Disenrollment Is Bad for the Bottom Line

Jared Miller, Indian Country Today Media Network

If you are following efforts by the Nooksack tribal government to purge 306 members from its rolls, you probably hold one of two views on the matter.

You may believe tribal disenrollment is patently unjust and requires some kind of federal or international intervention on behalf of the “Nooksack 306.” Or you may feel that disenrollment is solely a matter for the Nooksack Tribe to sort out, and non-tribal authorities should stay out of it.

Allow me to propose a third possibility.

Disenrollment is a business matter. That’s because tribal governments abandoning members en masse will harm their own bottom line by engendering negative media and investor perceptions. More critically, they threaten the bottom line of Indian businesses everywhere. As such, Indian people and tribal governments across the country have an interest in seeing that ugly disenrollment fights like the one on the Nooksack Reservation in Washington State do not happen. They should act to protect that interest.

Nooksack tribal officials endeavor to end forever the affiliation of 306 members. Disenrollment by the tribe could mean loss of benefits like housing, healthcare and education. Even more painful, according to some Nooksack members facing disenrollment, termination of tribal membership means a heart-rending loss of formal contact with their community and their culture.

As expected, the Nooksack 306 are fighting hard in courts and elsewhere to maintain tribal connections, and to secure rights to all the tangibles and intangibles that emanate from their identities as tribal people. Lawsuits are pending in tribal court and tribal appellate court, as well as federal court.

The battle is a public one. Local reporters have been on the story for some time. On August 25, the Seattle Times waded into the fray with a piece detailing the saga. Even more recently, Al-Jazeera introduced its growing audience to the story. Suddenly, what was essentially a family fight has become a very public airing of Nooksack dirty laundry.

Reporters have focused on a couple of angles. Some highlight accusations that greed, corruption, and racism aimed at tribal members with Filipino ancestry are driving disenrollment efforts. Others report that Nooksack officials may have ignored their own laws by failing to provide due process throughout the disenrollment process. All the coverage paints an unflattering picture.

Similar stories are trending across Indian country. According to Stephen L. Pevar’s book, The Rights of Indians and Tribes, “thousands of tribal members have been disenrolled from their tribes, usually from those with profitable casinos whose remaining members would then receive a larger share of the profits.” Another noted Native American professor has called the disenrollment era a “sort of tribal civil war.”

So what can be done?

Predictions about the disenrollment trend are bleak. For example, University of Minnesota Professor David E. Wilkins, in a June 4, 2013 column for Indian Country Today Media Network, predicted that “native disenrollments will continue unabated” until either Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court intervene. His column suggests potential avenues of short-term redress for individuals facing disenrollment, but Professor Wilkins seems to assert that only federal authorities can provide comprehensive relief.

Let’s hope he’s wrong. For one thing, enrollment (or disenrollment) is a matter for tribes to decide. It is rarely advisable for outsiders to intervene in tribal infighting, and federal law is clear that non-Indian courts generally have no jurisdiction in matters of tribal membership (save for habeas corpus or a collateral federal question). Inviting Congress or the Roberts Court to intervene should send shivers up your spine.

Moreover, there is reason for optimism. Tribal governments have shown a stunning talent for pragmatism and savvy in matters of tribal business and finance. Walk into most any Indian-owned casino and you’ll experience a level of professionalism and service that scoffers never predicted, to cite just one example.

And let’s be clear: Disenrollment is a business issue. Ugly battles like the one at Nooksack have potential to deeply affect tribes’ bottom lines. That’s partly because non-Indians may view such controversies as indicators of greed and corruption. Investors may also conclude that partnering with a tribal government engaged in abandoning its own citizens is not worth the risk to investment.

And non-Indians viewing disenrollment through the lens of old stereotypes may extrapolate those notions to tribes generally. It shouldn’t happen, but it does.

There is a price attached to everything. Tribes mulling disenrollment need to focus on the cost to business. They must consider that disenrollment can spook investors, and the negative financial impacts can be long term, widespread and devastating. (Just Google “Nooksack disenrollment” to see what potential business partners will read when they research the Nooksack Tribe.) Native American leaders should pause to understand that a tribe going to war with itself drives down the stock price of all of Indian country.

