With shovels in hands and the desire for a brighter future, not just for our community but also for the precious wildlife like the salmon, the Tulalip Tribes, in coordination with Adopt a Stream, hosted a tree planting event on Saturday, April 20, along Quil Ceda Creek. A celebration of Earth Day, nearly 100 people united for the finishing touches on this vital project to preserve salmon runs and combat global warming, locally.
By creating shade along the creek, Tulalip hopes to counteract rising temperatures caused by global warming. With thousands of trees now planted, the goal is that 85% will thrive, helping maintain cooler water temperatures in the stream. This is crucial for the salmon habitat, as the trees will cover a little over a quarter mile of stream after their growth. This will ensure a lower temperature in the stream, a critical factor in keeping the fish healthy and thriving for years to come, thus preserving the salmon population.
Quil Ceda Creek was in such poor condition that it was listed as impaired or threatened waters under the 303(d) list, a water quality assessment conducted by the Department of Ecology every two years. This provided an opportunity for the tribe to obtain a 319 grant from the Department of Ecology. The 319 grants, a crucial part of the Clean Water Act, provide funding to state and tribal agencies to improve various waterways. In this case, the grant allowed the tribe to receive substantial financial support to restore the creek. The funds were used to remove all invasive species and plant trees on both sides of the creek, up to a distance of 100 feet, a significant step towards restoring the creek’s ecosystem.
“We received the grant about three years ago,” said Walter Rung, Adopt a Stream fish and wildlife habitat program manager. “Since then, we have had to do a lot of work to get it to where it is today. The main focus has been on providing shade to keep the water cool. Our summers seem to have been getting drier and hotter, so the shade these plants create will help combat that. If the water temperature goes above 68 degrees, it becomes lethal for the salmon, and it’s getting close to that temperature. When you look at the site, you’ll see that there are no native plants or shade, so this will be a great thing for the stream.”
Volunteers of all ages, including members of the Tulalip Tribes and local residents, gathered along the banks of Quil Ceda Creek, eager to contribute to the restoration efforts. With each tree planted, a sense of hope and determination filled the air as community members worked hand in hand to protect the ecosystem they hold dear. Their dedication reflects a shared commitment to preserving the creek’s natural beauty and safeguarding its inhabitants for future generations.
“I came to help plant trees for Earth Day,” Tulalip tribal youth JoyAnn Rose Higginbotham said. “This will help shade the stream for the salmon and provide the three c’s: cold, clean, and clear. This will help ensure me and my people can enjoy salmon for the future.”
On Monday, April 15, the Tulalip Canoe Family gathered at the Hibulb Cultural Center for the awakening ceremony. This ceremony, a significant part of our cultural tradition, involves washing the canoes in preparation for the upcoming season on the water. The tradition of waking the canoes has been practiced since the revamp of the canoe journey back in 1989 for the Paddle to Seattle. The canoe family relies on the canoe for protection and stability on the water, so they treat it with honor and respect. By doing so, the canoe will keep the riders safe and secure during their journeys.
Taylor Henry, a respected member of the canoe family, took the lead in the ceremony. He encouraged the younger ones to participate, advising them to pick up a cedar bow and to think good thoughts while walking around and blessing the canoes. Passing down the tradition to the next generation is a crucial part of the ceremony, ensuring its continuity and preserving the canoe family’s cultural practices.
“We do this every year to wake up the canoes to let them know we are going to start to take them out on the water, Henry said. “We want to take care of the canoes so that they can take care of us. It’s been a long winter, and the canoes have been stored safely; washing the canoes as a community gives the people a chance to come together and start building for a new season on the water.
Each year, many new faces join the canoe family. One of the latest members, Elizabeth Williams-Juneau, shared, “This is my first year being a part of the canoe family. It’s an amazing experience because I didn’t grow up learning these teachings. I’m excited to be here, take in new experiences, and be a part of my culture.”
Gathered with purpose, the Tulalip Canoe Family came together to awaken their vessels, renewing their bond with tradition and each other. Their determination remained unwavering as they prepared for the season, finding strength in their shared heritage and the promises of safe travels on the water.
