Building up the local recovery community: Family Wellness Court introduces Parent’s Talking Circle

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

On a scorching summer afternoon, four Tribal mothers found comfort inside the courtroom of the Tulalip Justice Center. In a relaxing environment, much different than the typical court setting, the ladies decompressed in the comfort of air conditioning as they joined together at the center of the courtroom and circled up along with the Tulalip Family Wellness Court team. 

Established in 2020, the Family Wellness Court has proven to be an effective method in assisting their clients attain and maintain their sobriety. The program accelerates the reunification process between parents and Tulalip children by way of a detailed plan that incorporates their traditional way of life and culture. 

This alternative path to the road of recovery has been a major success within the Tulalip community and has reunited numerous families over the past three years. The Family Wellness Court design was based on the success of Tulalip’s Healing to Wellness Court. However, the courthouse made many modifications when developing the Family Wellness Court model. 

Although the Family Wellness Court’s game plan mirrors the Healing to Wellness Court model in many aspects, the court wants to stress that the two programs are completely separate from one another. Family Wellness is volunteer-based and works with individuals on their own accord, through either a referral or self-referrals, and is not mandated by the courts. Whereas the Healing to Wellness Court works on criminal cases, where their clients could potentially face jail time if they fall out of compliance. And since the Family Wellness Court is voluntary and does not work on criminal cases, there is no punitive element to the program and the clients do not face jail time if they fall off track.  

Overall, the program is built to support, encourage, and assist tribal parents and/or parents of tribal members as they work toward achieving a clean and healthy lifestyle. By following a personalized plan, put together by the individual and the Family Wellness Court team, the parents are actively fighting to regain visitation and custody rights of their kids and bring a close to their open beda?chelh cases. 

The Family Wellness Court utilizes the wrap-around approach and brings together several different tribal departments to ensure each of their clients has access to the necessary resources throughout their duration in the program. The team approach plays a large role in the Family Wellness Court and in each participant’s recovery journey. 

The team consists of multiple professionals including tribal courthouse judges, officials, attorneys, beda?chelh representatives, counselors and recovery specialists. The idea is that with everybody on the same page and meeting on a regular basis, the client is apt to stay in-compliance and make positive progress in maintaining their sobriety when they know exactly what their team expects from them.

The Tulalip Tribal Court believes that this collaboration between multiple departments, all with the same intent of helping people attain sobriety, is the key to success with Family Wellness Court clients. This helps them establish relationships with the judges and task force members and includes them in the entire process from the moment they accept help from the Family Wellness Court to the moment they are reunified with their children. 

Many people are seeing great results with the Family Wellness Court model thanks to required ‘give back hours’. Not only does this afford tribal parents the opportunity to get reacclimated into the community, but also provides them with the chance to return to their ancestral teachings and traditional way of life through cultural engagement at local tribal events and ceremonies. Over the summer, the Family Wellness Court took this notion a step further by implementing the Parent Talking Circle into the program.

“We really wanted to incorporate the culture, especially in the Talking Circle,” explained Family Wellness Court Coordinator, Erika Moore. “We have a lot of parents who are non-tribal, and this is a good way to get our tribal members teaching the non-tribal members, so they in turn can teach their children more about their culture. It gives [tribal members] more confidence in getting back into their culture. And when we see them get back into their culture, they grow exponentially.”

Said Chemical Dependency Professional Arla Ditz, “The Talking Circle is more second nature to tribal members because it’s along the lines of the cultural teachings they were raised with. And it’s not just the culture, it’s that spirituality in general. One of the key things in successful recovery is the spiritual piece, no matter what you believe in or where you come from, it’s a really important part of recovery. And so, when we come into our circle, that really helps support that, and it brings the netting together to be more supportive for the people participating in the program. I think the Talking Circle helps people figure out their goals and achieve them much quicker, and maybe even better.”

Held at the beginning of each month, the Parent Talking Circle allows the clients to connect with each other and share their story, struggles, successes, and goals with the group. In this traditional and no pressure setting, the parents are more open to share and relate to one another’s journey, as well as express any hardships they might be encountering. 

