Learn about “Spirit of the Ojibwe” on Tulalip TV

Chathlopotle Plankhouse
Chathlopotle Plankhouse


By Roger Vater, Tulalip TV

Premiering on Tulalip TV this week is a new episode of Native Report # 808.

Native Report is an entertaining, informative magazine style series that celebrates Native American culture and heritage, listens to tribal elders, and talks to some of the most powerful and influential leaders of Indian country today.

In this edition of Native Report we learn about “Spirit of the Ojibwe,” a special book devoted to the elders of the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in Wisconsin. We visit the Chathlopotle Plankhouse, a traditional Chinookan-style cedar structure. And we learn about how the best practices toward revitalizing the Maori Language can also be applied to other language preservation efforts. We also learn something new about Indian country and hear from our elders on this edition of Native Report.

You will be able to watch Native Report Episode – 808 and many other Native programs on Tulalip TV, Channel 99 on Tulalip Broadband or Live on www.TulalipTV.com on a PC, Mac or any ‘Smart’ device such as phone or tablet.

Native Report – 808 can be watched at either of these times: 1:00 p.m. or 9:30p.m.

For a current schedule of Tulalip TV, you can always visit: http://www.tulaliptv.com/tulaliptv-schedule/


Students explore options for life after high school: Opportunity Expo brings employers, colleges, and vocational schools to students

Opp Expo~14

By Andrew Gobin, Tulalip News

The Tulalip Education Department gathered more than 150 representatives from Snohomish County employers, universities, colleges, technical schools, vocational schools, public safety officials, and the military for a comprehensive opportunity exposition on April 22 at the Tulalip Resort Casino. The expo, which filled the entire resort convention area, allowed students and parents to speak with these representatives about their respective fields or entities, allowing the students to explore their options for life after high school.

“There is a time to decide who you want to be in life, what you will do, what type of person you’ll be, and what you want your life to be like. That time is now,” say Ray Fryberg Sr. who spoke when students arrived.

Fryberg, who led a group of Tulalip singers, also sang two songs to welcome students.

Dr. Becky Berg, Superintendent for the Marysville School District, welcomed students to the event, echoing Fryberg and acknowledging the diverse cultures represented in the district.

“Even as you choose a path in life, it is so important to remember your culture as you move forward,” she said.

After the opening remarks, students made their way through a maze of booths where they could stop and talk with employers or recruiters about what they could offer, and what students needed to do to succeed on whichever path they chose.

About 2000 junior and senior high school students from throughout the Marysville School District, and their parents, visited the expo in one of four 90 minute sessions between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. The sessions’ limited attendance, allowing students to engage with presenters without the distraction of being crowded. With the ability to move about freely, many presenters brought interactive displays. Chiropractors had skeletal models, engineering firms had working control panels for fire alarm and sprinkler systems, and there was even a vet with a dog and models of canine mandibles.

Some students were looking at colleges and universities, some at vocational schools, and some were more interested in on the job training. Law enforcement, public safety, and military recruiters also added many students to their mailing list for informational packets on entering those fields as well.

“It was a definite success,” said Jeanne Steffner, the Adult Education Financial Aid and Scholarship Specialist for the Tulalip Education Department. “I wish they would do this in other districts. I don’t think students are fully aware of the options open to them. This expo helps them come away with a clear plan for after high school.”

The Tulalip Education Department handed out more than 200 packets to attendees on resources for post-high school education, which is a clear indicator that students wanted to know their options. As more students graduate and move on to higher education or into the workforce, the Marysville School District is closer to success in its mission of 100% graduation, college or career ready.

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Andrew Gobin is a reporter with the See-Yaht-Sub, a publication of the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department.
Email: agobin@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov
Phone: (360) 716.4188

Heritage senior sets his sights high

Alan Enick (Center) Clutching the trophy for the district championship title.
Alan Enick (Center) Clutching the trophy for the district championship title.

By Andrew Gobin, Tulalip News

After four years with the Tulalip Heritage Hawks, Alan Enick will be graduating. He is one of four seniors that the Hawks will lose this year, after an extraordinary season that ended in upset at the State Championships in March of this year. Alan plans to attend either Northwest Indian College or Everett Community College this fall, and intends to transfer to the University of Washington Bothell.

Alan’s parents, Leon and Annie Enick, have always encouraged him to do well in school and pursue education. After a presentation from the University of Washington Bothell, Alan set his sights on a degree in either business or sports medicine.

He is an excellent student, with his principle Shelly Lacy commending his high attendance record. She said he is always at school, and is always working hard. Alan enjoys art class, particularly beading. He finds it to be relaxing. As a student athlete, he has taken advantage of weightlifting classes and P.E. to better his game. Alan’s parents are very supportive, encouraging him to make good choices. Like every teen, he faces peer pressure to try drugs or to drink underage, though he is proud to say he has never done either. He attributes his strength in overcoming peer pressure to discussions with his father about the importance of good life choices.

