Survey finds NRA Members United

91% of NRA Members Support Laws to Stop Mentally Ill from Acquiring Firearms

Press Release, NRA Public Affairs

FAIRFAX, Va. – The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action conducted a national scientific poll of its members and found near unanimity among NRA members on a wide range of issues involving mental health reform and firearm rights.

Gun control advocates including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, as well as various media outlets, have released data claiming to represent the views of NRA members, despite the fact that none of those surveys had access to the NRA’s membership list. The NRA survey of 1,000 randomly-selected NRA members across the country is the only legitimate survey of NRA members in existence.

The data from this survey indicates that NRA members are united in their desire for Washington to focus on keeping firearms from the mentally ill and to reject unconstitutional gun control measures that infringe on Second Amendment rights.

“Mayor Bloomberg’s claims that gun owners are divided are totally false. It is nothing more than an attempt by anti-gun activists to further their long-standing political agenda,” said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox. “American gun owners and Second Amendment supporters are ready for Washington to put politics aside and come together to fix our broken mental health system.”

Key Findings:

  • 91% of NRA members support laws keeping firearms away from the mentally ill.
  • 92% of NRA members oppose gun confiscation via mandatory buy-back laws.
  • 89% oppose banning semi-automatic firearms, often mistakenly called “assault rifles”.
  • 93% oppose a law requiring gun owners to register with the federal government.
  • 92% oppose a new federal law banning the sale of firearms between private citizens.

Methodology – The national survey was conducted by OnMessage Inc.  Telephone interviews were conducted January 13-14, 2013.  This survey consists of 1,000 NRA members and was stratified by state to reflect voter distribution in the 2012 presidential election. The margin of error for this survey is +/- 3.09%.

Full results available here.

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at and on Twitter @NRA.


Notice of Public Meetings for Superintendent Search Process

The Marysville School District will hold two meetings for district parents, Marysville and Tulalip community members and district partners learn about, and provide input, for the new superintendent search process. After serving Marysville schools for nine years, Dr. Larry Nyland has announced his retirement. The search process for a new superintendent begins now and follows a timeline through the search, recruitment, and the hiring process.

The Board of Directors and consultants, Dr. John Fotheringham and Dr. Wayne Robertson, of Northwest Leadership Associates, are committed to providing an open and transparent process in the search for a new superintendent. Your participation and input is important and will assist the board in selecting a new educational leader that will continue to take Marysville to the next levels of success.

Meetings will be held at the Marysville School District Service Center Board Room, located at 4220 80th Street NE, Marysville, 98270, on Tuesday, 1/29/13 at 7:00 PM and Thursday, 1/31/13 at 6:00 PM. Both meetings are open to the public.

An electronic survey is available on the district website at
For more information on the search process, contact Jodi Runyon at or (360) 653-0800.

HuffPost Social Reading Feist, Broken Social Scene, Blue Rodeo Show Support For Idle No More Movement

Canadian singer Feist performs at the Oya music festival in Oslo, on August 8, 2012.   AFP PHOTO / SCANPIX NORWAY / Stian Lysberg Solum ***NORWAY OUT***        (Photo credit should read Solum, Stian Lysberg/AFP/GettyImages)
Canadian singer Feist performs at the Oya music festival in Oslo, on August 8, 2012. Photo credit: Solum, Stian Lysberg/AFP/GettyImages

Huffington Post Music, Canada,

A number of Canadian musicians have joined forces to show their support for Idle No More, the movement of First Nations people for “healthy, just, equitable and sustainable communities.”

According to the CBC, Feist, Broken Social Scene’s Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning, Blue Rodeo, former Barenaked Ladies singer Steven Page and The Tragically Hip’s Gord Downie have signed a petition backing the movement. The petition was started by Weakerthans’ singer John K. Samson just before Christmas (Dec. 21) and originally sent it through various contacts.

“The response was immediate and huge, from artists of all disciplines, genres and mediums,” Samson said, adding he got the idea after a conversation with his friend and writer Leanne Simpson, a member of the Alderville First Nation. “It’s fundamental to how we think of ourselves and our identity and what a fair and just society should be. Artists have to be right at the forefront of that, it didn’t surprise me that so many replied with enthusiastic support.”

