Wash. toxicologist: No spike yet in marijuana DUIs

The state toxicologist says she hasn’t seen a spike in positive blood tests for marijuana since pot became legal under Washington law.

The Associated Press

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The state toxicologist says she hasn’t seen a spike in positive blood tests for marijuana since pot became legal under Washington law.

Voters last fall passed Initiative 502, allowing adults over 21 to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. The measure, which took effect Dec. 6, set a driving-under-the-influence limit designed to be similar to the .08 blood-alcohol content for drunken driving – 5 nanograms of active THC per milliliter of blood.

State toxicologist Fiona Couper told a legislative hearing in Olympia on Wednesday that the Washington State Patrol’s toxicology lab has completed tests on all blood samples taken from drivers in December, and has started on samples from last month. She says there’s no spike, but notes the law has only just taken effect.

Couper says that every year, about 6,000 blood samples from drivers are submitted to the lab. About 1,000 to 1,100 of those come back positive for active THC, with the average being about 6 nanograms

Google crossing the creepy line

By Monica Brown, Tulalip News Writer

Google is selling ad space according to what you talk about in your emails. Curiosity overcame me and I decided to check these solicited ads out myself and I found that they were there. I sent emails containing key words back and forth between two accounts and sure enough the ads adjusted to them. You can see in the photo they solicited diamond engagement rings, a Subaru Forester and home mortgage rates.

My news alert gmail account
My news alert gmail account

Opting out for the ads is not possible and changing your ad settings will continuously bring the user to a server timeout page. This is what Google has to say for their actions,

“…There’s what I call the creepy line and the Google policy about a lot of these things is to get right up to the creepy line but not cross it.” Says Eric Schmidt, Google executive chairman. Whether it’s about privacy or a large company profiting off of your private conversations it’s still your choice to partake.

Outlook.com has launched the Don’t Get Scroogled by Gmail national campaign in order to inform and educate people about how Google goes through your email contents in order to sell target ads. The campaign can be seen here at http://www.scroogled.com

Outlook.com wants to send the message to Google that going through personal email messages to sell ads is unacceptable and is encouraging consumers to sign the petition and tell Google to stop going through their emails to sell ads.

If consumers want to prioritize their privacy they can switch to Outlook.com, where they don’t read your emails and sell for ad space.

How the email skimming is done, Google goes through every single word of personal Gmail messages and uses that information to sell and target ads.As Google explains on its website,

“In Gmail, most of the ads we show appear next to an open email message and are related to the contents of the current email conversation or thread.” For example, if you write a friend to let her know you are separating from your husband, Google sells ads against this information to divorce lawyers, who post ads alongside it. Or if you ask a friend for vacation suggestions, Google will use this information to target you with ads from travel agencies or airlines that want your business.

Google will even use information from the emails of non-Gmail users to generate advertising income. Gmail goes through all incoming email messages, from any email provider, and sells ads based on the content of those emails — a practice that nearly 90 percent of Americans agree should end.

Currently, Google has six active class action lawsuits against them, all alleging illegal eavesdropping or interception under federal and state wiretapping laws, related to Google’s scanning of emails.

“Emails are personal — and people feel that reading through their emails to sell ads is out of bounds,” said Stefan Weitz , senior director of Online Services at Microsoft. “We honor the privacy of our Outlook.com users, and we are concerned that Google violates that privacy every time an Outlook.com user exchanges messages with someone on Gmail. This campaign is as much about protecting Outlook.com users from Gmail as it is about making sure Gmail users know what Google’s doing.”


New GfK Roper Poll: Public Largely Unaware and Strongly Disapproves of the Practice

A new GfK Roper poll, commissioned by Microsoft, shows that only 30 percent of Americans are aware that any email service goes through the content of personal emails to sell ads, and 88 percent of consumers disapprove of this practice.

Key results from this survey include the following:

  • 88 percent of Americans disapprove of email service providers scanning the content of your personal emails in order to target ads, and 52 percent disapprove strongly.
  • 89 percent of Americans agree that email service providers should not be allowed to scan the content of personal emails in order to target ads.
  • 83 percent of Americans agree that email service providers scanning the content of your personal emails to target ads is an invasion of privacy.
  • 70 percent of Americans didn’t believe or didn’t know that any major email service provider scans the content of personal emails in order to target ads.
  • 88 percent of email users believe that email service providers should allow users to “opt out” if they prefer that the content of their emails not be scanned in order to target ads.