If you would like to get more involved or participate, the Tulalip Canoe Family will have practice every Wednesday at 5:30 at the Tulalip Marina. For more information, contact Andrew Gobin at (425) 244 7958.
Family and friends of Jenzele Couassi gathered for a prayer vigil on the night of April 22. This was just hours after her loved ones were delivered the unfortunate news that her body was discovered near the Tulalip teen center after she was reported missing over the weekend.
Her classmates, and many people she knew from both the Tulalip and Marysville communities were present at the vigil to not only shower her family with love, support, and prayers, but also to share about the person Jenzele was, their relationship to her, and the love they have for her.
It was a heartbreaking night, but Tulalip culture bearers did their best to let Jenzele’s parents and her brother know they are not alone. They encouraged all of her loved ones to lean upon their shoulders through this difficult time.
While many reflected on the light which Jenzele emanated, an eagle soared above the vigil and made a pass over the bay before it perched on a nearby tree and shared a song. This moment brought a bit of comfort to the family. Tulalip drummers and singers then sang the powerful and emotional song, Fly Eagle Fly, which was composed by the Antone George (Lummi).
An important message that tribal leaders and Marysville School District faculty shared with the youth was to reach out to their peers and community for help whenever they are struggling, and they also urged them to be there for each other in their times of need.
Said Tony Hatch, who guided the vigil and spoke on behalf of the parents, “I’m really happy to see that so many people showed up for the family. It’s overwhelming for the parents, but on the other side, they get to see the amount of love that their daughter brought to this community. And they get to experience that togetherness, to know they’re not alone; we’re with them all the way through. It breaks my heart that this is something that our kids get really good at – these type of candlelight vigils. And the reason why they’re good at it is because they’ve had to put away so many of their friends that they’ve went to school with.
“We always hope and pray that they learn something from it; that they learn how to get along, how to be together and not beat on each other. Randy Vendiola said it great tonight – the best counselors out there for our kids are other kids. Kids want to talk to people their own age more than they want to talk to an adult sometimes. And as adults, we need to keep hammering away and getting them to open up when the times are tough. So, they know that it’s not the end of the world when something bad happens. Again, my heart breaks for her family. I hope they reach out to us for help with anything they need. I really hope they do.”
Our deepest condolences to Jenzele’s family and friends. If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health issues, you can call 988 for free confidential support 24hrs a day.
JoAnne Little Deer Robinson-Velazquez was born on August 14th 1978, she left us on April 8th 2024 to be with our Heavenly Father and Lord and Savior Jesus.
JoAnne came from a blended family. She leaves behind her mother, Mary Williams-Jackson; 5 children Melina Velasquez-Robinson, Destiny Velasquez-Robinson, Carlos Amado Cortez-Robinson, Larissa Cortez-Robinson, Mary Dela Cruz-Robinson. Her 2 grandchildren Rosalie Rita Torres-Velasquez and Miguel Torres-Velasquez. Siblings Elishia Stewart, Kenneth (Jessica) Robinson, Cassandra Jones, Shawn Jones, Demitri Jones-Robinson, Staycee Robinson and Maria Williams.
A celebration of her life will be held Friday, April 19, 2024 at 10 AM at the Tulalip Gathering Hall with burial to follow at Mission Beach Cemetery.
After three years of constant hospitalization due to acute renal and respiratory failure caused by undiagnosed lupus, acclaimed artist Jeffrey Veregge passed away on Friday, April 12, following a heart attack. He was 50 years old. He is survived by his wife Christina and their three children.
Following his passing, Christina posted on their shared Facebook account, “We’re heartbroken to share the devastating news that our beloved Jeffrey passed away, unexpectedly, this morning from a heart attack. Our family is in shock and trying to process this unimaginable pain. For 1,025 days he fought lupus like the superhero we knew him to be. The strength, determination and courage he showed while being in the hospital for a total of 925 days was an inspiration to us all. He will be missed more than words can express. This world was a better place because of him.”
A proud member of the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, Jeffrey will be remembered for the remarkable imprint he made on lovers of comic books, action figures, and all things superhero related through his unmistakable, formline reimagining of iconic Marvel and DC characters.