During the most recent Parent Talking Circle, the tears were rolling as the participants recounted their lifestyle prior to enrolling in the Family Wellness Court. To see how far each of them has come since the height of their addiction is heartwarming and inspiring. And hearing the moms talk about their daily interactions with their children was quite moving, considering all the adversities they had to overcome to share time and space with their kids once again. 

“The Talking Circle has helped me stay accountable and encouraged me to keep going,” shared Tribal member Corrina Gobin. “It’s much more than just a circle. Today, I learned about the four sacred medicines, and it gave me the opportunity to learn something new with the whole group. Each person in the circle, you end up having a close and personal relationship with. We’re all available to help each other, whether it be rides to your kids, or back and forth to treatment, UAs, whatever it may be, they play a significant role in getting us through all the things we need to get through in order to get our kids back. They give me recognition when I’m doing things that are good, and they also call me out for not doing things that are good. I actually look forward to coming to court now because they give me that motivation.”

Tribal member Kerri Deen added, “I feel like it’s been helping me spiritually. Like the discussion today, it was about how to properly use sage and sweetgrass. The Talking Circle helps when we’re at a standstill and we’re struggling to meet our goals. No matter the situation, the team helps us get through those obstacles to get our lives back. It’s amazing and I love it because you don’t feel attacked. It’s more focused on helping each other get everything done so we can get our kids back.”

Though still in its infancy, the Parent’s Talking Circle shows nothing but promise in helping build up the local recovery community and reunify tribal children with their parents in a timely and responsible manner.

If you or a loved one are ready for a new approach to sobriety and reunification with your child, please contact the Family Wellness Court at (360) 716-4771.

Strong winds, and even stronger competition

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News 

The day was mighty gusty as canoe pullers from all over the Pacific Northwest and Canada battled waves in Tulalip Bay on August 18 during Tulalip’s Annual Canoe Races. The two-day event pitted the young and old in different canoe races. Although the waters were choppy, each competitor gave forth an outstanding performance. 

Starting at 9:30 am, Saturday’s competition was fierce. Not only were the competitors battling the strong winds and waves, but also each other to take home a trophy and some prize money. 

From single-person canoe races to 11-person teams, events for all levels of racers, male or female, gave many a chance at competing. There were races for kids nine and under to races for adults 19 and older, including a special race Saturday evening between co-ed partners of two. This consisted of one male and female partner who had to run with a paddle for about half a mile, then jump into their canoes and paddle for about a two-mile journey. 

In the face of wind gusts reaching up to 15 mph, creating turbulent waters, dedicated pullers demonstrated unwavering determination, securing victories by multiple boat lengths. A few pullers would find that the seas were not playing around as some rolled over due to being off balance when the wind and the waves hit their canoe. 

“You need to do a few things to prepare yourself to be out there on that rough water,” said Buddy Gray, from Cowichan, racing with Lummi. “You’re going to be tired; you’re going to get fatigued. You can’t quit. You paddle out, so you have to paddle back. Having that mental and physical strength is very important, as is healthy eating and keeping yourself hydrated so you don’t cramp up out there.” 

Buddy continued, “I’ve always had a different mindset on just paddling to win. I have kids now and have that mindset of being there, showing them a good way, and setting a better example for the next generation, as they are always watching. The more you train, the more you race, the better you get.”

One of the teens who won a few different events in the 16 and under category, Elias Mamac of Lummi, said, “Eat lots of French toast, train, and get some rest to be able to race your best.” When asked why he loves canoe races, Elias said, “Makes me feel good.” 

Although the waters were rough and the air was a little smoky, canoe pullers who braved the seas for the chance of victory took home the thrill of competition and great memories. 

Celebrating Tulalip’s LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

It was blue skies and good vibes on the afternoon of August 13, as dozens of Tulalip citizens joined together to celebrate the local LGBTQ+ and Two Spirit community. 

