13 moons

“The months our Snohomish ancestors knew are vastly different than the ones we know now. Our seasons were moons. These moons were named after the environment or ecosystem and what was able to be harvested during that time. This was the Snohomish people’s way of staying connected to the earth. The earth would provide for them if they took proper care of it. This meant not overharvesting fish or vegetation but leaving enough for the wildlife living beside them as well as future generations.”

 – Sarah Miller, Lushootseed Language Warrior

By Kalvin Valdillez

On a rainy and dark afternoon, close to thirty people gathered in the longhouse of the Hibulb Cultural Center. With the lights dim low, the group of locals took their seats on either side of the room constructed entirely of cedar. At the front and center of the longhouse, sat Lushootseed Warrior Sarah Miller, fittingly positioned in between four cedar carved story poles. Aided by the relaxing sound of rain hitting the rooftop, Sarah’s natural storytelling ability transported each individual to a time well before the colonization of America, a time where the lifeways of the sduhubš revolved around 13 moon cycles.

After we recently welcomed a new year in the Gregorian calendar, many were excited to learn about how Tulalip’s ancestors observed the concept of time pre-contact. Like most Salish tribes and other Indigenous nations, the sduhubš marked the time of year not only based on weather changes but also by their connection to the natural world. 

Through the traditional story, Star Child and Diaper Child, Sarah introduced the crowd to two important figures to the sduhubš people, the sun and moon. In the Tribe’s ancestral language, the two were known as dukʷibəɬ. 

She explains, “Together, the sun and moon became dukʷibəɬ; the Changer, the Transformer, or the Creator. The Changer was responsible for making the world what it is today. dukʷibəɬ changed animals from what they were to what they are. Before the change, animals talked, walked, and worked similar to humans. dukʷibəɬ also changed humans from what they were to what they are now. Before the change, humans had the ability to morph into different animals, usually their spirit power animals. dukʷibəɬ walked this land, from the east to the west and changed everything. Changer was also responsible for giving all the tribes their different languages. Changer was responsible for naming everything. The Changer was our Creator.”

During Sarah’s hour-long lecture she captivated her audience by sharing the traditions of her ancestors, many of which are still celebrated and practiced today, such as the Salmon Ceremony and the harvest of salal berries. 

With the amount of time and research Sarah put into this presentation, we urge you to attend her lecture in full, as well as any of the Lushootseed workshops that are often held at Hibulb Cultural Center throughout the year. For this publication, we are going to share the thirteen months with you, led by excerpts from Sarah’s lecture.

ƛ̕iq̓s – The time when your stomach sticks to your backbone (January)

The January moon, one of our winter moons, was called ƛ̕iq̓s. In Lushootseed, this meant as period of time when your stomach sticks to your backbone. This is because in the wintertime, food is scarce. 

During this cold time, the people relied on whatever food they had gathered and stored in prior months. 

səxʷpupuhigʷəd – The time of the blowing winds (February)

Once the winds picked up through the area, it was səxʷpupuhigʷəd, which means the time of the blowing winds. During this moon, the area would experience a lot of wind. Food was still kind of scarce, but the wind blew the biting cold around. 

Since these winter moons were scarce of food, a lot of people would fast and quest for their spirit powers. Some people would go out into the forest, away from their villages to find their power. They would bathe in icy cold rivers and lakes.

The Snohomish people would participate in ceremonies of the smokehouse faith; drumming, singing, and dancing to bring out their power. A long time ago, it was said that during the winter months, the physical world was closer to the spiritual world, which is why singing, dancing, and drumming took place.

waq̓waq̓us – The time of the singing frogs (March)

Once the frogs started singing en masse, it signified a new moon or month was starting. Smokehouse ceremonies stopped and it was time to go out into the woods and check on what was starting to bloom. By this point, the winds would start to die down and the earth was warming up a bit. 

As springtime continued to arrive, there would be many things for the Snohomish people to do, such as prepare to move from their winter villages to their summer ones.

Back in those days, the longhouses were put up in a way that they could be disassembled and reassembled as needed. The winter locations were near bodies of water, but also close to forests for hunting purposes. The summer locations were located near clam beds or accustomed fishing grounds. In the summer, longhouses were erected that also could house many people, however, a lot of times the Snohomish people utilized smaller mat houses, especially when fishing at the river or near the bay. 

Slihibus −The time of the cranes (April)

During this time, you’d hear the songs of cranes and swans as they started their migration. At this time, the earth is getting warmer, and more foods are coming into season. Game might be a little more available. The Snohomish people would journey to the Holmes Harbor area to fish for smelt and herring. 

