Tulalip, WA— Though their volleyball season was off to a rocky start with a few losses, the Heritage Lady Hawks have pushed through the defeats to find their first two wins. On Friday, September 28th, the girls faced Skykomish and emerged victorious with a score of three to one. Tuesday, October 2nd, they faced Lummi Nation and triumphed over them with a score of three to zero. Way to go Lady Hawks!
TULALIP, Washington – Don Hatch Jr., Tulalip Tribes Board of Director, and long time advocate for tribal children and education is appealing to all eligible Native Americans to vote in the general election.
“This is about protecting our Treaty and our future,” said Hatch. “We need to support the candidates who will represent our interests in Olympia and Washington D.C. – by voting we help to maintain our livelihood.”
There are many reasons why some Native Americans do not vote. Some feel that only the tribal political process is important to their interests. Others believe that because Native Americans are such a small percent of the larger U.S. population their votes do not matter. This couldn’t be further from the truth, says Hatch.
Hatch sees the protection of the Treaties as the number one reason why Native Americans should vote. “It has taken some time, but we have built good relationships with our representatives, who know our issues and are willing to defend them, and if we don’t vote for them, it is going to be more difficult to maintain our treaty rights.”
“Everything we do here in Tulalip begins with the Treaty,” said Hatch. “Housing, education, health care – these are all issues that are central to our well-being – and we need to do everything we can to make sure we elect representatives who understand why these issues are so important to us.”
Hatch is motivated to get out the Native Vote because he sees it as protecting future generations of Tulalip people. He would like to see more participation in the political process from young people because the tribe will one day be in their hands. “We need to get our young people to understand how important their participation in the political process is,” said Hatch. “Whether it is a tribal election, a school board election, or a general election – it all matters.”
Hatch has long been part of the local political process and has learned a few important lessons. The most important lesson is that every vote really does count. “One year when I was up for re-election to the school board I won by 113 votes. Afterwards I thought about all the Tulalip people who did not vote – if they had it wouldn’t have been so close.” This is important he said because that year his opponents were not friends of the Tribes and they would not have been advocates of tribal children getting a good education.
Gilbert King George spear fishes on the White River during the “Fish-Ins” of the 1970’s.
Article by Sarah Miller; photo courtesy of Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center
TULALIP, Washington – A new exhibit will be coming to the Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center. Salish Bounty: Traditional Native American Foods of Puget Sound will be on loan from the Burke Museum until the end of January. This exciting new exhibit features Tulalip artifacts that are currently not on display, including items used for hunting, fishing, cooking, gathering and storing, along with historic photos. There will also be real food ingredients on display as well as videos and audio of Coast Salish people talking about food. This exhibit will open November 3rd.
“This is a traveling exhibit,” said Marketing/Membership/PR Mytyl Hernandez. “It will be located at the end of the Canoe Hall, outside of the classrooms. Salish Bounty connects archaeological and historical research about thousands of years of food traditions in the Puget Sound area to current efforts to revitalize these food traditions in the region. Salish Bounty was created in close partnership with members of the Native Coast Salish community and features their history, voices and efforts.”
Visitors will learn about the cuisines of the Coast Salish people, along with the cultural values of respect, hospitality, community, and the environment of this region.
“This exhibit is broken into three themes,” Mytyl went on. “The way things were, dispossession and struggle, and the way things are. Our visitors will get the opportunity to learn about each in detail as well as over 280 plants and animal species used as food found from various archeological sites around Puget Sound.”
Coast Salish diets are incredibly diverse and always have been, according to Mytyl. The cuisine and its underlying values have survived major cultural shifts, from depopulation and loss of access to land and water, to intrusion into cultural practices, families and communities. Nowadays, there is serious revival of traditional foods that incorporates new ingredients, new communication technologies, and regained access to land and water, yet it maintains the same cultural values.