While DJ Monie performed a set of all the feel-good summertime anthems, the people couldn’t help but groove to the beat. As they sang along and hit their best moves, infectious smiles and contagious energy spread, lifting everybody’s spirit at the annual Pride Everyday BBQ. 

The vibrant colors of the rainbow flag and the transgender flag were the official colors of the event, and they could be seen everywhere – from face paintings to tie-dye shirts, as well as on balloons, cupcakes and cookies. The beautiful gathering took place at the area between the skate park and baseball diamond of the teen center campus. The dance floor was under the shade of the concession stand’s canopy, where several generation-based dance-offs transpired throughout the three-hour event. 

In addition to the epic dance battles, a number of fun competitions were held, including two runway showdowns for the titles of best ribbon skirt and best ribbon shirt. And a crowd favorite, the cutest baby contest, in which all participants crawled away with a blue ribbon pinned to their onesies.

Randy Vendiola served as the MC of the event and ensured everything ran smoothly and according to schedule. Tapping into the teachings he picked up as an MC on the powwow trail, Randy had the people engaged and hyped from start to finish. Sage Vendiola was named Grand Marshal and exhibited some impressive hosting skills while assisting Randy throughout the day. 

When asked about the significance of holding an annual Pride event at Tulalip, Sage shared, “I think it’s really important to showcase that we’re individuals as well. We have feelings and should be treated like everyone else. Two Spirit individuals make up such a small percentage of the population, and yet we face tons of discrimination. With all the transphobic laws being passed, and the fearfulness in general, we really have to stay strong and stay together. Anybody who feels worthless, you’re not. I understand and know exactly what you’re going through.”

Throughout time, many tribal nations have held space for their Two Spirit membership, and after years of trauma and forced assimilation, those individuals have felt left out of their respective communities thanks to the structure and mindset of our modern and colonized world. 

The Pride Everyday celebrations help establish a foundation for the Tulalip Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ community members, and lets those individuals know that it’s more than okay to be who they truly are and to freely express themselves however they choose. Pride focused events, on reservations throughout the country, help reclaim the narrative, the true lifeways of our ancestors, and the space our Two Spirit loved ones rightfully deserve in our tribal societies.

Music therapist and Tulalip community member Vee Gilman stated, “It’s so good to see the different generations of people coming here together in support of queer and Two Spirit people. I’m white, I’m a settler, so I have a different perspective and I’ve had my own experiences on what it’s like being queer in the world in that way. But I do think that there’s a specific intersection, where sometimes queer and Two Spirit people are viewed as less authentic or are not brought into certain experiences and roles because colonization enforced gender, binary, nuclear family and all of these things. Having these events are so important because our communities are really bound up together. Deliberation for any of us must include all of us. When we have space to celebrate Two Spirit people, it builds up all of our queer community and all of our Native communities together.”

The Pride Everyday BBQ is sponsored by the Tulalip Problem Gambling Program and was originally slated to begin in 2020, but to many people’s disappointment, the event was postponed indefinitely due to the pandemic. Although starting two years later than originally intended, the 2022 inaugural Pride Everyday BBQ was a smash, and there was high demand for its return in 2023. 

“This event is important because we want to promote, highlight, and put a spotlight on the LGBTQ+/Two Spirit community and all of the inclusivity that the Tulalip Tribes embodies,” said Problem Gambling Coordinator, Sarah Sense Wilson. “We wanted this also to be a multi-generational family friendly event that really honors and celebrates the area Two Spirit community members who contribute to the broader community. Today is all about celebrating, having fun, coming together, enjoying food, enjoying treats, and lifting each other up.”

A handful of local LGBTQ+ members and allies were honored for their advocacy work at Tulalip and in Native societies throughout the region. Amongst the honorees were Tulalip artist Edmond Anderson who designed the logo for the Pride Everyday flyers and banners, Tulalip and Quileute Artist Marysa Joy Sylvester who created the ‘Safe Space’ signs seen throughout the reservation, Cree member and Tulalip community member Phoenix Two Spirit who helped organize the BBQ, as well as activist and Indigenous DJ, Monie Ordonia.

