TELA students celebrate summer with stuffed animals and music

By Shaelyn Smead, Tulalip News

On July 16, the Tulalip Early Learning Academy (TELA) held their second annual teddy bear picnic for ages 6 weeks to 3 years old. 

With TELA’s year-round program, children have a list of summer activities to attend like the teddy bear picnic. The children were told that they could bring their favorite stuffed animals and enjoy a sing-a-long and puppet performance from ‘Alleyloop music’. Alleyloop has been connected with the Montessori for around 20 years, and continues to entertain Tulalip youth. 

The show consisted of guitar-based songs, different puppets with their own personal melodies, and games. Shortly following, the TELA kitchen provided sack lunches for the children to enjoy in either their classrooms or outside with their friends.

Montessori manager Tami Burdett said, “We love to bring in different entertainers like the dinosaur group with ‘live’ dinosaurs, and the reptile man, during the summer. We’ve worked with Alleyloop music for a while now, he has been awesome every time, and really gets the kids engaged. It’s great to just mix it up and have some fun activities to get the kids involved and outside.”

With the bright summer sun shining, and guitar hymns flowing through the air, the children had the time of their lives laughing, singing, and dancing with their friends and stuffed animals. 

The performance made for a great addition to their final school week of the year, and some of the teachers were left feeling bittersweet about their last moments with their graduating preschoolers. 

Enrollment for TELA is ongoing year-round and they welcome all Tulalip children. If you or someone has a child that you would like to join, please contact the academy at (360) 716 – 4250, and ask about the enrollment requirements and documents. 

Tulalip Pride Everyday BBQ

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

“Love is love!” exclaimed Tulalip tribal member, Theresa Sheldon. Her words, amplified by large speakers, echoed triumphantly throughout the Don Hatch Youth Center campus, and were met with generous applause from a crowd of approximately fifty people. 

A momentous occasion took place on the afternoon of August 13 on the Tulalip reservation, that was both beautiful and long overdue. The very first local Pride event was held at the picnic area of Youth Center to celebrate the tribal two-spirit and LGBTQ+ community. 

“The medicine wheel is made with the males on one side and the females on the other side, and it’s the two-spirits who connect that circle together and makes it complete,” said Tulalip community member and event organizer, Phoenix Two Spirit (Cree). “It is so very important for the two-spirit community to be included in all of Indian Country – in all the councils, education, youth, advisory committees. It brings a healing to the community, and that’s what this is all about.”

The BBQ gained much anticipation over the past two years, and was originally scheduled to happen in 2020, but was delayed twice due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The fact that it was postponed made the event all the more fun and exciting for the participants. Many were looking forward to the Pride BBQ over the years and they finally got the opportunity to interact with others from the LGBTQ+ community while celebrating their true selves in a safe environment. 

Sponsored by the Tulalip Problem Gambling program, the Tulalip Family Wellness Court, and the Tulalip Community Health’s Youth Wellness Program, the event aimed to uplift, support, honor and recognize those individuals of our tribal community who identify as two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, or allies.  

“We are happy to host our first Pride Everyday event here at Tulalip in celebration of our 2SLGBTQI+ relatives,” said Tulalip Problem Gambling’s Sarah Sense-Wilson. “It was truly remarkable to see the joy, laughter, smiles, and festive energy collectively shared throughout the day. The collective work of decolonizing and undoing homophobic attitudes, behaviors and thinking starts with us as individuals, but is most impactful when tribal communities take strong positions in practicing inclusion and invest in one another authentically and with genuine commitment to healthy communities.”

With gorgeous weather, tasty food catered by Dickie’s BBQ, great tunes, and plenty of laughter, the Pride Everyday BBQ was the perfect way to cap off the summertime season. DJ Monie was on the ones and twos and provided great energy throughout the day. Making sure to play all the dance hits, the Tulalip disc jockey had everybody, from youth to elders, out of their seats and dancing to classic cuts such as the Cupid Shuffle, Cha Cha Slide, and the Macarena during various dance competitions. 