This is not the only new exhibit coming to Hibulb. At some point in 2013, the Veteran’s Exhibit, which is a rotating gallery, will be removed and replaced with a yet unknown exhibit. Hibulb will be rotating the temporary gallery two to four times a year. Sounds like a good time to stop on by the Cultural Center and check things out. Remember, admission is free for tribal members, $10.00 for adults, $7.00 for seniors and children five years and younger are free. For more information on prices and times, visit www.hibulbculturalcenter.org.
Wear clothing that reflects light when you go out trick or treating
Article by Sarah Miller
There are many precautions to take when preparing for your Halloween season. Trick or treating is fun, but it can be dangerous at times. The same goes for carving up your scary Jack O’Lanterns. It’s important to take care when you are preparing for this holiday.
We will start with pumpkin carving. This is a fun activity that gears everyone up for the Halloween season. However, it involves using sharp objects to carve a vegetable with. A child should NEVER be given a knife to cut with. There are many pumpkin kits out there with safety tools appropriate for kids to use if they are the ones doing the carving. Even then, be sure that an adult is around to supervise. Though they are safe, accidents can still happen.
If you are doing the carving sans the pumpkin carving kit, be sure that your child does not jerk the pumpkin or table the pumpkin is sitting on. You don’t want to get cut while carving that pumpkin. Make sure your child is safely seated away from you and the knife.
If you aren’t interested in carving pumpkins, an even safer alternative is painting them. This is an activity that everyone can partake in. You can even get some glue and decorate the pumpkins with sequins or other decorations.
With that said, the biggest thrill of the Halloween season is dressing up and going out trick or treating for candy. This can be a lot of fun, but kids going out should be supervised by a responsible adult.
Make sure your child is dressed in a safe costume. If they are wearing masks, make sure they can see out of the eyeholes. Though some costumes require the person to dress completely in black, this can be dangerous when trick or treating late into the night. Make sure there is a bit of white or something that will reflect light on them. Also, don’t forget flashlights!
Be sure to know your route when taking the kiddies out to gather candy. This will ensure that you don’t get lost in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Also, get on the website and check the neighborhoods you plan on trick or treating in for registered sex offenders.
Make sure your child does not go into any stranger’s house or car. These people could just be being nice, but better safe than sorry. Kids may be confused by this but explain to them that some people aren’t nice and want to hurt others. Then tell them that if anyone tries to coax them into a house or car, or approaches them and tries to grab them, to scream as loud as they can and to kick and flail as much as possible.
Watch your children as they cross streets. Teach them how to cross properly and not just run in front of cars driving by. Make sure they hold your hand as they cross the street.
When taking your kids trick or treating, be sure that they respect the yard they wander through to get to the front door. This means no vandalism! Some people enjoy a little trickery more than treats on Halloween. Some kids toilet paper houses, egg houses or even smash those perfectly carved pumpkins. This is rude and not funny. Though it seems funny at the time, the person who has to clean up that mess doesn’t really think so. Also, be kind to any of the owner’s pets. They may seem loud and annoying, but they’re probably just freaked out that so many costumed individuals have wandered into their domain.
Once the Halloween fun is over, it’s time to inspect the candy! Throw away all candy that has an opened wrapper. Inspect all candy and anything that looks odd, throw it away. It’s also important to make sure your child doesn’t snack on any candy while they’re out trick or treating. As for baked goods, this is a judgment call to be made by the parents. If it came from someone you trust, then you can let your kid eat it. If it came from someone you don’t know, maybe toss it.
Keep these tips in mind when you prepare your child for a night of fun trick or treating on All Hallow’s Eve!
This month’s community meeting, held at the Tulalip admin building on September 25th, was presented by the Tulalip Transit Department. During the meeting, the employees of said department discussed how the transit program works and new changes that they hope to make.
“This program is a free service,” said Associate Planner II Mark Hamilton. “We don’t get revenue from it. It is funded by grants that allow us to operate this service. It is open to the public, both tribal members and nontribal members.”