Outlook.com believes their users should be informed about Google’s email privacy intrusions and consumers have a choice to switch to Outlook.com.

“Outlook.com believes your privacy is not for sale,” Weitz said. “We believe people should have choice and control over their private email messages, whether they are sharing banking information or pictures of their family or discussing their medical history.”

Weitz added, “Outlook.com does not scan the contents of your personal email to sell ads. Outlook.com is an email service that prioritizes your own and your family’s privacy. You wouldn’t let the post office look inside your mail, so why would you let Google?”

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.

1 About this study: The RDD telephone survey was conducted Feb. 1-4, 2013 by GfK’s Public Affairs & Corporate Communications division, among a nationally representative sample of 1,006 adults ages 18 or older. Interviews were conducted with 753 respondents on landlines and 253 respondents on cellular telephones. The data were weighted on age, sex, education, race and geographic region. The margin of error on results based on the full sample is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Source: Scroogles.com

Visit Slahal Floral for Valentine’s Day

Salal Floral Boutique – Beauty by design

Few things on earth combine art and architecture as beautifully as a flower. And rarely are flowers combined in such dramatic and stunning style as they are at Salal Floral Boutique, an all compassing floral shop located on the lobby level of the Tulalip Resort.

An eye for perfection

Salal Floral Boutique’s team of floral designers lends their remarkable talents to everything from boutonnieres to bouquets, wedding arrangements to centerpieces for a 100-table event. No matter the creation, Salal Floral Boutique embodies a philosophy of perfection: Every leaf should be turned just so. Witness our Signature Rose Collection. We take a classic floral design and elevate it to something magnificent.

Variety and Beauty

Our flowers are delivered fresh by local wholesalers. Depending upon the season, you can choose from any number of gorgeous varieties, from classics such as roses and hydrangeas to dramatics such as birds of paradise and ginger. Thanks to the nurturing environment in the nearby T Spa, Salal Floral Boutique is even able to offer orchids and other tropicals seven days a week. And because we can take advantage of our exclusive relationships, we’re able to offer more types of flowers more often, at significant savings when compared to a typical florist.

Sunday – Thursday
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Friday & Saturday
9:00 AM – 8:00 PM


We suggest ordering floral designs 24 hours in advance. We will always do our best to accommodate all requests.

Valentine’s Day Flower Tips


Love is in the air and florists are busy filling Valentine’s Day orders, but many consumers have learned the hard way that everything doesn’t always come up roses.
In 2012, florists were among the most complained about service categories on Angie’s List.  Most complaints stemmed from the quality of the flowers as well as issues with delivery.
The consumer ratings site surveyed highly rated florists for advice on placing an order for delivery.
  • Act now: Don’t wait until the last minute to place your order for flowers. Give the florist plenty of time because Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest days of the year for any florist.
  • Buy local: If there is a reputable florist in your area, buy directly from them when you can and think beyond the roses. Your florist can help you find the freshest blooms and find something a little less traditional, too. National companies take your order and pass it along to a local florist to fulfill the order anyway. You’ll have better luck with a correction if something goes wrong.
  • Include delivery information: The more information you are able to provide about the recipient, the less likely there will be a delivery mishap. Include both home and cell phone numbers and the correct address. If it’s a business, will the delivery person be stopped at the front door? Offer any access information you know about to the delivery driver.  
  • Take advantage of the freshness guarantee: Flowers are a perishable product, and depending on the flower, it will have a life span from 2 to 10 days. If the flowers delivered are not in good condition, call the florist right away (less than 24 hours) so they can correct the problem.
  • Care for the special delivery: Keep them in a cool place and change water regularly. Cut the stems back about an inch with a knife or gardening clippers every other day as you change the water.


Everett artist was well-known across the U.S.

By Theresa Goffredo, Herald Writer

Alden Mason, one of Everett’s most well-known artistic native sons, ventured into his art studio up until the age of 92.

He also traveled the globe, lived with an aboriginal tribe in New Guinea when he was in his 70s and could include another famous Everett artist, Chuck Close, among his students.

Mason died Wednesday at age 93.

“Alden Mason was my teacher, my mentor and my friend. He has probably had more impact on my work and my career than any other person. I wouldn’t be who I am today — or as successful — if it weren’t for Alden,” wrote Close in a prepared statement.

Close, an artist whose massively scaled portraits have been on view at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and who was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 2000, called Mason one of the greatest painters to come out of the Pacific Northwest.