Recently, Alan attended a lecture that Tulalip Councilwoman Deborah Parker gave about the Violence Against Women Act, and expounded on some of the issues facing tribes today. Inspired to act from this lecture, Alan is also considering pursuing a degree in Tribal Law.


Andrew Gobin is a reporter with the See-Yaht-Sub, a publication of the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department.
Email: agobin@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov
Phone: (360) 716.4188

Big winners at Tulalip Bingo night

By Andrew Gobin

An event to just have fun, make a little extra cash, and remember how far the Tulalip Tribes has come, the annual tribal member bingo celebration is always a crowded event. This year marks 13 years since the new bingo hall opened, though it is only the second year that the celebration was held in two separate sessions, so that twice as many people could attend. Both sessions were packed with eager players enjoying free bingo and entering into a drawing for a variety of prizes. Some players even brought lucky bingo daubers and had lined them on the table in front of them, waiting to blot out a win.

Tulalip elder Norma Comenote said, “I’ve never won here, but I come every year. It’s good to visit with everyone, my friends and family, and all my relatives. It’s all about having fun.”

You can’t really go wrong with free bingo, a free raffle, and good company, but some players still had their eyes on the prize.

“I’m just waiting for that $2000 cash raffle win,” said Breland Joseph.

Players could win a Pendelton blanket with a card underneath in the raffle. The card had another prize written on it. Winners chose a blanket with the hopes of scoring the big cash payouts or a big screen TV. Unfortunately for Breland, no sooner had he said he was going to win the $2000 prize, when the next raffle winner swooped it out from under a blanket.

The evening was full of laughter and fun. Bingo Manager Tammy Taylor had the honor of hosting the celebration this year, though she had some pretty big shoes to fill.

“I just want to say I’m honored to be here, but I think we all miss Mel Sheldon. He hosted tribal bingo night every year, and always kept us laughing with his antics at the mic. I invited him again this year but he was unable to attend,” she said.

The Tulalip Bingo Night brings people together to enjoy time with friends and family, sharing a meal and an evening of frivolity.

Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night Tribal Bingo night


Andrew Gobin is a reporter with the See-Yaht-Sub, a publication of the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department.
Email: agobin@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov
Phone: (360) 716.4188

Unique talents with original flare

By Andrew Gobin, Tulalip News

The annual Tulalip Quil Ceda Talent Show on Tuesday, April 22, gave students an opportunity to showcase unique talents, imaginative recreations of pop songs, and amazing skills.  The kids put on an exciting show that included singing, dancing, improvisational song and dance, martial arts demonstrations, and instrumental performances. An all-around good time, the show was entertaining.

Each student had five minutes of fame as they performed an act of their choosing. Performances varied, with original pieces of choreographed dance, including daring breakdance moves, hula hooping and more. Each act reflected the personality of the performers through wardrobe and dance choices. At the end of the show, school was over, but performers returned later that night with an audience of peers and parents, running through the set for an evening finale.

Jacob demonstrates a Kung Fu form.
Jacob demonstrates a Kung Fu form. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Guitarist and vocalist Henry gave an excellent performance
Guitarist and vocalist Henry gave an excellent performance. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Jade, Singin
Jade, Singing. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Mateo, singing and dancing in the style of Michael Jackson
Mateo, singing and dancing in the style of Michael Jackson. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
A lovely duet by Candace and Macaela
A lovely duet by Candace and Macaela. Andrew GObin/Tulalip News
Jose, Alex, and Coltin breakdancing.
Jose, Alex, and Coltin breakdancing. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News

TQC Talent Show ~ 14 TQC Talent Show ~ 14

Rhianna, singing a song by pop star, Rhianna
Rhianna, singing a song by pop star, Rhianna. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Kamaya singing Michael Jackson's "I'm Bad"
Kamaya singing Michael Jackson’s “I’m Bad” Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Kamaya singing while Selina performs kung fu as a dance.
Kamaya singing while Selina performs kung fu as a dance. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
This little singer's name is Emma.
This little singer’s name is Emma. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Keyondra Hula hoop dancing.
Keyondra Hula hoop dancing. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Keyondra Hula hoop dancing.
Keyondra Hula hoop dancing. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Masters of Ceremony Avel, Ivan and Anthony.
Masters of Ceremony Avel, Ivan and Anthony. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News
Masters of Ceremony Avel, Ivan and Anthony.
Masters of Ceremony Avel, Ivan and Anthony. Andrew Gobin/Tulalip News


Andrew Gobin is a reporter with the See-Yaht-Sub, a publication of the Tulalip Tribes Communications Department.
Email: agobin@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov
Phone: (360) 716.4188

Hibulb adds new events for May

By Brandi N. Montreuil, Tulalip News

hibulb logoTULALIPHibulb Cultural Center is changing up their event series this month. The center, known for its monthly events featuring cultural demonstrations, lectures, traditional storytelling and workshops, has added a children’s reading series, Hibulb Reading Time, and a new film event, “Bring your own family history film night.”

