American Indian College Fund to Administer Cobell Scholarship Fund

Courtesy American Indian College FundDr. Cheryl Crazy Bull is the president and CEO of the American Indian College Fund.
Courtesy American Indian College Fund
Dr. Cheryl Crazy Bull is the president and CEO of the American Indian College Fund.

Source: Indian Country Today Media Network

The Cobell Education Scholarship Fund will be administered by the American Indian College Fund with a fifth of the annual scholarships awarded by the American Indian Graduate Center, announced Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar on March 12.

“This scholarship fund for Native American students will be a lasting, meaningful legacy of the Cobell Settlement that will help strengthen Indian communities, advance tribal progress and secure a better future for the first Americans,” Salazar said in a press release.

As part of the Cobell settlement a copy.9 billion land buy-back program was established to purchase land for tribal governments. For each purchase, a donation will be made to the scholarship fund. The Interior is authorized to set aside up to $60 million for fund from these purchases. According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for land purchases less than $200, copy0 will go to the scholarship fund; for land purchases between $200 and $500, $25 goes to the fund; and for any land purchases over $500, five percent of the purchase price is donated to the fund.

“My mother, Elouise Cobell, cared deeply about the next generation of Native people and she insisted on this scholarship as part of the settlement,” said Turk Cobell in the release. “It is a fitting tribute to her courageous work and will be a longstanding and appropriate legacy of her extraordinary perseverance and vision.”

Salazar named the American Indian College fund after receiving nominations from the lead plaintiff and evaluating them through a selection committee. The committee recommended the college fund as the recipient organization saying the money it receives should be devoted to scholarships for vocational certificates and four-year accredited colleges, including tribal colleges. The graduate center will provide 20 percent of yearly scholarships to encourage Native graduates to continue their education and get professional and doctoral degrees.

“We are honored to have been selected to administer the largest scholarship fund ever established on behalf American Indian and Alaska Native students,” said Dr. Cheryl Crazy Bull, president and CEO of the American Indian College Fund, in the release. “I look forward to working with the American Indian Graduate Center to provide greater opportunities for higher education to the next generation of Indian leaders and professionals.”

The graduate center is looking forward to fulfilling its end of the scholarship fund as well.

“We congratulate our colleagues at AICF on the award of this historic scholarship fund to their administration. AIGC is humbled and honored to be part of it. Elouise Cobell’s legacy will live on through our future scholars,” said Sam Deloria, director of AIGC, in a press release.

Now comes the task of appointing a Board of Trustees to oversee the college fund. The board will consist of no more than five members—two to be selected by the secretary, two to by the lead plaintiff and one to be selected by the college fund.

Board members will serve an initial four-year term and can be reappointed for an unlimited number of successive terms.

Tribal nominations for board members should send a curriculum vitae, letter of intent which indicates willingness to serve and a 250-word statement to:

Lizzie Marsters

Chief of Staff to the Deputy Secretary

Department of the Interior

1849 C Street NW

Room 6118

Washington, DC 20240

Nominations should be postmarked no later than April 11, 2013.



Bill to expand background checks for guns appears dead

By Jerry Cornfield, The Herald

OLYMPIA — A controversial bill that would have required background checks on private gun sales appears doomed after its supporters failed Tuesday to round up enough votes to pass it in the state House.

An apparent deal seemed in place Tuesday morning after the author agreed to put the matter before voters this November.

While the move helped Rep. Jamie Pedersen, D-Seattle, pick up the votes of a couple of undecided Democrats, it reportedly cost him support of other Democrats who disliked placing it on the ballot as a referendum.

As a result, Pedersen and House Speaker Frank Chopp, D-Seattle, spent the afternoon and evening trying to pull together the 50 votes needed for passage in the chamber.

Shortly before 8:30 p.m. they gave up as the House adjourned, leaving Pedersen disappointed and sounding defeated.

“It was too big of a stretch for this year,” Pedersen said.

The bill could still be pushed to the floor today before a 5 p.m. deadline to act on House and Senate bills not tied to the budget.

