Tulalip debuts innovative program to combat Coronavirus

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

The firefighters at Snohomish County Fire District #15, known as the Tulalip Bay Fire Department, serve an estimated 13,000 people living in an area of 22.5 square miles on the Tulalip Reservation. Their mission is to foster community relations through unwavering service and protection of life and property. 

This team of devoted first responders just received crucial reinforcements to fulfill that mission as part of a 90-day pilot program that secured a second emergency aid car and three additional staff members to help Tulalip Bay Fire combat the dreaded Coronavirus.

“[As of April 6] we’ve put a new ambulance in service. It is staffed Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm,” explained Chief Ryan Shaughnessy of Tulalip Bay Fire. “The purpose of this unit is to transport Tulalip tribal members residing on the reservation to the Karen I. Fryberg clinic.

“Part of what we’re trying to do is eliminate the need to take people to the Emergency Room,” continued Chief Shaughnessy. “One of our main goals is to be able to transport people here locally, as to avoid an unnecessary trip to an out of area E.R. that is experiencing long wait times. We want to keep you here, close to home, where we can transport you to the local clinic and then get you a ride back home.”

COVID-19 has changed life dramatically for the foreseeable future. However, with this new program now implemented, both tribal and non-tribal community members can benefit in a variety of ways.

For tribal members that live within the Tulalip boundaries, if you are experiencing COVID related symptoms and report them to the Health Clinic, you can now be transported directly from your residence to the reservation’s primary medical facility. This is the first time ever a service of this nature is being provided. No unnecessary travel to an Everett-based hospital, nor historically long wait to be seen at the Emergency Room. By using the Health Clinic’s services to be seen, tested, and treated for COVID-19, costs are only a fraction of what one could expect from an E.R. visit.

The new aid car and team will work directly with Tulalip’s Health Clinic to provide transport for tribal members to and from the clinic for standard care during clinic hours, reducing demand on surrounding health systems. This work is part of a collaborative effort to strengthen social distancing measures and reduce the potential spread of the novel coronavirus.

For non-tribal citizens on the reservation, the new aid car provides must-needed relief and shorter response times during an ongoing coronavirus crisis. The primary emergency medical services (EMS) unit is freed up to quickly respond to life threatening emergencies, while the backup unit can focus on situations that don’t require emergent care. Additionally, the new ambulance can be used to transport any Tulalip-based citizen to a local Emergency Room, if necessary. 

“One of the added benefits of our new program is that when this unit is not being utilized to transport COVID patients from their homes to the clinic or to the emergency room, its available for 911 calls, to assist on structural fires, motor vehicle accidents, and all other call types we respond to,” said Chief Shaughnessy. “The individuals who work this unit are trained firefighters and EMTs. They are experienced and trained to respond to any call type.”

The 90-day program officially launched on April 6th. While it’s additional resources and manpower will undoubtedly bring relief and critical assistance to combat the Coronavirus here on the Tulalip Reservation, its impacts will be even more long-lasting. The new ambulance will be a permanent fixture at Tulalip Bay Fire and provide necessary back-up.

Last year, Tulalip Bay Fire received over 1,300 EMS calls. An estimated 100 of those calls required a backup unit, which meant depending on other agencies lending support and required losing potential life-saving time waiting on that back-up. Now, those type of situations will be mitigated by having a second aid car at the fire house permanently. 

“The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented challenge for Tulalip,” said Chairwoman Teri Gobin. “We’ve had to adapt quickly to protect our people. We are grateful for our partnership with Tulalip Bay Fire. Together, we are doing what we can to make sure that the entire Tulalip community remains healthy and safe.”

Tulalip Bay Fire provides fire suppression, emergency medical services with transport, water rescue, public education, hazardous material cleanup and a basic level of technical rescue services. For more information, visit tulalipbayfire.org 

For concerned citizens who are beginning to experience COVID-19 related symptoms, please call the Tulalip Health Clinic’s main line at (360) 716-4511 to speak to their medical professionals. 

Homemade mask maker Georgina Medina is hustling and bustling… and potentially saving lives

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, unemployment is quickly approaching historic levels, and some economists are forecasting we may be heading to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Welcome to April 2020 in the good ol’ U.S. of A.  

While countless people are scrambling to find paying jobs or anxiously awaiting unemployment benefits to kick in, one Tulalip citizen’s ingenuity and craftsmanship has allowed her to carve out a critical position in a very niche, yet suddenly surging, market place. Georgina Medina, tribal member and devoted mother of five, is creating stylish, protective face masks to combat the coronavirus.