As a Tulalip News reporter, I’m so grateful to have had two opportunities to interview and profile the self-described Salish Geek, first in 2015 at PechaKucha Seattle volume 63 and again in 2020 after his Native American heritage collaboration with Marvel Comics. Using the best parts of those previous interviews, I now share with our readers a profile on the man, the myth, the legend, Jeffery Veregge.
About Gods and Heroes.
Jeffrey Veregge is an award winning Native American comic book artist from the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, located in Kingston, Washington. His work uses Coastal Salish and contemporary graphic design techniques that created the look dubbed ‘Salish Geek’ by his creative peers. Along with his work for IDW Publishing, he has appeared in numerous websites and publications such as Fast Company Magazine, Cowboys and Indians, and Wired Magazine. His works and commissions are part of some prestigious collections located at Yale University, Washington State University, The Burke Museum and the Seattle Art Museum. He’s also the pop and nerd culture contributor for Indian Country Today Media, where he is known as NDN Geek.
“I was raised and spent a majority of my life on our Port Gamble reservation known locally as Little Boston. Although I am enrolled there, I am also both of Suquamish and Duwamish ancestry,” said Veregge of his Native American roots. “I am an honor graduate from the Art Institute of Seattle, and I have had the privilege to study with Tsimshian master carver David Boxley for a short time, learning the basics of Salish formline design.”
Veregge has been an artist since the moment he was able to hold his first action figure and created stories of his childhood superheroes on paper with whatever art utensils were available. That creative fire and passion for superheroes and comics never faded and eventually led him to the Seattle Art Institute where he studied industrial design technology. Later, he was fortunate to study with Boxley to learn Salish formline design, a traditional style that he would blend fluidly within the Marvel and DC universes
“My most popular works are a reflection of a lifetime love affair with comic books, toys, TV and film; taking my passions and blending them with my Native perspective,” he said.
After graduating from the Seattle Art Institute, Veregge had a great job at an advertising agency for eleven years. Working in advertising allowed him to tap into his creative side, but the Native artist within wasn’t satisfied, he needed something more. He went to art school to be an artist and to have fun, not to have his inner artist constrained by the everyday politics of advertising.
12th Man.
For him, being an artist wasn’t just to sell art and make money; it meant having fun, it meant viewing a blank piece of paper as a magical canvas to express the imagination of a cluttered mind of a Native American who loves comics, movies, Sci-Fi, and action figures. So, he left the advertising agency and embarked on an artist’s mission to create something truly unique. The search for a new, personal and bold direction in his work resulted in Veregge remixing iconic comic superheroes with his now highly tuned hand for formline.
“For me it wasn’t just trying to create art as a geek or nerd, but as a Native I felt like I had something unique to offer,” Veregge said. “That’s my appreciation for all art and design, my passion for heroes, robots, aliens and monsters, and my pride in where I came from.
“My origins are not supernatural, nor have they been enhanced by radioactive spiders. I am simply a Native American artist and writer whose creative mantra in best summed up with a word from my tribe’s own language: ταʔčαʔξʷéʔτəν, which means get into trouble.”
Following that mantra, constantly testing his creative boundaries, and, yeah, getting into trouble a time or two ultimately led Veregge to one solo exhibition opportunity after another to showcase the wonderful world inside the mind of a Salish Geek. Multiple exhibitions of his work were held from 2009 to 2020, the pinnacle of whish was the Smithsonian’s 2018-2020 show at the National Museum of the American Indian, Of Gods and Heroes, featuring two 50-foot murals of Marvel’s heroes battling the Celestials.
Space Needle.
“For thousands of years, Native and non-Native storytellers have used art as a means to share the tales of their people. For me, I am carrying on a tradition that started with my ancestors by simply using the means of today and all its modern conveniences to share the tales that I love. Art evolves, tools get better, but the essence of what I do is the same as those who did it on the canvases nature provided for them to tell the stories of gods and heroes long, long ago” stated the Salish Geek on his website prior to Of Gods and Heroes grand opening.