“I consider myself an ally,” said Erin Reyna in between dance sessions. “My daughter is bisexual, and my niece is a lesbian. I love supporting pride events, and I just wanted to bring my daughter here and enjoy the day together. I love being around the people, I love the energy and the music and the dancing. My daughter is eleven and it really means a lot to her. I think getting the message out there is cool, and I hope they do more events like this.”

Phoenix and all the Pride BBQ sponsors wish to build off this celebration and create more Pride events in the near future, and help establish a strong presence for the LGTBQ+ members within the community. Throughout time, many tribal nations have held space for their two-spirit membership and after years of trauma and forced assimilation, those individuals have felt left out in their respective communities due to the adapted colonized way of thinking. By creating a foundation for the local two-spirits and LGBTQ+ community, Pride focused events helps reclaim the narrative and the true lifeways of many tribal societies, and also lets those individuals of the LGBTQ+ community know that it’s more than okay to be who they truly are and to freely express themselves. 

Said Phoenix, “I have talked with the people at the Youth Center about getting an ongoing support social group. I think it’s important for the adults as well as the youth to be able to have a safe space where they can talk about what’s important to them. I’m working with them to provide a space and a time and creating a group for 18 and younger, and also one for 19 and older. I look forward to seeing the inclusion more of the two-spirits in all tribal government and activities.”

Sarah added, “We hope to continue to do these events throughout the year. We want to keep this momentum going and that idea of inclusion needs to be a common everyday practice. I am already looking forward to planning more ‘Pride’ events and supporting other programs and groups doing the critical work of dedicating resources for educating, decolonizing, and supporting 2SLGBTQI+ relatives.” 

After much dancing and fun in the sun, the three-hour event came to a close in heartwarming fashion, as everyone in attendance joined hands and created a dance circle around the picnic area while the Sister Sledge classic, ‘We Are Family’, played over the speakers. 

“I recently came out as a lesbian,” expressed young Seria Ahlberg after receiving a first-place award in one of the many dance competitions held throughout the day. “Today I was able to talk to other girls and relate to their experience and tell them how I feel as a lesbian. Today was really good. I had a great time and lots of fun, and I loved all the dancing!”

To stay updated on all the upcoming two-spirit and LGBTQ+ events, be sure to follow the Tulalip Two-Spirit Society Facebook page. 

Native American Fitness Council empowers local fitness leaders

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

The Native American Fitness Council (NAFC) was established in 2004 with the mission of empowering Native Americans through exercise education. The NAFC cofounders recognized a need for knowledgeable, passionate, and experienced Native American fitness instructors, but their vision didn’t stop there. These dedicated professionals developed programs that teach people to train other Natives in proper exercise and healthy lifestyles.

Today, NAFC has educated and inspired thousands of individuals to become positive role models in their communities. Tulalip was fortunate to receive their one-of-a-kind, culturally relevant approach to Native health during a two-day fitness camp hosted at our local youth center on August 4th and 5th

“The Fitness Council chose Tulalip as one of only four northwest tribes to help implement their vision of learning traditional games and exercises in an effort to ignite a spark for new fitness leaders within the local community,” said Erik Kakuska (Zuni Pueblo), western tribal diabetes project specialist. “These traditional games ranged from Eskimo Olympics, like the seal pull and seal carry, to the plains version of field hockey, better known as shinny.

“Our goal is to incorporate a great deal of functionality into all our workouts, so the youth learn proper form and alignment when they’re running, jumping, and really playing any popular sport,” he added. “The last two days have been filled with all kinds of activities that encourage the kids to find the fun in the game. Visiting tribal communities across the nation, we recognize that a lot of our culture was lost. It’s important to reteach that culture to the best of our abilities, and a part of that is teaching the value of keeping yourself healthy. Not only with your physical, but also with your mental.”

In true collaborative fashion, the NAFC worked side by side with Tulalip’s own diabetes care and prevention teams and representatives from youth services to make the multi-day fitness camp run as smoothly as possible. The shear quality of garden-fresh breakfasts and nutrition filled lunches cooked up by chef Brit Reed was almost as impressive as the 30 or so adolescents who went back for plate after plate. Filling up on much needed fuel for their mind, body and spirits as they engaged in a variety of A/C chilled, indoor games and even more sun soaked outdoor exercises in 80+ degree temperature. 