First, we must interrupt this article with an important message from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

“The CDC continues to study the spread and effects of the novel coronavirus across the United States. We now know the virus can spread between people interacting in close proximity even if those people are not exhibiting symptoms. In light of this new evidence, CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies). 

“It is critical to emphasize that maintaining 6-feet social distancing remains important to slowing the spread of the virus. CDC is additionally advising the use of simple cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not know it from transmitting it to others. Cloth face coverings fashioned from household items or made at home from common materials at low cost can be used as an additional, voluntary public health measure.”

That message comes directly from the CDC’s own website in an April 3rd announcement ending the weeks’ long debate about whether a non-medical grade face mask can minimize the transmission of coronavirus. The answer is a resounding ‘Yes, it can.’

Now, back to Tulalip tribal member Georgina and her homemade mask making. It was in early March, back before COVID-19 had really entered the everyday lexicon and long before the CDC recommendation, that she had the foresight to hone her craft making skills. A high-risk family member had started to wear a mask as a preventative measure and Georgina thought to herself, “I wonder how difficult those are to make?”

The inquisitive 36-year-old then took to YouTube and watched a video tutorial on cloth mask making.

“It seemed easy enough, so I tried a few different methods on my sewing machine that my boyfriend bought me for Christmas,” recalled Georgina. “It was quite an experience. I messed up a few times until finally finding a way that worked for me.”

When she perfected her fabrication method, she made a mask using an eye-catching fabric design and posted it on Facebook. The response was incredible. Immediately, she received comments and messages from prevention-minded individuals offering to purchase one of her homemade creations. 

“I learned quickly that there was a definite need for these types of masks. After I posted that picture the requests just kept coming,” said Georgina. “Because I purchase all the materials and do all the necessary cutting, sewing and ironing by hand, I decided to charge $10.00 per mask. It’s been one journey after another to my favorite store (Jo-Anne’s Fabric in Smokey Point) to pick out fabrics ever since.”

From the time when she made that initial Facebook post in March, the terms ‘coronavirus’, ‘COVID-19’ and ‘high-risk groups’ have dominated the media landscape. COVID-induced fear and panic has spread like wildfire across not just the nation, but the entire planet. Globally, there are now 1.4 million confirmed coronavirus cases and 85,000+ deaths attributed to the pandemic. The statistics continue to grow at an exponential rate, resulting in health experts no longer simply urging preventive measures, instead they are demanding the use of social distancing and mask wearing when in public.

As a result, Georgina’s 100% double-layered cotton fabric masks are Earth-friendly not only because they are washable and reusable, but they also potentially save lives by mitigating risk of coronavirus transmission.

“If my masks help people and allow some to feel safe going in public like on essential trips for supplies and groceries, then I’m glad I can be a part of that,” said Georgina when considering her masks’ positive impacts. “A mask is not a cure, but it is a preventative measure and that’s better than nothing at all. The CDC has recommended everyone to start wearing them, so I’ll keep making them until we are virus free.”

To date Georgina’s surging sales have led to a customer base spanning the entire west coast. She has shipped her masks to consumers from Alaska to California, the Dakotas and throughout Canada. There’s even been repeat business from a customer in Texas.

“I have an impaired immune system and was terrified to leave the house,” shared customer Callisto. “Now, with this mask and an added filter on the inside of it, I can go get groceries and not be so afraid. [The mask] is beautiful, fits well, and is so needed. And a bargain for the price!”

She delivers locally, offers shipping to those who require it, and even takes custom orders for customers desiring a specific fabric design.

“A huge thank you to those willing to support me and my 5 children at this time,” said the diligent mask maker before hustling back to her sewing machine. She just received another order to fill. 

Anyone interested in buying a stylish, protective mask to aid in lowering the coronavirus curve can do so by contacting Georgina Medina on Facebook.

Once a suggestion, ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ now a full on directive

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

On March 23rd, Governor Jay Inslee announced his order for Washingtonians to stay at home. The rationale was simple: by staying home the chances of spreading coronavirus is minimized and, in effect, everyone abiding would be doing their part to ‘lower the curve’. Hours later, the Tulalip Tribes issued an emergency proclamation for all citizens on the Tulalip Reservation to ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’.

“We’ve been very clear on the need for everyone to stay home. The less time we spend in public, the more lives we will save,” explained Governor Inslee. “We know [this] announcement affects millions of our livelihoods and means life will look different in Washington. But these necessary restrictions will protect us and our loved ones so that we have a livelihood to come back to.”