Throughout these seasons potlatches would be held. A potlatch could be held for any reason such as a wedding, a funeral, births, or even winning a dispute against a warring tribe was a call for celebration.

pədx̌ʷiw̓aac – The time of the whistling robins (13th Moon)

This month is considered the missing month, or the thirteenth month, because it does not appear in the Lushootseed calendar that we know and use today. In order to fit with the Gregorian calendar, this moon was omitted. 

pədx̌ʷiw̓aac means the time of the whistling robins. After the cranes and swans had migrated, the robins would start in with their singing. 

While Harriette Shelton said this moon was the time of the whistling robins, her father, William Shelton called it sɬukʷaləb, which means, “little moon.” This isn’t too far off from the word commonly used for moon, which is sɬukʷalb. Perhaps Harriette and William were talking about two different moons, but maybe that they were talking about the same moon. Whatever the reason, this is technically not even the thirteenth moon; it’s the fifth of the Snohomish people. There is no information on why this month specifically was chosen to be taken out of the calendar. 

pədč̓aʔəb − The time for digging up roots (May)

During this month we start digging up roots. Camas was a popular root amongst the Snohomish. Camas root has beautiful purple blooms but is more akin to being a small onion, though sweet. At this point, most people might have packed up and started heading towards their summer homes.

Nettles were also harvested and used in soups and for various other medicinal needs. Cattail was harvested as well. Snohomish people mostly used them to make mats with. The natives would split some of the shoots and peel layers of them out to weave with. The cattail mat was said to be comfortable to lay on, especially if you piled several of them up. When I talk about mat houses, this is what they were made of. There was a frame or structure made of planks taken from the bigger longhouses and they were covered with many cattail mats to make a little house.

Horsetail was also harvested during this month, it was a good herb to remedy ulcers, wounds, and even kidney problems. Ferns were also harvested. Bracken fern, licorice fern, maidenhair fern, and sword fern were good medicinal ferns. Bracken could be used as a tonic, licorice helped with colds and sore throats, maidenhair helped the respiratory system and sword fern could be used to treat skin sores.

pədstəgʷad – The time of the salmonberries (June)

The next few months are known as the berry months, because of the different berries that grow during the summer. June is known as pədstəgʷad, or the time of the salmonberries. This month typically lasts from May to late June. By now, the Snohomish people were living at their summer village sites, either in summer longhouses or mat houses. 

This month also began the run of King Salmon, or hikʷ siʔab yubəč. The first king would be caught and celebrated in ceremony. There would be songs and dances to welcome the hikʷ siʔab yubəč and its return to the waters.

During these moons, the days were getting longer. There was more time to gather roots, gather chutes, gather berries, gather shellfish, and troll for fish. In the evening, people joined together in the longhouses to share stories and songs. Sometimes there was a potlatch, a wedding, a funeral, or a birth. Sometimes, there was no special occasion. It was just enjoying the full moon with your village. 

pədgʷədbixʷ − The time of the blackberries (July)

The blackberries would bloom during part of July. Once the stəgʷad stopped bearing fruit, it was time for the blackberry bushes to bear fruit. Blackberries would start blooming in July, but they wouldn’t officially be ready to gather until about August. 

Blackberries were good for flavoring soups but could also be used to dye wool or cedar darker colors. Tea could be made from the leaves of the blackberry vine. Blackberry leaf tea could help with illnesses and was also said to be good for the skin.

In addition to harvesting berries, clams were also harvested. After a morning of harvesting clams, someone would start a fire and the clams would be cooked amongst the hot rocks, right on the beach. 

pədt̕aqa − The time of the salal berries (August)

These delicious purple berries ripen during this moon and not only are they good to eat, but they are also medicinal. These berries are a deep purple color, which is where we get the Lushootseed word for purple: t̕aqahalus.

In addition to being a good source of food, these were also a good medicine for the Snohomish people. They helped with colic and diarrhea but also cuts, burns and respiratory illnesses such as colds and tuberculosis.

Our ancestors had a unique way of storing not only t̕aqa but other berries as well to make them last well beyond their harvesting season. Our ancestors used to eat the berries in soups and with salmon or other meals.

pədkʷəxʷic  − The time of silver salmon’s return (September)

September in Lushootseed is pədkʷəxʷic, or the time of the return of the silver salmon. Now, this doesn’t refer to the entire month of September but rather, just the length of time that the silver salmon run. Our ancestors would get into their canoes and along with their tools, go trolling for fish. Each fisherman knew how much strain their line could take. If they were to catch large fish, they knew how to carefully bring them up to the side of the canoe, where they would then spear the fish with a harpoon and put them in the canoe. The harpoon was usually made of ironwood.