The planning process for Tulalip Transit went into effect in 2009. A survey was mailed and emailed to the community and tribal government. It was discovered that there was a need for a transit program specific to Tulalip and different than the Marysville City Transit bus that comes through the reservation. Mark was able to get grants from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the WSDOT Consolidated Grant Program and the Public Transportation on Indian Reservations Program. These grants ensure that this program remains free to its riders.
“We calculated the number of employees and residents that were in need of this service,” Mark went on. “We were able to implement two routes, and we hope to implement a third.”
The two routes are the John Sam Lake route and the Tulalip Bay route. The third route they are working on is the Bay to Village route.
According to Transit Supervisor Mary Hargrove, the Tulalip Bay route has had a ridership of 11,796 while the John Sam Lake route has a ridership of 2,920. This was calculated from January 2011 to July 2012.
“Last year, we evaluated the data, and started proposing different suggestions,” Mary said. Those changes include Demand Response Service. This service would provide on-reservation transit services for riders at social service locations. Riders could call a number and get a ride to places like the pharmacy, beda?chelh, family services and the homeless shelter, to name a few. Also discussed was a Rideshare service. This service is similar to a carpool for people who work on the reservation. Participants would be matched to others who live in their neighborhood and assign vehicles for them to travel to and from work. Operating expenses for this service would be covered by the employees that participate. It would be $20 to $25 a week. These services aren’t provided yet but could be in the near future.
“We are also working on getting permanent bus stops,” Mary continued. “We are working to get these installed, though it has taken longer to do. They will replace the pylons that mark Tulalip transit stops.”
Tulalip, Washington- Imagine yourself no longer having to handwrite an application for every job that you apply for. Tulalip Central Employment has made the application process faster and easier by partnering with iCIMS Inc., a software company that offers talent acquisition solutions. This enables organizations to manage sourcing and recruiting for jobs all within a single web-based application. What does this mean for you? That it is convenient and secure and all your information is just a mouse click away. Effective November 2nd, paper applications will no longer be accepted at Central Employment. This change is a win-win for the applicants and the community as a whole.
“iCIMS is a great tool to use. It allows applicants to apply online rather than coming into the office and filling out an application every time they want to apply for a job. Once they complete the application process, they can apply for as many jobs as they wish. If they do not have a computer or internet access, they are welcome to schedule an appointment to come to the Central Employment office and use one of our computers,” explained Sasha Smith, Central Employment Tribal Advocate.
“It’s [iCIMS] definitely cost efficient for us and accessible. The applicants can apply from the comfort of their own home, or they can apply here if they don’t have a computer. We have terminals that are available during our office hours between 9:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.,” explained Desiree Day, Interim Central Employment Manager.
Other benefits to using iCIMS include 24-hour online access, faster pre-employment screening and an applicant tracking system. The increase in efficiency means a timely email response to applicants, the option of printing previous applications, and the ability to link to job search websites like CareerBuilders.com and Monster.com.
Angela Davis, Central Employment Coordinator explains that iCIMS software not only reduces the cost of office supplies, but also allows more time for staff to spend helping applicants with concerns and questions.
If you need help using the online application process, feel free to contact Sasha, Angela, Desiree, or other Central Employment staff members, they are here to help people through this transitional period.
For listings on current positions, visit www.employment.tulaliptribes-nsn.gov or call toll free 888-272-1111.
Volunteers conduct basic maintenance and repairs at the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club as part of the Snohomish County United Way Days of Caring.
On September 22nd, early Sunday morning, volunteers came together to have some fun and get their hands dirty for the United Way Days of Caring event at the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club. Volunteers helped out with general maintenance and landscaping to beautify the club grounds and conduct basic repairs to the playground, which was built in 2008 with help of Home Depot and non-profit organization KaBOOM!
Days of Caring, organized by United Way of Snohomish County, are two-day events, committed to creating positive change and lending a much-needed hand to local non-profit agencies. This year, volunteers worked September 21-22 at Asbery Field, Pinewood Elementary School, Allen Creek and the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club. Organizations such as Community Transit and Aviation Technical Services Inc., along with community members, donated their time at the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club.
