Tribal history and culture to be taught at all MSD schools

Marysville School Board members, MSD Native American Liaisons, Denny Hurtado of WA Office of Native Education and Dr. Kyle Kinoshita the Ex. Dir. of Learning and Teaching, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, following the passing of Since Time Immemorial curriculum in MSD schools. (Tulalip News/ Brandi N. Montreuil)
Marysville School Board members, MSD Native American Liaisons, Denny Hurtado of WA Office of Native Education and Dr. Kyle Kinoshita the Ex. Dir. of Learning and Teaching, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, following the passing of Since Time Immemorial curriculum in MSD schools. (Tulalip News/ Brandi N. Montreuil)

MSD adopts Since Time Immemorial curriculum during regular board meeting

By Brandi N. Montreuil, Tulalip News

MARYSVILLE – The work to correct history began long before the Marysville School Board met on December 8, to vote on adopting accurate tribal history and culture via the Since Time Immemorial curriculum into their district schools. The idea was first introduced by then newly elected Rep., John McCoy (D-Tulalip), in HB 1495 on January 26, 2005. The bill proposed requiring school districts to offer tribal history and culture along with Washington State and United States history curriculum. It passed 78-18 in the House on March 9, 2005. However, since then school districts have lagged in offering accurate tribal history on the 29 federally recognized tribes located in Washington state. On December 8, MSD decided to unanimously pass adopting the Since Time Immemorial curriculum as part of required curriculum in all their schools.

“This is awesome. This is a big district and to have a school board adopt it means a lot to us at the Native Office of Education, us as Indian people, and the people who created it. This is a great thing, because they are saying how important it is to start teaching about our history and our culture,” said Denny Hurtado, the outgoing Director of Washington Office of Native Education, following the vote.

STI is the result of partnership between the State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, private and public agencies and several of the 29 federal recognized tribes in Washington state. The curriculum provides a basic framework of Indian history and understanding of sovereignty for grades k-12. Aligned with the Common Core standards for English, language and art, STI lessons can be adapted by teachers to reflect the specific histories of tribes in their local area.

Denny Hurtado, outgoing WA Office of Native Education Director speaks to Marysville School Board, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, on developing Since Time Immemorial curriculum. (Tulalip News/ Brandi N. Montreuil)
Denny Hurtado, outgoing WA Office of Native Education Director speaks to Marysville School Board, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, on developing Since Time Immemorial curriculum. (Tulalip News/ Brandi N. Montreuil)

Teachers Shana Brown from the Seattle School District who is of Yakima dependency, Jerry Price, a middle school teacher with the Yelm School District and Elese Washines, an educator in the Yakima Nation Tribal schools, developed the curriculum under the leadership of Hurtado. STI was designed not just for non-Native students, but also for Native students. Its purpose, explained Hurtado to MSD board members, is to breakdown Native American stereotypes and misconceptions and to build bridges between tribal communities and non-Native communities.

“All they [students] know about us is what they learned in school, which is very little, and what you see on TV, which is not true, and what you read about during Columbus Day and Halloween,” Hurtado said before the vote.  “I didn’t want this curriculum to seem like it was just an Indian thing. This was a true partnership to develop something good for our school to use. The purpose is to build bridges between our community and your community. That is a big point for us Indian people, because we have a lot of mistrust of the education system because our first experience of education was the military boarding schools.”

Over 1,000 teachers have received STI training by the Washington State Office of Native Education and 30 percent of school districts in Washington are using STI curriculum in some shape or form. Montana, Oregon and Alaska have also adopted STI curriculum in their school districts, and currently the Seattle School Board is looking into implementing it into their schools.

Tulalip member and MSD Native Liaison Eliza Davis speaks to Marysville School Board members, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, on the importance of accurate tribal history in school curriculum. (Tulalip News/ Brandi N. Montreuil)
Tulalip member and MSD Native Liaison Eliza Davis speaks to Marysville School Board members, Monday, Dec. 8, 2014, on the importance of accurate tribal history in school curriculum. (Tulalip News/ Brandi N. Montreuil)

Matt Remle, a Lakota Native from the Standing Rock Reservation and Native American Liaison with MSD, who was present for the voting, said the change was long overdue. Fellow liaison, Eliza Davis, Tulalip tribal member, said the history of her own Tribe was lacking during her high school education.