Fish wasn’t the only thing on the menu for our Snohomish ancestors, for they also hunted deer and elk. Many Salish hunters were experts at mimicking the sounds of deer and their fawn. They’d set snares and then make a call like that of a fawn or a doe and wait until a deer ran into the snare.

pədxʷit̕xʷit̕il −The time of falling leaves (October)

During this time, of course, the leaves were being shaken from the trees and falling to the ground. The silver salmon runs had ended, and it would be a while before the next salmon would start to run. During this time, vegetation was dying and a different game was sought out to hunt.

The Snohomish people were very proficient duck hunters. Ducks were a very sacred animal in that their spirit power was one of wealth but also, their feathers were collected for regalia, and they were hunted in between salmon runs. 

pədƛ̕xʷayʔ − The time of the dog salmon (November)

Dog salmon, or chum, would start its run in November. This salmon was highly prized amongst the Snohomish people. The way this type of salmon was harvested was different than how the silver salmon was harvested. Silver salmon were biting fish, which meant they would bite at a bait line. Dog salmon were not biting fish, so another method was used. Long ago, the dog salmon runs used to be quite plentiful. Instead of using a bait line, our ancestors used a harpoon or a long spear. Dog salmon was dried and stored in baskets, similar to the ones that stored berries. The Snohomish people were very good at making sure they had enough dog salmon for the entire family or village so that no one went hungry. 

Other game harvested during this month were bears. At this point in the season, bears were fattening up for hibernation and it wasn’t uncommon for our ancestors to encounter them. 

Bears weren’t typically sought out for food. During the winter, it was said that bear meat didn’t taste very good because of all the salmon they’d been eating. However, in the summer bear meat was preferred because the bears had been eating berries and that sweetened their meat. 

pədšic̓əlwaʔs– The time to sheath the paddles (December)

During this time, the Snohomish people were settled in their winter villages, and they weren’t traveling so the paddles were put away and sheathed until the weather warmed up. Hunting and fishing were still being done, but mostly the Snohomish people relied on their food stores to get them through the colder seasons. 

Typically, the Snohomish people didn’t like being clothed but, in the winter, it was a necessity. They made moccasins, shirts and pants out of buckskin. Some of these items were painted on or beaded. Back then, the beads were either made of shells, pearls, or bones. Men and women alike would wear fur caps made of bearskin to keep their heads warm. Bearskin was also used to make coats or capes.

During the winter, the Snohomish people would paint their faces bright red or a dark red, depending on the material they used. This paint would be put on every morning and taken off every night. The Snohomish liked using this not only because of the vivid color it gave off but because it kept their skin smooth and free from chapping from the cold. 

Touchdowns and Tenacity: Joseph Davis’ Drive and Dedication

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News; photos courtesy of Eliza Davis and Marilyn Sheldon 

Amid a turbulent football season riddled with injuries, setbacks, and a limited roster, Tulalip tribal member Joseph Davis emerged as a shining star. Despite adversity, Davis showcased remarkable skills, accumulating over 1,300 total yards. Notably, he played Iron Man-style football, excelling on offense and defense, embodying resilience and determination.

In his junior year playing for the Marysville Pilchuck Tomahawks, Davis earned a well-deserved spot on the Everett Herald’s all-area first-team offense. The accolade recognized his outstanding performance during the 2023-2024 season, where he rushed for an impressive 1,105 yards, averaging 9.1 yards per carry and securing 15 touchdowns. Recently, Tulalip News spoke with Joseph to discuss his season and delve into his plans for the future.

After a tumultuous junior year, how do you feel you did during the 2023-2024 season?

I did well during the times I could play. I missed a couple of games with an ankle injury. I wanted to put a little more on tape for the future and college and get a good film, but I did well during the time I was in. 

What were some significant highlights of your season?

Definitely making it to State. We had a young team, and only six seniors were starters; most were juniors and sophomores. We didn’t have that many guys on our team, maybe 30, that would constantly show up to practice. Every other team that made it to State had around 60 to 80, so it was one of my biggest highlights. 

What does it take to play both sides of the ball?

Conditioning honestly, and mentality. Not many kids can be effective on both sides of the ball. I love hitting people and scoring touchdowns, so it’s fun to play both sides of the ball. 

You make big hits and phenomenal runs out there. Who do you style your play after? 

I watched a lot of Shaun Taylor on defense at safety. Then, on offense, I try to be patient; I have good vision. At running back, I like LeVeon Bell. He is patient. I like his style. 

How much dedication does it take to be a student-athlete?

My whole day consists of school, practice, working out, and studying. I’m trying to keep a high GPA to send it to colleges. Also, trying to get bigger, faster, and stronger consumes much of my time. 

What is your favorite part about playing football?

I get a chance to show my athleticism, and when I’m out there on the field, I feel free. 

