President Barack Obama’s Budget Concerns Indian Country Leaders

By Rob Capriccioso, Indian Country Today Media Network

Concerned Indian country leaders are saying that President Barack Obama, in his proposed budget for 2014, is not doing as strong a job at upholding the nation’s trust responsibility to American Indians as he has promised.

The budget, released April 10, is the president’s first time while in office to dramatically shrink his support for Indian programs in some key areas, including reductions in contract support services, education and school construction cuts, and spending on low-income housing.

In total, the $3.78 trillion budget would cut copy trillion in spending and raise $800 billion in new revenue over the next 10 years.

Indian organizations and tribes are still analyzing much of the budget and what it will mean, but some have already released statements of concern.

The National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) offered a grave assessment on April 12, saying that the “organization is deeply concerned about proposed cuts that threaten recent progress in critical areas,” and noting the areas of reduction in an analysis that would harm tribes.

At the same time, NCAI saw some positive developments: “We see signs of hope in the President’s proposal to replace the sequester and expand investments to enhance tribal law enforcement and strengthen the Indian Health Service but now is not time to slow the progress we have seen in Indian country,” said Jefferson Keel, president of NCAI. “The federal government must live up to its obligations in critical trust responsibility areas like contract support costs, education, and housing. We’ve experienced decades of the federal government falling short, and while we understand the limitations of the federal government, the federal trust responsibility to tribal nations and our peoples, is not a line item.”

Despite that optimism, the White House has been hesitant to single out Indian programs for protection in its budget process and in the current budget sequester that went into effect March 1, reducing many federal programs that offer support to tribes.

Charlie Galbraith, the Associate Director for Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House, told tribal leaders of the United South and Eastern Tribes in February that tribes could not be exempted from the sequester, despite this seeming to conflict with the administration’s stance on supporting federal trust responsibility for tribes.

“That’s just not going to happen,” Galbraith said. “We have the entire military machine, every lobbyist, every contractor, trying to exempt the military provision—the president is not going to cut this off piecemeal. We need a comprehensive solution that is going to address the real problem here.”

Still, programs at the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Transportation, as well as Congress’ pay, were exempted from the sequester—so there were some sacred cows. Indian programs could have been protected as well, if the federal government could have agreed to support that outcome. The Obama administration has not pushed for such an action, despite often saying it supports strong federal trust responsibility toward tribes.

NCAI ended its statement on a positive note, saying that there were “promising signs” in the president’s budget request, including public safety monies for tribes, a small increase in the Indian Health Service budget and contract health services, an increase for the Environmental Protection Agency’s General Assistance Program, a $32 million in increases for natural resource programs at the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and language that provides “a no-cost economic development and jobs creation solution for restoring land to tribal governments impacted by the Carcieri Supreme Court decision.”

“NCAI will work to ensure that the federal programs that fulfill the trust responsibility to tribes receive bipartisan support in the appropriations process,” the organization concluded.

To date under the Obama administration, Congress has done a strong job at appropriating monies for Indian country-related programs, and Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) has noted that Congress has actually appropriated more in several tribal areas than the president has requested. Many in Indian country, no doubt, will be hoping that that happens again.



Schimmel Sisters, Angel Goodrich Win Prestigious NABI Honor

NABI will honor the Schimmel sisters this July

Source: Indian Country Today Media Network

Angel Goodrich, Native American Basketball Invitational (NABI) alumnus who recently was selected by the WNBA’s Tulsa Shock, only the second Native player to be drafted into the league, and Shoni and Jude Schimmel, the first Native Americans to play in an NCAA women’s basketball tournament championship game, were named the recipients of the 2013 Phil Homeratha Leadership Award. The award, named after the late Haskell Indian Nations University women’s basketball coach, Phil Homeratha, will be presented during the NABI Championship games taking place at U.S. Airways Center in Phoenix on Sunday, July 21.

Since the inception of NABI in 2003, NABI has chosen an individual that is making a difference in the advancement of Native American athletes to receive the award.  “This year we chose to honor all three talented young ladies. Their achievements in the sport of basketball have been inspirational and will continue to inspire our Native American youth for years to come. It was an easy selection” says GinaMarie Scarpa, co-founder & chief executive officer of the NABI Foundation.

Rick Schimmel and Ceci Moses, parents of Shoni and Jude, are also scheduled to speak at the Educational Seminars held during NABI week, July 17-21. The seminars are organized during NABI to bring positive messages that inspire the athletes participating in the NABI tournament. Previous speakers have included: football and baseball great Bo Jackson, legendary LSU coach Dale Brown and Fox Sports reporter Jude LaCava.

