December 13-14, 2013 11am-5pm. Every year many of the areas talented native artists gather together in harmony at the Longhouse native art fair. It’s a great event with lots of goodies to choose from.
Idle No More founders honoured by U.S. magazine
Derrick on December 10th 2013 WC Native News
What started in Saskatoon one year ago with a small teach-in grew into a global movement whose founders were recently named by Foreign Policy magazine to its top 100 global thinkers list.
The founders — Jessica Gordon, Sylvia McAdam, Sheelah McLean, and Nina Wilson — are on the list with other notables such as NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden, U.S. secretary of state John Kerry, Pope Francis, teenage activist Malala Yousafzai, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
The group’s entry on the list explains how the global movement started when the four women started emailing each other about concerns with proposed federal legislation affecting land management, water management and several other issues related to First Nations, Metis and Inuit people. They started a Facebook page called “Idle No More” to coordinate local meetings and events.
“Before long, #IdleNoMore was trending on Twitter, and protests under the same name spread across Canada. Solidarity demonstrations also occurred in the United States, Europe, and Australia,” the entry states. “The protests in particular targeted Canada’s extractive industries, asserting that new pipelines and other projects would destroy land and disrupt ecosystems. One protest delayed exploratory drilling in British Columbia.”
This is the fifth year the magazine has put out the list.
“This (is a) remarkable list of people who, over the past year, have made a measurable difference in politics, business, technology, the arts, the sciences, and more,” the magazine states on its website.
These American Families Live Without Running Water
George McGraw The Huffington post
When most people think of dirty water, they think of places like rural Africa. But water poverty affects hundreds-of-thousands of Americans too.
One shocking example? Nearly 40 percent of the 173,000 Navajo in the U.S. don’t have a tap or a toilet at home. (For non-Native Americans, that number is just .6 percent).
Water poverty affects everything: health, education, personal security, economic growth. 44 percent of Navajo children live below the poverty line, twice the national average, held there by issues like water insecurity. But poverty isn’t the only problem here. Since these communities are just hours from major cities like Los Angeles and Albuquerque, poverty is linked to crime, depression and substance abuse.
Life without water in the U.S. doesn’t look very different from life in rural South Sudan. Every morning, thousands of Navajo men, women and children set out to find water. Many make the trip by car, which can be costly. Some can’t drive, forcing them to walk miles to livestock troughs contaminated with bacteria and even uranium.
Lindsey Johnson is one of the many Navajo elders facing water poverty. She lives with ten of her family members in a small trailer without electricity or running water in Smith Lake, New Mexico. Since she was a child, Mrs. Johnson has relied on neighbors’ taps, local ponds… even snow for every drop of water she uses. Now nearly 80 years old, her struggle to find clean water hasn’t changed much since she was a child.
Today, Mrs. Johnson and 250 other families within a 70-mile radius receive some water by truck. The lone water truck in Smith Lake is operated by St. Bonaventure — a Catholic mission — and it can’t reach every home. By the middle of the month, most families are forced to collect extra water from other (often unsafe) sources. The water that arrives is stored in buckets or barrels outside, prone to contamination in the summer and freezing in the winter.
This holiday season, DIGDEEP Water is partnering with St. Bonaventure to bring reliable clean water access to over 250 homes through the Navajo Water Project.
The community-led project includes a new 2000 ft. well and storage facility. For the first time ever, families will benefit from free, trucked water delivery in an amount that meets international human rights standards. The project will also provide emergency access to water on site.
When finished, the Navajo Water Project will provide every home with an elevated water tank and solar heating element, using gravity to feed sinks and toilets all year long. As with every DIGDEEP system, the project is community-led and unique to the people it serves. The active participation of families, Navajo Chapters and regulators will ensure its long-term sustainability.
DIGDEEP is the only international water organization operating here in the US, and the Navajo Access Project is just the first of its kind. We’re proud to empower communities like Mrs. Johnson’s to defend their human right to water. It’s a stark reminder to Americans everywhere that water poverty isn’t as far away as you think.
Visit to join the fight for clean water here at home.
Hard Rock Energy Drinks Debut in South Florida
Seminole Tribe of Florida launches new product in its convenience stores, other venues
December 12th, 2013
Published in CSP Daily News
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — Hard Rock Energy drinks are making their debut in South Florida. This test market is the first step in rolling out the new product by the Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc., the tribe’s business development arm, which is jumping into the $20 billion-and-growing energy drink market. Three flavors of Hard Rock Energy drinks will soon be available for purchase on convenience store shelves and at select restaurants and bars.
The flavors are Original, Paradise Punch and Sugar Free.
The Seminole Tribe of Florida purchased Orlando, Fla.-based Hard Rock International Inc. in 2007 and has supported its strategic expansion to include more cafes, hotels, casinos and other new business ventures. The tribe’s business development arm has obtained a license to use the brand on Hard Rock Energy drinks.
A new venture, Enterprise Beverage Group LLC, has been established to produce, distribute and market the Hard Rock Energy drinks. The Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc. is the majority owner of Enterprise Beverage Group, which is based in Hollywood, Fla.