Where do you get the will and determination to push through, succeed as you do, and make the tough sacrifices you need to make?

First of all, I have been doing this for so long that it has become my routine from day to day. My dad and my family. I have a sound support system with my family and friends, and my dad is always behind me to help me keep going and is constantly setting up stuff to make me better. 

What do you look forward to going into your senior year of football?

I have been playing with the same group of guys since the sixth grade, so I want to try and make a run for the state championship. 

What do you plan on doing after high school?

Well, I want to go to college to play football. If I can get a college scholarship for D1, D2, or D3, I will investigate it and see if I want to go. Wrestling is on my mind. Getting a wrestling scholarship or going to wrestling college would be really cool. 

What do you have to say to the kids coming up who want to play football? 

Focus on your technique. If you focus on the little things that will take you far. Take it day by day, and grind. 

Clash of the birds, Hawks versus Blackhawks

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

It was another inter-tribal battle on the hardwood when the Lummi Nation Blackhawks journeyed south to take on the Tulalip Hawks on Thursday, January 4. Francy J. Sheldon gymnasium reached near full capacity as family, friends, and casual hoopheads filled the bleachers to witness a rivalry renewed.

First up, the girls. It was an extremely rough start for the Ladyhawks as their two primary ballhandlers both left the game in the 1st half with apparent injury. Their massive production void was evident in the 5-36 halftime score.

Focusing on their increased opportunity to initiate the offense and play-make, senior Kendra McLean and sophomore Lilly Jefferson didn’t pay much attention to the score in the second half. Instead, they opted to embrace their love of the game and do their best to score against their well-known rivals.

In one remarkable sequence, the 5-foot-2-inch Lilly managed to post up much bigger Lummi players to score three consecutive buckets. After each one, the home crowd got progressively louder with their enthusiastic cheering. Her moment’s crescendo was akin to a 180˚ fade-a-way that found its way through the nylon net, followed by an eruption of eager onlookers.

 Kenda also had a mesmerizing moment when, after just hitting her first 3-pointer of the game, she summoned her inner Steph Curry by casually pulling up from five feet behind the arc and drained another deep ball. As the crowd applauded, Kendra and Lilly high-fived one another while beaming gigantic smiles.

 “The other tribal schools are our biggest competitors and bring out the biggest crowds. That’s extra motivation to bring our best game,” shared Kendra post-game. “After I saw that first 3 go in, I thought to myself ‘I got to make a couple more’. Even though we were down, our team doesn’t give up.”

“I knew this game was going to be nerve-racking in the beginning because I have cousins who play for Lummi and we had so much family here watching. Throughout the game, I just had the mindset to keep pushing myself and try to play my best,” added Lilly. 

The Lady Hawks may have ultimately lost, 22-64, but anyone who caught that 2nd half display of basketball purity left a winner. 

Next up, the boys. The (10-1) Blackhawks were riding a 10-game winning streak. During the win streak, Lummi had won every single one of those games by 10+ points. Meanwhile, the 5-4) Hawks were coming off a 42-point thrashing of Shoreline Christian and were in the mood for a huge upset W over their rivals from up north.

The upset dreams were quickly dashed as Lummi executed their offense and defense in an impressive fashion. They forced one Tulalip turnover after another in the early going, and punished the smaller Hawks players in the paint whenever possible. When the reality setting 1st quarter came to an end, the home team trailed 9-33.

Tokala BlackTomahawk showed his shooting touch by connecting on three 3-pointers and an acrobatic layup to lead his team in scoring with 11 points. Ponciano Guzman kept attacking the basket in the 2nd half to chip in 10 points. Despite their efforts, Tulalip lost 33-72. The 33 points was a season-low scored by the Hawks. 

“Our focal point will continue to get better and improve our execution on both ends,” said head coach Shawn Sanchey. “Obviously, we want to stay healthy and play smart to take care of our bodies and avoid lingering injuries, but it’s equally important to develop the discipline it takes to put in the hard work necessary to reach our goals. Applying pressure, using our speed and physicality, and keeping mentally prepared for any opponent we may face going forward are the keys to us making a playoff push.

“At the end of the day, these rivalry games are about enjoying the moment,” continued the Heritage alum. “Like I shared with the boys, these rivalry games are the ones they’ll remember most after their high school days are over. The crowd, the energy, there’s nothing like the feeling of playing in these games.”

Tulalip will host two more fellow tribal schools later this month. Saturday, January 13, when the Neah Bay Red Devils come to town and Saturday, January 27, when the Taholah Black Bears make their journey here. 