The statement, dubbed Canadian Artists Statement of Solidarity with Idle No More, reads:

“We recognize that our identity as Canadian artists is coloured by the shameful and continued history of injustice and colonialism, and support the Idle No More movement’s demands that Canadians honour and fulfill Indigenous sovereignty, repair violations against land and water, and live the intent and spirit of our Treaty relationship.”

Samson has also contributed the song “'” from his 2012 Provincial album to a benefit compilation being organized by Holly McNarland, a strong supporter of the movement who has taken to Twitter to get the message out. And argue with those opposed to the movement.

“I bit the bait and got into it about #idlenomore,” she tweeted on Jan. 6 “A racist mind is like a chastity belt but not worth it, throw the F’N key away.”

Other musicians who have signed the petition include Ian Blurton, Christine Fellows, The Sadies, Sarah Harmer and Bif Naked.

Marysville School District Superintendent, Dr. Nyland to retire

Marysville School District No. 25
4220 80th Street NE
Marysville, WA 98270
p. 360-653-0800 f. 360-629-1990


 January 18, 2013

Dear Parents and Guardians,

After serving the Marysville School District for 9 years, Dr. Nyland has announced his decision to retire effective June 30, 2013. Although we are saddened by his departure, we personally want to thank him for his many great accomplishments.

To assist in our upcoming superintendent search, the Board of Directors has hired the consulting firm, Northwest Leadership Associates based in Washington. They provide years of knowledge and a network of individuals that will enable us to recruit the most qualified candidates for this important position.

The Board realizes the importance of this outcome and will make every effort to allow for our parents, staff and members the Marysville and Tulalip communities to participate in the selection of our next superintendent and to provide a search that is “open” and as “transparent” as possible. As part of the process, we will be collecting stakeholder input from a variety of means by conducting or attending over 25 community and staff forums over the course of the next several weeks and providing opportunities to fill out written and electronic surveys to assist us in choosing a new educational leader.

Please join us at the upcoming forum for all parents: Tuesday, 1/29/13, 7:00 pm, Marysville School District Service Center Board Room, 4220 80th Street NE. Your participation is a very important part of this process and we look forward to seeing you. We also invite you to complete an electronic survey: Superintendent Profile Survey. This survey will provide you with an opportunity to have your voice heard during our search process. For more information visit the district website at

On behalf of the Board of Directors I would like to thank you for your time in this important process.


Chris Nation, President

Chief Theresa Spence will end hunger strike

By Monica Brown, Tulalip News Writer

A band council delegation from the beleaguered Attawapiskat community hand-delivered an ultimatum to Chief Theresa Spence, informing her they would oust her from office unless she ended her liquid-diet protest. Spence announced that she is will end her 44-day hungerstrike and is scheduled to return to eating solid food on January 24, the day that chiefs conduct a major treaty meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Before Spence agreed to end her six-week-long liquids-only fast, Spence and her supporters wrote up a Declaration of Commitment consisting of 13 points. The 13 points specifies adherence to treaty relationships, approaching negotiations from a nation-to-nation perspective and taking measures to improve the lives of First Nations people and calls for a national inquiry into the hundreds of disappearances and murders of aboriginal women that go unsolved, improving education and housing, and fully implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

 The Declaration of Commitment is endorsed by the AFN National Executive Committee, the Native Women’s Association of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada Parliamentary Caucus and the New Democratic Party National Caucus. It will officially be signed by the parties on January 24 by First Nations leaders and representatives of the opposition parties.


The 13 points can be read in full below



 First Nations: Working Towards Fundamental Change

In the true spirit of commitment to initiate dialogue to discuss both Treaty and non-Treaty Indigenous issues on behalf of our First Nations Peoples of Canada, Chief Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat First Nation and Mr. Raymond Robinson of Cross Lake, Manitoba will continue their Hunger Strike, pending outcome of this written Declaration. We also like to acknowledge Mr. Jean Sock of Elsipogtog, New Brunswick and all other Fasters who have shown their deep dedication and courage in support of protecting and honouring both Treaty and non-Treaty obligations as written, entered into or understood by all Peoples, with the Federal Government of Canada including each Provincial/Territorial signatory.