Fast forward two-weeks and while most Washingtonians are doing their part, some still don’t grasp the seriousness of this global pandemic. The numbers boggle the mind. As of April 1st, there have been at least 905,000 total confirmed cases in 192 countries, with the most alarming number, the death toll, continuing to rise at an exponential rate. Globally, more than 45,200 deaths are now attributed to COVID-19.

Yet, locally on the reservation it was still a common occurrence to see children, teenagers, and adults casually out and about, partaking in leisurely activities. Gathering at Mission Beach? Yup. Games of pick-up hoops at the outdoor courts? Sure. Energetic youth roaming free on the ball field and neighborhood parks? Of course.

Social disobedience is nothing new. Ask any parent and they’ll attest to the fact that once you tell a child they can’t do something, regardless of what it is, that something becomes the only thing they want to do. That is until the consequences become severe enough that it’s no longer in their best interest to be disobedient.

And no, this type of behavior isn’t only on the reservation. The entire state is witnessing social disobedience from individuals and businesses, alike. 

“Since I announced the ‘Stay Home, Stay Healthy’ order for our state, we have seen social distancing and other compliance from businesses and residents across Washington for the good of the public health,” Governor Inslee recently said. “But thousands of calls are also pouring in to state and local agencies from concerned residents, with reports that some individuals and businesses are not in compliance.

“The actions of those who willfully violate this order may ultimately drag out the COVID-19 crisis even longer.”

Tulalip leadership has responded to this woeful behavior by implementing a new tribal code authorizing the enforcement of stay at home quarantine orders. To further reinforce the ‘stay home, stay healthy’ directive, all reservation parks, outdoor basketball courts, Youth Center skate park and ball field, and Mission Beach public access points have been permanently closed until further notice. 

Once a welcomed sight to all, now these recreational areas are sealed off with bright yellow CAUTION tape. Impossible to miss, the message is loud and clear. Similar to the Tribe’s adult playgrounds – Tulalip Resort, Quil Ceda Casino and Bingo – the outdoor community areas are officially closed for business, pending a must needed flattening of the curve when it comes to COVID-19 cases.

“The safety of our community is of the utmost importance,” said Chairwoman Teri Gobin. “We want people to stay home. [By doing so] it is slowing the curve and lowering the number of deaths. The Board of Directors will continue to adapt and make the best decisions we can for our community and our Tribe.”

Enduring the virus: Inside one Tulalip family’s corona experience

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a worldwide crisis. Its rapid spread has reached Earth’s far corners and no end to the infectious pandemic is in sight. On the global level, at the time this article was written, there are 184,976 confirmed cases and 7,529 deaths reported in 159 countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Because of a general lack of testing or lack of sufficient supplies to even perform accurate testing amongst the global health community, the number of people who have contracted the virus is presumed to be much higher than the confirmed cases. The good news is that the infected mortality rate is estimated between 1% – 3.4%, and fewer than 5% of all confirmed cases are deemed critical.

People of all ages can be infected by the coronavirus. However, older people and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus.

Typical symptoms, which develop quickly, include a high fever, dry cough, headaches, muscle aches and fatigue. In the most severe cases, breathing difficulties arise that require intensive medical care.

With the endless supply of fear and panic-inducing content produced from most mainstream 24/7 news cycles, it’s increasingly difficult to remain calm in the wake of corona chaos. Yet, it’s in these trying times that being mindful is of utmost importance. Being properly prepared and knowing what to expect can make all the difference. 

One Tulalip family who recently contracted, endured and overcame the infamous virus shared their experience with Tulalip News under the condition their identities remain anonymous. We will refer to them as the Doe family; husband John, wife Jane, and their child Jaimie. 

On Sunday, March 8, the family felt great. They were living out their normal weekend routines and preparing for the week ahead. Little did they know their sense of normalcy would come to a screeching halt just hours later.

Their Monday morning routine went as usual with John going to work. But as the day went along he started to feel a little warmer than normal. Around noon he received a phone call from his wife Jane who said she had a fever. Finding the timing odd, he called their child Jaimie who also admitted to running a temperature. So John went home and checked his temperature with a thermometer. It showed 101. He knew then the situation was worrisome. 

“I called my primary doctor and answered a series of questions over the phone,” said John. “He recommended we call Snohomish County Health District and notify them first, then go to Everett Clinic in Smokey Pt. because they were doing COVID-19 testing.”

The family unit went to the Everett Clinic facility at 6:00p.m. where they were triaged in a large medical tent with medical personal masked up, just like a scene out of a movie. By that point, each member of the family were experiencing fever, sinus pressure and headache. They underwent testing for nearly an hour, including being tested for two of the most common strains of influenza or the flu. 