$1.32 Million raised at Tulalip-hosted Festival of Trees

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

          Extravagantly festive Christmas trees and wreaths adorned the Orca Ballroom at the Tulalip Resort Casino during the 38th annual Festival of Trees. The multi-day holiday fundraiser kicked off November 29 with a free community day and teddy bear celebration. Opportunities to give generously via an online auction accompanied the much anticipated, excitement-filled Holiday Gala and Live Auction held in person on December 1. 

Each year, thousands of community members take part in the Festival of Trees – including volunteers, sponsors, and attendees – to raise funds for Children’s Services at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett. For more than three decades, Providence Children’s Center has been providing comprehensive, family-oriented care and highly specialized therapies; such as physical, occupational, speech and feeding therapy for children with a wide variety of special needs.

    When asked to explain the importance of Tulalip hosting high-impact, community-changing events at our flagship Resort Casino, Marilyn Sheldon said, “Tulalip Tribes has so much to offer our community all times of the year, but Christmas time it becomes magical. Showcasing our Resort Casino in this manner brings to light what Tulalip has: shopping, gaming, restaurants, recreation, and an amazing holiday light display for families to enjoy. It gives Tulalip a different perspective in the eyes of our community. We need that to encourage others to want to visit each and every year. We want to be that traditional Christmas event every year!”

    Beyond hosting the always astounding Festival featuring towering Christmas trees and festive fervor, the Tribe was this year’s presenting sponsor as well. 

    “An event of this scale brings all the movers and shakers of Snohomish County to our house where we can showcase how much we care and want to be a part of the solution; helping youth in their most trying times. But also, being vested in such a worthy organization, like Providence Hospital Medical Center, provides immeasurable goodwill back to Tulalip. We can always use this kind of support for our future endeavors,” added Marilyn, Charitable Contributions Director. 

A highlight of the holiday season, the Festival of Trees provides opportunities for local families and organizations to make a significant contribution to benefit their community neighbors. Not to mention the festive, memory-making opportunities for those seeking a post-Covid experience in a heart-warming atmosphere. Whether it’s a decadent black-tie gala or an afternoon with cookies and Santa, the Festival’s variety of events offer holiday cheer for all.

The tremendously decorated Christmas trees won’t soon be forgotten as their specialized themes like ‘A Night at the Nutcracker’ and ‘All Aboard the Polar Express’ to ‘Candy Land Delight’ and ‘Wintery Dreamscape’ capture the imagination.

During an elegant gala, the dazzling Christmas trees and wreaths were sold to the highest bidders during a frenetic live auction that saw auctioneer Mark Schenfeld’s contagious energy get table after table to lift bidding paddles. Of course, all proceeds raised at Festival of Trees goes directly to Providence to aid, invest in, and expand programs and infrastructure related to Children’s Services. 

The Children’s Services Fund is designed to provide a full spectrum of support for services that benefit children at Providence. Funding supports programs and services such as Pediatrics, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Children’s Center, Boyden Family Autism Center, and Camp Prov, a summer camp for children with special needs. Several of the trees lining the Orca Ballroom were reserved to be put on display throughout the Children’s Center as a special treat for hospitalized kids this holiday season.

Because of the great generosity of various donors, table sponsors, and an astounding 525 gala guests, this year’s Festival of Trees raised a whopping $1.32 Million. This enormous amount of financial support allows Providence to continue growing and expanding specialized therapies, equipment, and educational classes that make miracles happen for children and families every day.

Worth mentioning, during the live auction there were two trees bid on and won with the intention of keeping them right here on the reservation. Both trees have been installed and are on display for the local community to enjoy through the holiday season; one is at the Senior Center, while the other is at the Health Clinic.

For over two decades now, the Tulalip Tribes has been an important partner to Providence in the Northwest Washington Region by helping provide critical funding and support needed to care for the health of our growing community. Contributions made by Tulalip to Providence General Foundation since 2002 have totaled over one million dollars. For their dedication to the Festival of Trees, the Tulalip Tribes were honored with the Spirit of Festival Award during 2018’s Festival.

“The lives of thousands of children, including Tulalip tribal children, will be helped thanks to the generosity received from the Festival of Trees fundraising efforts,” said Board of Director Mel Sheldon, an eighteen-year member of the Providence General Foundation. “We are very fortunate to have a relationship with Providence Medical Center and to support such an amazing opportunity that really looks at the bigger picture. We all want to do our part to create a sustainable and healthy community.”

One of Snohomish County’s largest and most well-attended holiday events, the Festival of Trees has been a beloved community tradition for 38 years. The annual outpouring of community spirit, combined with such a magical setting, delivered a wonderful event that united so many during the holiday season.