This year’s tournament is expecting 128 teams, the largest NABI tournament to date. A Maori team from New Zealand will even be making the trip to compete. Games start on July 18  in 10 Phoenix area gyms with the championship games being played immediately following the Phoenix Mercury WNBA game on Sunday, July 21.  People wishing to purchase NABI championship game tickets (copy0 each) will be allowed entrance into both the Mercury game and NABI championship games.  All proceeds to benefit the nonprofit NABI Foundation.

NABI, co-founded by Mark West of the Phoenix Suns, the late sports promoter Scott Podleski and Scarpa, started out as a small local tournament in 2003 and since has become a youth nonprofit organizing one of the largest all Native American tournaments; bringing exposure to thousands high school athletes from all over North America.

NABI tournament sponsors include: Ak-Chin Indian Community, Nike N7, Phoenix Suns, Phoenix Mercury, Arizona Diamondbacks, Yavapai Prescott Indian Tribe, NIGA, and NCAIED.

For more information about the NABI Invitational and the NABI Foundation, go to to the NABI official website or e-mail

Related story:

Maori Squad Among 128 Competing at 2013 NABI Basketball Tournament


Learn about cougars at Adopt A Stream forum

Source: The Herald

Brian Kertson knows a lot about cougars.

He has 11 years experience studying cougars in the Cascades and can tell you how big they get, how many kittens they have, how long they live in the wild, their favorite foods and also teach you how to identify the signs of a cougar in the woods.

You will learn all this and more at the program “Cougars” presented by the Adopt A Stream Center on Thursday.

Also, you will get to see how good a trained observer you are when Kerston shows you several “deep forest” photos and you will have to find the cougar in the picture. The first one to meet the challenge will receive an Adopt A Stream Foundation poster of sockeye salmon.

Kerston will also dispel most of the myths about cougars. There’s a lot of misinformation and myth surrounding these secretive cats, a prime predator of the Pacific Northwest forests.

Kerston will tell visitors about cougar ecology, behavior and management, and whether or not they prowl around in the suburbs.

Kerston is currently studying the potential influences of expanding housing developments on cougar-human interaction in Western Washington.

With the weather warming and hiking season not far behind, you’ll want to know more about cougars as you head into their habitat. You probably won’t see a cougar but you’ll want to know if one might be around.

“Cougars” begins at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Northwest Stream Center, McCollum Park, 600 128th St. SE, Everett.

“Cougars” is geared for sixth-graders and above. Call 425-316-8592 to reserve seats. The cost is $5 for Adopt A Stream Foundation members $5; $7 for nonmembers. For more information on this and other shows go to

As Long As The Rivers Run

Preserving a documentary film about the struggle for treaty fishing rights

Source: Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission


Norma Frank Being Arrested


Norma Frank is arrested on the banks of Nisqually River for exercising her treaty fshing rights. Photo Courtesy NWIFC


Tribal fishers, leaders and others active in the treaty fishing rights struggle are being interviewed for the second phase of the “As Long as the Rivers Run” documentary.

The first phase documented the Fish Wars of the late 1960s and early 1970s. The film, directed by Carol Burns and co-produced by Hank Adams, was acquired by Salmon Defense in September 2009.

The “As Long as the Rivers Run” project is aimed at conserving and redistributing the film as an educational tool. The film will be remastered to meet today’s digital standards, and will be distributed to tribes, schools and others.

The movie is available on DVD or streaming through the Internet Archive.

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, April 1-30

The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is one of the destination events for the Pacific Northwest, held from April 1-30. Every spring hundreds of thousands of people come to enjoy the celebration of spring as millions of tulips burst into bloom. As with all things governed by Mother Nature, the tulips bloom according to their own schedule sometime during the festival. The tulips allow us to share our corner of the world and showcase Skagit Valley agriculture.

Click here for more information.

Gardening with Cisco and Plant Swap at EvCC

Celebrate Earth Week at Everett Community College

Tuesday, April 23

Movie: “Who Killed the Electric Car?” 5-8 p.m. in Gray Wolf Hall, room 286. Watch the movie External Site Link about the development of an electric car in America and stay for a post-film discussion with EvCC Resource Conservation Manager Molly Beeman.

Wednesday, April 24

Gardening with Ciscoe
Pacific Northwest gardening export (and TV and radio star) Ciscoe MorrisExternal Site Link speaks on organic gardening and answers your questions.  1:00pm to 2:00pm in the Gray Wolf Hall Courtyard.  Free and open to the public.

Plant Swap 
Get all the green you want for free at the annual EvCC plant swap! Students and employees can donate plants and seeds April 24th.  Want to drop off your plants early in the AM?  You can bring them to Maintenance (the building behind Glacier Hall) from 7am to 9am on April 24th.   Want some new vegitation?   Pick up plants and share what you’ve got  between Parks Building and Graywolf Hall (in the Courtyard) From 9:30am-12:30pm or until they’re gone. (You don’t have to donate anything to take a plant home.)  Free and open to the public.