The two new events resulted in creative ideas being exchanged between staff and volunteers earlier this spring. Hibulb Reading Time features Tulalip tribal members, including Tulalip Tribes board member Theresa Sheldon, volunteering to read books that explore Native American themes and identity, followed with a craft based on the story.

“Bring your family history film night,” is a special film event based on local family submissions that honor and capture family history.  The event will be held May 29, in the center’s longhouse, and continues the center’s history of screening films that highlight Coast Salish life and Indian Country issues. Film submissions for this event will be accepted until May 28, and should include a 15-minute video that focuses on your family or family history.

Tulalip elder Sandra Swanson is hosting a quilting class every Sunday throughout the month, featuring her quilting expertise and the basics of quilting. You will need to provide your own fabric for this workshop.

This month also marks the last chance to view the Coast Salish Inheritance: Celebrating Artistic Innovation exhibit featuring art from Tulalip artists. The exhibit will close on May 21.

Events and workshops are included in the Hibulb Cultural Center admission price. Admission is free for Tulalip tribal members. Adults (18 years and over) $10.00, senior (50+ and over) $7.00, students (6-17 years old), military and veterans $7.00, children (5 years and under) free, and families $25.00. The first Thursday of each month is free admission.

For information on Hibulb Cultural Center events and lectures, please visit their website at www.hibulbculturalcenter.org. Please contact, Lena Jones at 360-716-2640 or Mary Jane Topash at 360-716-2657 regarding film submissions for “Bring your family history film night.”


Brandi N. Montreuil: 360-913-5402; bmontreuil@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov



Boom City Swap Meet open for 2014 summer season

By Brandi N. Montreuil, Tulalip News

bnm_boom city swap meet-8TULALIP – The Boom City Swap Meet opened April 26, for the summer season, giving collectors, treasure seekers, and bargain hunters a chance to explore the emporium of eclectic items every Saturday and Sunday for only $1 vehicle entry fee. The swap meet will be open until mid-June, closing for a brief break for the Boom City Fireworks season, reopening in mid-July until September.

The swap meet features over 200 vendors selling wares, including a cariety of food vendors selling tasty treats where you can enjoy shaved ice, Mexican cuisine and Indian frybread among others.

This year children’s activities will include a large bouncy house and face painting.

Boom City Swap Meet is located at the Tulalip Boom City site behind the Tulalip Resort Casino and open Saturdays and Sundays, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It is a family friendly atmosphere. For more information about the Boom City Swap Meet, please visit their website at www.boomcityswapmeet.com.


Brandi N. Montreuil: 360-913-5402; bmontreuil@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov



Tulalip TV program explores diabetes in first Tulalip Health Watch episode

Tulalip TV’s Tulalip Health Watch will air this summer and will focus on health issues Native Americans face today.
Photo/ Brandi N. Montreuil, Tulalip News

TULALIP, WA – Tulalip TV viewers will soon be able to watch a new informational program called “Tulalip Health Watch,” which focuses on health issues Native Americans face today.

In the program’s first episode, “Diabetes,” the disease is examined through interviews with health professionals at the Tulalip Karen I. Fryberg Health Clinic. Viewers will learn the fundamental characteristics of diabetes, along with resources available for testing, prevention, and treatment.

Diabetes affects 57 million Americans, and only 8.3 percent are diagnosed. But more shocking are the epidemic proportions of diabetes in Indian Country with 16.2 percent Native Americans and Alaska Natives diagnosed.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Indian Health Service, Native Americans are at a 2.2 times higher risk than their non-Indian counterparts. Between 1994 and 2004 there was a 68 percent increase in diabetes diagnosis in American Indian and Alaska Native youth, aged 15-19 years old.

In “Diabetes,” viewers will learn how a poor diet, lack of regular exercise, and a genetic pre-disposition are the leading contributing factors for 95 percent of American Indians and Alaska Native with Type 2 diabetes, and 30 percent with THW---Diabetes-BryanCooper-2pre-diabetes.

Viewers will also learn how clinic staff incorporates Tulalip culture and traditions into programs available at the clinic for diabetes education, prevention, and management.

“The providers that we have here are great. The Tribe is putting money into this clinic and our goal is to be here with an open mind and heart, and to be a partner here for them regarding their health needs. We have a collaborative team here that you don’t see at other clinics,” said Bryan Cooper, Tulalip Karen I. Fryberg Health Clinic Nurse Practitioner in “Diabetes.”

“Tulalip Health Watch,” will air this summer. Future episodes will explore heart disease, obesity, and other health issues Native Americans face.

You can watch “Tulalip Health Watch” on Tulalip TV at www.tulaliptv.com or on channel 99 on Tulalip Cable.


Brandi N. Montreuil: 360-913-5402; bmontreuil@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov