Selling Golden Eagle and other migratory bird parts

Submitted by Monica Brown, Tulalip Tribes Communications Department

Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Arizona Man Pleads Guilty to Illegally Selling Golden Eagle and Other Migratory Bird Parts

WASHINGTON – A Tuba City, Ariz., man pleaded guilty in federal court in Phoenix to illegally selling golden eagle and other migratory bird parts, a felony criminal offense, announced Ignacia S. Moreno, Assistant Attorney General for the Environment and Natural Resources Division, and John S. Leonardo, U.S. Attorney for the District of Arizona.

According to the plea agreement filed in U.S. District Court in Phoenix yesterday, in January 2008, Patrick Scott, 46, used the Internet to illegally offer to sell a golden eagle fan for $950.   An undercover law enforcement officer exchanged emails with Scott and ultimately agreed on a purchase price of $900.  In February 2008, a second undercover law enforcement officer went to Scott’s house and bought the golden eagle fan by making an initial payment of $550 and later deposited the remainder directly into Scott’s bank account in two installments.  Also according to the plea agreement, between July 2007 and February 2009, Scott sold, purchased, and/or offered to sell other migratory bird parts, from species including bald eagle, red-tailed hawk, golden eagle, crested caracara, anhinga and rough-legged hawk.

 Golden eagles and other migratory birds are protected by federal laws and regulations.  Under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, it is unlawful to possess, offer to sell, sell, offer to purchase or purchase any migratory bird or migratory bird part, or any product that consists, or is composed in whole or part, of any such bird or bird part.  It is a federal enforcement priority to prosecute those who violate federal laws by engaging in commercial activities involving federally protected bird feathers or other bird parts.  The objective of these enforcement efforts is to reduce and eliminate the unlawful taking of federally protected birds by prosecuting not only individuals who kill protected birds but also individuals who seek to profit from the commercialization of federally protected birds or their feathers or other parts.  This helps to ensure that golden eagle and other bird populations remain healthy and sustainable.

“The Department of Justice will not tolerate the commercial exploitation of federally protected birds, which are important not only as protected species but also as sacred elements of the religious and cultural traditions of many Native Americans,” said Ignacia S. Moreno, Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division.  “This is why the department recently published a policy to clarify that while the possession and use of migratory bird feathers and other bird parts is permissible for religious or cultural purposes by members of federally recognized tribes, it remains illegal to buy, sell, or trade in them for compensation.”

Klallam language dictionary now available

By Monica Brown, Tulalip Tribes Communications Department

The Klallam native language was nearly lost until it was preserved in a Dictionary by linguist Timothy Montler of the University of North Texas. In 1978 Montler began studying and documenting the native language when he was a student until 1991 when he began to record the language on his own.

Montler worked with elders in order to document and record the ancient language and created an alphabet that conveyed the unique sounds and pronunciations used. Elder Adeline Smith was the major contributor with a 12,000 words and sentences translated.

Basics of the Klallam language have been used in booklets guides and lessons which are used in schools of all age levels in the area and will now have the use of a dictionary to extend their knowledge of the native language. The families of Port Gamble S’Klallam and Tribal Government Department each received a copy.

Research was funded by the National Science Foundation’s Documenting Endangered Languages Grant and the National Endowment for Humanities. The Dictionary was published by the University of Washington Press and is available for purchase for $85.

Montler will be book signing in Port Angeles during the month of January although no set date has been scheduled, please view Timothy Montler’s page for other project work and check out the  website for the S’Klallam language

Native American Gallery opens in Bellingham

Submitted by Kim Kalliber

Doralee Sanchez, a prominent artist from the Lummi Nation, opened her new gallery, Coast Salish Creations, in Bellingham, Washington this November. A center for Native arts education in the community, the gallery will not only feature Native American art from around the region, but will offer regular classes to nurture local artists.

Sanchez, who comes from a long line of Lummi artists, is thrilled to have opened her own gallery after years of showing her art at various shows, including selling at Pike Place Market in Seattle. Her gallery represents artists mainly from the Lummi and Nooksack Nations, but she hopes to add more art from other Northwest tribes.

Stop by to shop and view paintings, ornaments, cedar hats and baskets, dolls, drums, purses and other authentic handmade tribal art.

Coast Salish Creations is in the Bakerview Square Shopping Center, 424 W. Bakerview Rd., Suite 102 Bellingham, WA 98225. 360-922-7902.

Men’s Health Fair





By Monica Brown, Tulalip Tribes Communications Department

“It’s ideal,” said Tribal employee David Henson, “All men over 40 should come and get checked out.” Tulalip Health Clinic is hosting the Men’s Health Fair from 9am-3pm, today, Friday December 14th at the Tulalip Health Clinic. This year’s fair includes flu shots, information about keeping a healthy diets, tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and sustaining eye/dental health.

Snacks and refreshments are offered along with health screenings from Everest College to take blood pressure, height and weight while the Tulalip Health Clinic is offering free screenings for Diabetes, Prostate and Cholesterol.

The clinic will be closed during Health fair hours to patients seeking flu shots, Labs, X-rays and nurse visits but is open to patients with acute care.

Cantwell to Chair Senate Committee on Indian Affairs

Press Release, Rob Capriccioso, Indian Country Today 

U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., is scheduled to become the first woman chair of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs when the new session of Congress begins in January.

The Senate Democratic Steering Committee and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid put out the official word on December 12, also indicating that Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, and newly-elected Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., would be joining the committee.

The plans are subject to full Democratic caucus and full Senate approval.