“At that time, we were told they were only administering the COVID-19 test to first responders and people who’ve come into confirmed contact with the virus,” explained John. “You could say we were never officially diagnosed with it because they refused to give us the COVID test, but we tested negative for the flu and everything else. Multiple members of the medical staff told us that our symptoms lined up exactly with coronavirus and there was no need to test us because the results were obvious.

“We were told then to contact our local health precincts and let them know of our status and that we’d be self-quarantining until our fever was gone for at least 72-hours,” continued John. “Of course we wanted the confirmation test so we’d have peace of mind. But we were literally told by members of Snohomish County Health District and Everett Clinic, ‘From your symptoms it’s obvious what the results will be. There’s no need for a confirmation test. If any member of the family begins to experience breathing problem, then go to the hospital.’”

They returned home, reached out to each person’s job, Tulalip Community Health, the Board of Directors, and Tulalip Bay Fire Department to make them all aware they’d be self-quarantining. They even posted a sign in the window letting their neighbors and anyone else know of their status.

Over the next few days their symptoms continued to worsen. The fever would continually spike at 104, while a persistent dry cough made the muscle ache and headache worsen.

“The worst part by far is the fever, followed by the constant head pressure that feels like someone is literally squeezing your head,” shared the family via telephone on Day 5 of their self-quarantine.

Fortunately, the Doe family had been taking precautionary measures as early as January when the first confirmed case of COVID-19 struck Washington State. That case was in Snohomish County. It was shortly after hearing that news, John and Jane began slowly stockpiling necessities. They were pretty much set on the essentials, but found out they hadn’t exactly prepared for conditions when they came down with the sickness.

“So many people are buying supplies now to remain indoors and avoid getting COVID, but what you’ve also got to prepare for is the scenario where you and your family actually catch the virus,” advised the recovering family from their first-hand experience. “What worked best for us was Gatorade and Ibuprofen. A lot of both.”

Gatorade to replenish the body’s fluids and provide essential electrolytes being lost from a 104 degree fever, and Ibuprofen to help reduce the non-stop muscle aches and head pressure. Any kind of electrolyte beverage or on-the-shelf anti-inflammatory may be just as effective to help alleviate the signature symptoms of coronavirus. A thermometer to occasionally check on body temperature and immune boosters, like Airborne or Emergen-C, are also highly recommended.

Prices reflect availability at Tulalip Walmart, as of March 15, 2020.

Being in self-quarantine, they relied on a family member to complete resupply runs and door drops when needed. When they were running low on Gatorade, Ibuprofen, and any other essential items they’d simply call or text their designated support member and he’d fill their order and drop it outside their door. This system fulfilled the intended results of a self-quarantine, which is to minimize the risk of passing on an infection to anyone else.

The Doe family reported not really having much of an appetite nor any digestive issues. They went as far as finding the current toilet paper crisis pretty amusing. “We don’t understand why everyone wants to horde all the toilet paper. Or food for that matter. The priority should definitely be to have enough adequate medicine and fluids on hand,” shared the family. 

By Day 7 of their self-quarantine, the family reported being fever-free. Their cough had all but subsided and only mentioned some slight chest pressure. On Day 8 they said their spirits have returned fully, the fever remains gone, and they were looking forward to resuming some semblance of normalcy. With so many businesses shut down, entire school districts closed, and large public gatherings outright prohibited for the foreseeable future, what their new normal will be is a mystery. For now, they are simply relieved to have endured a pandemic sweeping the globe and intend to share their experience to help others be prepared.

Tulalip senior center closes amid coronavirus outbreak

With health officials now reporting 19 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Snohomish County, the Tulalip Tribes is working to ensure the health and safety of its elders.  Since elders are identified as some of the most vulnerable to COVID-19, extra precautions are being taken within the Tulalip community. 

 According to Rochelle Lubbers, Chief Administrative Officer of Tulalip Tribal Government Operations, as of Friday, March 6, the Katherine “Molly” Hatch Senior Center has temporarily closed its doors until tribal officials gain more information about the spreading virus. Bingo sessions, elder commission meetings and other gathering events have been canceled.

The Tribe considers those to be over 62 years-of-age an elder, and will be delivering soap, paper towels, hand sanitizers and information about the virus to all tribal member elders on the reservation. Following that, deliveries will be made to seniors over 55 years of age. 