His explosion onto the highest levels of the art scene eventually meant his one-a-kind designs reached the game-changing creatives at Marvel Comics. It was perfect timing, too, as the comic book goliath was in the midst of developing an all-new collection titled Marvel’s Voices.
“Marvel’s Voices started and evolved from a popular Marvel podcast into a larger program within our comics,” explained Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief, C.B. Cebulski in a press release. “Our first anthology in this program was released this past February and the reception from fans was incredible. It was clear we needed to do more to lift up more voices and talent and increase representation in and behind our stories. This is the first step of our next expansion of the program to discover new writers and artists who can bring their voices to our characters, both old and new. And this is only the beginning.”
In a cosmic shift for Native American representation, Marvel celebrated Indigenous history in November 2020 with a landmark special, Indigenous Voices #1. Written and drawn by some of the industry’s most renowned Indigenous talent, including none other than the Salish Geek himself, Jeffrey Veregge. Now a celebrated artist, he is leading this super powered movement alongside a team of creators to explore the legacy and experiences of Marvel’s incredible cast of Indigenous characters.
Iron Man.
In addition to the Indigenous Voices comic series, Veregge illustrated Native American tribute variant covers for other popular comic titles featuring Dani Moonstar, Black Panther, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk and others. All depicted in his signature Salish style.
“I am truly grateful for the platform that Marvel has not only provided for me and my work, but with this edition of Marvel Voices, all of Native America,” said Veregge. “This is an opportunity to share the cultural influences that we as Native artists and writers grew up with that will add more depth and dimension to the Native heroes in the Marvel Universe.”
From blockbuster movie goers, animated series streamers, and a very devout base of comic book enthusiasts, there are hundreds of millions of Marvel superhero fans globally. The exposure to the limited-edition Indigenous Voices series and the must-have Native Heritage tribute covers illustrated by Veregge offered immeasurable cross-cultural learning experiences to the traditional Native storytelling and the thriving art scene that is Salish formline.
In a world severely lacking in authentic representation of Native American culture, Veregge reached the highest pinnacle of his craft while elevating Salish formline into the bold and vibrant worlds of comic book lore and museum quality art exhibitions.
Within the pop culture realm, there’s a saying that goes something like “There’s heroes and there’s legends. Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.” The Salish Geek is a f*cking legend.
Are you craving some sweets? Well, you’re in luck. Stella’s Sweets just opened on 34th Ave, right across from Walmart.
Embarking on a new journey, Tulalip tribal member Samora Joseph and family held the shop’s ribbon cutting on Friday, April 5. Friends, family, and community members showed up in support of the new venture.
A long line formed outside with folks eagerly waiting to see what was inside. The first thing that catches the eye is a giant cotton candy machine, mixing the fluffy treat. A colorful display of candy, and novelty products leads you to the counter where you can order a variety of delicious treats, including shaved ice, slushies, and ice cream. The fun atmosphere was accentuated by neon signs that read, “good vibes only.”
“We started in the concession stand at Boom City and gained quite a following,” Samora said. “Initially, we started the concession stand to teach the kids how to manage a business and show them how to be entrepreneurs. We all really loved shaving ice and selling at Boom City, so we decided to pursue opening a shop full-time.”
Samora expressed pride in owning her business despite encountering various obstacles during its establishment. She said that the most significant challenge was being accountable for the business’s progress while juggling her regular job and raising her children. However, with the support of her older children, who took on additional responsibilities to take care of the younger ones, they overcame these hurdles and successfully established the shop.
“What excites me the most about this business is that it allows me to instill in my children the belief that all things are achievable,” said Samora, who named the shop after her youngest daughter. “I aim to create a legacy for them and, with any luck, for my grandchildren. It’s satisfying to know that we are providing employment opportunities not just for our family members, but also for the people in our community.”
As the ribbon was cut and the doors swung open, the business welcomed a new era of sweetness and entrepreneurship in Quil Ceda Village. With dedication, perseverance, and a vision for the future, Samora and her family are fulfilling their dream of owning a business and becoming pioneers in their community.
With a heart full of pride, Samora remarked, “So, come get your sweets, scoops, shaves, and ice cream at Stella’s Sweets.”