After accepting her award, DJ Monie took a moment to share, “This is our second year of the Pride Everyday BBQ, and this event is important because it allows our children to be who they are – not being afraid to dance because they love it, not being afraid to love who they love regardless of sexual orientation. Thank you all for being here today and making this another successful Tulalip Pride Everyday celebration.”

Phoenix added, “It’s a blessing to see the allies of the community coming together to support the LQBTQ+ and the Two Spirits on the rez, it’s very heartwarming. It’s such a relief, especially for the young people that are coming out to the community. And seeing them come out, dancing and enjoying a good time here, I think that’s the best part, seeing them comfortable in their own skin.”

The event’s aim is to unite, uplift, show support, recognize, and honor those within our tribal community who identify as Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, or asexual. And for two straight years, the Pride Everyday BBQ has been successful on achieving each of the aforementioned goals in a good way. 

Said Sarah, “My hope for the community is that we continue to shine a light on all of the beautiful people contributing to making this community so much more enriched, colorful, and vibrant. We really do need to take the time to lift them up and recognize them.”

Tulalip storms into STEM Kids Day

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

After the Seattle Storm announced its second-ever ‘Storm into STEM Kids Day’ presented by the Pacific Science Center and Department of Health, leadership within Tulalip Education’s division made the decision to add the WNBA game to its lengthy list of summer activities.

Many middle school and high school-aged children are dependent upon the local Youth Center to provide summertime entertainment and memory-making excursions. With the excitement around venturing to Climate Pledge Arena to watch the pros get buckets, an estimated 50 local youth were transported from the reservation to Seattle Center on Tuesday, August 8. 

“The kids were so excited for this game! We had 65 tickets total and the ones who came today acted quickly to be a part of the 50 or so kids we brought down,” said activities specialist Cierra Fryberg. “We overheard several of the kids on the shuttle mentioning this was their first time ever attending a Seattle Storm game. For us, it doesn’t get much better than helping them make these memories among friends and family.”

Total game attendance was announced to be a tad over 10,000 for the 12:10 pm tip-off between the Seattle Storm (7-10) and Connecticut Sun (20-7). Over the game’s duration, kids and families were able to engage in multiple activities aimed to boost child interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics available throughout the concourse inside Climate Pledge Arena.

“We love the atmosphere that Kids Day brings to Storm games, and that our Storm platform can provide a fun and educational experience for youth during a Seattle Storm game in the summer,” said Alisha Valavanis, Storm President and CEO. “We are grateful to our partners at the Department of Health and Pacific Science Center for helping create a memorable and meaningful day for these kids.”

Among the many activities planned, highlights from Pacific Science Center included a full-sized model human skeleton that participants could build and take apart, earthquake shake tables to build and test different structures on, and a hand battery, in which kids used their hands to complete a battery circuit.

“We are extremely fortunate to have a leadership team who thinks of our kids and coordinates activities and field trips, like this one, during the summer when our kids are out of school. As adults, we understand that not all kids have opportunities like this, but being Tulalip affords us a lot of benefits, especially as it comes to our children,” said youth enrichment manager Sarah Murphy.

Following the Storm versus Sun conclusion, the Tulalip group was welcomed onto the court for a group picture. Several of the kids took the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to imagine themselves as professional basketballers and shoot imaginary buzzer-beaters at the Storm nets. Of course, their imaginary shots hit nothing but nylon…swish.

Drive-in Delight: A night of fun and entertainment for a good cause

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News

Friends and families gathered on Saturday, August 12, for the 14th annual raise of awareness for Cystic fibrosis (CF). Organized by Kelsie and Dan Pablo of the Tulalip Tribes for their son Keldon, the event raises funds and creates awareness for people suffering from Cystic fibrosis.

The free event, located at the Boom City lot behind the Tulalip Casino, was filled with community members and their families. Hundreds of people showed up to watch The Super Mario Bros on the big screen. With various food trucks and a slew of prizes that could be won in the raffle, the event raised $23,945 while providing enjoyment for all attendees.