Close studied with Mason from 1960 to 1962.

“He was encouraging, inspiring and often tough on me — probably when I needed it,” Close wrote. “Luckily, we talked a week ago and I was able to tell him about the impact he had on me, my life and my work and that I loved him like a father.”

Mason’s work can be seen in numerous museums across the country. His work has also been represented since 2002 at Foster/White Gallery in Seattle, which sent out a statement Wednesday.

“Mason was an adventurous and enthusiastic naturalist and painter,” wrote Phen Huang, director of Foster/White. “He loved the northwest landscape, color, birds, natural concretions and to dance to rock and roll.”

Mason’s most recent exhibit in Snohomish County occurred in 2010 when the Schack Art Center was based at the Monte Cristo Hotel. Mason’s work was seen alongside two other artists in an exhibit titled “Moments: Alden Mason, Steve Klein and Karen Simonson.”

Mason’s experimentation with watercolors and oils earned some fame worldwide in the 1970s with his Burpee Garden series of paintings, named after the seed catalogs of a Skagit Valley farm where Mason grew up.

Mason’s career spanned six decades. Born in 1919, he received a bachelor of fine arts degree in 1945 and a masters degree in fine art in 1947 from the University of Washington, where he returned to teach for 32 years.

Carie Collver, Schack Art Center’s gallery director, said Mason’s work was unusual in the way he used color. She had always thought it would have been fun to take a class from him.

“He was really taking a different route from the other teachers at the UW,” Collver said. “In his style and in the amount of paint he was using. He was really breaking boundaries.”

Mason’s exhibition work drifted over the years between abstract and figurative styles. At one point, Mason was forced to switch to acrylic paints after suffering an allergic reaction to the toxic fumes of oil paints.

Mason exhibited his work in Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver, B.C., and New York.

He traveled to South America, Mexico, Africa and Papua New Guinea. Mason’s most recent pieces were inspired by his appreciation for primitive cultures.

“His big head series was fantastic,” Schack gallery director Collver said. “Those pieces were like a crazy dream, but he loved primitive art and really had an appreciation for their colors and imagery.”

Of his own work, Mason called his paintings “a private world of improvisation, spontaneity, humor and pathos, exaggeration and abandon.”

“They reflect my travels and interest in tribal art and children’s art,” according to Mason’s artist statement. “Old-fashioned emotional involvement is still my main priority in painting.”

In his personal life, Mason loved to dance, flirt, tell stories and deliver puns, such as, “I have good genes and wear them everyday.” What Mason did wear all the time was his signature fedora and neck kerchief.

Collver recalled Wednesday that during Mason’s exhibit in Everett he was in a wheelchair in his late 80s yet surrounded by a group of young beautiful women.

“They were all googley-eyed at him and he was telling his stories,” Collver said. “And I thought, ‘God bless him. He’s still got it.'”

Death confirmed as sixth from flu

By Sharon Salyer, Herald Writer

A suspected flu death in Snohomish County has been confirmed, bringing the total to six who have died in the worst flu season since 2009.

The most recent death was of an Everett man in his 90s, who died on Jan. 24, according to the Snohomish Health District.

The previous deaths were of an Everett woman in her 70s, a Stanwood man in his 90s, a Bothell woman in her 40s and two women in their 80s, one from Everett and one from Edmonds.

For comparison, three people died of influenza during the previous two flu seasons combined, said Dr. Gary Goldbaum, health officer for the Snohomish Health District.

The number of people hospitalized with flu or its complications this season — 84 — also far exceeds the numbers from the past two flu seasons.

“This has been a particularly brutal, severe year for influenza deaths and hospitalizations,” said Dr. Yuan-Po Tu, who tracks flu issues at The Everett Clinic.

Statewide, 28 people have died from the flu, according to the state Department of Health. That’s the largest number since the swine flu epidemic of 2009-10 when 98 people died in Washington.

“What we’ve seen is an influenza that spread pretty widely, specifically for the older residents of the county, the state and nationally,” Goldbaum said. “It certainly is more severe.”

Flu this season, both locally and nationally, has caused the most serious illness in people 55 and up.

It’s not just the initial onset of influenza that can cause people to become so ill that they need to be hospitalized, Tu said.

Some people have several days of classic flu symptoms of high fever, sore throat, sniffles and body aches and seem to get better, but then get sick again two to four weeks later. “All of a sudden you develop a ‘late’ fever,” Tu said, indications of health problems such as more severe asthma or a bacterial infection, such as pneumonia.