Elders are advised to stay in their houses to limit the exposure to a possible outbreak. If an elder is part of your household, buy supplies and help with errands if you can. Also be sure to call and check in on elders you know may need help. And most importantly, wash your hands regularly with an alcohol-based hand rub or with soap and water, and avoid touching your face.

If an elder has an illness, contact their doctor. If they are experiencing life-threatening symptoms call 911. For more information about COVID-19, contact the Snohomish County Health District hotline at 1-800-525-0127.

Elders are encouraged to tune in to Tulalip TV, Channel 3/503 (HD) for video updates from Tribal leaders about COVID-19. Tulalip TV can also be accessed at TulalipTV.com, the TulalipTV App, available from the Apple App Store/Google Play Store, and Roku and FireTV, Tulalip TV channels.

Please continue to check in with Tulalip News, at tulalipnews.com and Tulalip News Facebook and subscribe to emails for the most current information. You can also subscribe to the text alert line (text STORM to 30644), to receive updates and alerts. 

2020 Native Vote tour visits Tulalip

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Native Vote is a nonpartisan campaign initiated by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI). It is designed to encourage Native Americans throughout the nation to exercise their inherent right to vote. With the heightened political participation of Native people, Indian Country has become an increasingly powerful voting bloc. In recent years, the Native vote has been publicly acknowledged as making a pivotal difference in national, state, and local elections.

The ability to make such a pivotal difference is 100% reliant on you, the voter. Historically, the turnout rate of registered Native voters is 5 to 14 percentage points lower than the rate of many other racial and ethnic groups. Add in the fact that nationwide a whopping 34% of eligible Native voters are not registered to vote, according to the NCAI, and the need to empower the entire electorate to register and cast their ballot is a clear priority.

Native Vote’s admirable Rez-to-Rez tour intends to fulfill that priority in Washington State by going directly to Native voters on their reservations, speaking truth to power on issues that impact our people, while encouraging each tribal citizen to vote. The Rez-to-Rez tour visited Tulalip on Tuesday, March 3.

“I’m honored to be here with you all on Tulalip land,” said Larry Cordier (Lakota), coordinated campaign tribal organizer. “It is critical that we get together, register to vote, and let our voice be heard by casting our ballot. Your vote is guaranteed to you by the U.S. Constitution. As treaty tribes, we have joined the United States in citizenship. Our men and women have defended this country. No one has to set that table for us. We did that with our veterans.

“The chiefs negotiated those treaties and it’s our responsibility to make sure those Treaty Rights endure,” continued Larry. “In all my travels I’ve heard so many people say, ‘Why should I vote? My vote doesn’t count.’ But if all those people got out and registered, and cast their ballot, we would have this country exactly where it needs to be. We need everyone because everyone counts. So let’s mobilize and make them feel our united power.”

Larry Cordier, coordinated campaign tribal organizer.

During the two-hour visit, engaged citizens were welcome to ask questions about candidates, register if they weren’t already, shown how to update their mailing address to insure arrival of voting documents, speak with 2020 Census representatives, and, if they were ready, cast their Washington State primary ballot.

“I saw the advertisement for this event in the Tulalip newsletter and was interested in finding out more about the presidential candidates,” shared tribal elder Joyce Alexander (Haida). “I haven’t decided who I will be voting for yet, but leaning between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden.

“As a Native American citizen, I’m always curious about how any politician or political candidate feels about Native Americans. [Their platform] affects us and our issues should matter to them.”

According to the U.S. Census, Native Americans have one of the youngest populations of any racial/ethnic group in the United States, with those under the age of 25 making up about 40% of the total Native population. Every four years, about half a million Native young people turn 18-years-old and become eligible to vote. This provides an opportunity to engage almost one in ten Native people as new voters.

In order to maximize the Native vote, it is critical that Native citizens become educated in the political process in order to actively participate in tribal, local, state, and national elections. It’s not only the U.S. President and Congress, but state governors and county and local elected officials who make important policy decisions that affect the everyday lives of Native peoples. Increasing the Native vote and in turn our electorate’s participation in non-tribal elections will lead to better responsiveness to the needs of tribal communities across the nation.

“One of the beautiful things about voting is it is open and accessible to everyone. And every vote matters,” explained Theresa Sheldon (Tulalip), Native American political director for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). “Please know that it’s not too late for people to register to vote. There is a great online resource iWillVote.com 

“Anyone can visit that site to register, check if you are registered, and/or update your mailing address. It’s so important to know that if we want to take back the white house, then we have to show up and vote. Please talk to your friends, your family and encourage them to get their ballot in. Sooner is better. Don’t wait until the last minute,” encouraged Theresa.