Cantwell will replace a retiring Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, who has led the committee for the past two years

“I look forward to continuing to fight to support Washington state job growth and economic opportunity, through my service on the Commerce, Energy, Finance, Indian Affairs, and Small Business Committees,” Cantwell said in a statement.

“I am honored to be selected to chair the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, following the tremendous leadership of Senator Akaka. I am proud of my work with Washington state tribes, on issues such as self-determination, education, health care and environmental issues including salmon restoration. I would be proud to serve as the first female chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee.”

Indian observers were quick to praise the pick.

“She has about as strong a knowledge of Indian country and tribal sovereignty as anyone in the Senate,” said Navajo lawyer Chris Stearns, chair of the Seattle Human Rights Commission. “Her 2000 win over Indian fighter Slade Gorton was due to the Native vote, and she has never forgotten that. My guess is that Indian country will collectively shoot a hail of arrows into the sky if she takes the chair.”

Asked to compare Cantwell’s ability to lead the committee to that of Akaka, Stearns said: “Without taking anything away from Akaka’s 35-year legacy, Cantwell is a fighter, and she has already carved out a reputation as a tough critic and watchdog of both Wall Street and the energy industry. She was not afraid to take on Ted Stevens and Alaska delegation to block drilling in ANWR, incurring Stevens’ personal wrath and his unsuccessful attempt to open up Puget Sound to an armada of oil tankers. She has 29 tribes in her state with maybe a few more on the way.”

Stearns added that the planned line-up of the committee appears strong as well. “There is not a weak point at all in this line up—it’s all heavy hitters,” he said. “Everybody here is a pro and has deep ties and a background in Indian country.”

Holly Cook Macarro, a Red Lake tribal citizen and a lobbyist with tribal affairs firm Ietan, said Cantwell’s ascension has a “great feel” to it.

“Her defeat of Slade Gorton in 2000 signaled to the nation the power of the Native vote and motivated tribal nations across the country to similarly organize their communities,” Macarro said. “I am sure many tribal leaders are looking forward to joining forces with her leadership and advancing tribal issues in the new Congress.”

The full committee line-up follows:


Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii

Tim Johnson, D-S.D.

Maria Cantwell, D-Wash.

Jon Tester, D-Mont.

Tom Udall, D-N.M.

Al Franken, D-Minn.

Mark Begich, D-Alaska

Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D.


Department of Justice announces Eagle Feathers Policy

Possession or Use of the Feathers or Other Parts of Federally Protected Birds for Tribal Cultural and Religious Purposes

By Monica Brown, Tulalip Tribes Communications Department; Photo by Brandi Montreuil

On October 12, 2012, the Department of Justice announced a policy addressing the ability of members of federally recognized Indian tribes to possess or use eagle feathers, an issue of great cultural significance to many tribes and their members. Attorney General Eric Holder signed the new policy after extensive Department consultation with tribal leaders and tribal groups. The policy covers all federally protected birds, bird feathers and bird parts.

The policy provides generally that the Department of Justice will not prosecute members of federally recognized tribes who:

  • Have or use the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds.
  • Pick up naturally fallen or molted feathers found in the wild, without disturbing birds or their nests.
  • Give or lend the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds to other members of federally recognized tribes.
  • Exchange with other members of federally recognized tribes, without payment of any kind, the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds for other such items.
  • Give the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds to craftspersons who are also members of federally recognized tribes to be fashioned into cultural or religious items. Craftspersons may be paid for their work, but no payment may be made for the feathers or other parts of the eagles or other migratory birds.
  • Travel in the United States with the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds.
  • Travel internationally with the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds, subject to permit requirements.

The Department of Justice will continue to prosecute tribal members and nonmembers alike for:

  • Buying or selling the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds or trading them for goods or services (or attempting to do so).
  • Killing federally protected birds without a permit. Tribal members can apply to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for permits to take (including kill) eagles for religious purposes.
  • Members of federally recognized tribes do not need permits to possess the feathers or other parts of eagles or other migratory birds or to engage in the other activities listed above (with the exception of certain international travel).

The Department Policy for Federally Recognized Tribal members PDF can be viewed here.

Tulalip homeless shelter needs our support

Gerald Charles, homeless shelter resident, received a clothing donation from the Tulalip Church of God.

Article and photo by Jeannie Briones

TULALIP, Washington- “Many people come to the shelter with almost nothing. They have no food, no money and inadequate or ill fitting clothing for themselves and their children. The children may have no school supplies. When the weather gets really cold, the children often don’t have hats, gloves or a warm coat. When the residents move out they usually need everything; dishes, silverware, pots and pans, towels, and bedding and may have little or no furniture. The shelter has no storage space, but we often know of people who need donated furniture,” said Homeless Shelter Coordinator, Sandy Tracy.

Tulalip homeless shelter donations have drastically dropped from the past year. Food, clothing, and household items are greatly needed.

Tulalip and other tribal families are provided with temporary shelter at the Tulalip shelter. Some food is provided, based on what they receive from community donations, and depending on their income, some shelter residents may qualify for food vouchers through Tulalip Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

The homeless shelter relies on community donations to provide residents with their basic needs. The shelter is currently in need of bedding, silverware, dishes, pots and pans, laundry detergent, kids toys, flashlights, school supplies, any food donations, and warm clothing for adults and children.

One of the shelter residents, Gerald Charles, received warm clothing donations from the Tulalip Church of God. The church also provided the shelter with bedding and a food gift card so residents will be able to enjoy a Christmas meal at the shelter.

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact Homeless Shelter Coordinator, Sandy Tracy, at 360-716-4705 or Tulalip Homeless Shelter is located at2817 Mission Hill Road,Tulalip,WA98271.


Jeannie Briones:  360-716-4188;