The influenza virus damages the linings of the respiratory system in a way that makes it far easier for these health problems to occur, Tu said.

Although flu has hit older adults far harder than children, seven schools in Snohomish County have reported high absenteeism rates from students with flu-like symptoms.

Flu outbreaks also have been reported at 11 long-term facilities such as nursing homes and assisting living facilities.

The good news is that flu season seems to have peaked about two weeks ago, based on reports from area clinics and the number of patients being hospitalized.

“I would hazard a guess that we’re in the last month of flu season,” Tu said.

Detectives witness carjacking on Tulalip reservation

By Rikki King, Heral Writer, http://www.heraldnet.com

TULALIP — A drug-related carjacking on the Tulalip Indian Reservation on Tuesday was interrupted when three undercover tribal police detectives happened by.

The detectives were in an unmarked car driving 81st Street NE about 4:15 p.m., according to a police affidavit.

Near the intersection with 30th Drive NE, they saw a maroon Honda Civic suddenly stop and block a white Cadillac Seville.

Two men got out of the Honda and approached the Cadillac. One of them reportedly had a large knife concealed behind his arm.

The detectives got out of their car, yelling, “Police! Stop!” according to court papers.

At that point, one of the men from the Honda reportedly took a plastic baggie from his pocket and threw it into the Cadillac through a window. The Cadillac’s driver then grabbed the baggie and threw it back outside.

The bag contained 5.49 grams of heroin.

Arrests ensued. Some of the people in the two cars apparently were acquainted.

Also recovered was the knife, the blade of which measured more than 10 inches.

The people in the Honda reportedly were trying to get the Cadillac back. It had been sold a couple of times, and they planned a carjacking to settle a related debt. Police have identified the car’s registered owner.

Two of the men from the Honda were booked into the Snohomish County Jail for investigation of attempted first-degree robbery. One also is being investigated for possessing a controlled substance and resisting arrest.

Schools take proactive approach to safety

From left, Marysville Police School Resource Officer Dave White takes a moment during lunch at Marysville Getchell High School to chat with students Dalton Adcock, Curtis Combs and Bionca Perez. Photo: Kirk Boxleitner.
From left, Marysville Police School Resource Officer Dave White takes a moment during lunch at Marysville Getchell High School to chat with students Dalton Adcock, Curtis Combs and Bionca Perez. Photo: Kirk Boxleitner.

By  Kirk Boxleitner, Marysville Globe Reporter

MARYSVILLE — In the wake of December’s school shootings in Connecticut, schools across America have become more conscious of their safety and security procedures, and the Marysville School District is no exception.

However, the district’s security manager and one of its school resource officers from the Marysville Police Department explained that Marysville schools have already adopted a proactive approach to safeguarding their children.

Marysville Police School Resource Officer Dave White has built up a rapport with the students at Marysville Getchell High School over the course of the past four years, since a year before the campus opened, and while he also covers the district’s three middle schools, he credits his presence on campus at Marysville Getchell with elevating his visibility and approachability with students and staff alike.

“It’s been brought to my attention when students have been doing things they shouldn’t, and I’ve been lucky enough to talk to them in ways that have preempted them from committing criminal acts, either at school or elsewhere,” White said. “After [the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn.], the staff has been even more interested in using our expertise to make the schools safer.”

Just as the Tulalip Tribal Police Department has donated a part-time SRO to cover the Quil Ceda and Tulalip elementary schools, as well as the 10th Street Middle School and the Heritage and Arts & Technology high schools, so too is the Marysville Police Department providing its two SROs to the school district free of charge, with White’s fellow SRO covering the Marysville-Pilchuck and Mountain View high schools. However, this leaves the rest of Marysville’s elementary schools relatively uncovered, which is why White explained that Marysville Police regular patrol officers are conducting walk-throughs of those elementary schools several times a day.

“We appreciate the huge service that the Marysville Police Department is doing for us here, because we have absolutely no money for it,” said Greg Dennis, security manager for the school district. “After Sandy Hook, everyone asked, ‘What if that happened here?’ Here at Marysville, we’ve been asking, ‘How do we prevent that from happening here?’”

The school district’s measures already include SROs, 11 FTE security guards, rapid-response maps that allow 911 responders to arrive at exact locations within 1-2 minutes, and regular drills for fires, lockdowns and earthquakes.