It’s no secret that as an ethnic group, Native Americans are hit the hardest, per capita, by several life shortening risk factors, such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes. Then there’s the recent engagement of our young people with that homicidal maniac Fentanyl. A dark topic that needs a brighter spotlight shed on it for sure, but we’ll save that for another time.

Breaking news! All these debilitating diseases can come to a screeching halt by simply making healthier decision on a routine basis. Wild, right? Well, the even better news is that there are those among Gen Z who recognize this truth and desire to break the stereotypes that depict their people as unhealthy. Two such lean, mean fighting against the diabetes machine tribal members were willing to share their fitness camp experience. 

“What I’ve enjoyed is that all the activities we’ve done aren’t really hard to do, like anyone can participate and still go at their own pace,” said 16-year-old Ryelon Zackuse. “I’ve had some coaches who’ve been really rude or loud trying to make a point and that makes some people want to give up. But the coaches and instructors here were sensitive to our people’s abilities and took it slow to make sure everyone understood the motions and rules of the games. Eating good foods and being active is important to me because I have goals I want to achieve through sports and I can’t achieve those things if I’m eating junk food all the time. Its pretty simple really, if you stop treating your body well, then eventually your body will stop treating you well.”

“My favorite parts of the camp were learning to play traditional games from other tribes across the country, like when we went onto the ball field and played shinny. Not only did we learn to play a new game, but they showed us some simple tips to make sure we were engaging our cores and keeping our hips in alignment while running,” added 17-year-old Samara Davis. “I’ve really enjoyed the past couple days, being with so many of my peers and just having fun outside. It’s important for all our people, the youngest to the elders, to know the importance of daily movement.

“Personally, I love the way fresh fruits and vegetables taste, so it was cool being in an environment where we were provided with good, nutritional foods,” she continued while snacking on an apricot. “Healthy habits, whether its eating or exercise, is all about consistency. Once you’ve learned the habits, just keep doing them. That’s how we become elders.”

The showcase of Tulalip physical talent ranged from flexing agility and dexterity with a balloon tied around their ankles while attempting stomp the balloon of another player, to demonstrating nimbleness and light on their feet juke moves in a hybrid version of dodge ball, except they used water-soaked sponges on the hot summer day. Two days filled with exercise, education, an abundance of health and nutrition advice, traditional games from across Indian Country, and many memories made for the what the Native American Fitness Council are dubbing community fitness leaders.

“Our team believes if the kids see us as adults having a good time and doing our best to demonstrate good fun sportsmanship in winning and losing, while embracing simple traditions like coming together to share in wonderful meals where the kids can share their experiences, then we all benefit and win,” explained Veronica ‘Roni’ Leahy, diabetes care and prevention manager

“Our health clinic wins in the sense our program engages with the youth of Tulalip by delivering the best we can offer, and gives us chances to build long-lasting, positive relationships. The youth of Tulalip wins by having opportunities to be trained by some of the best trainers in Indian Country, not to mention experience traditional foods and the making of traditional medicines, like sore muscle salves. It really was so amazing to witness all the joy and laughter from simple fun and games that brought us all together. 

“We look forward to a time when we can offer this again, but on a larger scale,” added Roni. “So many people of all ages could really learn and enjoy these expert trainers and have so much fun in the process. Definitely one of the best events our program has offered.”

George W. Lewis

August 1, 1934 – August 7, 2022
George W. (Bill) Lewis, 88 of Tulalip passed away on August 7, 2022.

Bill was born in Portsmouth, Ohio on August 1, 1934 to Oscar and Edith joining siblings, Nancy, Tom, Sandy, Hilda, Candy and Penny. His children included Denise, David, Bill, Crystal, Jackie and Gay.; Step-children, Datasha, Lynn, Richard, Gail and Ken, whom he added when marring Bernita Brown in 2001 until her passing in 2007,

Although Bill lived in Washington State for over 20 years, you would find him in front of the TV on Saturdays watching his Ohio State Football Team and rooting on those Buckeyes. Bill also enjoyed the Seahawks, Mariners, playing bingo (In his earlier days), singing Karaoke, going to Vegas and the Kentucky Derby. You might have even seen him driving around town on his Vespa Scooter.