Further, we agree the self-sacrifice and the spiritual courage of Chief Theresa Spence, along with Elder Raymond Robinson and all other fasters have made clear the need for fundamental change in the relationship of First Nations and the Crown. We fully commit to carry forward the urgent and coordinated action required until concrete and tangible results are achieved in order to allow First Nations to forge their own destiny.

Therefore, we solemnly commit to undertake political, spiritual and all other advocacy efforts to implement a renewed First Nations – Crown relationship where inherent Treaty and non-Treaty Rights are recognized, honoured and fully implemented as they should be, within the next five years.

This Declaration includes, but is not limited to, ensuring commitments made by the Prime Minister of Canada on January 11th, 2013 are followed through and implemented as quickly as possible as led by First Nation on a high-level priority with open transparency and trust. Furthermore, immediate steps are taken working together to achieve the below priorities:


1. An immediate meeting to be arranged between the Crown, Federal Governments, Provincial Governments and all First Nations to discuss outstanding issues regarding the Treaty Relationship, as well as for non-Treaty area relationships.

2. Clear work-plans that shall include deliverables and timelines that outline how commitments will be achieved, including immediate action for short, medium and long-term goals. Addressing the housing crisis within our First Nation communities shall be considered as a short-term immediate action.

3. Frameworks and mandates for the implementation and enforcement of Treaties between Treaty parties on a Nation-to-Nation basis.

4. Reforming and modifying the comprehensive claims policy based on inherent rights of First Nations.

5. A commitment towards resource revenue sharing, requiring the participation and involvement of provinces and territories currently benefiting from resource development from traditional lands.

6. Commitment towards ensuring a greater collective oversight and action towards ensuring the sustainability of the land through a sustained environmental oversight.

7. A comprehensive review and meaningful consultation in regards to Bill C-38 and C-45 to ensure it is consistent with Section 35 of the Constitution Act (1982).

8. Ensure that all federal legislation has the free, prior and informed consent of First Nations where inherent and Treaty rights are affected or impacted.

9. A revised fiscal relationship between First Nations and Canada that is equitable, sustainable and includes indexing and the removal of arbitrary funding caps.

10. A National Public Commission of Inquiry on Violence Against Indigenous Women of all ages.

11. Equity in capital construction of First Nation schools, including funding parity with Provincial funding formulas with additional funding support for First Nation languages.

12. A change in how government operates that would include direct oversight, a dedicated Cabinet Committee and Secretariat within the Privy Council Office with specific responsibility for the First Nation-Crown relationship to ensure implementation.

13. The full implementation of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples – UNDRIP.

Pollutants in smoke from winter fires can pose health risk

Washington State Department of Health

Smoke from wood fires—like the ones that keep your home warm and cozy in the winter—can be a health hazard for some people. Wood smoke and other air pollutants can be trapped near the ground when winter weather patterns cause stagnant air. Smoke contains fine particles and toxic gases that can be breathed deep into the lungs where they can cause immediate and long-term health problems. The level of air pollution that causes health problems is different for each person. Some people are at greater risk than others, and can have symptoms sooner, including: people with heart and lung disease, older adults who may have unrecognized health conditions, and children, whose developing lungs are more easily damaged. Often the pollution can’t be seen or smelled, so it can be helpful to check air quality before doing things outside, especially if you’re in a high-risk group. Real-time information on air quality conditions and statistics on air pollution for most counties is available online. You can check the Department of Health’s website for information on how air quality can affect your health.

WIC serves more than 315,000 women and children each year

Lots of people who are eligible for the WIC nutrition program haven’t applied

Washington State Department of Health

More than 65,000 children and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers qualify for—but aren’t enrolled in—the state’s Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program. WIC provides nutrition counseling, free healthy foods, and breastfeeding support and health screenings for babies. African American, Pacific Islander, and Native American women have particularly low participation in the program during pregnancy, yet have some of the highest rates of premature and low birth weight babies. WIC wants to provide more women with services that boost their health, improve birth outcomes, and contribute to healthier babies. Many eligible women don’t know about the program or don’t know that they—and their children younger than five—qualify. Cathy Franklin of the WIC program says that a woman may assume her family makes too much money if she’s working. But that’s often not the case. A household of four can make $3,554 a month and still be eligible. A family with two qualifying people, like a breastfeeding mother and her baby, would receive checks for up to $100 of healthy food a month (along with other services). WIC currently serves more than 315,000 women and children each year in its 205 clinics across Washington. Find more information about WIC and how to apply at the Department of Health’s WIC website or by calling the Family Health Hotline at 1-800-322-2588.