“I graduated from Marysville-Pilchuck High School. I remember in Washington State history we watched the movie “Appaloosa.” That is what I remember of Washington State history. I don’t remember learning a whole lot about our Indian people or about Tulalip Tribes. I support the curriculum 100 percent. It is so important for our kids, all of our kids, and the whole community to understand the true history of all Washington Tribes, and also the history of Tulalip, Marysville, and what Tulalip does for this community as a whole. I think adopting this curriculum is the right direction.”

“I am excited for this day. I am excited about this and I am ready to approve this. We should have had this a long time ago,” said MSD board member Chris Nation right before the unanimous vote.

For more information on STI, please visit the website


Brandi N. Montreuil: 360-913-5402;


TERO Vocational Training Center winter graduation

Winter Quarter GraduatesPhoto/Micheal Rios
Winter Quarter Graduates
Photo/Micheal Rios


By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Sixteen students celebrated their graduation from an intensive three month pre-apprenticeship construction trades program on Monday, December 8, at the Tulalip Tribes administration building. The program, which is managed by the Tulalip TERO department, is the first state recognized Native American pre-apprenticeship program in the United States. The program is accredited through the Edmonds Community College and all in class curriculum has been formally approved by the Washington State Apprentice and Training Council. The three month course provides students instruction in the basics of the construction trade. In addition, they are awarded certifications in flagging, first aid/CPR, and an OSHA 10-hour safety card. Upon completion of the program students are ready to safely enter the construction work environment.

During the graduation ceremony, students shared what the program has meant to them, their favorite part of the program, and what their goals are after graduating. TVTC graduate Aaron Kornish commented on his favorite part of the program, “the opportunities of learning how to build things with various techniques, getting the opportunity to meet different trade representatives, and having the opportunity to expand my horizon.”

While presenting their final thoughts to the audience of family, friends, trade representatives, and community members, students also presented their personal projects, a project they build as a class final that encompasses all the techniques and concepts they’ve learned over the past three months. Some projects included a skate board ramp, a four foot tall dresser, a cabinet for PlayStation 4 games, and an entertainment center.

Tulalip vice-chairman Les Parks delivered a brief speech to the graduates and audience members before the diplomas were handed out, noting that after graduating high school in 1975 he started a construction training program that was very similar to the TVTC program. “My recommendation to the students is to follow your dream, find your passion, find what fits you and go for it. Make it work,” Parks expresses to the students, “Wherever you find your passion, follow it, and make it work for you.”

Mark Newland, nine year instructor of the construction program, was presented with and wrapped in a Pendleton blanket by his graduating students to honor all the hard work and dedication he has given to his students and the program.

This winter session marked the second successful completion of the program since undergoing reform. No longer titled the Native American Construction Trades Employment Program (NACTEP), the program has been transformed into the TERO Vocational Training Center (TVTC) and is completely funded by Tulalip TERO in partnership with Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and the Tulalip Foundation. TVTC classes are offered at no charge to Tulalip tribal members, tribal members of federally recognized tribes, spouses/parents of Tulalip tribal members, and employees of the Tulalip Tribes. The next TVTC session starts January 27, 2015. For more information contact Lynne Bansemer, TERO Client Services Coordinator, at (360) 716-4746 or


Winter Quarter Graduates 

Bradley Althoff, Tulalip

Mangus Bauer, Round Valley Indian Tribes

Nathan Bayhurst, Tulalip

Leonard Begay, Navajo

Joe Fox, Tulalip Spouse-Parent

Arrion John, Yakima

Aaron Kornish, Parent of Tulalip Tribes

Jordan Laducer, Turtle Mountain Chippewa

Micah Laducer, Turtle Mountain Chippewa

Blaze Medina, Tulalip

Dylan Monger, Tulalip

Greg Moses, Tulalip

Robert Ramos, Tulalip

Dylan Rivera, Yakima

El Tico Tyson, Spouse of Tulalip

Tyrone Yazzie, Navajo

Preventing child sexual abuse is an adult responsibility

By Crystal Reyes, Child Advocate, Tulalip Legacy of Healing 

Darkness to Light believes that adults should be taking proactive steps to protect children from this significant risk. It is unrealistic to think that a young child can take responsibility for fending off sexual advances by an adult. Adults are responsible for the safety of children. Adults are the ones who need to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Yet, the statistics clearly show that adults aren’t shouldering this responsibility. Darkness to Light believes that adults just don’t know how.