 “People love the drive-in; it gives them a feeling of the old Thunderbird drive-in that used to be on the rez,” Kelsie said. “This event is open to the community and outside the community to bring people in to enjoy a movie, food trucks, and a raffle while also learning what CF is and its effects on their families.”

 “The Cystic fibrosis foundation is an organization that raises funds to find a cure and also for different medications for adults and the youth,” Kelsie said. “The importance of this event is to raise awareness for Cystic fibrosis. This has become more of a community event than one geared toward just CF families.” 

Kelsie said, “This event is extremely important to Dan and I, also our family. Our 16-year-old son has CF, and this is our way of doing something that can bring more of a positive light to having a lifelong disease. While also trying to do something to create more of an impact on finding new medications or even a cure, for not only our child but others living with the disease so that they can live a normal life.”

For more information on Cystic fibrosis or to donate, visit

Tulalip Boys and Girls Club Annual Golf Tournament

By Wade Sheldon, Tulalip News 

With the sun beaming down on a glorious summer day, golfers from around the Pacific Northwest gathered on Thursday, July 28, at Battlecreek Golf Course to participate in Tulalip’s annual golf tournament. The event, organized by Tulalip’s Boys and Girls Club, promised a day of spirited competition and camaraderie on the green. With over $300,000 raised before the tournament even kicked off, the day would surely be a success for the kids. 

Over 20 years ago, the late Francis Sheldon worked with the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club to help create the tournament to raise funds for the children. The event helps the Boys and Girls Club operate and purchase items for events and day-to-day activities. This year’s funds will help with various activities and to update the kitchen.  

“This event brings everyone together for a good cause, to raise money for the boys and girls club,” said Mel Sheldon Tulalip, Board Director. “These funds will turn into more activities for our older kids and provide breakfast for the young ones. Coming together like this and building friendships and relationships that benefit the kids is wonderful.”  

The 4-person scramble kicked off at noon with a shotgun start. Each team heads out to one of the holes, and every group starts simultaneously. Players play the best ball from the best spot after each turn. At the end of each hole the team scores as a single unit. 

When asked how the course was, Mel said, “The course was in good condition considering we didn’t have enough rain, but the staff did a good job keeping the course as green as possible. Although the pin location did challenge us a little bit!” 

Along with food and drinks, fun raffle prizes were won, including an outdoor pizza cooker, air fryer, Yeti cooler, trips, and much more. Wrapping up the tournament, a dinner was held where it was announced the 7 Cedars team had won the match. 

After a great day of long drives, chipping on the green, and occasionally yelling four to warn the group in front of you, the big winners were the children. With raising $346,286 the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club will continue to provide exceptional food and great care for the kids. 

For more information about the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club, visit

From one generation to the next: Carrying on canoe culture

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Since 1989’s iconic Paddle to Seattle, a remarkable cultural revival has been taking place across the Pacific Northwest region, known to the tribes therein as Coast Salish Territory. Sovereign Native nations from Alaska to Oregon have united almost every summer to participate in the time-honored tradition of tribal Canoe Journeys. These annual Journeys have deep cultural significance and spiritual importance for our Indigenous communities, fostering unity, healing, and a profound reconnection with our ancestral roots.

Originating from Coast Salish traditions, Canoe Journeys have been practiced for millennia. Traditionally, canoes were the primary means of transportation, allowing our ancestors to navigate the intricate network of waterways that crisscrossed their territories. These Journeys were not only practical but also ceremonial, carrying spiritual significance that symbolized the connection between the people, the water, and the land.

However, the tradition began to wane before ending abruptly due to the impacts of colonization, forced assimilation policies, and the displacement of one tribe after another from their ancestral lands. Yet, in the latter half of the 20th century, a revitalization movement breathed new life into the practice, and now, in the 21st century, Canoe Journeys are experiencing a resurgence like never before.

The revival has been spearheaded by Native American leaders, cultural activists, and elders who recognize the importance of preserving their heritage and passing it on to future generations. Through storytelling, intergenerational knowledge sharing, and the relearning of traditional canoe-building techniques, our sovereign nations are actively reclaiming their cultural identity with each paddle stroke.