Jingle all the way

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

Christmas came early for numerous Indigenous families as hundreds gathered at the Francy J. Sheldon Gymnasium for the annual holiday powwow at Tulalip. Holiday cheer was spread through the deep and rhythmic beats from the round drum this year, and also through the captivating and intricate steps of a number of Native dancers. Whether the dance was traditional, fancy shawl, or jingle dress, the gym was rocking throughout the entire three-hour event.

2023 marked the tenth year of the annual powwow which is a community favorite looked forward to each holiday season. The powwow is a collaboration between the Marysville School District Indian Education department and the Tulalip Education Division and features dance competitions for cash prizes. You often hear that this is the season of giving, and this was on full display as several young dancers forewent their cash prizes during the evening and instead gifted the money to elders in the crowd. 

In addition to the drumming, singing, and display of astonishing regalia, the people were also treated to a meal and had an opportunity to peruse and purchase last minute gifts at the mini bazaar located across campus at the Marysville Mountain View Arts and Technology High School. Dozens of vendors set up shop and sold items such as beadwork, clothing, blankets, and cedar weavings.

Down the corridor of Marysville Arts and Tech, Santa Claus worked his magic and turned a common area of the school into his workshop for the night. Each kid in attendance received a toy of their choosing. There were Nerf guns galore, board games in abundance, puzzles o’ plenty, and countless plastic characters up for grabs. And that’s not to mention the large selection of books that included everything from picture books to graphic novels. 

Once it was confirmed that each child had picked out a toy, there was still a plethora of gifts left over from Santa’s visit. The kids were once again invited to the workshop to add more items to their powwow haul. The event closed with the ever-popular cake walk in which all of the cakes were decorated with Christmas themes such as Santa’s suit, Christmas trees, and Frosty the Snowman. 

Following the wonderful clash of culture and Christmas, MSD Indian Education Dept. Coordinator, Matt Remle, shared in a Facebook post, “Lila wopila tanka to all the families, drummers, singers, dancers, volunteers, cooks, staff, and janitors that came out and together for our annual holiday powwow wachipi. Can’t believe we just held our 10th annual! As always, our only goal is to bring some smiles and joy to the community. Waste po.”

Make it a movie night with Frybread Face and Me

Image: Shelter PR

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News  

A tapestry of tradition, beauty, and heartfelt storytelling unfolds in the latest cinematic gem, ‘Frybread Face and Me.’ Crafted by writer and director Billy Luther, the film narrates the compelling journey of a young Native child thrust from the bustling cityscape into the heart of the Navajo reservation under the care of his grandmother.

As the young protagonist navigates this cultural shift, ‘Frybread Face and Me’ delves deep into themes of identity, family, and the enriching power of heritage. Luther weaves a poignant tale that resonates with audiences, exploring the ties that bind us to our roots. In embracing the Navajo reservation, the young character discovers the beauty of his culture and finds a profound connection to his family and heritage.

Recently, Tulalip News spoke with writer/director Billy Luther about his latest film and what it means to create an authentic Native cinema.

The grandmother is the core structure of the family; can you speak a little about that?

Growing up, my grandmother was always the core of the family, and it was a profound and significant part of my life, not just for me but for my entire family. Making this movie was a tribute to her. 

Who has been your inspiration? 

The film touches on the women in my life: my aunts, grandmother, and mother. They were part of my childhood, all the stories they would share with me and just being the strong matriarchs, they are.

Why is authentic Native representation so crucial in Hollywood right now?

One of the things is we have Natives behind the camera. That makes a massive difference with stories. We don’t have to try to be authentic when we have Natives behind the camera. We have these shared and lived experiences as Indigenous people. We weren’t trying to get it right, we just knew this world. I think that is so unique and different in Native films by Native peoples because you can tell when there’s a movie not made by a Native. 

What do you hope the takeaway is for Native families that watch the film?

I want people to have fun with it. I think it’s something that’s not widely available. I think the first time Natives could go to the theatre and laugh and have a shared experience as a family was 30 years ago with ‘Smoke Signals.’ 

I also wanted to share an experience that resonated with a larger audience. I am meeting a lot of non-Natives who watch the film, and it takes them back to a time in their lives when they were kids. That’s an integral part of my daily life and the humor and joy of growing up. 

What advice do you have for young people trying to enter the movie industry?

It’s tough, it’s tough. I have been in this industry for 20 years. It would be best if you were consistent and not give up because it’s not easy; it’s not easy at all. You must write every day. I’m not saying you need to write a script every day, but you should be writing, reading a lot of books, and watching a lot of films, foreign films, all over in terms of art. That’s a lot of what people miss. They want to make blockbusters, but it’s complex and challenging. I’ve seen many people give up, but if you want to do this, you have to stick with it. There’s a lot of nos. 