Melinda McCrady, spokeswoman for the Democratic caucus, said it is not expected to come up “but I can’t say that it won’t happen.”

Backers of the bill huddled Tuesday to consider making another run at approving the bill today.

“I don’t know what happened. They couldn’t get the right combination but I am telling you it’s not over,” said Rep. Ruth Kagi, D-Seattle.

Supporters of gun control began the session confident they could toughen Washington laws with the slayings of Sandy Hook elementary students fresh in the mind of the public.

They ran into a wall of opposition from Republicans as only Rep. Mike Hope, R-Lake Stevens, committed to voting for this bill. The National Rifle Association organized a strong counterattack by arguing the proposed check wouldn’t stop gun violence.

Pedersen teamed with Hope to introduce House Bill 1588 to ensure background checks are conducted in the course of most gun sales in the state.

Gun buyers currently must undergo a background check when they purchase a weapon from a federally licensed firearms dealer. It is conducted through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. House Bill 1588 would extend such checks to cover private gun transactions including those at gun shows.

Under the bill, exemptions are provided for people with proper law enforcement credentials or a valid concealed pistol license because they would already have the proof needed to complete a private gun purchase.

Those who don’t have such documentation could go to a licensed gun dealer or local law enforcement agency, pay a fee and get a background check. A certificate good for 30 days would be issued. A person would show the certificate when they acquire a weapon from a private seller.

Buyers of antique firearms — defined as weapons made and sold before 1899 — are would be exempt from undergoing the checks.

Pedersen radiated optimism before lunch after he agreed to add the referendum clause. He has said polls show the public backs universal background checks by a wide margin.

“I feel a pretty good amount of confidence that it works and that we can defend it at the ballot box,” he said.

Hope, a Seattle police officer, has said the bill won’t stop gun violence but may put a crimp in the ability of criminals to buy guns illegally through private transactions.

Long before the House adjourned, most lawmakers had made up their minds and were ready to vote.

“We have to do something. If this is all we can do then it is a start,” said Rep. Luis Moscoso, D-Mountlake Terrace.

Rep. Mike Sells, D-Everett, called it a “pretty modest proposal to try to keep guns out of the hands of felons.”

Focusing on background checks is too narrow an approach, said Rep. Dave Hayes, R-Clinton, who is a Snohomish County sheriff’s detective.

He said he wanted the state to do a better job at preventing people with mental problems from obtaining weapons. He also said laws governing when a person can be committed for care either voluntarily and involuntarily need revision.

“I want to take a step back and take a really thoughtful approach,” he said.

Debating gun control laws is personal for another opponent, Rep. Dan Kristiansen, R-Snohomish.

He said he had an uncle murdered in Minnesota years ago and nothing in the bill would have prevented that killer from obtaining a weapon.

However, he said the bill will make it tougher in Washington for an honest person to “have that equalizer” in such a situation.

Meanwhile, backers of stronger gun control laws are ready for a potential ballot battle.

They formed Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility last month and put veteran political tactician Christian Sinderman at the helm.

“We’d like to see something move forward,” Sinderman said as action stalled in the House. “For too long this debate has been too narrowly focused and dominated by a single special interest.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Argentine Jorge Bergoglio elected Pope Francis

Pope Francis speaks from the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican on Wednesday. AP photo
Pope Francis speaks from the central balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican on Wednesday. AP photo














By Nicole Winfield, Associated Press

VATICAN CITY — Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina was elected pope Wednesday and chose the name Francis, becoming the first pontiff from the Americas and the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium.

Looking stunned, Francis shyly waved to the crowd of tens of thousands of people who gathered in St. Peter’s Square, marveling that the cardinals needed to look to “the end of the earth” to find a bishop of Rome.

In choosing a 76-year-old pope, the cardinals clearly decided that they didn’t need a vigorous, young pope who would reign for decades but rather a seasoned, popular pastor who would draw followers to the faith. The cardinal electors overcame deep divisions to select the 266th pontiff in a remarkably fast, five-ballot conclave.