“Going forward, we’re working with our safety committee and law enforcement to review our campuses and our emergency plans,” said Jodi Runyon, executive assistant to the superintendent. “The city police and county sheriff’s office have been very willing to work with us. As the president and state legislators weigh in on what can and should be done, we will take a second and third look at our procedures to make cost-effective adjustments.”

Seeking volunteers for Car Seat Check event

Snohomish County Safe Kids is looking for volunteers to help with their first car seat check event of the year
Thursday, February 21, 2013
10:15-11:00  Event Prep & New LATCH Manual Overview
11-2:00 pm   Seat Checks
*Starbucks coffee, water and pizza will be provided.
Everett Fire
3619 Rucker Ave
Everett, WA
Please park on one of the side streets or adjacent parking lots [see map].  Please do not park at the fire station itself as we will need all the space allocated.
Event Details:
We are partnering the two local HEAD Start programs.  The week prior to the event we will be providing education to the families and have them sign up for a car seat check at that time.  This is a win-win as families will have a baseline knowledge before their car seat check.  I also received some seats that we can give away.  I am advertising this as “while supplies last” so it’s not a guarantee. 
Depending on the number of appointments we may open it up to drop-in’s.  We won’t know until the date gets closer.
Volunteer Requests:
We always need volunteers to assist in our events. You don’t need to be a technician, just interested in helping keep kids safe! For example, we could use greeters & traffic flow assistants.
Thank you all for your continued support for child passenger safety & injury prevention in Snohomish County!



First National Indian Country training on investigation and prosecution of non-fatal strangulation offenses

Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Department of Justice’s National Indian Country Training Initiative (NICTI) partnered with the National Strangulation Training Institute to deliver the first-ever national Indian Country training on the investigation and prosecution of non-fatal strangulation and suffocation offenses.  The training, held from Jan. 29 – Feb. 1, 2013, drew attendance from over 50 federal and tribal participants, representing 17 tribes, U.S. Attorney’s Offices, the FBI and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Students included prosecutors, law enforcement, advocates, paramedics and sexual assault nurse examiners.
The training, held at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, S.C., provided an in-depth examination of the mechanics of strangulation and suffocation from a medical, legal and law enforcement perspective. In addition to substantive information on strangulation and suffocation, students received information on how to effectively train others in their community about the investigation and prosecution of strangulation crimes and how to serve as an expert witness on the issue in court.

 “Strangulation has been identified as one of the most lethal forms of domestic violence and sexual assault. Expert training in this area is critical as external signs of strangulation are absent in over half of all victims. Death can occur without any external marks at all,” said Leslie A. Hagen, National Indian Country Training Coordinator.
“If we can prevent even one homicide by early prosecution of an abuser when he strangles his partner and she survives, all our work will be worth it,” said Gael Strack, the Project Director of the National Strangulation Training Institute and CEO of the National Family Justice Center Alliance.

“When men choke women, those men might as well be raising their right hand and saying ‘I am a killer’ to everyone that is paying attention,” said Casey Gwinn, President of the National Family Justice Center Alliance and faculty at this week’s training. “After 20 years of research and practice, it is clear that men who choke women are the same men who are likely to later kill those women, kill children, and kill police officers.” 
Facts about strangulation:

  • Strangulation is more common than professionals have realized. Recent studies have now shown that 34 percent of abused pregnant women report being “choked” (Bullock, 2006); 47 percent of female domestic violence victims reported being “choked” (Block, 2000) and most experts believe the rate is higher given the minimization by victims and the lack of education. 
  • Victims of multiple strangulation “who had experienced more than one strangulation attack, on separate occasions, by the same abuser, reported neck and throat injuries, neurologic disorders and psychological disorders with increased frequency”. (Smith,  2001)
  • Almost half of all domestic violence homicide victims had experienced at least one episode of non-fatal strangulation prior to a lethal violent incident (Glass, Sage, 2008).  Victims of prior non-fatal strangulation are 800 percent more likely of later becoming a homicide victim. (Glass, et al, 2008).
  • Strangulation is more serious than professionals have realized. Loss of consciousness can occur within 5 to 10 seconds and death within 4 to 5 minutes. (Watch, 2009; Hawley, McClane, 2001). The seriousness of the internal injuries may take a few hours to be appreciated and delayed death can occur days later. (Hawley, McClane, 2001).

Because most strangulation victims do not have visible injuries, strangulation cases may be minimized or trivialized by law enforcement, medical and mental health professionals.