Native American women veterans celebrate president’s inauguration

CBS News January 21, 2013,

PUEBLO WEST, Colo. – About 2,800 groups applied to be part of the Inaugural parade on Monday. The president’s inaugural committee chose 60, including one with deep roots in this land.

They often perform to a sound of pageantry centuries old. They are the first Native American Women Warrior color guard: all veterans, all proud of their ancestry and the nation they serve.

Mitchelene BigMan is the group’s founder. Sgt. Big Man served 22 years in the Army, including two tours in Iraq.

“We’re like the heartbeat of America,” BigMan said. “We’re Native Americans. We’re still here, and I think we’re even stronger now than we were before.”

Obama looks to past to set course for future
Video: President Obama’s second inaugural speech
How many attended Obama’s second inauguration?

Nearly 5,000 Native American women have served in the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. BigMan’s grandmother served in WWII.

“She was small,” she said. “She was only five feet and maybe 100 pounds but they said she was one of the meanest ones they had.”

BigMan laughed and admitted she wasn’t that different from her grand mother.

BigMan was born and raised on the Crow reservation in Montana. Unemployment was high. Alcoholism and domestic violence were chronic. So, she enlisted at age 21 and went on to become a mechanic supporting a combat battalion.

Mitchelene BigMan served as a mechanic in the Army. / CBS News

“It was an all-male battalion,” she said. “When I showed up, they were really disappointed, and the tension, I could just see it. First of all I’m female, a minority and a Native American. I had to prove myself three times as hard sometimes.”

And she did. When she retired after two decades, she formed the Native American Women Warriors. The group includes all ranks and branches of service. They promote diversity and equality in the military and on reservations.

In today’s parade, they displayed their badges of military service on their native warrior dresses — dresses worn during a traditional dance for prayer and healing.

“I think it’s time for us to heal, not only as veterans but as a nation,” she said.

“Healing” for the warriors and for the nation they served is something worth a dance about any day including today, each said.

Tulalip snowboarders head to competition, Jan 27-28

Article by Kim Kalliber and Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff

TULALIP,WA – For 19-year-old Tulalip Tribal member, Moses Williams, snowboarding is all about sportstmanship, teamwork and fun, and not to mention, speed, cool tricks and no limitations on style.

Moses is a member of the First Nations Snowboarding Team (FNST) of Tulalip. FNST Tulalip is an off-shoot of FNST Canada, and was selected as the first U.S. team to represent the Nations. What began with staff at the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club seeking ways to keep kids engaged in sports, has grown into a 50+ member team in their second year of competition snowboarding.

FNST Tulalip operates in three divisions: High Performance, Jr. Elite and Beginner. Moses, a six-year snowboarding veteran, is one of 19 members competing as the High Performance Team. The competition will take place January 27-28 at Mount Hood, Oregon. Winners of this competition may be eligible for the National competition in Denver, Colorado.

“You have to be on the High Performance Team to be able to compete. You have to be good enough to ride on your toes, heels, and go off jump,” said Moses, who competed in the Nationals last year.

Boarders may compete in any of three styles: slope, which consist of tricks in the air, on rails, and boxes; boarder cross, which is speed racing; and half pipe, which they can perform tricks on. Moses plans to compete in the boarder cross and slope style snowboarding categories.

Moses also devotes his time as a coach for the team, helping fellow teammates achieve their goals. “I like helping and teaching the younger kids to get better at snowboarding,” said Moses.

FNST, an international team of athletes training to compete in the Olympic Games, is the only snowboarding team operated solely by Native Americans. For more information about FNST, visit

Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188;

Idle No More Art: Posters Promote A Revolution

Idle No More CanadaBy Jesse Ferraras, The Huffington Post B.C.

riseArtists have become a vibrant part of Idle No More, illustrating the movement in bold colours as it sweeps across Canada.

The work of Emily Carr student and Kwakwaka’wakw member Lou-Ann Neel has gotten the most exposure.

Her work “Our Home on Native Land” altered the Canadian flag by replacing the maple leaf with a traditional raven design and by attaching mountains and trees to the red borders. She later added the “Idle No More” slogan and the design was printed on bags, hats and T-shirts.