Bill was preceded in death by his parents, Oscar and Edith; brother, Tom; wife Bernita; and grandson Dylan.

Bill leaves behind numerous family members.

Funeral services will be held Monday, August 15, 2022 at 10:00 AM at Schaefer-Shipman Funeral Home. Visitation will be from 9-10:00 AM. Burial at Mission Beach Cemetery.

Learning the fundamentals of S.T.E.M.

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

According to the U.S. Department of Education, if we want a nation where our future leaders, neighbors, and workers have the ability to understand and solve some of the complex challenges of today and tomorrow, and to meet the demands of the dynamic and evolving workforce, then building our students’ skills, content knowledge, and fluency in STEM fields is essential. We must also make sure that no matter where children live, they have access to quality learning environments. A child’s zip code should not determine their STEM fluency. 

For those unfamiliar with the acronym STEM, its stands for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. On the Tulalip Reservation this concept can be thought of as career pathways to critical departments within our government, such as Natural Resources, Tulalip Data Services (TDS), construction and infrastructure building, and financial literacy necessary for various fields of Finance. 

In today’s fast-paced, constantly changing, techno-driven climate, it’s imperative our Tulalip youth be prepared with fundamentals of STEM teaching, such as problem-solving, making sense of important information, and being able to gather and examine evidence to make sound decisions. These were the skills being learned in truly stunning ways at this year’s 5th annual STEM week, made possible by some brilliant minds journeying all the way from Colorado and our local homework support program.  

“Our youth today are digital girls and boys in a world that is digitally based,” said Shana Simpson, lead student support specialist. “It is important for our kids to make these connections between science, technology and mathematics in order to draw out the relation to engineering. For this to be possible, they must first gain the knowledge to understand those connections and how they are applied to everyday life.”

Shana and her fellow coworkers were able to witness first-hand the amazing journey several Tulalip youngsters were able to have in the STEM realm. Nearly twenty kids, ranging in grade level from kindergarten to 6th grade, learned the fundamentals of STEM in the kind of fashion previous generations only experienced while watching Bill Nye the Science Guy. 

“It is highly enjoyable to watch our kids get nerdy as they are captivated by STEM activities,” added Shana. “After participating in STEM week, the kids continue to make their own observations and connections once they leave here. They are more likely to repeat what they have learned and pass their knowledge along. Hopefully, some continue to hold on to their interest and develop it into a true passion as they get older. Their participation in STEM week gives them an advantage at school and, we like to think, more opportunities in the future.”

Not only does STEM provide a new way of thinking and learning to students, the earning potential of a STEM versus a non-STEM career is staggering. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average wage for all STEM occupations is $87,570. This is nearly double the average wage for non-STEM occupations averaging just $45,700. 

The four-day STEM week hosted from August 1-4 was anticipated for some time by Matthew and Kathy Collier, who taught the course to Tulalip’s youth for four straight years before the pandemic forced a two-year hiatus. The 2022 rendition a host of fund, hands-on activities that the kids embraced and thrived in.

“The robotic gripper teaching is all about studying different designs and analyzing how to make them more efficient. It also is an engineering model used in used in prosthetic limbs and shows how they can extend the use of programming and engineering to help humans. It’s used in Robotics and manufacturing,” explained Matthew Collier, STEM education training specialist. “The experiment with the brain scanner allowed children to tangibly see the force of their brain waves, invisible yet tangible forces we all have in our brains. 

“We taught them about Theta and Beta brain wave,” he continued. “Through the activity, they could see that Theta waves grow stronger with rest and Beta waves grow stronger through intentional focus. This science is used in education, medical science, behavior research and more. Additionally, the push car derby with LEGOs taught them to explore the forces of push and pull, as well as the effects of friction between objects. It provides great examples of cause and effect.”

From brain waves and robotics to a LEGO derby and computer coding, some of Tulalip’s youngest minds were able to successfully grasp STEM fundamentals and apply them in a variety of activities that have real world applications. The best part about their experience was the instructors’ enthusiasm and passion for STEM education was infectious. To the point the young participants were genuinely learning while having fun.