“Having volunteers here from the United Way Days of Caring, from Community Transit, Aviation Technologies, community members and staff, and seeing them work so hard and telling us thank you for letting us be here, was very humbling,” said Diane Prouty, Administrator Assistant for the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club.
Volunteers were ready to move into action and with little direction from Tulalip Boys and Girls Club staff. Over 40 volunteers diligently worked to complete the maintenance projects within six hours.
Projects consisted of staining benches, picnic tables, garbage can holders, and playground edging, and even painting over the graffiti on the overpass. Grounds keeping included weeding, pruning, and small tree removal.
Diane was amazed how fast the volunteers moved and how well they all worked together. She walked away feeling blessed by the entire experience and would like to pay it forward and volunteer in the future.
United Way is a non-profit organization with a vision to see everyone in the community working together to create a brighter future. If you are interested in volunteering and would like to support your community, visit www.uwsc.org for more information.
Cash to a business is like fuel to a car. A car without fuel will not run; a business without cash cannot pay employees and workers stop showing up, vendors that stop receiving payment for goods and services discontinue the supply, unpaid taxes are followed by warrants and monetary penalties –enlarging the amount due. Cash fuels a business’s activities making cash flow essential.
There are a number of things to remember to help keep enough cash in a business which will increase the probability of success –also reducing a lot of stress and pain for the owner.
If it is unclear how many dollars a business can afford to distribute to the owner, keep the money in the business until the amount is known. This means resist the urge to buy more things or distribute cash from the business’s operating account to the owner’s personal account –not as simple as it sounds when cash piles up during certain points in the business cycle.
Keep good financials. Over time the financials will tell a story. This story will provide a platform for making good decisions. Good decisions are likely to be followed by more net income and positive feelings associated with success. Bad decisions include pain and stress for the company.
If a business’s plan is to grow sales it is likely the cash needs of a business will also increase. If a business owner plans to grow sales by 30% and inventory is a component of the business model, the cash needed to purchase inventory is also likely to grow by 30% -this number should be simple to quantify. If a business model instead relies on transactional sales, employees like support staff and/or sales people are likely to increase.
Cash is fuel for a business.
Jim Stanley freely shares his knowledge and is a tribal member of the Quinault Nation, board member of the Northwest Native American Chamber, and Treasurer of the Tribal C-Store Summit. To contact Jim for comments, go to www.JimStanley.biz.
Tulalip, Washington – Tulalip Resort Casino Sommelier Tommy Thompson has devised an exuberant way to learn about wine at the 4th annual Taste of Tulalip on November 9th and 10th. Attendees will have a chance to rub foreheads with two of the greatest wine minds around: racy wine raconteur Leslie Sbrocco (a.k.a Head Thirsty Girl) and wine wizard Tommy Thompson (Tulalip’s Head Drinks Dude). The duo will emcee a fast-paced, fun-filled discussion, “He Said, She Said” – an interactive wine journey, along with a panel of five top winemakers from around the globe.
Lucio Gomiero, Vignalta Pinot Bianco ‘Agno Casto’, Veneto, Italy, 2010. Vignalta was founded by Lucio Gomiero in 1980 and is located in the northern Italian region of Veneto, in an area called Colli Euganei. Before Lucio came on the scene, these wines could best be described as underachievers. Lucio saw the potential in the unique soil and topography of the land, treating his vineyards as if they were on French Bordeaux Grand Cru estates (which he emulates). He is now the recognized champion of the area, just as Angelo Gaja is in Piedmont and Robert Mondavi was in Napa.