What else do you want people to know about ‘Frybread Face and Me’?

I hope people are excited about the story, and seeing all the love we are getting is surprising. You work so hard on a film for so many years; it’s not like it took us a year to write, cast, film, and edit. It’s a long process, and it’s been so rewarding. I’m still trying to process how much it resonates with people; it has been a blessing. 

Whether you’re a fan of heartwarming stories or just looking for a cozy movie night, ‘Frybread Face and Me’ is ready and waiting for your viewing pleasure. Available for streaming on Netflix today.

Heroes and Hoops

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Tulalip’s local law enforcement laced up their sneakers and got charitable buckets during the evening of Saturday, December 9. The Tulalip police offers were cheered on by family and friends who enjoyed the spectacle from the Marysville Getchell gymnasium bleachers.

The charity game was intended to give local families wholesome entertainment while pulling at the holiday heartstrings in order to garner support and donations for an always worthwhile cause – Toys for Tots. Cash donations were accepted on-site and online. However, the preferred currency was excitement-inducing toys that could be gifted to children of families in need.

On the Chargers homecourt, twelve representatives of the Tulalip Police Department (TPD) wore black jerseys with the iconic orca whale. They routinely subbed in multiple players at a time and made an intentioned effort to clap hands or high-five as they swapped court time for the bench. The camaraderie was contagious as they rooted each other on through buckets and bricks, alike. 

Sargeant Jeff Jira explained how he and his fellow officers had about a dozen practices to develop team chemistry and build up the requisite cardio. “We got together on Sunday mornings to shoot around and play against each other in order to see what everyone’s skill set was. There were a lot of laughs during those practices because a lot of us hadn’t even dribbled a basketball for years and years. It was all a necessary part of getting ready for this charity game and just furthering our brotherhood as TPD officers.

“I’m really glad we opted to participate in such a beneficial cause. We all brought toys to donate before our game. The whole experience brought us closer together, gave us some really good exercise, and hopefully brings some smiles to kids’ faces come Christmas,” added Sgt. Jira.

The actual basketball game turned out to be the best kind of friendly competition. Regardless of the score, opposing players routinely helped each other up and, during one particularly hilarious moment, laughed together after a shooter boldly declared “Kobe!” before shooting an airball.

A back-and-forth affair, that was all tied up at 16-16, eventually saw the TPD officers find their groove offensively. It didn’t hurt that TPD recruit Jay Kupriyanov expressed his desire to join the force by anchoring the basketball team. Jay finished with a game-high 18 points and led the TPD squad to a thrilling 45-38 victory.

After the win, Jay shared, “This is my community. Practicing with them and getting to know each officer even better, just furthers my desire to join the Tulalip Police Department. These guys have been my mentors, and I want nothing more than to join their team permanently.”

If his Christmas wish comes true, Jay’s recruitment process will result in him getting a shiny, new TPD badge. One can only imagine his excitement and pure joy would be similar to those children who will benefit from the charity game by way of opening a shiny, new toy on Christmas morning. 

Local group of friends organize Winter Warmth Drive for the homeless

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News; photos courtesy of the Tulalip Caring Warriors

According to Snohomish County’s 2023 Point-in-Time Count of Homelessness, there was an 8.5 percent increase of unhoused citizens since 2022. The yearly count identified an additional 101 unhoused citizens, bringing the total count to 1,285, the highest it’s been in over a decade. 

To help combat this growing issue and assist their members who are experiencing homelessness, the Tulalip Tribes recently established a pallet shelter on the reservation, while also revamping the Village of Hope and adding several more tiny homes to their site.  

But even with the Tribe’s support and the extra resources, there are numerous Tulalip citizens who do not have a home to lay their head at night. And although it’s still technically fall, we’ve already encountered our share of nights with temperatures close to or below freezing. While many are enjoying celebrating the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ with the promise of opening gifts on Christmas day, there is a large population of people who are experiencing difficult times and are just looking to survive the winter. 

Enter a group of local friends with hearts of compassion who were looking to do nothing more than provide the homeless with a Thanksgiving meal following their annual ‘friendsgiving’ gathering. Comprised of both tribal members and Tulalip citizens, the group wishes to be officially known as the Tulalip Caring Warriors. Its members include Angelica Trinidad, Kayla Joseph, Odessa Flores, Melissa Young, Kylee Sohappy, and Janae Zackuse. It was through this act of kindness and selflessness that inspired the collective to continue with this work, and they now have monthly donation drives planned for the foreseeable future.

Said Angelica, “When we were passing out food on Thanksgiving, people kept mentioning that they needed to find ways to stay warm and that they weren’t sure how they were going to make it through the winter with how cold it is. I was like ‘guys, we should get some ideas on how to keep these people warm out there the next time we do this,’.”