Neel’s design got a big platform when it appeared on a T-shirt worn by Canadian singer Nelly Furtado. She tweeted a picture of herself with the message, “‘Canada- Our Home On Native Land’.. I couldn’t agree more.”

nelly furtado

Winnipeg-based Dwayne Bird designed posters known as the “Indigenous Rights Revolution” series.

The posters generally show a hand holding an object in a rousing gesture. The object is a feather in a few photos, while in others it’s a sign or a smartphone.

Bird’s designs inspired the work of Comox, B.C.-based artist Andy Everson, who is known for his indigenous take on Star Wars’ characters.

Everson’s Idle No More designs show hands holding feathers against various backgrounds such as an eagle rising or a medicine wheel.IdleNoMore

Brutal beating leaves shoeprint on 12-yr-old’s forehead

Posted: 9:34 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013


MARYSVILLE, Wash. — A Marysville middle school student was beaten so brutally that the boy’s attackers left a footprint on his forehead. News of the attack spread like wildfire on Facebook, and many people in Marysville fear the beating may be part of a gang-related initiation. Police said the attacked appeared to be random.

Faint signs of Austin Calvin’s beating are still pressed into his head. But the 12-year-old looked much better Wednesday than when his father first heard his friends yelling a few blocks from their house Saturday night. Two cars full of high school-aged boys saw Austin and his two friends walking to the movies around 8:30 p.m.

“My friends, they ran. I tried to, but I didn’t get away fast enough,” said Austin.

He went down under a hail of punches, kicks and stomps that were so ferocious that tread marks were imprinted into his forehead.

“I was terrified — just speechless, and I didn’t know what to do,” said Austin.

He blacked out.  His parents rushed him to Children’s hospital in Seattle   He had three facial fractures and several chipped and fractured teeth. Doctors still haven’t cleared Austin to play football after his concussion and say he could have been injured far worse.

“I just don’t understand why kids are doing this, said Austin’s father, Scott Calvin.

While Austin has been recuperating, they’ve heard the same group of boys has been involved in two other violent attacks. Police have made two arrests so far and are continuing to look for others involved in the beating.


Watch the video coverage here:

The Idle No More Movement for Dummies (or, ‘What The Heck Are All These Indians Acting All Indian-Ey About?’)

Gyasi Ross, Indian Country Today Media Network,


Lately, Native people have taken to the streets malls in demonstrations of Public Indian-ness (“PI”) that surpasses the sheer volume of activism of even Alcatraz and the Longest Walk. There’s a heapum big amount of PI going on right now! Many people, non-Native and Native alike, are wondering what the heck is going with their local Native population and how this so-called #IdleNoMore Movement managed to get the usually muffled Natives restless enough to be Indian in public. I mean, like Chris Rock said, he hasn’t ever even met two Indians at the same time. He’s seen “polar bears riding a tricycle” but he’s “never seen an Indian family just chillin’ out at Red Lobster.”

Yet, now people can’t seem to get away from us.

And that’s cool—but isn’t that what pow-wows and November is for? People (non-Native and Native alike) can only take so much PI, right? Is that what the Idle No More Movement is—an extended Native American Heritage Month, where non-Natives have to act like they’re fascinated by Native culture?

In a word, no. It is much more. Please consider this a fairly exhaustive explanation of the Idle No More Movement, what it is not and what it is. If for some reason you cannot read the next 1000 or so brilliant words, I can be summed up thusly: the Idle No More Movement is not a new movement. Instead, it is the latest incarnation of the sustained Indigenous Resistance to the rape, pillage and exploitation of this continent and its women that has existed since 1492. It is not the Occupy Movement, although there are some similarities. It is not only about Canada and it is not only about Native people. Finally, and probably most importantly, it (and we) are not going away anytime soon. So get used to it (and us).


“The ground on which we stand is sacred ground. It is the blood of our ancestors.”

Chief Plenty Coups, Apsaalooke

“…you have come here; you are taking my land from me; you are killing off our game, so it is hard for us to live.”

Tasunke Witko (Crazy Horse), Oglala Lakota


As the above quotes display, the Indigenous Resistance to the raping and pillaging of the Earth is not new. Likewise, Indigenous peoples’ efforts to protect the mothers of our Nations—the women—are not new either. The Idle No More Movement is simply the latest chapter in that resistance.