Francis asked for prayers for himself, and for retired Pope Benedict XVI, whose surprising resignation paved the way for the conclave that brought the first Jesuit to the papacy.

“Brothers and sisters, good evening,” Francis said to wild cheers in his first public remarks as pontiff. “You know that the work of the conclave is to give a bishop to Rome. It seems as if my brother cardinals went to find him from the end of the earth. Thank you for the welcome.”

Bergoglio had reportedly finished second in the 2005 conclave that produced Benedict — who last month became the first pope to resign in 600 years.

After announcing “Habemus Papam” — “We have a pope!” — a cardinal standing on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica on Wednesday revealed the identity of the new pontiff, using his Latin name.

The longtime archbishop of Buenos Aires has spent nearly his entire career at home in Argentina, overseeing churches and shoe-leather priests.

Like other Jesuit intellectuals, Bergoglio has focused on social outreach. Catholics are still buzzing over his speech last year accusing fellow church officials of hypocrisy for forgetting that Jesus Christ bathed lepers and ate with prostitutes.

Bergoglio has slowed a bit with age and is feeling the effects of having a lung removed due to infection when he was a teenager.

In a lifetime of teaching and leading priests in Latin America, which has the largest share of the world’s Catholics, Bergoglio has also shown a keen political sensibility as well as the kind of self-effacing humility that fellow cardinals value highly, according to his official biographer, Sergio Rubin.

He showed that humility on Wednesday, saying that before he blessed the crowd he wanted their prayers for him and bowed his head.

“Good night, and have a good rest,” he said before going back into the palace.

Tens of thousands of people who braved cold rain to watch the smokestack atop the Sistine Chapel jumped in joy when white smoke poured out a few minutes past 7 p.m., many shouting “Habemus Papam!” or “We have a pope!” — as the bells of St. Peter’s Basilica and churches across Rome pealed.

They cheered again when the doors to the loggia opened, and again when Bergoglio’s name was announced.

“I can’t explain how happy I am right now,” said Ben Canete, a 32-year-old Filipino, jumping up and down in excitement.

Elected on the fifth ballot, Francis was chosen in one of the fastest conclaves in years, remarkable given there was no clear front-runner going into the vote and that the church had been in turmoil following the upheaval unleashed by Pope Benedict XVI’s surprise resignation.

A winner must receive 77 votes, or two-thirds of the 115, to be named pope.

For comparison’s sake, Benedict was elected on the fourth ballot in 2005 — but he was the clear front-runner going into the vote. Pope John Paul II was elected on the eighth ballot in 1978 to become the first non-Italian pope in 455 years.

Patrizia Rizzo ran down the main boulevard to the piazza with her two children as soon as she heard the news on the car radio. “I parked the car … and dashed to the square, she said. “It’s so exciting, as Romans we had to come.”

The Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi said it was a “good hypothesis” that the pope would be installed next Tuesday, on the feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of the universal church.

Unlike the confusion that reigned during the 2005 conclave, the smoke this time around has been clear: black during the first two rounds of burned ballots, and then a clear white on Wednesday night — thanks to special smoke flares akin to those used in soccer matches or protests that were lit in the chapel ovens.

The Vatican on Wednesday divulged the secret recipe used: potassium perchlorate, anthracene, which is a derivative of coal tar, and sulfur for the black smoke; potassium chlorate, lactose and a pine resin for the white smoke.

The chemicals are contained in five units of a cartridge that is placed inside the stove of the Sistine Chapel. When activated, the five blocks ignite one after another for about a minute apiece, creating the steady stream of smoke that accompanies the natural smoke from the burned ballot papers.

Despite the great plumes of smoke that poured out of the chimney, neither the Sistine frescoes nor the cardinals inside the chapel suffered any smoke damage, Lombardi said.

Food Handlers Class, March 21, Tulalip

Food handlers class is Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Tulalip Tribes Administration off Marine Drive.  Anyone preparing or serving food on the reservation is required to have a current food worker card.  Upon completion of the class and a passing test score,  a food worker card will be issued which will be valid for three years from the test date.