“The Canoe Journey campsite, to me, is the epitome of being a tribe,” explained Tulalip elder and Journeys veteran, Monie Ordonia. “We’re all there together. The younger kids are running around, making friends and having fun. The older kids are taking in all the experience from becoming a puller and getting opportunities to sit with their elders and hear their stories. And the adults become that traditional teacher again. Whether it’s sharing songs and dance, or some kind of regalia making technique, or even just accepting the role of watching other people’s young ones and making sure they stay safe. This is the closest thing to experiencing the real village environment that our ancestors thrived in.”

Central to the significance of Journeys is the sense of community they create. 2023’s Paddle to Muckleshoot had nearly 100 canoe families, each representing different tribes and clans, embark on a Salish Sea expedition that stretched for weeks. As these proud culture bearers navigated their ancestral waterways, they were greeted by host tribal communities that welcomed them with open arms, sharing food, songs, and dances. This exchange reinforced the ties that bind our Coast Salish people.

The revitalization of the Tribal Canoe Journeys has also highlighted the importance of environmental stewardship. As participants paddle through pristine waters and encounter the impact of climate change, the connection between the land and its people becomes even more evident. The tribes have been at the forefront of advocating for the protection of their waterways, embracing sustainable practices, and raising awareness about environmental issues within their communities and beyond.

The impact of Canoe Journey 2023: Honoring Our Warriors Past and Present extended far beyond the participating tribes. Non-Indigenous communities have been invited to witness the significance of Journeys and contribute to various cultural exchange activities. This cross-cultural understanding helps dispel misconceptions and raise appreciation for local Native American traditions and histories.

As the sun set on another successful Canoe Journey, the participants returned home with hearts full of memories, renewed connections, and a strengthened sense of cultural pride. The revival of this sacred tradition has proven to be a powerful force in preserving tribal identities, fostering healing, promoting environmental stewardship, and creating lasting connections among communities.

“For us in Tulalip, I’m sure this year’s Paddle to Muckleshoot had a record of youth pullers and parent/child combinations,” reflected Monie. “Does this youth movement excite me? Hell to the yeah! For me, I’m on the verge of retiring and hanging up my paddle, so to witness the kids consistently coming to canoe practice and to be so excited to pull for the first time, and then to get their Journeys experience and already be excited for next year…this brings me so much hope because I know the next generation is ready to learn, eager to get on the canoes and keep this part of our culture alive.”

Julianna Fryberg, 16 years old

“The entire experience was eye-opening. Me, my sister Lilly and my dad all got to pull together on Big Brother for 11 miles straight. That was my first time pulling and something I’ll never forget. We got to be out on the water with so many other canoes around us, all heading to the same destination. Being able to bond with other tribes through our stories, songs, and dance was amazing. It was a real family atmosphere, especially in the camps when Natosha Gobin would hold Lushootseed class to help us learn and pronounce the words of our ancestors.”

Skipper Natasha Fryberg, 33 years old

“Being in the canoe with my daughter is something I’ve anticipated for so long. As a mom, this is truly one of my greatest experiences, being able to share this part of our culture with my daughter. We strive for our kids to follow in our footsteps and now here she is pulling stroke for us, the same position I started out in. She may only be 14, but with each pull, she gains experience and gets stronger.”

Damon Pablo, 17 years old

“It’s been such an honor. A cool moment for me was when another canoe family from up north allowed me to join them as they welcomed a brand new canoe into the water and be a part of it’s first pull. Aside from that, just being able to spend this time with my dad and bond with him in new ways, like during protocol in the longhouse, is something that’s brought us closer. I’d like to see more father/son duos on the water next year.”

Theresa Sheldon, 45 years old

“When I was six months pregnant with my son Klayton, I was on the water pulling canoe, so he has not known a day without the canoes…until Covid. He’s grown up with Canoe Journey every summer since before he was born. It’s something I like to think he inherited from his grandmother and my mom, Toni Sheldon, who was the only woman to pull for Tulalip in 1989’s Paddle to Seattle. All four of her daughters pulled canoe, and now this year her grandchildren are pulling, too. Having my son out there just brings everything full circle and reassures me that we are living who we truly are as canoe people.”