Swing by Stella’s Sweets at 8825 34th Ave NE Suite H-1, Tulalip, WA 98271. For more information, visit stellas-sweets.com.
In a true testament to youth-led organizing, Heritage High School recently hosted an action packed, exhibition game between local law enforcement and the school’s boys basketball team.
Fresh off a deep playoff run that yielded impressive Ws in Districts, Tri-Districts and Regionals, senior forward Damon Pablo wanted to keep the team’s momentum and positive vibes going. His insistence led to the creation of a friendly game that brought tribal teenagers, police officers, and community together at Francy J. Sheldon gymnasium.
“I first got this idea after hearing about the Heroes and Hoops event held back in December at Marysville Getchell, which had police officers and fire fighters from Marysville playing against one other to benefit Toys 4 Tots,” explained 18-year-old Damon. “A requirement as a Heritage student is to come with three projects a year, and it’s often said we should try to create projects based on things we like to do. One of the main things I like to do is play basketball, and I know our community likes to come out and cheer us on when we play, so, yeah, that’s where the inspiration came from.”
With the assistance of TPD Officer Mike Carrington, Damon coordinated a friendly game of basketball between Tulalip’s local crime fighters and his fellow high school teammates on their home floor. Friends and family of both teams sat in the bleachers and were treated to an exciting back and forth game that was just the right amount of competitive.
Team TPD played to their strengths, which was having the height and weight advantage of actual grown man bodies. They were intentional about getting the ball into the post and attacking the glass for offensive rebounds that would lead to put back opportunities. They also had the services of Officer Phil Powers who is well versed in the art of sharpshooting from behind the 3-point arc. Team TPD jumped out to a 9-0 lead that they stretched to 14-3 midway through the opening quarter.
The Hawks would storm back behind a 3-point barrage, led by freshmen phenom Amare Hatch. He was impossible to miss while wearing a festive pair of Easter bunny ears and routinely splashing jump shots over one, two, and sometimes three defenders. His scoring prowess helped his teenager team take the lead, 30-26. However, it would be short lived as Team TPD finished the half on a 7-0 run to regain the lead, 33-28, at halftime.
“It’s my first time ever playing in a game like this and, to be honest, it’s really fun. I’m enjoying splashing threes over the cops,” shared freshman guard Amare during intermission. “I’m wearing the bunny ears for the little kids in the stands. Every time I make a shot and turn towards the fan section, I can see kids cheering and smiling. Seeing their smiles makes me enjoy life a lot more.”
In the 2nd half, the high-flying Hawks executed their brand of rez ball to near perfection. Running and gunning, forcing steals, and showing off their seemingly endless supply of energy. For their effort, they held their largest lead of the game, 57-43, with only five minutes of game action left.
Down by 14 points, Team TPD refused to call it quits. Instead, to the delight of fans who desired a buzzer-beating finish, they went on a heroic 16-3 run to get within just a single point with only 50 seconds remaining.
With the pressure mounting and possession of the ball, the Hawks ran the shot clock all the way to ensure make or miss their opponents would have minimal time to pull off the comeback. When Damon’s 3-pointer rimmed out, Team TPD secured one final possession with only seconds to go. They looked to get a transition bucket, but the Hawks defense got back, seamlessly triple-teamed the police ballhandler, and forced a super contested shot that nearly went in.
The Hawks collected the defensive rebounder and the final buzzer sounded. They reveled in a hard fought 60-59 W that resulted in one last standing applause from their adoring fans as they exchanged high-fives with Team TPD.
“In so many ways, these positive interactions with the youth are beneficial to our shared Tulalip community,” said Chief of Police Chris Sutter after the game. “Building trust for effective community policing starts with our officers being seen as humans, not just an officer with a badge. Today, the kids and community witnessed a friendly game of basketball that got the competitive juices flowing, but at all times was respectful and lighthearted.
“We definitely would like to see more events like this where our officers can connect and engage with the youth over shared interests. These types of events also serve as the best way to inspire and empower the next generation to pursue careers in law enforcement,” added Chief Sutter.