Tony Sanchez Jr., president of the Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc., said Hard Rock Energy drinks present the perfect opportunity to make the Hard Rock brand part of the growth of the tribe’s business development program.
“Hard Rock Energy drinks are a logical extension of our growing line of beverage products, including citrus juices sold under the Seminole Pride brand,” said Sanchez.
Enterprise Beverage Group is headed by CEO David Drow, whose track record in the beverage industry includes launching Hair of the Dawg drink mixes. Drow’s background is finance; he previously was a vice president at GMAC.
“The Hard Rock brand is perfect for a new energy drink,” said Drow. “Hard Rock is about high energy music and entertainment. It’s about fun.”
John Galloway, chief marketing officer and vice president of marketing for Hard Rock International, said, “True to the Hard Rock brand, this energy drink has the power to help people rock harder. It’s a great product and we couldn’t be more excited to put our stamp on this market. It’s an exciting new step for Hard Rock.”
Hard Rock Energy drinks are sold in slim, 16-oz. aluminum cans of two servings per can. They contain 100 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Hard Rock Energy Original flavor is aqua blue in color and comes in a black can. The Sugar-Free version is clear and is packaged in a white can, while the Paradise Punch flavor is light red and comes in a red can. All of the cans are emblazoned with the Hard Rock brand and retro electric guitar graphics.
Hard Rock Energy drinks are on sale at all c-stores operated by the Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc., including the Hollywood Trading Post. Distribution is already underway to additional retailers, restaurants, bars, hotels and other food service operators. The test market will expand to the Chicago area in 2014, with a potential national rollout slated for 2015.
Marketing for Hard Rock Energy drinks will have a strong focus on social media and grassroots marketing tactics to reach the prime demographic of males between the ages of 18 to 24. Enterprise Beverage Co. will deploy an official Hard Rock Energy Street Team, which will be present at concerts and community events to offer free product samples. In addition, the company will look for local “CEOs” (chief energy officers) who want to engage in fun, social media activities and be eligible to win prizes. A strategic marketing partnership with Dean Guitars, represented on the Hard Rock Energy drink cans, will add to the marketing firepower, the company said.
The Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc. manages various businesses enterprises in agriculture, cattle ranching and beef production, citrus juices, spring water, c-stores and more. It is managed by an elected five-member board. Hard Rock International has a total of 174 venues in 55 countries, including 136 cafes, 19 hotels and seven casinos, It also owns, licenses or manages hotel and casino properties worldwide.
Native Author Gyasi Ross Talks Cultural Preservation
Gyasi Ross is a member of the Blackfeet Nation and his family also comes from the Suquamish Nation of the Port Madison Indian Reservation where he resides. Aside from being a father, lawyer and a filmmaker, the ever-busy Ross has found time to write two books. His latest, “How to Say I Love You in Indian” (Cut Bank Creek Press) comes out today. Here, he talks about real love, feminism via bell hooks and fatherhood.
The title of your book, “How to Say I Love You in Indian,” might confuse people. What do you mean by it?
Well, there are a lot of fluent speakers of the Blackfoot language in my family, and my grandparents or really most people in my family will say they’re speaking in Indian. That’s just the way old folks speak, and that’s who I was raised by, by grandparents and great aunties and uncles.
What about the love part of the title?
Poor people have different ways of communication, different kinds of love that are not part of materialistic culture. Expressing love isn’t about a Hallmark card. … It’s not about convenience. It’s not always about being vocal and poetic about love, it’s about taking care of each other—like cooking. One of the stories in the book is about stew and how it’s representative of love for a lot of poor people, and Indian people specifically. We always had the worst cuts of meat and the worst ingredients, but through those ingredients, time, love and secret sauce, it turned into a beautiful stew. That’s what the title of the book is all about: physical manifestations of love and the symbols of our love within Native culture.
So it sounds like it’s less about saying “I love you,” and more about how you express it.
Right, it’s about the action. A lot of the work that I do and the writing that I do is about fatherhood and mentorship. And because I’m a dad, I remind myself that I can say “I love you” all I want, but if my actions aren’t commiserate with that, then it doesn’t matter.
I noticed that you thanked bell hooks and you also have quote from her in the book. She’s written a lot about love, and I’m curious about how she’s influenced your work.
I think that bell hooks made feminism approachable to me. I was raised by a single mom and two older sisters, and by my grandmas, who are both amazing women. Just today, I was speaking with my auntie Wilma Faye and she’s also provided a lot of structure for me. I tend to put women on a pedestal, and Native women especially because they were the ones who ensured that I was safe and always doted on me—to a fault, maybe. It was bell hooks who helped me to look more critically at the relationships that women have with men, and with young boys and sons specifically. And that was important for my intellectual development and my emotional honesty.
You’re a father, a lawyer and a lot more. When did you find the time to write this book?