“The importance of providing children with STEM opportunities when they are young is the way in which it empowers them to better navigate their 21st century world around them,” said Kathy Collier, STEM education program development. “They can become participants rather than spectators in regards to the technologies that will influence every sphere of society. Through STEM camps like this one, as children take part in these activities, they begin to connect the dots in their understanding and discover that they may carry ideas for the next invention…or perhaps realize they hold the answer to a problem the world needs solved.”

A family reborn through naming ceremony and canoe unveiling

By Shaelyn Smead, Tulalip News; Photos courtesy of Stacey Sam

On July 30, a Tulalip family held a canoe unveiling and naming ceremony for four of their family members, Stacer, Sampson, Saleena and Scotty. The highly anticipated event followed years of the family members attempting to reconnect with their culture and people, and the desire to earn their Indian names.

Naming ceremonies and receiving an Indian name plays an important role in Native American culture. Certain elements and traditions of each ceremony are sacred and specific to it’s given tribe. Nonetheless, each name that is given carries on a piece of our ancestors, and the language that we speak. Rather than their English name, Native Americans can proudly use their new name and be a representation of our people and our perseverance. 

Traditionally speaking, Native Americans used to not receive a name at birth, and would instead earn a name that was passed down from their family lineage. The name is typically chosen based on their personality, skills, or similar characteristics and traits that a loved one also once had. These names are taken and used with pride as each person with a given name represents the strengths of the past and the promises of the future.

Stacey Sam is the father to Stacer, Sampson, Saleena, and Scotty. He once lived on the Tulalip Reservation and then went on to spend most of his life at Muckleshoot. Unfortunately, with some familial problems that Stacey faced growing up, he didn’t quite have the connection with his culture as much as he would’ve liked. But, after building a family, and having kids of his own, he was able to watch them grow and see them strive for a culturally-led life. 

Scotty was the first of the kids that made an initiative to connect with his culture and asked his brother Stacer to join him. They went out of their way to learn cultural teachings, become more engaged within the community, and create a newfound respect for their people and ancestors. They started by attending Coastal Jams up and down the coast, and eventually became apart of the Canoe Team in Muckleshoot. By doing so, Stacer also found a new love for singing and began performing at jams and ceremonies. 

After watching his children and their newly found cultural journey, Stacey was inspired to continue on the path that his children had embarked. He realized they had gone too long without culture in their lives, and wanted a reset for his family. He wanted to establish a new legacy for his family that would last for generations to come. He quickly connected with some tribal elders and Tulalip family, and decided that a family canoe unveiling and naming ceremony would be the perfect next step.

“This is all new to me, but I want to bring that cultural presence back into my family line. My kids have already started and I want to see it through. They helped me pick up the drum, and it’s a blessing to get to know our ways. This journey has opened my eyes with the way we all come together and take care of one another,” Stacey said.

Stacey reached out to George Swanaset Sr. of Nooksak, who is an avid canoe carver, to help build his family canoe. Stacey wanted to be sure the canoe could fit everyone in his family, and that the canoe would hold “S?adacut” on the side, a tribute to his late father William Edward ‘Sonny’ Sam. Being Tulalip himself, it was important to Stacey that the canoe would paddle off into Tulalip Bay.

Shortly after, Stacey reached out to various Tulalip tribal members and asked for their help to ensure the naming ceremony would play out perfectly. Don ‘Penoke’ Hatch who has been a longtime family friend of theirs helped orchestrate and organize the ceremony to ensure it’s traditional ties, “Stacey’s dad was a tremendous friend of mine, and I was glad to be involved” he said. Penoke talked about the importance of having the ceremony, “I’m really proud of what the Sam family is doing. It’s an honor to carry an Indian name. You earn your name, and it’s how you present yourself to your people.”

Marlin Fryberg also helped by researching the Sam family’s lineage to find appropriate names to use and pass on to all four of the children. It was decided that Stacer would carry on his grandfather’s Indian name “S?adacut”, Sampson would carry on “Tsoh-see-oose”, Saleena would hold “Tsee-si-lit-sah”, and Scotty would be named “Tix-tad”. All of the names came from their ancestors and family before them.