Food Handlers ClassV3

Woodcarving workshop set for March 16

MARYSVILLE — The Marysville Parks and Recreation Department is providing a woodcarving workshop to serve as a class in the basics of the field for adults.

Instructor Wade Faries will teach a solid foundation in the craft, covering such subjects as knife safety, wood basics, grains, the use of patterns and carving techniques.

The class is open to ages 18 years and older, and runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 16. The cost is $25 per student, plus a $15 fee for the materials needed.

The workshop will take place at the Jennings Park Barn, located at 6915 Armar Rd. in Marysville. For registration details, call 360-363-8400, or register online at

Junior Achievement fundraises through bowling at Tulalip Resort, Strawberry Lanes

Source: Marysville Globe

TULALIP — The Tulalip Resort Casino has paired with Junior Achievement of Snohomish County for a duo of fun fundraising bowling events, designed to get the ball rolling for kids enrolled in the nonprofit’s programs.

Part of the annual Bowling Classic, a statewide event which takes place on various dates throughout the spring, teams composed of members from various organizations compete in two-hour shifts at local bowling alleys. An added twist this year is an afternoon of “Virtual Bowling” at the Tulalip Resort Casino, and a 1970s-themed costumed session of “Cosmic Bowling” organized by the Tulalip Resort Casino at Strawberry Lanes in Marysville.

On Thursday, March 14, the Tulalip Resort Casino’s Orca Ballroom will be transformed into a virtual bowling tournament center from noon to 6 p.m., during which participants can challenge themselves and others on Wii and Xbox. While “rolling” their best curves or hook balls, they’ll also learn more about Junior Achievement of Snohomish County, and get entered into a drawing for prizes. The cost is $6 per bowler, or $24 for a team of four.

Strawberry Lanes teams will have a selection of three time slots on Tuesday, May 28, to perfect their delivery and strive for a “six-pack” during “Cosmic Bowling.” Prizes will be awarded to the top three scoring groups, as well as to the best ’70s-era team costumes. Fundraising goal entry fees are $150 per bowler, or $600 for a team of four, and there’s an additional $10 fee for shoe rental. Available times run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 3-5 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.

Junior Achievement of Snohomish County is dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy. The Bowling Classic will raise funds to support Junior Achievement’s K-12 programs on work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy, and will also allow more students to participate in Junior Achievement’s showcase programs — JA Biztown and JA Finance Park. The organization promotes belief in the potential of young people.

The Tulalip Resort Casino is located at 10200 Quil Ceda Blvd. in Tulalip, and Strawberry Lanes is located at 1067 Columbia Ave. in Marysville.

Couple slain after party for grandson

Michael Boysen’s grandparents picked him up from prison Friday, took him to his probation officer, helped him get his identification card and held a welcome-home party for him. He paid them back, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office, by killing them.

By Christine Clarridge, Seattle Times

Michael Chad L. BoysenIt was Michael Boysen’s grandparents who picked him up from prison when he was released Friday.

The elderly couple had prepared a bedroom for him in their Renton-area home. They spent most of that day driving their 26-year-old grandson around town, taking him to meet his probation officer and getting him an identification card from the Department of Licensing, according to King County Sheriff John Urquhart.

That night, they held a welcome-home party for him. They were “getting him set up to go back into society,” after he had served time for a 2012 conviction for attempted residential burglary, the sheriff said.

Boysen paid them back, Urquhart said Monday, by killing them and stealing their car.

A multistate manhunt is under way for Boysen, who is named in a warrant and who Urquhart’s investigators believe is seeking weapons and poses a significant threat to law enforcement and the community at large.

Deputies are searching for the dead couple’s vehicle, which Boysen is believed to have stolen. Urquhart said his office is working with gun dealers in hopes of keeping him from getting weapons.

Detectives learned that Boysen was conducting online searches of gun shows across the Pacific Northwest and Nevada just before or after his grandparents were slain, Urquhart said.

The bodies of Boysen’s grandparents, 82 and 80, were discovered in their home by Boysen’s mother Saturday evening, according to the sheriff’s office. Boysen is believed to have killed them sometime after the party, Urquhart said.