Think About It

It’s unrealistic to expect a six-year-old to fend off sexual advances from an adult relative. Children often cannot recognize sexual advances for what they are, and have been taught to “mind” adults who are authority figures.


Adults are Responsible for the Safety of Children 

As adults, we strap babies into car seats, we walk children across busy streets, and we ask teenagers questions about where they are going and who they will be with, all to keep them safe. As adults, we should also be responsible for protecting children from sexual abuse.

Why, then, are we at such a loss when it comes to protecting children from sexual abuse? Child abuse statistics show that adults do not adequately protect children from child sexual abuse, and the main reason is that they don’t know how.

Research suggests that adults are unaware of effective steps they can take to protect their children from sexual abuse. Most do not know how to recognize signs of sexual abuse and many do not know what to do when sexual abuse is discovered.

There are several well-known and successful programs that teach children age-appropriate self-protection skills and techniques. These programs also teach children about physical boundaries, and about discerning types of touch. These programs are valuable to children, and the skills they teach have thwarted abductions and sexual assaults. However, this is simply one part of a larger prevention and protection plan. We must not fall into the trap of thinking that these skills alone are “good enough.”


Reporting Child Sexual Abuse to Authorities 

Do you know where you would go to get help if your child was sexually abused? Do you know what agencies would be involved, or whether you would need to call the police? Finding out these answers ahead of time can make a tremendous difference in how a child’s case is handled.


Agencies that Handle Reports of Child Abuse 

These agencies handle most reports of child abuse:

Child Protective Services (CPS) –  1-866-829-2153

Tulalip Tribal Police – 360-716-9911

The Police – 911

What if I’m not sure? Where do I go? 

Legacy of Healing Children’s Advocacy Center coordinates with legal and social services professionals in a case. If you are unsure about making an official report or are in need of support, please contact us at 360-716-4100. We will help assess your suspicions.


For more information on Child Sexual Abuse please go to

Tulalip healing – intervening on youth trauma

By Kara Briggs-Campbell, Tulalip News 

“I love you too much to let you hurt yourself,” Robert Macy, a psychologist who works international trauma relief, said as he talked to the Tulalip tribal community about how to interrupt the thoughts of a youth who is considering killing themselves.

Macy, who is president of the International Trauma Center in Boston, met Thursday, December 4 with tribal member families, tribal staff and staff from area schools, to share techniques of traumatic incident stress interventions. Macy and a team of 100 specialists have worked in communities worldwide after natural disasters, terrorist acts and violent events.

Any effort to bring healing to the trauma that the Tulalip community feels will be built upon a combination of “Western medical practice, international tribal techniques for healing, and Tulalip’s own creativity and ingenuity,” Macy said.

At Macy’s request, no names or direct quotes from those who participated in sessions on Thursday will be shared in this article. Macy made this request out of concern that tribal members and staff be able to speak freely about their concerns in a confidential setting. Instead, the focus of this article is on Macy’s techniques for treating youth in trauma and helping communities with a history of trauma.

“After a traumatic event, your body goes into a higher level of adrenaline to absorb the shock,” he said. “Your adrenaline in this community was elevated for several weeks with the deaths and funerals.”

Your body’s emergency response to a threat is a good thing when there is a threat, but it’s a problem when the danger is gone and the child or adult can’t calm down to go to sleep or go to school or work. This is a sign that the nervous system is flooded with chemicals that keep you on edge and don’t let you calm down.

In this state of trauma, a fishnet, speaking figuratively, must be unfurled to catch every youth and every child who is reeling from the unexplainable and unimaginable events of the past weeks, or the past months and years when other violent traumatic events impacted the tribal community.

“We don’t look for the kids who look like they are the ones in trouble,” Macy said. “We look at all the kids.”

To do this, Macy’s groups works with the community to create and train teams of community members, “from the bus driver to the bartender,” and from the mental health staff to the parents, to intervene with kids and cope with conversation.