In addition to financial interests, there is a real risk that Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court might one day make new law in the area of tribal citizenship. We just saw the Court diminish Indian child welfare law and tribal cultural identity in the “Baby Veronica” case. Now imagine how the Roberts Court might undermine tribal citizenship if given the chance.

For these reasons, tribal governments and tribal officials should employ the forces of regional and national intertribal politics to pressure officials pursuing disenrollment. It is time to pick up the phone, or the pen, or write an email. Get creative. Too much is at stake to remain silent.

Pressure on the Nooksack government should begin now. Journalists and potential Indian-country investors are closely watching this fight, and they will take note as it unfolds. It would go a long way to shape media and investor perceptions of tribal governments if the Nooksack government could wake up to the big picture and resolve its problems without throwing hundreds of members off the rolls.

But no matter where you stand on the Nooksack fight, putting an end to disenrollment is critical for the bottom line in Indian country.

Jared Miller is a lawyer practicing tribal law and federal Indian law in Washington State.


Read more at http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2013/09/28/disenrollment-bad-bottom-line

South Fork Nooksack Chinook Captive Broodstock Reach Spawning Age

Staff at NOAA’s Manchester Research Station ultrasound a chinook salmon to determine its sex and whether it is ready to be spawned.
Staff at NOAA’s Manchester Research Station ultrasound a chinook salmon to determine its sex and whether it is ready to be spawned.

Source: Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission

More than 500 mature chinook salmon raised in captivity could produce about 1 million eggs at the Lummi Nation’s Skookum Creek Hatchery this year.

Of those, more than 600,000 juveniles are expected to be released into the river next spring.

The fish are part of a captive broodstock program to preserve threatened South Fork Nooksack River chinook. The multi-agency effort involves Lummi, the Nooksack Tribe, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Its goal is to help the recovery of the South Fork Nooksack chinook, a significant population that must be on a path to recovery before Endangered Species Act restrictions can be lifted.

In 2007, the partners began collecting juvenile chinook in the South Fork Nooksack River to raise to spawning age. The juveniles were genetically tested to sort out stray fish from hatchery programs and the South Fork Nooksack chinook were transferred to the WDFW Kendall Creek Hatchery for initial rearing. Later, half of the fish were retained to rear in fresh water at Kendall, while the other half were transferred to the NOAA Manchester Research Station for rearing in salt water.

The first offspring spawned from the captive broodstock were released in 2011. Project managers expect the program to peak in 2016 with the release of 1 million juveniles. Based on a conservative survival rate, more than 4,000 adult chinook could return to the South Fork Nooksack in 2019.

Historically, about 13,000 natural origin South Fork spring chinook spawned in the Nooksack River, but since 1999, surveys estimated that fewer than 100 native spring chinook returned as adults. Degraded and lost habitat are the main reasons for the population’s decline, as there are no directed harvest on the stock. Incidental catches, mostly in Canadian fisheries, are relatively insignificant.

“We needed to protect this population while we conduct extensive habitat work,” said Merle Jefferson, natural resources director for the Lummi Nation. “Our hope is that these fish, when they return, will jumpstart the population in restored habitat.”

Both the Nooksack Tribe and the Lummi Nation have done restoration work in the South Fork to re-establish suitable habitat for salmon to rear, feed and spawn.

Zucchini Bread recipe as featured in the See-Yaht-Sub



Photo by Brandi Montreuil


This recipe was created by Monica Brown, by combining 3 different recipes and has a touch of honey which gives it a unique sweetness. Recipe makes 2 loafs of bread


Wet ingredients:

2 cups shredded and drained raw zucchini

2 eggs

1 cup vegetable oil

¼ cup honey

2 tsp vanilla


Dry ingredients

1 ½ cups white sugar

3 cups flour

2 tsp baking powder

2 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1.5 to 2 tsp cinnamon (depending on liking)

1 cup chopped walnuts (optional)



Shred about 4 small to medium sized zucchini and drain well. Mix wet ingredients in large mixing bowl and then add sugar. Measure out rest of the dry ingredients in a separate bowl and slowly add to wet mixture. Mix until combined, be sure not to over mix. Mixture will be fairly thick.