The late Francy J. Sheldon, for whom the Heritage court is named, would agree wholeheartedly with Chief Sutter’s perceptive. A well-known advocate for everything athletics, Francy excelled at sports as a young man before passing on his decades of experience through coaching. Later in life, Francy proudly answered the call to serve his community as Chief of Police; something that he spoke of proudly to the next generation that he continued to coach well into his twilight years.
ʔi čəxʷ, ʔəsčal čəxʷ. Lilly Jefferson tsi s?sda, I recently returned from a trip to Hawaii and wanted to share things I saw and learned.
My family likes to snorkel so we went to tons of beaches while we were there. We went to a beach every day and always left the house with our swimsuits on because we were prepared. But I remember this one beach we went to, we were all in the water snorkeling and we heard this lady yelling at everyone and when we looked up we saw a seal resting on shore. It was awesome! There were other seals, too, all resting around the beach and ten sea turtles were coming ashore.
While we were in Hawaii, we visited the big island and were pleasantly surprised to see Toni Jo Gobin. She shared with me that she moved from Tulalip to Hawaii in June 2016 and absolutely loves her life there. She was willing to share what it’s like calling Hawaii home.
“It’s a blessing to live in Hawaii,” said Tulalip tribal member, Toni Jo Gobin. “It feels like home, it feels like living off the rez. I was a little nervous moving here by myself, just me and my son. But it’s just like anywhere you move where you don’t have no family no ties, no connection. It’s a little scary at first, but we were blessed us with a good place to stay and a good landlord. I thank god for putting people in my life that took me under their wing and introduced me to all kinds of stuff over here that made me feel welcome.”
Hawaiian culture is so similar to our Coast Salish culture. For example, they weave leaves from palm trees for headbands and we weave with strips of cedar wood. They use the ukulele, large gourd drums called ipu hulas, and the pahu a bass drum, while we use hide drums, rattles, and clappers.
They even have canoe races. When I was there we met up with Toni Jo Gobin and learned her son has a canoe. It was so cool and they let us go on it. We just so happened to be there when the island hosted their own canoe races! It was so awesome to see all the canoes on the beach. There were so many people racing.
Hawaiian art even resembles Coast Salish art, too. Each piece of art that I came across had its own story. One common art piece you can see in Hawai’i is the Polynesian Triangle. The triangle represents cultural geography, such as Hawaii in the North, Eastern Island/Rapa Nui, and New Zealand/Aotearoa. *
Here in Tulalip, there is a lot of talk of colonization and we tend to think it has only happened to tribes. Really it has happened all around the world. For example, in Hawai’i in 1896 there was a language ban that caused several generations to lose part of their culture. Land and water were also taken from them for military bases, resorts, urbanization, and plantation agriculture. *
Even their Hula dance has been culturally appropriated. It was taken from Hawaiian people and made ornamental for tourism. Meaning the dance had been a showcase for tourists. Hawaii is the most isolated island in the world. It has been overrun by settlers. During World War II, Hawaii was under martial law for seven years. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land were confiscated.
But natives in Hawaii did not let all of that colonization take their culture completely. They still practice their culture and traditional customs to this day. In school, kids start learning their language young so they will be fluent by the time they’re done with school.
While I was there I witnessed a number of ways that the Hawaiian culture continues to thrive, such as creation stories at beaches and waterfalls, luau with adults teaching kids dances, and their traditional language on signs everywhere. These kinds of similarities to cultural revitalization in Tulalip is something that Toni Jo has found comforting while being so far away from Tulalip.
“I’ve always wanted to live here and there are opportunities with education to experience everything Hawaii has to offer,” she said. “Our tribe pays for college education, they pay for school and a lot of the living costs associated with attending a college, like those in Hawaii. I wanted to take that opportunity to show my son that it can be done.”
Toni Jo attended the University of Hawaii at Hilo and received her Bachelor’s Degree in 2021.
In Hawaii there are fishermen, storytellers, language warriors, singers, artists, weavers, and dancers. There are even tribal members like Toni Jo and her son there carving out purpose and creating community with Native Hawaiians who are just like us. They are our island relatives, beautiful and thriving. Just like us.