It begins with, are you thinking of hurting yourself?  “I say to teens, don’t go into that dark corner, don’t go in there alone. Don’t let the light go out,” he said. “I love you too much to let you hurt yourself. The elders love you too much. Invoke the tribe. The tribe loves you too much to let you hurt yourself.”

With youth who are considering suicide, Macy said, “They are thinking, ‘I am dirty and disgusting. The world will be a better place without me.’” Amid those thoughts, suicide might seem to be the only option for some. The intervention is that there are more options.

At the same time, Macy advised that the Tulalip community agree and communicate that suicide is not only a bad choice, but it is also a taboo that is unacceptable in this community, he said.

For parents and trusted adults, he said it is important to find out what your kid really cares about, what matters the most to them. To do this requires the adult to come to a non-judgmental place of compassion and calm, because what the kid shares might be revolting to you. But finding this out will make a bridge that will help you reach your child, he said.

Some youth may need hospitalization, some may need medicine, and many others simply need outpatient counseling, programs and community engagement. The good news is that trauma is highly treatable as long as it isn’t suppressed and silenced.

“Trauma that is silenced will end in violence,” Macy said.

No decisions have been made by the Tulalip Tribes about what the next steps will be.

Macy said the important thing is to look at the strengths the Tulalip community has, including the resiliency of the Tulalip ancestors, the loving tribal children and parents, and the Tulalip community that is committed to finding a path to healing.


Where to call for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year

The Tulalip Tribes’ Behavioral Health Family Services has worked tirelessly since the tragic shooting on Oct. 24 to provide mental wellness to anyone in the tribal community who needs help. Behavioral Health also knows that in crisis, people need help around the clock. Here is a list of the phone numbers with descriptions about the focus of each crisis line.

To report an emergency dial 911

On the Tulalip Reservation and in Marysville, our 9-1-1 calls are answered by SNOPAC, a regional public safety communications center that receives law enforcement, fire and medical 9-1-1 calls for 37 different Snohomish County jurisdictions. It’s staff of “highly trained and dedicated professionals are available 24x7x365,” as stated on SNOPAC’s website. SNOPAC’s Core Values are Integrity, Respect, Professionalism and Teamwork. Learn more at

National Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

The National Suicide Prevention Line,, is a crisis center in the Lifeline Network. After you call, you will hear a message saying you have reached the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Then you will hear hold music while your call is routed to a skilled, trained crisis worker who will listen to your problem. “No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling, you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.”

Snohomish County Crisis Line: 1-800-584-3578

The Snohomish County Crisis Line connects callers with a mental health clinician, who will provide emotional support and crisis intervention to individuals in crisis or considering suicide. In addition to the 24 Hour Crisis Line, an online chat also offers crisis services through Care Crisis Chat for those who prefer to access care via the Internet. Learn more at – sthash.uKHLCR79.dpuf.

Crisis TEXT Line: Text “Listen” to 741-741

The Crisis TEXT Line,, states, “Millions of teens are quietly suffering every day. They struggle with bullying, homophobia, suicidal thoughts and more. The solution is beautifully simple: We provide crisis intervention services to teens via a medium they already use and trust: text. And we use insights from our work to develop and share innovations in prevention, treatment, and long-term care.” It is a program of, one of the largest non-profit organizations for young people and social change.

24 Hour Crisis Line: 1-866-427-4747

Based in King County, the Crisis Line provides crisis assistance. “We need to talk with you directly on the phone.  By talking with you anonymously and confidentially, we are best able to work with you to find help,” the Crisis Line states on its website,

TEENLINK: 1-866-833-6546

Based in Seattle and open from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. nightly, TEENLINK puts teens in touch with professionally trained youth volunteers, ranging in age from 15 to 20. “If you need to talk, our volunteers are there to listen and help you find youth-friendly resources in our community,” the TEENLINK website states. About 10 percent of callers are considering suicide, the other 90 percent want to talk about topics such as relationships, problems at school, drugs and alcohol, self harm, grief and loss, dating violence, family problems, eating disorders, and much more. For more information visit,

Heritage Hawks soar in season opener

Photo/Micheal Rios
Photo/Micheal Rios


By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Coming off a very successful 26-1 season last year that saw the Hawks win a league championship, a district championship, and a tri-district championship, the expectations have been raised for our basketball program. It will be difficult to repeat the success of last year though, especially after losing so many senior players from last year’s team, most notably Northwest 1B League’s most valuable player Keanu Hamilton who is currently playing for Everett Community College.