Thursday, April 25

EvCC’s Earth Art Competition
Submit your sustainable work of art at the EvCC Earth Week “Earth Art” competition for bragging rights and valuable prize money.  Click here for the 2013 Earth Art Entry Form.  No project?  Visit the Whitehorse Hall Critique space (Whitehorse Hall 2nd floor) between Monday, April 22nd and Thursday, April 25th to view the submissions.  Vote for your favorite recycled material artwork by submitting a “people’s choice” vote and help a starving artist find fame and acclaim!  EvCC Earth Art Competition projects will be displayed beginning Monday, April 22nd through Thursday, April 25th.  Judging will commence from 10am-1pm, April 25th, 2013,  Whitehorse Hall Critique Space.   Event entry limited to current students, staff and faculty of Everett Community College.  Event attendance is free and open to the public.

Click here to learn more about these events

Everett library hosts lectures on opera, ‘The Big Money’ novel

Source: The Herald

Here’s a chance to get your culture on.

The Everett Public Library is holding two presentations, one on opera and another on a classic novel.

Seattle Opera’s Robert McClung will talk about opera in general and will also discuss two operas coming up at Seattle Opera: Francis Poulenc’s “La Voix Humaine” and Giacomo Puccini’s “Suor Angelica.” Seattle Opera will be performing those operas from May 4 to 18.

McClung’s talk is at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the main library.

The second program is by professor Roger Berger, at 7 p.m. April 30, who will lead a discussion on John Dos Passos’ novel, “The Big Money,” as part of the library’s Books You’ve Always Meant to Read series.

The book is set in the Roaring ’20s and is considered experimental because the author punctuates the narrative using newspaper headlines, stream of consciousness segments, scraps of contemporary oratory and brief biographical sketches.

Berger will talk about these methods of narrative and the similarities between the time of “The Big Money” and today, according to a press release.

Both programs are free and at the Everett Library’s main auditorium, 2702 Hoyt Ave., Everett. To check the library’s event calendar online go to For more information call 425-257-8000.

28th Annual Edmonds Community College Pow Wow, May 3-5

EdCC Pow WowMay 3 -5, 2013
Edmonds Community College Pow Wow
FREE – Everyone Welcome!
Contest Pow Wow
Grand Entry Friday, 5/3 at 7:00 PM
Grand Entry Saturday, 5/4 at 1:00 PM & 7:00 PM Grand Entry Sunday, 5/5 at 1:00 PM
MC: Arlie Neskahi
AD: Robert Charles
Sound: Randy Vendiola
Host Drum: 206 (Pending Confirmation)

Nisqually Tribe is crossing the river to help salmon

Source: Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission

Eddy Villegas, a member of the Nisqually Tribe’s planting crew, unloads burlap sacks after a trip across the river.
Eddy Villegas, a member of the Nisqually Tribe’s planting crew, unloads burlap sacks after a trip across the river.


The Nisqually Indian Tribe is taking a creative approach to help a new streamside forest thrive.

“We’re using thousands of donated burlap sacks and transporting them across the Nisqually River by boat to make sure thousands of newly planted trees don’t get overrun by grass,” said David Troutt, natural resources director for the tribe. The tribe’s restoration planting crew recently reforested 15-acres of off channel habitat owned by the Nisqually Land Trust.

“Usually, we’d drive in with weed whackers and selectively use some herbicide to make sure the grass doesn’t take back over,” Troutt said. “But, this parcel is wet and remote, which means we had to take extreme measures.”

Much of the Land Trust property on the mainstem Nisqually is covered with water, so the tribe decided against traditional herbicide, because it might have spread downriver. Placing burlap sacks around the young trees prevents grass from crowding them out. Green Mountain Coffee Roasters in Sumner donated five pallets of used burlap sacks for the project.

After the initial work, the crew will return by boat every few weeks with weed whackers to take care of the plants they couldn’t put burlap around because they were too close to water. “We’ll have to maintain some plantings by hand because we’d probably see burlap sacks floating down the river if we tried to keep the grass down that way,” Troutt said.

The tribe employs a handful of tribal members on a planting crew that conducts and maintains salmon restoration planting projects across the watershed. Almost every habitat restoration project in the watershed has some element of planting and plant care. In just more than five years the crew has planted over 200,000 trees and shrubs.

Off-channel habitat is vital to the survival of young salmon, especially chinook, coho and steelhead. Those species can spend take more than a year before leaving for the ocean, so the quality of freshwater habitat is especially important. Both Nisqually chinook and steelhead are listed under the federal Endangered Species Act.

“Off channel areas give salmon a place to rest and feed during the winter when the mainstem of the river might be flooding, making it inhospitable for them,” Troutt said. “Hopefully, by restoring and protecting this spot on the river, we’ll see larger salmon runs for everyone in the future.”