The King County Medical Examiner’s Office has not released their identities or the cause of death, but KING 5 reported their names as Robert and Norma Taylor.

Urquhart said they did not die by gunshot.

The sheriff said investigators learned after the slayings that Boysen — who also goes by Chad or Chadd — had discussed a plan to obtain a gun and kill family members and authority figures, potentially including law-enforcement officers and corrections officers.

Urquhart would not elaborate on how investigators learned about the threats Boysen is reported to have made, but said it was not until after the slayings that citizen sources came forward with information.

The “extreme risk” Boysen poses to the public cannot be overstated, he said.

“We need to catch this guy. We need the help of the public ’cause we have no idea where he is,” Urquhart said.

Boysen had served nine months of a 16-month sentence at the Monroe Correctional Complex after the 2012 conviction for attempted residential burglary.

Chad Lewis, a spokesman for the state Department of Corrections (DOC), said Boysen was not a problem inmate and that he had earned a minimum custody level through his compliance.

All the same, DOC considered him a high risk to reoffend nonviolently.

“We take threats very, very seriously,” Lewis said. “There was no indication that he had plans to do anything like this.”

Boysen had previously served five years at the Clallam Bay Corrections Center after he pleaded guilty to two counts of second-degree robbery, two counts of first-degree robbery and possession of stolen property.

Court documents indicate he was arrested in 2006 after his mother called police after she found prescription bottles and a robbery demand note in his room. Boysen’s sister told her mother that Boysen had confided that he and friend had robbed a pharmacy, according to the court papers.

After his arrest, Boysen told police he was addicted to OxyContin, a narcotic painkiller, court documents show.

Boysen is white, 5 feet 10 and 170 pounds. The missing car is a red 2001 Chrysler 300 with license plate 046-XXU.

Detectives are urging anyone with information about the vehicle or Boysen to call 911 immediately.

Rat City brings the action back to Key Arena, March 16

Rat City RollergirlsAfter a brief return to the old homestead at Southgate Roller Rink the Rat City Rollergirls return to Key Arena March 16th to continue the 2013 home season. The first bout of the evening is a highly anticipated match-up between 2012 Home Team Champions Grave Danger and the Derby Liberation Front.

The last time these two teams met in competition was almost a year ago when Grave Danger defeated DLF by just 5 points, helping to keep them out of the 2012 Championship game. Both teams have been training intensely as veteran Rat City skaters work alongside new team members to play hard, smart, and clean. With the final ranking bout of the home team season approaching you will see these teams at their fiercest as they do everything in their power to avoid a loss that could help knock them out of contention for this year’s Championships.

But, as you may have noticed, it’s not all familiar faces this year as Rat City continues to bring in nearby contenders to keep our audiences excited and our home teams on their toes. In the second bout of the evening the Throttle Rockets, after two close losses to Rat City home teams in the beginning of the season, will be looking to show the Port Scandalous Brawl Stars of Port Angeles, WA, that they are still a team to be feared. Of course, since their 15-point loss to the Throttle Rockets last March the Brawl Stars have been racking up wins against teams like the Olympia Rollers’ Dropkick Donnas and Jet City Roller Girl’s home teams, the Hula Honeys and the Pink Pistols. Can the Brawl Stars take advantage of the Throttle Rockets’ tough start to the season, or will they be the unlucky victims of the Throttle Rockets’ flat track revenge?

And don’t forget, while you’re grabbing your fan signs to come down to the Key you can also grab a couple of cans of food (or just a little cash) to donate to the Ballard Food Bank at our Show Us Your Cans donation bins. The first 250 fans to donate will even get some sweet Rat City swag! You can also support local youth activities by buying delicious cookies from our featured charity of the month, the Girl Scouts of Western Washington, investing in some 50/50 raffle tickets from the Seattle Derby Brats, or just cheering your heart out for the Northside Youth Program Drill Team during our intermission show.

Go to Ticketmaster now to snap up your tickets , and check out our special deals for concessions, families and groups!