What makes this story even more beautiful is that they are not embarking on this journey for social media content, comments, or reactions. In fact, they are extremely humble and were willing to share the details about their new endeavor only to spread the word that they are still accepting donations and to also invite others to help out with their upcoming donation drives. And though they all played major roles in getting this project up and running, the ladies were quick to credit Kayla with the idea of helping out those individuals currently experiencing homelessness. 

Kayla expressed, “It’s important for me to lead by example and show my kids that we are very blessed with clothes, food, a home to keep warm in, and that there are people out there who don’t have a warm meal to go home to. So, lets giveback whenever we can.”

Not only did the Tulalip Caring Warriors distribute food to the unhoused citizens on the reservation, but they also took the time to travel to nearby areas in Marysville and Everett as well. After a successful Thanksgiving distribution, the ladies wanted to keep the ball rolling and immediately began planning for December’s Winter Warmth Drive, and opened up donations for a 19-day stretch. 

“We collected hats, scarves, gloves, jackets, sweaters, and we accepted money donations as well, so we could purchase items online too. I was actually super surprised with how many donations we received,” Angelica recalled. 

Odessa added, “I drove to Mount Vernon, Bellingham, Marysville, Tulalip, and Everett to pick up donations. We got nine bags in total from different locations, and my family ended up donating two more bags. The day of [the distribution], we kept getting more donations to the point where our vehicles were full, and we ended up having to save those extra donations for the next drive we’re doing in January. We appreciate all the handmade donations as well. We had a lot of sets of hats and scarves and gloves that were handmade.”

In addition to the piles of warm winter gear, the ladies also gathered all of the monetary donations and purchased a number of items to assemble care packages, which included handwarmers, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and sleeping bags. 

And they didn’t stop there. Each member of the Tulalip Caring Warriors expressed that one of the highlights of doing this charitable work is simply spending time with each other. They all spoke fondly of the time they spent cooking in the kitchen together, and how they shared an abundance of laughter while preparing soup and frybread to hand out along with the clothes and care packages. Angelica noted that a handful of their kids joined in on the fun and helped their moms and aunties make the frybread on distribution day. 

“When Kayla asked if I wanted to do this, I was like hell yeah,” voiced Angelica. “I would love the opportunity to teach my son about the importance of giving back because we’re all struggling. In this day and age our economy sucks. We all have different battles and struggles. We don’t know what’s going on in people’s daily lives. I firmly believe that if you want to see change in the world, be the change you want to see. It’s awesome to be able to set that example for my son.”

Odessa estimated that they fed over 100 unhoused individuals on December 10, throughout the Tulalip/Marysville/Everett region. And thanks to the Tulalip Caring Warriors who donated their hard work, time, and compassion when organizing the warmth drive, those approximate 100 people will be a little toastier this holiday season. 

“This was healing for my inner child,” shared Odessa. “I went through the beda?chelh system and I was put in a home where food wasn’t guaranteed every night. And being in recovery and on the run, and maybe eating once a day – going through all that in my adolescent years – and being back out there and distributing the donations really brought back a lot of memories, but also brought back a lot of healing for me. It truly meant a lot to see their reactions, their gratefulness and to see their faces light up.”

The art of giving back has seemingly been perfected by the Tulalip Caring Warriors and it’s wonderful to see the difference they are bringing about in the community. As each of them are hardworking and have that go-getter mindset, they were able to quickly establish a non-profit organization on the fly, in order to bring a little comfort to the local homeless population this winter.

Kayla stated, “The first stop, I had about eight people, and it was me and Jenae, and when we gave them the soup and bread, they immediately started eating. And then I told them that we had blankets and coats for them. They were so grateful to get a coat and a warm bowl of soup, they kept saying thank you so much.”

“I always say If I can help one person, that will be good enough for me,” continued Kayla. “I’m just excited that I get to do this monthly now, with friends who want to do it with me. They all have open minds and hearts and love to cook and laugh with each other. I just want my kids to know that we’re very fortunate. And also, that we’re lucky to have a good group of friends who will lift you up, pick you up, stand by your side, and do good to other people because so much in our world isn’t good. If you feel it in your heart to come cook with us and be with us, you’re more than welcome to join!”

The Tulalip Caring Warriors are now accepting donations for next month’s drive until January 14. If you would like to contribute to the cause, you can drop off your donations at the Tulalip Village of Hope at 2819 Mission Hill Road. They are accepting gently used scarves, hats, coats, blankets, and gloves, as well as snacks, canned goods, and dinner rolls. For more information, please feel free to reach out to Angelica Trinidad at (425) 404-1211 or Odessa Flores at (425) 319-4868.