It’s About: PROTECTING THE EARTH. Idle No More is an inherently grassroots and localized movement, informed by the founders, but with local flair.

Photo art by Steven Paul Judd
Photo art by Steven Paul Judd


First and foremost, the Idle No More Movement is about protecting the Earth for all people from the carnivorous and capitalistic spirit that wants to exploit and extract every last bit of resources from the land. Therefore, anybody who cares about this Earth should be interested in the Idle No More Movement. The engineers were Nina Wilson, Sheelah Mclean, Sylvia McAdam and Jessica Gordon. It was a response to Canada’s Bill C-45, which overhauled the Navigable Waters Protection Act and removed protections for many waters that go through First Nations. Changing the Act literally moves the emphasis of the protection—it morphs from protecting the waterways to protecting the navigation on those waterways. Now, instead of 30-some thousand lakes being protected under the old Act, only 97 lakes will be protected. As Canadian Parliament Member Kirsty Duncan eloquently states, “The days when Canadians take an endless abundance of fresh water for granted are numbered…”

These mobilized Native people wanted to ensure that children two, three and twelve generations from now would have clean water. The children who will benefit from the Native mobilization are not just Native children—it’s for all children. Lakes and rivers tend to be either clean or dirty for Native and non-Native children alike.

It’s not a Native thing or a white thing, it’s an Indigenous worldview thing. It’s a “protect the Earth” thing. For those transfixed on race, you’re missing the point. The Idle No More Movement simply wants kids of all colors and ethnicities to have clean drinking water. It’s also not a “Canada” or “United States” thing. Multinational corporations do not care about borders and neither should we. Despite legislation to intended to prevent pollution, corporations pollute freely with almost complete impunity and our children are the ones who suffer. We likewise should not care about borders—we are mobilizing on both sides because we understand that what we do affects one another.

We will continue to aggressively organize and be Idle No More about the attempts to destroy our sacred lands, whether its Keystone XL Pipeline or Tar Sands Mining in Canada. We will be Idle No More on SSA Marine’s attempts to create a deep-water shipping terminal for water and air poisoning dirty coal in the Lummi waters near Puget Sound, WA or any disrespect to our lands.

We’re not going anywhere, we’re not going to be silent, we’re Idle No More !

It’s About: PROTECTING WOMEN.  Similar to the sustained, capitalistic effort to exploit and pillage the Earth, the carnivorous, capitalistic nature has also exploited and abused women since the founding of both America & Canada. That is something else about which Indigenous people have vowed to be Idle No More. America’s first marriage and property laws, or ‘coverture,’ stipulated that married women did not have separate legal existences from their husbands. Indeed, a married woman was a dependent and could not generally own her own property or control her own earnings.  “…once she married she became a legal nonentity. Her husband not only assumed her legal privileges and duties but certain rights to her property as well.” (Women, Family, and Community in Colonial America: Two Perspectives, Linda E. Speth, Alison Duncan Hirsch, Pg. 8.)

And that was for privileged white women. Obviously for Native women, Black women and any women of any other color who were unfortunate enough to live in the United States, it was much worse.

Deborah Parker speaking about Violence Against Women Act at Seattle Idle No More rally. Image courtesy Alex Garland Photography
Deborah Parker speaking about Violence Against Women Act at Seattle Idle No More rally. Image courtesy Alex Garland Photography



That pattern of condescension and indeed hatred for women has continued until the present. From the case Bradley v. State which affirmed a man’s “right” to “moderately” beat his wife to the Indian Health Service’s pattern of forced tubal ligations of Native women, the United States has shown a consistent trajectory of hatred and destruction for Native women.

Congress’s recent failure to pass the Violence Against Women Act—specifically because Republicans did not want tribal law enforcement to be able to prosecute non-Native sexual deviants—is a continuation of that exploitation of our  women.  Similar to the “clean water” discussion, above, the protections afforded by the Violence Against Women Act protected women of all colors—not just Native women.  Conversely, Congress’s failure to act on the Violence Against Women Act hurts all women. Strong Native women leaders like Deborah Parker and others are advocating for safety and reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act for all women, not just a few.