Preheat oven to 325, grease and flour 2,  9” X 5” loaf pans. Pour mixture as evenly as possible into pans. Bake for 50 – 70 minutes, or until wooden pick comes out clean.  Cool bread in pans for 10 minutes and then jiggle to loosen bread and remove to cool on wire rack for 30 minutes prior to wrapping in aluminum foil.

34 years of encouraging wellbriety

Language department sings welcome song in Lushootseed at the opening of the banquet
Language department sings welcome a song in Lushootseed at the opening of the banquet

By Monica Brown, Tulalip News writer

TULALIP, WA – Addiction can happen to anyone. It is not something that strikes instantly; it begins as a habit, slowly overtaking the person in a process that can take anywhere from days to years. An addiction starts as a habit that becomes harmful to the person, eventually they reach a threshold where they are no longer in control of their choices but are instead controlled by their habit.

Tulalip celebrated its 34th annual Wellbriety Banquet at the Tulalip Resort’s Orca ballroom on Saturday, Sept 21st.  As people arrived and filled the ballroom they greeted one another with hugs, handshakes and laughter. The annual banquet provides an occasion for tribal members to come together and recognize each other’s challenges as they overcome addiction.

The language department opened the event by greeting everyone with a welcome song sung in Lushootseed. Tribal board member Mel Sheldon started off the evening of speeches by thanking everyone for being there and invited the tribal members that had been asked to speak to come to the stage and tell their story about addiction and recovery.

Katie Jones told her story of addiction, recovery and how it has affected not only her life but her children’s lives. “Our addiction takes over; when they say “It’s becoming you” they’re not lying. It becomes your best friend,” said Katie. She is now part of many support groups and helps others stay on the path to recovery. She is also beginning a program which will help guide parents through the system to help them get custody of their children back.

Rudy Madrigal is now a legitimate, successful business man.  He explained how his addiction was different in a way that it wasn’t all about substance abuse, “I bring a different type of addiction; I was addicted to money.” Rudy admitted how he remembers selling to many of the people in the room. “Addiction is where you lose your family; you lose everything. I even lost my reservation. I was excluded from this reservation for what I did.”

The stories are upsetting to listen to but they have an ending that gives hope to others struggling with their addiction.  When Board member Deborah Parker was asked to speak, she explained how when people share their stories of hurt or anger, how important it is to cleanse yourself off so you aren’t carrying the hurt or anger around with you.

Deborah said, “In a teaching an elder gave me this week, “He said to make sure you wash yourself with water, wherever you go.” You can go to the river; you can go to the bay. Go, be next to the water. Even if you don’t have time for that, when you wash yourself off in the morning, make sure you take that water and you cleanse yourself and ask for something for yourself, maybe it’s  healing or to release some anger or hurt you have in your heart.”

Sarah Murphy and Children2Before the live entertainment and dancing would start they began the sobriety countdown.  As the 40 year countdown went on, throughout the room as people stood to declare how long they had been clean and sober it was made evident that quite a few attendees have been enjoying the Wellbriety banquets for many years.


Chairman, Mel Sheldon welcomes everyone to the banquet.

Weekend fun: Free flights, music, big pumpkins, more

Rose Windows will perform on Saturday in Everett.
Rose Windows will perform on Saturday in Everett.

Source: The Herald

Glass gourds: Shack-toberfest is already under way and runs through Sunday in downtown Everett. There will be pumpkin carving and classes on how to make your own glass pumpkin. There will also be glass pumpkins for sale. There is a beer and brat night on Friday. Get all the details here.

Live music: See Rose Windows, who recently signed to SubPop, perform with The Maldives and Learning Team on Saturday at 8 p.m. The show is at Kroakers in Everett. You can get tickets here.

Spruce up your home: The Everett Fall Home Show is Friday to Sunday at Comcast Arena. You’ll find vendors that will do just about anything to improve your home. There will also be free seminars on home improvement. At the same time, there will be a gift and food show in the arena. Taste some good food and get a jump on holiday shopping. Get the details in our story here.

Free parks day: All state parks and national parks will be free on Saturday to celebrate National Public Lands Day. There are also a number of work parties on trails. Check here for more information.