Retired NBA Coach Phil Jackson Sponsors Campaign for One Lucky Donor to Spend Day with Him

8333 Greenwood Blvd. Denver, CO 80221
Toll Free: 800.776.3863     Phone: 303.426.8900

January 22, 2013

Retired NBA coach Phil Jackson will give one lucky fan and a friend the opportunity to spend a day with him in Los Angeles learning his basketball coaching secrets.

Jackson has teamed up with online fundraising company Omaze for a fundraising campaign to support the American Indian College Fund (the Fund) to raise money for Native student scholarships.

Donors can complete entries here for a chance to meet Mr. Jackson. The campaign is currently slated to end on Feb. 8. Airfare and hotel are included in the trip. Donations are not required to enter for a chance to meet Mr. Jackson.

As part of the experience, Mr. Jackson, a longtime supporter of the Fund who has also conducted basketball clinics in Indian Country, will show game tape of past championship series and explain how he prepared champion players like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. Mr. Jackson will also detail how he developed his well-known Triangle Offense and other strategies that helped him coach his teams to win 11 NBA championships, the most in basketball history. Mr. Jackson retired from coaching in 2011.

“The American Indian College is delighted that Mr. Jackson has donated his time and energies to illustrate the need for financial support for American Indian college students,” said Dr. Cheryl Crazy Bull, President and CEO of the American Indian College Fund. “Not only is Mr. Jackson helping to raise money for scholarships, but he is also providing Native students with the valuable knowledge that he believes that with an education, they are all winners.”

Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Reintroduced in Congress

First Nations Development Institute
351 Coffman St. • Suite 200 • Longmont, CO 80501
Phone: (303) 774-7836 • Fax: (303) 774-7841

Jan. 22, 2013, U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Michael Crapo (R-ID) introduced S. 47, a strong, bipartisan bill that would reauthorize the landmark Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This bill closely mirrors the bipartisan legislation that was introduced by Sens. Leahy and Crapo in the last Congress and which would improve VAWA programs and strengthen protections for all victims of violence, including Native American women.
Please take action today by contacting your senators and asking them to co-sponsor S. 47.  The National Task force to End Sexual and Domestic Violence Against Women’s goal is to get 60 co-sponsors by January 31 so that VAWA can get to the Senate floor for a bipartisan victory.
So far, the bill has the following co-sponsors in addition to its chief sponsor, Senator Leahy (D-VT): Senators Ayotte (R-NH),  Bennet (D-CO), Cantwell (D-WA), Casey (D-PA), Collins (R-ME), Coons (D-DE), Crapo (R-ID), Durbin (D-IL), Hagan (D-NC), Kirk (R-IL), Klobuchar (D-MN), McCaskill (D-MO), Mikulski (D-MD), Murkowski (R-AK), Murray (D-WA), Shaheen (D-NH), Tester (D-MT), Udall (D-CO), and Whitehouse (D-RI).

Also yesterday, in the U.S. House, Reps. Gwen Moore (D-WI) and John Conyers (D-MI) introduced H.R. 11, a House companion identical to the bipartisan Senate bill.
Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask the operator to connect you to your senators. If you don’t know who your Senators are, you can look them up here. When you’re connected to their offices, tell the person who answers the phone:

1)            I am a constituent from (city and state) and my name is _________.
2)            I urge Senator____ to co-sponsor S. 47, a strong, bipartisan bill that would reauthorize the tttttttt   Violence Against Women Act.
3)            Thank you, and I look forward to hearing that the Senator is a co-sponsor.

If you prefer to e-mail, you can do so through the web forms for each Senate office provided here.