Quickly, more and more Tulalip family and community members became involved and helped with painting the canoe, cooking food for everyone in attendance, and establishing themselves as witnesses to the ceremony. What started off as just one family’s journey quickly became a community journey that supported and helped aid the teachings of our people.

On the day of, Tulalip members Thomas Williams and Natosha Gobin stepped up to the plate to help with ceremonial blessings and prayers, and the unveiling of the names. Most of the ceremony was presented first in Lushootseed and then parts in English to instill its traditional roots.

The ceremony couldn’t have gone more perfectly. “I had never been to a naming ceremony before, and I didn’t know what to expect. But once it all took place, I felt very calm and at peace. I feel honored to carry my grandpa’s name. And being so close with my siblings growing up, it meant a lot to do this together,” Stacer said. 

The Sam family could feel their ancestors smiling down on them as they took this new step together. They are extremely grateful to everyone who helped them take on this journey and rebuild their cultural ways. Being gifted their Indian names was a fresh start for their family, and created a new sense of pride that they planned to hold onto for the rest of their lives.

Pride BBQ happening Saturday, August 13

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

“We want to make sure the youth have a place, a space, and a voice if they are part of the LGBTQ+ community,” said Problem Gambling Counselor, Robin Johnson. “This is a super important event to bring community awareness to the two-spirit population at Tulalip and the surrounding area. It’s important to make sure that they feel comfortable in our community. This is the big kick-off event, it ought to be great and lots of fun.”

Years in the making, the highly anticipated Pride Everyday BBQ at Tulalip is scheduled to take place on August 13, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the Don Hatch Community Center. Since the successful, and Tulalip Youth Council organized, Pride Walk in 2018, members of the LGBTQ+ community at Tulalip were inspired to create a yearly Pride celebration on the reservation.

Aiming to embrace, uplift, support, honor and help individuals create new friendships within the local two spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, asexual, and ally community, the Pride BBQ promises nothing but great times, good summertime grub, and fun for all. 

Phoenix Two Spirit (Cree) is a well-known member of the Tulalip community, as well as the self-proclaimed ‘instigator’ of this project. Phoenix presented the idea for the get-together as well as helped organize the event. Phoenix shared, “This event is great for community awareness. It’s part of the decolonization process, recognizing that two-spirit people have been in the Indigenous community since time immemorial. And it’s time to recognize that, indeed, there is a place for two-spirit people in the tribal community, that they hold a special place. This is not new. This is reclaiming our past.”

Originally planned for 2020, the Pride BBQ was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. After the tribal government re-opened, following the first initial wave of the novel coronavirus, the Pride BBQ was rescheduled to take place last summer. That is, until a large spike in the number of COVID cases at Tulalip rose once more prior to the event, causing another postponement. Now, nearly a year later, the Pride BBQ is happening for the very first time.

Said Phoenix, “I’ve been in the Tulalip area for a few years and thought that this a very-needed event. I’ve been part of the pride celebrations in Seattle and Snohomish County, and I have been noticing announcements locally for Puyallup, Muckleshoot, and Lummi, who are having pride celebrations. There has been much interest by the Tulalip LGBTQ+ TS community to have an event, but COVID put a damper on creating one. So, now is the time to bring us together and celebrate our community.”

The Tulalip Pride BBQ will feature music by DJ Monie Ordonia, as well as several icebreaker games and activities, which helps create opportunities for people to meet and build connections while celebrating their true selves together. 

The event is sponsored by the Tulalip Problem Gambling Program, Tulalip Family Wellness Court, and the Tulalip Community Health’s Youth Wellness program. With the promise of high 70-degree weather on Saturday, the Pride BBQ is sure to be a day to remember for all involved, so be sure to mark your calendar and come show your pride and support!

“I want everybody to know that everyone is welcome to come,” expressed Phoenix. “Whether you define yourself in the LGBTQ+ community, the two-spirit community, if you are friends, family, allies, or tribal members, I want everyone to feel welcome to come.”