Find a feline: Look for a new family friend, or just go for fun, at The Secret Life of Cats adoption event at the Everett Animal Shelter on Sunday. More than 100 cats and kittens will be available for adoption. There will even be a tarot reader to do readings for humans and felines alike. Get more details in our story here.

Good gourds: Check out the winner of the Giant Pumpkin contest at the Skagit Valley Festival from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday at Christianson’s Nursery and Greenhouse, 15806 Best Road, Mount Vernon. In addition to huge veggies there will be music, carnival games and food. And don’t forget the toad races. Read more in our story here.

Go for a flight: Kids can take free plane rides at the Arlington Airport Appreciation Day. The event is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday. Get the details in our story here.

Look up: Take a virtual trip to Rome to view the unequaled artwork of Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the Everett Public Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave. Rebecca Albiano of the Frye Art Museum will be your tour guide at this free presentation.

Friendly persuasion: Grab a pal or meet one at the Friendship Walk Saturday at Arlington’s Legion Park, 114 N. Olympic. Registration for the walk begins at 11 a.m. and donations benefit people with special needs. The one-mile walk begins at 1 p.m. You can also get friendly with reptiles in a special demonstration or enjoy a $5 hot dog lunch. Click here for more information.

Autumn leaves: Pick up some tips on what plants work well in fall and winter gardens at a free workshop with Trevor Cameron at 10 a.m. Saturday at Sunnyside Nursery, 3915 Sunnyside Blvd., Marysville. Call 425-334-2002 for more information.

It’s science, guys: The Arlington Library double-dog dares you to show up at 2 p.m. Saturday to learn some amazing challenges and tricks. The free science demonstrations are for all ages at the library at 135 N. Washington Ave. Call 360-435-3033 for more information.

When in Rome: Stomp some grapes, toss some pizza, watch a bocce tourney and learn to cook Italian at Festa Italiana from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday at the Seattle Center.

Get involved: It’s also Family Day Saturday at the center, thanks to Melinda and Bill Gates. Free events for kids include arts and crafts, games and brainiac activities. The foundation will also show kids how they can give back like the Gates family does. Go to www.seattlecenter.com for information about all center activities.

Poetry reading: Uppercase Bookshop in Snohomish will host two renowned poets for a reading and Q&A at 7 p.m. Friday. John Sibley Williams and Amber Nelson will both read from their works. Get more info here.

Hum along: Songwriter Nick Drummond performs at 7:30 Saturday night at Tim Noah Thumbnail Theater, 1211 Fourth St., Snohomish. Drummond used to be with Impossible Bird and The Senate. Tickets are $15 at brownpapertickets or at the door. Call 360-568-9412 for more information.

Who are you? Curious about your ancestors? The Snohomish Genealogy Workgroup will help you get started researching your family history from 10 to 11:45 a.m. Saturday at the Snohomish Library, 311 Maple Ave. Call 360-568-2898 for more information.

Celebrate diversity: Marysville’s first Multicultural Fair to celebrate diversity in the Marysville-Tulalip communities and the many cultures who call the area home is Saturday. The free event is 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at Comeford Park, 514 Delta Ave. There will be music, dancing and food. Get more info here.

Art Walk: A Stanwood art walk will cover the historic east end of Stanwood, encompassing the 8700 block of 271st Street NW one block north of Highway 532, from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday. Get your “passports” stamped and initialed at the participating businesses then turn in your completed “passport” for a chance to become a winner in the free drawing. Fifteen small local businesses are showing paintings, pottery, jewelry and more.

Car show: The Snohomish Classic Car & Hot Rod Display is 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. More than 600 antique, classic and exotic hot rod cars and trucks will be on display. Get more details here

Live sustainable: Check out the Sustainable Preparedness Expo on Sunday at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds. The show focuses on preparing your family in the case of disaster, sustainable living and homesteading. Vendors will be there with hard-to-find supplies and there are a number of workshops and seminars planned. Click here for the details.

So soft: Stop by Fern Ridges Alpacas in Clinton to learn more about alpacas their fiber and the farming business on Saturday and Sunday. Find out more about the farm here. The event is part of National Alpaca Farm Days.