Our remaining Season 9 dates at KeyArena include: 3/16, 4/13, 5/11, 6/8, 7/13, 8/10. The 2013 season will include an exciting mix of play from the home teams you know and love and interleague play from the Rat City All Stars, who recently placed fifth in the uber-competitive Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) Western Region semi-finals. Check out all of the awesome games we have lined up for this season!


Roller derby is a fast-paced, hard-hitting, endurance-based sport that takes lots of physical and mental ability, time, and sheer dedication. If you think you have what it takes, come try out to show us what you’ve got. Our next tryout is at our practice facility on Saturday, March 30th from 10am-2pm (doors open and registration begin at 9:30 am).

For more information:

Open Practices:
March 20th 6:00-7:30
March 25th 7:30-9:30, 9:30-10 Q&A session

Scrimmage Viewing:
March 26th 7:30-10:30

Always wanted to skate like a rollergirl? Now you can! Join the The Rat City Rollergirls Recreational Roller Derby Program!! Rec League has two weekly opportunities: Fit Skate and Scrimmage (yes! Scrimmage!!)!!
Fit Skate is a co-ed, non-contact skating workout open to all skill levels! Come in as a beginning skater, an ice or inline skater wanting to try out quads, a retiree, or an existing derby girl or referee who wants additional rink time.  Scrimmage night is a black and white mash up open to women who can pass a minimum skills test. Any level of experience from Pre-Fresh meat to Retirees- if you’re looking for more play time we’re lookin’ at you!
For more information and to register, visit us at


Join the Sockit Wenches on Friday, March 29 at Re-Bar for one of their legendary events, this time a dance party + variety show featuring the ladies in blue and some very talented friends. Don’t miss a single moment — doors open at 7 p.m., and performances will run all night betwixt the good times and the getting down. Tickets are available on a sliding scale in advance, and $10 at the door.

Purchase tickets today at Brown Paper Tickets

As you dance and enjoy the show you’ll be helping us earn money to travel to Spokane to play in a tournament, Spokarnage, in April.

Choose an outfit. Choose boogie shoes. Choose Wenchspotting.


Modern Roller Derby is the fastest growing female contact sport in the world!! Get in on the action NOW!

Do you want to watch the next Rat City Rollergirls bout for FREE? Do you want to earn cool, limited-edition Rat City gear? Then sign up to volunteer with us!

Producing a Rat City Rollergirl event is no walk in the park. There is A LOT of behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. That’s why we are so appreciative of the time and services Rat City Rollergirl volunteers put into our organization – we could not kick ass like we do without the dedication of our volunteers!

Please contact our volunteer staffing coordinator, Penny Racer, at to be contacted for future volunteer opportunities 


You don’t have to wait until you’re back at the Key Arena to get yourself, or the one you love, some fierce Rat City merchandise! Check out, where we’ve added new team gear!


For all the latest news on our teams, bout schedules and event information, visit AND visit us on Facebook!

Photos: Remembering the First Known Pow Wow Held in a U.S. Combat Zone by Native Americans

Source: Indian Country Today Media Network

Drum circle during the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion pow wow at Al Taqaddum Air Base, Iraq, 2004. Photo by Master Sergeant Chuck Boers (Lipan Apache/Oklahoma Cherokee, b. 1964). Gift of Sergeant Debra K. Mooney and members of the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion. Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
Drum circle during the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion pow wow at Al Taqaddum Air Base, Iraq, 2004. Photo by Master Sergeant Chuck Boers (Lipan Apache/Oklahoma Cherokee, b. 1964). Gift of Sergeant Debra K. Mooney and members of the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion. Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

In 2004, U.S. Army Sergeant Debra Mooney, Choctaw, and the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion staged the first pow wow held in a U.S. combat zone by Native Americans. The Native American Inter-Tribal Pow Wow was held in Al Taqaddum, Iraq, during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

According to the National Museum of the American Indian, the two-day event, held at the Al Taqaddum Air Base near Fallujah,  featured Native regalia, dancing and singing, and traditional games and foods, including genuine frybread. Participants made their pow wow drum from a discarded 55-gallon oil barrel and canvas from a cot. The goal of the pow wow was to bring a piece of home to Native Americans serving in Iraq while sharing their cultural heritage with fellow soldiers, marines, and sailors.