It’s not a Native thing.

It’s a “NO women, of ANY color, should have to worry about getting raped” thing.

It’s a “NO women, of ANY color, should get beaten and battered” thing.

Those who are transfixed by race, again, are missing the point.

And we will continue to organize and be Idle No More about this attack on the women within our communities, as well as all communities. That is not new and it’s also not just about Native people.

We’re not going anywhere, we’re not going to be silent, we’re #IdleNoMore !

It’s Not an OCCUPY MOVEMENT.  The Occupy Movement was powerful and necessary—yet the foundation was frankly not strong enough to sustain.  Occupy was about a slowed-down economy and a lot of folks who were, unfortunately, out of work from that slowdown. As the economy began to improve in 2012 and also, significantly, the weather got colder, the Occupy Movement got noticeably weaker.  As the economy got stronger, the sheer amounts at the Occupy events got smaller.  Now, it looms very strong in everyone’s psyche, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not; Occupy emboldened the Idle No More Movement, just like Syria, Egypt and Libya emboldened the Idle No More Movement.  Absolutely.  Still, Idle No More is NOT Occupy for these reasons:

The Primary Reason #IdleNoMore is Not Occupy—Native economies are NOT getting any better. In many of our communities, there is 70% PLUS unemployment—more than a simple “boom and bust” economic upturn can fix. There are structural problems that will prevent a quick-fix, and therefore most Indigenous Idle No More will not have an economic incentive to stop their activism.

#2 Reason #IdleNoMore is Not Occupy—We’re Native… Hello? You’re not going to scare us off with the cold weather.  My friends have literally texted me pictures of sisters and brothers in Alberta and Saskatchewan standing outside with #IdleNoMore signs in -35 degree weather; I have spoken at events where it is freezing and brothers and sisters are outside in t-shirts.

If we’re mobilizing 2,000, 2,500 people at an event in the freezing cold in January, just imagine how that number is going to multiply when it’s 65, 70 degrees outside.

#3 Reason #IdleNoMore is Not Occupy—Occupy was snapshot response to a 3 year economic downturn.  #IdleNoMore is a continued response to more than 500 years of destroying the Earth and exploiting women. The foundation on which we’re building is literally centuries of resistance.

Finally, it’s not Occupy because we are surrounding our advocacy around the specific substantive areas that were discussed earlier—protecting the environment and protecting Native women via the Violence Against Women Act. Yes, like Occupy, this is grassroots—the people are fluid and definitely can change. Indeed, the specific subjects that we choose to organize around certainly could change in the future—whatever we need to be Idle No More about. Still, for now fighting against gratuitous exploitation of our lands and fighting against violence against women are areas where good organization can make a difference.


This has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Native people did begin this movement—energized by Chief Spence’s sacrifice and sparked by the Four Founders’ initiative.  Yet this movement belongs to anybodywho wants to stand up for the Earth and women and also make a positive change in the community. That means that non-Natives are certainly welcome. We need non-Natives involved to save this Earth, to give our children and grandchildren the same quality of life that we have enjoyed. It’s about clean water. It’s about clean air. It’s about safety for all women. It’s about making a positive change in our communities. Critics seem to be so caught up on race; yet even racists want their children to have clean water just like non-racists.  Right?  Well, we want racists (and NON-racists, of course) to have kids with clean water too. Oh, and we don’t want them to get raped or beaten either.

Not too unreasonable, is it?

Here’s a little music and video to close this piece. It’s a project that we (Rock Paper Jet Productions, LLC) did with rapper and producer Brother Ali. Coincidentally, it doesn’t mention race—it mentions wanting to make the world slightly better. And when it comes down to it, that what the Idle No More Movement is about.

“I want to pass this planet to my son

A little better than it was when they handed it to me…”


Diabetes Day today at Tulalip Health Clinic from 9:30 – 3:30

By Monica Brown Tulalip News writer

Janurary 16, 2013


The event began today with and opening prayer and is scheduled to run until 3:30 p.m. Breakfast was served with the intention to inform about healthy options for people either with diabetes or wanting to ward off diabetes.  Tribal member Hank Gobin gave a informative speech about diabetic care.