Celebrate salmon: Enjoy riverside salmon viewing tours, Indian tacos, a native flute concert and more at the Return of the Salmon celebration in Sultan. The event, featuring kid’s activities, live music, dance and horse-drawn covered wagon rides, is from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday at Osprey Park, 801 First St. For details, call 425-359-8936.

Cheers! Taste and celebrate the return of Foggy Noggin Brewing’s seasonal scotch ale at a special tasting event on Saturday. You can also buy pint and growlers of the seasonal beer, which will run out within eight weeks, at the brewery’s tasting room in Bothell. More information here.

Marysville Police seek public’s help locating Level III sex offender

John-StainsMARYSVILLE — Marysville Police are looking for a level III sex offender who was registered to reside at a home in Marysville but has not been heard from for several weeks.

John E. Stains, 39, was registered to live in the 4900 block of 61st Street in Marysville. Detectives went to the address on Sept. 26 to conduct a routine monthly check and were told Stains had left the residence a couple of weeks prior and had not returned. Stains has not registered himself to another address and his whereabouts are unknown.

In 2009 Stains pled guilty in Snohomish County Superior Court to one count of First Degree Incest. His conviction was the result of Stains sexually assaulting an adult female victim after being allowed to stay at the victim’s home. He threatened to kill the victim upon leaving the residence.

Stains did not participate in sex offender treatment while in prison. At the time of his 2009 conviction he made statements about a desire to abduct women from a trail, and sexually assaulting them.

In addition to being wanted for failing to register, Stains has a felony Department of Corrections warrant for Escaping Community Custody.

Stains is a white male, 6-00, 210, brown hair and blue eyes. He wears glasses.

“In light of his statements, we are concerned enough to ask the public to help us get Stains into custody,” stated Marysville Police Cmdr. Robb Lamoureux.

Any information regarding the whereabouts of John Stains should be directed to the Marysville Police Department at 360-363-8350.

No Doubt: Humans Responsible for Climate Change, U.N. Panel Finds

Source: Indian Country Today Media Network

The United Nations has analyzed all the data, and in a new report states unequivocally that humans are the primary cause of climate change worldwide.

Compiling four potential scenarios based on varying amounts of greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric concentrations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change announced its results and released a draft of its five-year report on the state of the global climate.

“It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century,” said the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which conducted the analysis, in a statement announcing the release of its report, Climate Change 2013: the Physical Science Basis. “The evidence for this has grown, thanks to more and better observations, an improved understanding of the climate system response and improved climate models.”

Among the most alarming findings are that the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide have increased to levels unprecedented in at least the last 800,000 years, the panel said, with carbon dioxide concentrations up by 40 percent since pre-industrial times—mainly from fossil fuel emissions, as well as from emissions due to changes in net land use. About 30 percent of the carbon dioxide has been absorbed by the oceans, where it contributes to ocean acidification, the panel said.

RELATED: Study Finds Possibly Unprecedented Rate of Ocean Acidification

Climate Change: Arctic Ocean Is Acidifying Fast, Study Shows

“Observations of changes in the climate system are based on multiple lines of independent evidence,” said Qin Dahe, Co-Chair of the panel’s main working group. “Our assessment of the science finds that the atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amount of snow and ice has diminished, the global mean sea level has risen and the concentrations of greenhouse gases have increased.”

Out of four potential scenarios, the panel calculated that by the end of the 21st century, global surface temperatures may very well increase by 1.5 degrees Celsius or even 2 degrees Celsius beyond what they were from 1850 to 1900, said Thomas Stocker, the working group’s other co-chair.

“Heat waves are very likely to occur more frequently and last longer,” Stocker said in the statement. “As the Earth warms, we expect to see currently wet regions receiving more rainfall, and dry regions receiving less, although there will be exceptions.”

Changes in the climate system since 1950 “are unprecedented over decades to millennia,” the statement said, emphasizing that “warming in the climate system is unequivocal” and that “each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850.”

Not only are these changes taking place, but they are also accelerating, the scientists cautioned.

“As the ocean warms, and glaciers and ice sheets reduce, global mean sea level will continue to rise, but at a faster rate than we have experienced over the past 40 years,” said Co-Chair Qin Dahe.