American Indians have served in the U.S. military since the American revolution, before they were allowed U.S. citizenship, and by percentage they serve more than any other ethnic group. The 120th Engineer Combat Battalion has its headquarters in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, also home to the Muscogee (Creek) Nation.

Lower: Drum, stand, and drumsticks, 2004. Metal, canvas, wood, commercially tanned leather, plastic, nylon cord, adhesive tape, metal nails. Made by members of the U.S. Army's 120th Engineer Combat Battalion, headquartered in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, and used during their Al Taqaddum Inter-Tribal Powwow, September 17–18, 2004, in Al Taqaddum, Iraq. Gift of Sergeant Debra K. Mooney and members of the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion. (Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian)

Lower: Drum, stand, and drumsticks, 2004. Metal, canvas, wood, commercially tanned leather, plastic, nylon cord, adhesive tape, metal nails. Made by members of the U.S. Army’s 120th Engineer Combat Battalion, headquartered in Okmulgee, Oklahoma, and used during their Al Taqaddum Inter-Tribal Powwow, September 17–18, 2004, in Al Taqaddum, Iraq. Gift of Sergeant Debra K. Mooney and members of the 120th Engineer Combat Battalion. (Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian)
US Army (USA) Soldiers of Native American Indian heritage, participate in a game of Native American Indian Stick Ball during the Native American Inter-Tribal Pow Wow held at Al Taqaddum, Iraq, during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. The Pow Wow was held to honor all past, present, and future Native American Veterans, and this events marks the first time that a Pow Wow was held in a Combat Zone by Native Americans (Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian)

US Army (USA) Soldiers of Native American Indian heritage, participate in a game of Native American Indian Stick Ball during the Native American Inter-Tribal Pow Wow held at Al Taqaddum, Iraq, during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. The Pow Wow was held to honor all past, present, and future Native American Veterans, and this events marks the first time that a Pow Wow was held in a Combat Zone by Native Americans (Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian)
 Native American Indians came from all over Iraq to play a game of Native American Indian Stick Ball during the Native American Inter-Tribal Pow Wow that was held on Al Taqaddum near Fallujah on the 17-18th of September 2004 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Pow Was planned from start to finish in less than five weeks, and all the items from the tomahawks to the drum was hand-made by the Native Americans in Iraq. The Pow Wow was held to honor all past, present, and future Native American Veterans, this was the first time that a Pow Wow was held in a Combat Zone by Native Americans. Photo by SFC Johancharles Van Boers (Apache/Cherokee), 55th Signal Company, Combat Camera, Fort Meade, Maryland. "Released for Public Use"
Native American Indians came from all over Iraq to play a game of Native American Indian Stick Ball during the Native American Inter-Tribal Pow Wow that was held on Al Taqaddum near Fallujah on the 17-18th of September 2004 during Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Pow Was planned from start to finish in less than five weeks, and all the items from the tomahawks to the drum was hand-made by the Native Americans in Iraq. The Pow Wow was held to honor all past, present, and future Native American Veterans, this was the first time that a Pow Wow was held in a Combat Zone by Native Americans. Photo by SFC Johancharles Van Boers (Apache/Cherokee), 55th Signal Company, Combat Camera, Fort Meade, Maryland. “Released for Public Use”
Soldiers from the U.S. Army's 120th Engineer Combat Battalion (headquartered in Okmulgee, Oklahoma) participating in a tomahawk throwing contest. Man throws a tomahawk at a wooden post while others look on (NMAI object 265139.000) . Photo taken during the powwow events held at Camp Taqaddum, Iraq in 2004.  (National Museum of the American Indian)
Soldiers from the U.S. Army’s 120th Engineer Combat Battalion (headquartered in Okmulgee, Oklahoma) participating in a tomahawk throwing contest. Man throws a tomahawk at a wooden post while others look on (NMAI object 265139.000) . Photo taken during the powwow events held at Camp Taqaddum, Iraq in 2004. (National Museum of the American Indian)



Did Facebook search violate Everett student’s rights?