Lilly Jefferson, 15 years old

“Me, my mom, and my siblings tried to make it to every canoe practice so we could all be on Journeys together. Right before my first pull, I was so excited because I never pulled before and didn’t know what to expect. It was everything I imagined it would be. It’s two different experiences, depending if your on Big Brother or Big Sister, but both are amazing in their own way. The weather and views were so nice. I love being on the water.”

Alicia Horne, 40 years old

“My daughter Keyondra is 20 now, but she actually started out on the canoe when she was 12. Back when Natasha Fryberg, Shawnee Sheldon, and I all chipped in and encouraged our kids to participate in canoe race practice. It was important to us to have our kids get that initial experience needed to build up their confidence on the water, their muscles and endurance needed for long pulls. She’s a true paddler. She loves being on the water, whether in single-man races, doubles, or on Canoe Journey. For her to have the strength to pull through all the mental and physical challenges of navigating the waters, I am just so proud of her.”

Janiesha Zackuse, 13 years old

“I was a little bit nervous, but at the same time it was a lot of fun and definitely healing to be out there. A cool moment was when we pulled into Lummi and saw everyone waiting for us on the shore, ready to welcome us. Having my mom there by my side for my first Canoe Journey was everything and filled my heart knowing how much it meant to her, too.”

Michael Wenzel

“I was so proud to watch as my son Thomas put in all the effort necessary to attend practices and ask questions when he was curious to learn more. Now, here he is utilizing what he learned and embracing all the healing that the water gives us. Witnessing not only my son but the other kids following in their parent’s footsteps with canoe culture is simply great. It lets me know that another generation wants to and will be enjoying the waters in the future.”


Tulalip Canoe Family parent/child combos 

  • Alicia and Clayton Horne with their daughter Keyondra 
  • Shawnee Sheldon and her kids Adrian, Lilly, and Isabelle Jefferson
  • Eddy Pablo Jr. and his son Damon Pablo
  • Natasha Fryberg and her daughter Kaylenna
  • Josh Fryberg and his two daughters Julianna and Lillyannah
  • Theresa Sheldon and her son Klayton
  • Michael Wenzel and his son Thomas
  • Tanisha Fryberg and her daughter Maliyah
  • Jolene Fryberg and her daughter Janiesha Zackuse

Healing at Lopez Island

Over 70 community members celebrate their sobriety at the 2nd Annual Recovery Campout

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

The journey across the Salish Sea is breathtaking, especially in the summertime, with shimmering waterways, coastlines of evergreen, and the occasional orca sighting. Many can attest to the thrill of standing out on the deck of a Washington State Ferry as the wind blows through your hair and you are left captivated by the scenic views. And whether traveling by canoe or ferry, this is a special experience for the Indigenous Peoples of the Northwest who share a connectedness to the natural world and the sacred waters that dates back to the beginning of time. Tribal members throughout the region are known to describe the waters as medicine and that being on the water is healing. 

The Coast Salish Natives have ancestral ties to the San Juan Islands. Long before colonization, the sduhubš people frequented Lopez Island during the summer months to harvest from both the land and sea, as well as cultivate camas. Today, the island falls under the Tribe’s usual and accustomed areas and many Tulalip families visit to exercise their treaty rights and campout, like their ancestors before them. 

Over 70 members of the local recovery community did this exact thing, traveled through the healing Salish Sea to their ancestral territory of Lopez Island for a six-day camping trip to celebrate their sobriety. During their island excursion, the participants set up camp on the Tulalip owned property surrounding Watmough Bay and got a healthy dose of sunshine, culture, and outdoor recreation while creating friendships and memories to last a lifetime. 