I don’t sleep much, and that’s tongue-in-cheek, but it’s also true. I come from a home with a single mother, and so I take fatherhood and being an uncle very seriously. I try to work on that first and foremost, before any other those other titles—lawyer, writer, anything else—I’m a dad. And I’m also an uncle; I’ve been one since I was 12 years old. For me, what that means is that I have to figure out a way to negotiate everything else around those two things. I work entirely for myself, and when my son’s at school, that’s game time and I can work. But when he’s home from 3 o’clock to 9 o’clock, that’s his time. He can’t just see me on my computer working. He needs to see me hanging out with him and being active as a way to teach him a healthy lifestyle. No paid work is getting done at that time. Whether it’s writing, lawyering or consulting, that happens from 9 o’clock in the evening until it gets done.
You write in the book that the last 500 years don’t define us as indigenous peoples—that the future will. What does that future look like for you?
There’s a lot of controversy about how long Natives in both North and South America have been here, somewhere between 20,000 and 50,000 years. Five hundred years is absolutely nothing compared to how long we’ve been here. The United States empire is already showing incredible signs of decay, it’s already falling apart. And most Natives can understand that this has been an experiment gone terribly wrong and that we shouldn’t buy into it. Some Native people are trying to dis-enroll other tribal members over casino money—and that’s the culpability that bell hooks writes about—and some of us are buying into this failed experiment. That’s a subset of Native people don’t understand that this is just a drop in the bucket.
What about the long-term future?
One of my mentors, Darrell Kipp passed [very recently]. He’s a member of the Blackfoot Tribe who started immersion school on our reservation. He was someone who dedicated his life to the survival of a way of life: speaking our languages, keeping our customs alive, and understanding that those ways of being are going to have relevance and pertinence again. It’s worth sustaining, it’s worth helping those things to survive. Right now, there are enough Natives who get it, that this is a very temporary, illusory American way of life, and we can’t get caught up in the glamour and glitz of it.
And what about the short-term future?
In the short term, it’s about letting go of the exclusivity—we’ve always been about inclusiveness. Tribal enrollment is a legalistic mechanism that isn’t even based in traditional notion because we had communities that you were either a part of or you weren’t. If you came to our communities in good faith, you were put to work. The more we buy into that exclusivity model that somehow being an Indian, being a Native, or being a tribal member has more value than simply being responsible, that worse off we are. But if we recognize that being a Native person is all about responsibility and continuing a way of life, then I think our outlook is good.
Arts & Tech HS presents ‘And Then I Wrote …’ Dec. 13-14
Source: Marysville Globe
TULALIP — The Marysville Arts & Technology High School is presenting the play “And Then I Wrote …” from 7-9 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13, and Saturday, Dec. 14, on campus at 7204 27th Ave. NE.
In this showbiz comedy, a producer and his secretary and other associates try to rewrite a drama by a neophyte playwright into a broad farce, while a gossip columnist tries to blackmail the producer into marriage, and a scatterbrained old character actor erroneously creates the impression that the leading lady has died.
The playwright, who’s also an apprentice mortician, is appalled by the histrionics that accompany the opening of a Broadway show, and as the columnist draws mistaken conclusions that the show is a cover for a murder cult, the rest of the group fosters this impression by substituting a lady undertaker in the role of the still-alive leading lady.
Mistaken identities, romance and silly situations are designed to keep the audience laughing through three acts.
Admission costs $8 each, or $1 with a canned food donation.
GED Community Meeting, Dec 18, Tulalip
Muckleshoot Winter Pow Wow, Dec 14
Cabela’s® Celebrates Holiday Shopping Season with Free Gifts
Doors Open at 8 a.m., Saturday, December 14
Administration takes steps to ensure Americans signing up through the Marketplace have coverage and access to the care they need on January 1
- Requiring insurers to accept payment through December 31 for coverage that will begin January 1, and urging issuers to give consumers additional time to pay their first month’s premium and still have coverage beginning Jan. 1, 2014.
- Giving people enrolled in the federal Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) the chance to extend their coverage through Jan. 31, 2014 if they have not already selected a new plan. PCIP is a transitional bridge program that provides people with health conditions who could otherwise be shut out of the insurance market or charged more because of their pre-existing condition quality, affordable health insurance until options become available in the Marketplaces. The additional month gives this vulnerable population additional time to enroll in a plan and ensure continuity of coverage.
- Formalizing the previously announced decision giving individuals until December 23, instead of December 15, to sign up for health insurance coverage in the Marketplaces that would begin January 1.
- Strongly encouraging insurers to treat out-of-network providers as in-network to ensure continuity of care for acute episodes or if the provider was listed in their plan’s provider directory as of the date of an enrollee’s enrollment.
- Strongly encouraging insurers to refill prescriptions covered under previous plans during January.
- Working with health insurers on options to smooth this transition such as allowing people who come in after December 23 to get coverage starting January 1 or sooner than February 1;
- Working with insurers and consumers to make sure that they know whether their doctor or prescriptions are covered before they choose a plan, and how to get care they need during the transition (e.g., receiving a drug not covered by your plan if your doctor deems it medically necessary);
- Educating consumers who recently received cancellation notices about the possible option to extend their old policy or enroll in a new plan; and
- Continuing outreach to consumers who began the application process through the Marketplace and experienced technical difficulties.