Everett student told to open page to help in bullying probe

By Sharon Salyer, the Herald

Dan Bates / The HeraldSamantha Negrete, an eighth-grader at North Middle School in Everett, was asked to open her Facebook page to help a school administrator investigate another student. Her parents, Kevin McCollum and Connie Becerra, seen here at home in south Everett, contacted the ACLU afterward.
Dan Bates / The Herald
Samantha Negrete, an eighth-grader at North Middle School in Everett, was asked to open her Facebook page to help a school administrator investigate another student. Her parents, Kevin McCollum and Connie Becerra, seen here at home in south Everett, contacted the ACLU afterward.

EVERETT — A vice principal investigating a case of cyber-bullying pressured a North Middle School girl into opening up her Facebook page so he could look at what her friends had been posting, according to the girl’s mom.

The issue raises questions about what rights school officials have to ask to see students’ social media sites and whether such actions violate students’ privacy.

Connie Becerra said her 14-year-old daughter, Samantha Negrete, was never suspected to be a part of the cyber-bullying. But she was called into the vice principal’s office and was told to type in her password and log onto her account.

“He did not have the right to bring her in and bully her and coerce her,” Becerra said. “Our kids do have a right to privacy.”

The vice principal’s actions are “likely illegal and most certainly improper,” said Linda Mangel, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Washington. Becerra contacted the Seattle office of the ACLU when she learned what happened last month.

“It’s an awful thing to do to a 14-year-old kid who’s done nothing wrong,” Mangel said.

The vice principal was trying to find a picture taken on school grounds during school hours, said Mary Waggoner, school district spokeswoman. One student was later suspended for cyber-bullying.

“Everything we know at this point is that the assistant principal acted out of an interest in intervening in cyber-bullying,” Waggoner said. “Given the concern about cyber-bullying, one might understand his motivation to make sure that it didn’t happen at school.”

Still, the district has hired an outside investigator to see “who said what, under what circumstances and under what authorization,” Waggoner said.

The school district also is reviewing its policies on when and how staff may ask to look at a student’s personal social media accounts, she said.

Waggoner said that she was not aware of other issues of staff perusing students’ social media sites. The topic does need some clarification, she said. “In that respect, this situation is a good thing. We expect more clarity will come from this.”

Both the federal and state constitution protect against unwarranted searches, such as a public school district perusing a student’s Facebook page, Mangel said.

“What we don’t know is whether this is an isolated incident or this is the tip of the iceberg and this administration has been conducting other improper searches of Facebook pages or email accounts,” Mangel said.

Samantha, an eighth-grader at North Middle School, earns A’s and B’s, has never been in trouble at school and participates in wrestling, volleyball, basketball and choir, said her mom.

Samantha said that she feels she’s been unnecessarily pulled into a controversy.

“I wasn’t the bully,” Samantha said. “It wasn’t my fault. I feel like other kids are blaming me for what happened.”

She was likely called to the school’s office because she’s an honor student and athlete whom the vice principal “knew had respect for authority and used that authority to tell her to open up her Facebook page,” Mangel said.

The ACLU has produced an online booklet, “Student Rights and Responsibilities in the Digital Age,” to help guide both school districts and students on the issue, she said.

If the vice principal was concerned about cyber-bullying, he could simply have talked to the alleged victim to have that student show him the post, Mangel said. “He didn’t need to go trolling through an innocent party’s Facebook page.”

In the past, such questions involving schools have most often involved cell phone and email searches, she said. But more recently, the questions increasingly involve social media sites, such as Facebook.

“Well-intentioned administrators are overreaching because they think, somehow, it’s their duty to investigate in this manner,” Mangel said.

Last year, the First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University reported on a federal court case in Minnesota that involved student privacy rights on Facebook in which the student involuntarily relinquished her password.

Students enjoy a Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by school officials, according to the ruling.