Marc Perrin, Famille Perrin Chateau de Beaucastel Chateauneuf du Pape ‘Vielles Vigne’ Roussanne, France 2009. It is no coincidence Famille Perrin is the leading organic wine grower of the Southern Rhône Valley, where they occupy the region’s best terroir. Their values have given them a worldwide reputation for excellence: absolute respect for the soil, a commitment to manual methods and a deep belief in organic viticulture. Nature and tradition are key to the Famille Perrin way and this approach has continued seamlessly over five generations. Each wine is unique; organic and biodynamic approaches are used, as Perrin has mastered the art of blending and bringing out the freshness of the Southern aromas.
Ron Penner-Ash, Penner Ash Pinot Noir ‘Pas de Nom’, Willamette Valley, Oregon 2009. The winery’s self-avowed “mature cellar rat,” Ron loves the physicality of winemaking. Along with his cellar work and vineyard management, he has always been fascinated with technology and innovation. During his 20 years as a public school teacher in California and Oregon, Ron’s interest in technology and its potential classroom impact led to a collaborative grant with Oregon Public Broadcasting. “The wine industry’s annual cycle parallels that of teaching,” Ron says. “I’ve learned that Mother Nature can be more demanding than a pre-adolescent drama queen.”
Sean Boyd, Woodinville Wine Cellars Cabernet Franc, Washington State 2008. Boyd joined Woodinville Wine Cellars in 2002. Growing up in a Californian family surrounded by gourmet food, fine wines and journalism (his father is a professional wine critic), Sean began cultivating his craft at an early age. After working for five years at a California wine shop, Sean left home at age 20 to learn the art of fine winemaking. He traveled the world, visiting leading viticulture areas such as Australia, Portugal, Spain and New Zealand where he worked for several prominent wineries.
Heidi Barrett, La Serena Cabernet Sauvignon, Napa, California 2008. Barrett grew up in a Napa Valley winemaking family, and great genes have helped her to become one of California’s leading winemakers. It is said that winemaking is a combination of science and art. With a scientist-winemaker father (Richard Peterson) and an artist mother, it is no surprise that Heidi was drawn to the industry. With great enthusiasm, a love for what she does and an incredible wealth of experience, she blends the art and science of winemaking like few can. Heidi has been responsible for some of California’s most notable cult wines, including but not limited to: Screaming Eagle, Della Valle Vineyards, Grace Family Vineyards, Amuse Bouche, Showed Vineyards and Fantasia. She is a consultant for Diamond Creek Vineyards and Niobium-Coppola, and has her own wine label, La Serena.
Leslie and Tommy’s “He Said, She Said” seminar will take place on Saturday the 10th at 11:30 am in the Canoes Cabaret. It is offered as part of the Taste of Tulalip 2012 “All Access Pass” priced at $225 per person (which also includes a cooking demonstration with celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson, the Private Magnum Party in the Impulse Lounge and the Grand Taste). More information and ticket purchase for the November event is available at www.tasteoftulalip.com.
About Tulalip Resort Casino: Tulalip Resort Casino has become the largest and most distinctive meeting, gaming, dining, entertainment and shopping destination in Washington State. The AAA Four Diamond resort destination’s world-class amenities have earned the property Condé Nast Traveler Gold List status and the Seattle Weekly 2012 Best of Award “Reader’s Choice – Best Casino”. With six dining venues, headlined by the exceptional Tulalip Bay (TB) restaurant and Blackfish Wild Salmon Grill and Bar (BF), the restaurants have been individually honored with awards from Wine Spectator “Best of Award of Excellence” (TB) and “Award of Excellence” (BF), the Washington Wine Commission “Award of Distinction” (BF) and “Grand Award” (TB) , the Seattle Magazine award for restaurant leadership in the business community (TB), to Wine Press Northwest’s “Herbies” for an “Outstanding Washington Wine List” (TB). The Taste of Tulalip, the resort’s annual signature food, wine and tradition event has also been recognized as the “Best Wine Event Featuring Washington Wine”. Tulalip is conveniently located between Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. just off Interstate-5 at exit 200 and is an enterprise of the Tulalip Tribes. For reservations please call (866) 716-7162 or visit www.tulalipresort.com
Most states no longer use voter registration to select jury pools, they more often use Drivers License.We need more Indian people to serve on juries. Many Natives being prosecuted have no Indians on their jury.