This year’s Hawks team will consist of seniors Jesse Louie, Dontae Jones, Anthony McLean, Trevor Fryberg and Ayrik Miranda, along with juniors Robert Miles and Willy Enick. Coaches Marlin Fryberg and Cyrus “Bubba” Fryberg have both retained their coaching positions from last season.

The Tulalip Heritage Hawks boys basketball team kicked off their 2014-2015 season with a home opener vs. the Marysville-Pilchuck Tomahawks junior varsity team. The game would be a true testament to the skill and strategy of both players and coaches as the Hawks only dressed five players for the game, meaning there would be no substitutions and in the event a player fouled out the Hawks would be forced to play a man down. Prior to tip-off, coaches Fryberg stressed playing smart, hard-nosed defense, while being patient and focused on executing the offense.

In the opening quarter the Hawks shot a lowly 4 for 15 from the field for only 9 points, however junior standout Robert Miles scored 7 points in the quarter to keep the score close at 9-10. The Hawks made a point of emphasis to move the ball on the offensive end in the 2nd quarter. Spreading the floor and passing to the open man allowed the Hawks to catch fire. Jesse Louie and Willy Enick each had 3 assists in the quarter, while the team connecting on 8 of 10 shots from the field. However, the extra focus on offense didn’t carry over to the defensive end. The MP Tomahawks were shooting uncontested 3-pointers and jump shots, seemingly at will against the lackadaisical Hawks team defense. Luckily, for the Hawks, the Tomahawks were struggling to knock down their outside shots and the Hawks led the game 30-26 after the 2nd quarter.

During halftime the five Hawk players were visibly exhausted from playing the entire first half without any substitutions. The halftime intermission allowed them to get a rest, rehydrate, and go over second half adjustments. Coaches Marlin and Bubba Fryberg emphasized the lazy defense the Hawks had played in the first half, pointing out the game would not be close if the Hawks played the tough, aggressive style defense they are known for. Bottom line, the Hawks needed to pick up their defensive intensity to pull out the win.


Photo/Micheal Rios
Photo/Micheal Rios


Message received. The Hawks came out of halftime and played their style of aggressive defense. They trapped the Tomahawk ball handlers, jumped the passing lanes, and hustled to every loose ball and rebound. Meanwhile Jesse Louie and Robert Miles attacked the basket at every opportunity, producing high efficient shots. The Hawks started the 3rd quarter on 9-2 run that led to a Tomahawk timeout, but the Tomahawk adjustments from that timeout didn’t work. The Hawks continued their relentless play and scored 14 unanswered points, putting them up 53-28. With 2 minutes remaining in the 3rd quarter, both teams traded a pair of buckets. In all, the 3rd quarter saw the Hawks outscore the MP Tomahawks 27-6 and enter the 4th quarter with a 57-32 lead.

The Hawks continued executing their offense to start the 4th quarter, and held a 66-40 lead with 4:21 left to play. With a Hawks victory clearly in sight the disadvantages of no bench players reared its ugly head. With 1:51 to play Trevor Fryberg fouled out of the game, forcing the Hawks to play 4-on-5. The MP Tomahawks, having the one man advantage, went on a 14-4 run from that point. Having built a 26 point lead the Hawks were easily able to overcome their lack of roster depth on this day. When the final game buzzer sounded the Hawks won their season opener 70-54.

Coach Bubba Fryberg said after the game, “That third quarter was the difference in the game. We put the pressure on high, we trapped, and everyone was moving. That’s the key. When we play defensively and everyone is moving we are going to be tough to beat. When we get a few more bodies here, a couple more kids get their grades up, then we are on the move. We are going to get better as we go.”


Photo/Micheal Rios
Photo/Micheal Rios


Key to the game: The Hawks dominant 27-6 3rd quarter.

Play of the game: In the 2nd quarter, Robert Miles pulled down a defensive rebound, went coast to coast, and drove through two Tomahawk defenders for a layup.

Coach’s corner: The Hawks need to cut down on turnovers. Had 23 tonight, including 10 in the 4th quarter.