized indigenous nation in the United States. When completed, the project will result in a book, exhibitions, lecture series, website and a curriculum.
Now, along her journey, the exhibit Matika Wilbur: Indian Enough has opened at River House Arts in Perrysburg, Ohio. The exhibition, featuring Wilbur’s photographic work, will run until June 10.
To help support Project 562 or learn more about the project, visit or the Project 562 Kickstarter page.
Read more:
Photographer Matika Wilbur’s Three-Year, 562-Tribe Adventure