“Doesn’t do any good”
It’s important to vote and have your voice heard, collectively we can make change happen but we have to start with you and people like you from our/your community.
“No transportation”
Vote absentee or we’ll make arrangements or give you a ride to your polling place.
“I don’t believe in voting in local, state, federal elections”
The decisions made at all levels of government affect Indian people—we need to vote to ensure that our issues will be heard.
“Too complicated,” “I don’t know how”
Set up a mock voting booth and walk them through it (sample ballots, process, etc.). You can take someone with you to the polls to help you vote.
“I don’t know who they [candidates] are”
Would you like some information? (provide info for candidate, info on race, local issues)
“My vote won’t count anyway”
Give explanation of Indian vote and importance of it. Give examples of where Native vote has counted and made the difference in the outcome. (WA, SD, MT, AK or the election in 2000 in Florida).Give examples of close tribal council elections.
“Too busy to vote”
Voting is not to time consuming and most employer’s give you time off to go and vote.
“I’m a felon”
Do you know your status? States vary on laws governing felons and voting. Often, a felon serves out a conviction and all rights are restored. Let me check for you and will get back to you.
“I don’t know the issues”
You can go to our website at www.nativevote.org or your state mails out voter candidacy guides to every registered voter. Are you registered to vote?
“I’m not political”
You don’t have to be political to vote. It’s your right and privilege to vote.
“I don’t like politics”
Why? Rebuttle
“I don’t have a permanent address”
You can use the address where you are currently residing.
“Don’t want to waste my time”
Why do you think it is a waste of time? Here are some reasons why I do not think voting is a waste of time. First, decisions are made daily that affect us in Indian country and if we do not participate, no one will ever listen to our issues. Second, “they” tried to keep us from voting for hundreds of years, many Indian people fought for our right to vote, we should take advantage of that.
“I can’t get time off”
Most employers give at least an hour off to vote. Our Tribe allows “give amount of time” off for voting. U.S. government allows at least two hours off.
“Can’t get babysitting”
Bring your kids to the polls! It’s never too early to begin to teach young people about voting. I will come with you.
“I’m in college/boarding school/military and missed deadline for absentee ballot”
Some states allow you to vote at the elections office up until election. You can also vote on Election day.
“Wasn’t reminded”
We will call and remind you about dates
“It’s not cool, it’s for old people”
It’s for everyone and in the past election, young people voted in record numbers. It’s cool to make a difference.We have many young athletes, actors, rappers, hip hop stars that are voting and being spokespeople in their communities about the importance of voting.
“I don’t know if I’m eligible
We can register you now, if you aren’t, you will be, if you are already, than you definitely will be registered.
“I can’t read or hear”
You can bring someone to the booth to assist you. this person can be a family member or one of the poll workers. Have volunteers—will have it scheduled for pick up to leave with neighbors/relatives
“I’m disabled”
Can vote by absentee ballot or we can provide assistance.Get together to do registration/absentee voting.
“No one wants to help me”
That’s what I am here to do! You can vote by absentee ballot. If I don’t have the answers or resources you need I will find them for you.
“I don’t trust machines”
Encourage them to vote absentee. Check state voting guidelines (state voter guide), for example, in Idaho, you can choose paper, etc.
“Voting is for white people”
That is what they want you to think so you are not represented. Voting is for everyone, that is the only way your issues are heard. Do you want white people to decide your future and rights?
“The decision has already been made” [Decision has been made by voters in the east]
Your vote still counts! (Where it matters most locally)The media is NOT always a reliable or honest source, don’t go by what you hear—get to the polls and make sure you did your part!
“I don’t know where to vote”
Call county elections office/clerk and give address. They will tell you where you are to vote. Call Secretary of States office or go with a friend.