“It’s really healing because we’re constantly by the water and we’re immersed in ecotherapy,” said Kali Joseph, Recovery Resource Center (ODMAP) Project Coordinator. “We have traditional roots here, ancestral roots here. The idea of the campout came to us by a community member who suggested that we take people who are in recovery to camp at Lopez Island. So, when that was brought to us last year, we made it happen. We probably had only 25, maybe 30 participants. This year we had 71. One night it was so loud, it was awesome to hear all the laughs, we all just felt that medicine.”

A lot of times, when speaking about addiction and recovery, the focus tends to lean toward the statistics as opioid deaths and overdoses continue to rise across the nation. However, it is equally important, if not more so, to highlight those who have attained a clean and sober lifestyle, those who are putting in work and are determined to not become another one of those statistics, those who are proving that it’s possible to overcome their battle with addiction. 

Locally, more and more individuals are finding their sobriety through an effective tribal wellness court program, which has a large cultural aspect to it. Additionally, the Recovery Resource Center continues to be a safe space for those struggling with addiction by hosting events such as Narcan distributions, as well as weekly NA meetings. It is heartwarming to see the recovery community grow and to witness them engage in community gatherings, traditional activities, and cultural events together while on the road to recovery. 

The campout is another example of how Tulalips in recovery can join together and tap into their ancestral teachings to help aid along their recovery journey. 

Said Kali, “It was really awesome and a great way to bring a different form of prevention forward. Recovery camp helped support, establish, and nurture their peer support network. Sharing space together and laughter in such a beautiful place, during such a beautiful time of year, the folks who attended will share these memories forever with one another.”

The campers were kept busy throughout their stay on the island. In addition to reconnecting with their ancestral way of life, the recovery community had plenty of activities to take part in such as hiking, kayaking, biking, swimming, paddleboarding, as well as competing in volleyball and badminton matches. The nightly NA meetings and campfire talking circles brought the community even closer by allowing the attendees the opportunity to share their story and relate with others who went through and overcame similar struggles. 

Upon returning to Tulalip, three tribal members reflected on their getaway to Lopez Island and shared their experience with the syəcəb.

“The 2nd Annual Recovery Campout was a blast,” exclaimed William Thomas. “I’m happy with how many people showed up this year, and also how many of us from 2022 are still clean and participated once again. And all the new ones who were there to bond, have fun, and make memories that we will all remember. All the photos and videos we made during the hikes, games, canoeing, paddle boards, biking, swimming, the meetings we did every night; I’m so glad I got to be a part of it again this year. I can’t wait for next year. Happy and loving life today with 468 days clean and sober. Love and respect to the squad, and all the new friends we made along the way. And thanks to ODMAP staff and all who made this happen.”

Ezra Hatch shared, “It was really awesome to hang out with others who are in recovery! From swimming to volleyball to kayaking to the campfire meetings – and just all the laughter, it really was such an amazing experience. I’m grateful I was a part of it. Thank you for putting it on for us.”

And Kerri Deen expressed, “When I first got to the camp, I got the best vibe from everyone. They had the best energy coming from them, the workers included, you can tell they actually wanted to be there – and not like they had to be there. I was only there for two days, but in those two days we went bike riding, kayaking, hiking, we got to listen to people drum and sing, and watched a beautiful sunset with an amazing view. It was spiritual healing I didn’t know I needed. I felt so whole by the time I left the island. I will 100% do it next year!”

After doubling the number of participants from the first campout, the Recovery Resource Center is already excited to see what next summer will bring as the word about the campout continues to spread through the recovery community. More fun, healing, laughter, bonding, and culture are sure to be on the agenda for the 3rd Annual Tulalip Recovery Campout. In the meantime, be sure to follow the Tulalip Recovery Community page on Facebook to stay current on any news or events planned by the Recovery Resource Center. You can also reach out to (360) 716-4773 for more information.  

“I just hope they all left with good memories,” said Kali. “And I hope they can see how healing and impactful coming together to celebrate recovery can be. Because when you’re in addiction, I feel that it’s a lot of unresolved grief, or disenfranchised grief, associated with substance use disorder – for the person and for their loved ones. And I think that having the campout can help the folks who are using heal. It can bring happiness from something that was so heavy and traumatic for both the person who was using and their families.”