Robert Wade Monger

February 17, 1959 -August 6, 2022
Robert Wade Monger, WHAAKADUP from Tulalip, went to the be with his creator in Eternal life on August 6th 2022. Whaakadup was 63 born on February 17th 1959 to Hirontimus Monger and Magdalene L Cladoosby in Everett Wa. 
Robert gained his Indian name Whaakadup from his Aunt Beverly Grant Cladoosby, who raised him for the first 3 yrs. of his life. Whaakadup continued his younger year in Everett with his parents and siblings, traveling back to Tulalip visiting friends and relatives. Whaakadup at 14 met and married Darla Imhoff Perry where they moved back to Tulalip living next to the Taylors and they had Jennifer. Whaakadup worked with his Uncle George building Dock on beach for the fisherman, where he learns from his elders the love of the water that lasted his whole life. 
Whaakadups #1 love was Fishing with his partner Rodney and Glen Simpson on the Fishen Magician he referred to as a high liner. 
Whaakadup later met Brenda having his second daughter Danielle, in 1982. 
In 1994 Whaakadup did his tour of duty (as her referred), in Washington State corrections, this is where the story begins with the Love of his Lisa A Monger Stakiyote meeting at Pine lodge prerelease, a program for first time offender and a chance at a new life, Whaakadup became the drum carrier for the Native Circles, running sweats and drumming. This is the start of his passion for helping other offenders find a new way to live, once release from prison. Whaakadup was the Native American Chaplin from 2006 to 2012, in this year starting the battle to bring back the rights of the Native Americans incarcerated. Whaakadup stated this fight with Gab Galanda to advocte the right of Natives to have their Ceremonies and Tobacco other medicines, returning Frybread and other culture foods to the Powwows along with the families and Children. This was the birth of the HOYT foundations, Whaakadup ran sweats, drumming and beading circle as part of the culture. 
Whaakadup and Lisa became very well known in the Native Circles around the State of Washington as those to protect the rights.
Whaakadup worked with Skipper Jones on the Skipper J for many year digging Ducks, where he almost lost his life. This is when he retired for Gooey ducken.
Whaakadup worked for many years for the Tulalip Tribes in different areas including, Casino, Boys and Girls Club, and the Tulalip Government. Whaakadup worked for the Healing Lodge as a Recovery Coach sharing his passion and life and Culture in the teachings. Mentoring many young men and women on the road to recovery. Whaakadups current position was spiritual recovery at Family Service, where he continues sharing the passion of stay clean and sober through life. 
Whaakadup was also the Native American Roadman for The Fireplace of Man, caring songs and prayers to many. Whaakadups love for his Culture and sharing the gifts of Songs, Drum making, jewelry making, paddles, actually what ever it was he would learn and do it well. 
His life and love are his girls, Jennifer Marie, Danielle Ruiz Monger (Eli) Brittany Monger (Joel) son Caleb his grandkids, Wesley, Autumn, Julie, Kiara, Lexi, Izzy, Sajali, Leondra, Nathan, Ryan, and Dylan, Journey, Adela, Madalina, Caleb Jr, Dekota, Tony. Great Grands, Emily, Brexley, Royce, and Champ. Many more kids calling him Grampa. 
Whaakadup is survived by his Wife of 27 years Lisa anne Monger, brother Chuck Vasser, sisters, Lucina Jo Cladoosby and Rose Webb (Kevin) , many nieces and nephew, great nieces and nephew, and great great nephews and nieces with extended family and friends he called family.
He was preceded in death by his patents Hirontimus and Magdaline Monger, brothers, Joey, Daryle, Richard, Jack, Robert, Jim, Totums, Ernest and Mark sr. sisters Anita and Tina louise and son Dylan Dale Monger. 
Remembering the words of Whaakadup: 
Its better to speak with less Thunder in your mouth and more lightening in your fist, in other words don’t talk about it, be about it! Say what you mean and mean what you say or don’t say it at all, cuz words don’t impress, the world is full of Betty Crockers, Big Talkers. 
We have been Blessed for many Generations with The Man The Myth The Legend.
Whaakadup Monger 

A celebration of his life will be held Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 10:00 AM at the Tulalip Gathering Hall with burial to follow at Mission Beach Cemetery.