This is not news to the Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island and beyond, of course. Already numerous indigenous communities face the effects of rising sea levels, melting permafrost and other environmental effects.


Read more at http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2013/09/27/no-doubt-humans-responsible-climate-change-un-panel-finds-151476

Sultan celebrates salmon

Source: The Herald

Return of the Salmon

Sultan’s Return of the Salmon Celebration begins at noon Saturday at Osprey Park, 801 First St. The event runs to 4 p.m.

There will be a Tulalip tribal welcoming ceremony honoring of Sultan’s namesake, Chief T’seul-ted; riverside salmon viewing tours; Indian tacos; a native flute concert; vendors, children’s activities; watershed education; plains-style drumming and round-dance; horse-drawn covered wagon rides and much more.

Sultan Mayor Carolyn Eslick has proclaimed Sept. 28 as “A Day of Remembrance for Chief T’seul-Ted, and a Day Celebrating the Return of the Salmon.” More info: Contact Craig Young, 425-359-8936.

Live music: Rose Windows, which recently signed with SubPop, performs with The Maldives and Learning Team on Saturday at 8 p.m. The show is at Kroakers, 3021 Rucker, Everett. Richie Rekow, bassist for Rose Windows, attended Everett High School. You can get tickets, for $10, at http://bit.ly/14qAWaC. This is an Everett Music Initative show. Check out what else they have coming up at www.everettmusiciniative.org.

Cats need homes: Anyone who has ever been owned by a cat knows that the creatures can be a bit mysterious. For one thing, why do they dash around the house at top speed at 2 a.m.?

The Everett Animal Shelter is having some fun with the mystery of cats, and hoping to find loving homes for some felines, at the Secret Life of Cats adoption event and garage sale Sunday.

More than 100 cats and kittens will be available for adoption from the Everett Animal Shelter, Purrfect Pals, Homeward Pet, NOAH and PAWS.

“This year we’ve had help from several local groups to really make this a fun event,” said Dee Cordell with the Everett Animal Shelter. “We’ll even have a tarot card reader on hand if you want to find out what’s really going on in your cat’s mind.”

Yes, there will really be tarot card readings for your cat. Your cat doesn’t need to be present. The reader, Bev Bryant, also will do readings for humans.

There will be a garage sale to benefit the Everett shelter’s veterinary clinic. Lunch items will be for sale.

The event is set for 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the shelter, 333 Smith Island Road, Everett.

Native Artist Bunky Echo-Hawk to Open Exhibition at Field Museum

Source: Native News Network

CHICAGO – Combined with his own artwork and artifacts from The Field Museum’s collections, hand-selected by Native artist Bunky Echo-Hawk, The Field Museum’s latest exhibition, “Bunky Echo-Hawk: Modern Warrior,” opens on Friday, September 27.

Native Artist Bunky Echo-Hawk

Native Artist Bunky Echo-Hawk heads to Chicago


Echo-Hawk is a member of the Pawnee and Yakama Nation. He and curator Alaka Wali personally selected the Pawnee objects from The Field Museum collections as well as several Yakama and Arapaho objects.

A graduate of the Institute of American Indian Arts, he is a painter, graphic designer, photographer and writer. He is also is a traditional singer and dancer.

Throughout his career, Echo-Hawk has merged traditional values with his lifestyle and art. He has exhibited his work in major exhibitions throughout the United States and internationally in New York City, Chicago, Denver, Santa Fe, and Frankfurt, Germany, among many others.

Highlights of this exhibition include a vibrant portrait of Yoda sporting Native American headdress, basketball sneakers Echo-Hawk designed for Nike, a 100 year old historic Pawnee drum, and skateboards designed by Bunky. The exhibition also includes a Field Museum produced video about Echo-Hawk’s “live art” process.

The exhibition will feature historic objects from The Field Museum’s collections alongside Echo-Hawk’s artwork. Echo-Hawk’s spirited and witty presentation gives visitors a look into The Field Museum’s historic clothing, weaponry and musical instruments from the Pawnee nation. “Bunky Echo-Hawk: Modern Warrior” is a part of the ongoing “Straight from The Field” series of exhibitions.

The exhibition is organized by The Field Museum and co-curator Bunky Echo-Hawk.

This project is made possible by a grant from the US Institute of Museum and Library Services.

“Bunky Echo-Hawk: Modern Warrior” Exhibition Opening

Friday, September 27

The Field Museum
1400 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60605

Predatory lending and Indian country

By Arvind Ganesan, The Congress Blog

Western Sky, a private online payday lender based on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in South Dakota, suspended its operations in early September after New York’s attorney general filed suit against it for violating state usury laws.  This was the latest blow to a company already facing a number of state and federal suits for its allegedly illegal and abusive practices.  Finally, the company said it stopped operating to deal with its legal problems.  It would be easy to simply say good riddance to Western Sky.  But the situation is more complex.

I spent the day with Butch Webb, Western Sky’s owner, and some employees last December. Webb told me Western Sky was the largest private employer on the reservation. In a place where about 50 percent of adult workers are either unemployed or out of the workforce, that means a lot.

Webb offered the promise of hundreds of jobs to tribal members in exchange for peddling online predatory loans to people off the reservation.  Western Sky said it never lent money to people at Cheyenne River or in South Dakota.  One employee told me it would create too big a backlash if they had to collect these loans from members of the tribe. Webb told me he had “enough problems to deal with.”

Many people on the reservation are very uncomfortable with how this business reflects on them. But when the Tribal Council scrutinized the company, Webb would remind the council how costly it would be to shut him down.

Even though Western Sky did not lend at Cheyenne River, predatory lending plagues people there and on other reservations.  Such loans are the only source of credit for many Native Americans and almost all of those lenders are off reservations and not Native-owned.  At Cheyenne River, people regularly drive hours to Pierre or Rapid City to take out predatory loans and growing Internet access is making it easier to borrow this way, even on remote reservations.

Even if some of those borrowers could qualify for bank loans, though, there are few banks on reservations and others are not always welcoming to Native Americans.

Storefront and online lenders exploit the harsh reality that people on reservations and throughout the country are hurting, have basic expenses they can’t meet, and don’t necessarily have access to credit. The Pew Center has done some remarkable work on payday lending throughout the country that shows why people borrow and its impact on them.

With the help of local groups, we surveyed almost 400 people on reservations around the country about predatory borrowing, including more than 100 at Cheyenne River. The survey is not a representative sample of reservation populations, but the results point to worrying trends that are consistent with other research.

Most of the people surveyed were the working poor.  Almost half had taken out predatory loans—mostly for basic needs, food, or for emergencies, like medical care.   Federal sequestration is probably making things worse because of cuts to essential services.

But these loans carry triple- or quadruple-digit interest rates and can easily turn into nightmares.  Of those that borrowed, nearly half said they had “some” or a “great deal” of trouble repaying what they owe.  More than 70 percent said repayments made it more difficult to meet basic expenses.  I have interviewed people who could not meet their basic needs, such as food for their family or medical care for their children because these loans had overwhelmed them.

The major reason these loans exist is inadequate—or nonexistent—regulation by states and the federal government.

Regulating online lenders is crucial, but alone isn’t a panacea, and would not ultimately resolve the complex issues facing Indian country.  Furthermore, tribal governments that operate their own online lenders are hostile to regulation, seeing it as a challenge to their sovereignty and an attempt to stifle economic development.  They are suing New York to prevent it from regulating.

There is an alternative.  Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), chartered by the US Treasury Department, have a mandate to provide financial services on reservations. At Cheyenne River and elsewhere, some are trying to offer cheaper and fairer alternatives to predatory loans.  They also teach financial literacy because often people don’t know how onerous the terms of their loans are until after they desperately secure the money.  Entrepreneurship programs offered by Native CDFIs help people create jobs and businesses that truly serve the community. But Native CDFI’s or others throughout the country have nowhere near the resources to compete with predatory lenders.

A three-pronged policy response is needed to start addressing the problem of predatory lending:  one that regulates high-cost lending, improves financial literacy skills, and provides the vulnerable poor with better access to fair, non-exploitative, credit facilities.

Ganesan is director of the Business and Human Rights Division at Human Rights Watch.
Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-a-budget/324007-predatory-lending-and-indian-country#ixzz2g6teS2eg
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