Lunch will be served from noon to 1:30pm. Clinic staff will be offering comprehensive Diabetic Services for all Tulalip Tribal members and authorized patients of the Karen I Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic.

Hank Gobin speaks at Diabetes Day.
Hank Gobin speaks at Diabetes Day.
Breakfast for Diabetes Day, fresh fruit, oatmeal, greek yogurt, eggs and tea.
Breakfast for Diabetes Day, fresh fruit, otameal, greek yogurt, eggs and tea.
Diabetes Day at Tulalip Health Clinic today
Diabetes Day at Tulalip Health Clinic today

Chief Theresa Spence will not attend Friday meeting without Governor General

Source: Rebecca Lindell, Global News

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:23 PM

Read it on Global News: Global News | Spence will not attend Friday meeting without Governor General

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence has pulled out of Friday’s meeting between First Nations leaders and Prime Minister Stephen Harper because Gov. Gen. David Johnston will not attend the gathering.

The Assembly of First Nations scheduled a meeting for Jan. 11 between Harper and some of its chiefs, including Spence, but on Tuesday Johnston’s office confirmed he would not attend because it is a “working meeting” with the government on public policy issues.

Spence responded by issuing this statement on Wednesday: “We have sent a letter to Buckingham Palace and requesting that Queen Elizabeth II send forth her representative which is the Governor General of Canada. I will not be attending Friday’s meeting with the Prime Minister, as the Governor General’s attendance is integral when discussing inherent and treaty rights.”

Read it on Global News: Global News | Spence will not attend Friday meeting without Governor General

United Nations speaks out about Chief Theresa Spence to Canada

Canadian authorities must start meaningful dialogue with aboriginal leaders – UN expert

Source: United News Centre

 8 January 2013 – A United Nations independent expert today urged the Canadian Government to establish a meaningful dialogue with the country’s aboriginal leaders in light of recent protests.

“I am encouraged by reports that Prime Minister Steven Harper has agreed to meet with First Nations Chiefs and leadership on 11 January 2013 to discuss issues related to aboriginal and treaty rights as well as economic development,” said the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya.

He continued, “Both the Government of Canada and First Nations representatives must take full advantage of this opportunity to rebuild relationships in a true spirit of good faith and partnership.”

For weeks, aboriginal leaders and activists carried out protests referred to as ‘Idle no more,’ according to a news release from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). It noted that the movement has been punctuated by the hunger strike of Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation, which began on 11 December.

“I would like to add my voice to the concern expressed by many over the health condition of Chief Spence, who I understand will be joining indigenous leaders at this week’s meeting,” the Mr. Anaya said.

The independent expert stressed that the dialogue between the Government and First Nations should proceed in accordance with standards expressed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration states that indigenous peoples have the right to maintain their distinct identities and cultures as a basis of their development and place in the world, to pursue their own destinies under conditions of equality, and to have secure rights over lands and resources, with due regard for their traditional patterns of use and occupancy.

In particular, Mr. Anaya highlighted one of the preambles in the Declaration which affirms that treaties, agreements and other arrangements are the basis for a strengthened partnership between indigenous peoples and States.

The Government affirmed a “commitment to continue working in partnership with Aboriginal peoples and in accordance with a relationship based on good faith, partnership and mutual respect,” when it released a statement supporting the Declaration on 12 November 2010, said Mr. Anaya, who has asked the Canadian authorities to provide relevant information on this matter, in accordance with the terms of his mandate from the UN Human Rights Council.

“I will continue to monitor developments as I hold out hope that the 11 January meeting will prompt meaningful and restorative action by the Government and First Nations leadership,” Mr. Anaya added.

Independent experts, or special rapporteurs such as Mr. Anaya, are appointed by the Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a country situation or a specific human rights theme. The positions are honorary and the experts are not UN staff, nor are they paid for their work.

Tulalip Tribes Diabetes Day 2013, Jan 16

Tulalip Diabetes DayProviding culturally sensitive diabetes health care to promote the overall well-being of our people

Join the Karen I Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic staff on Wednesday, January 16 for Diabetes Day 2013.

The event is schedule for 9:20 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and will being 8:00 a.m. with an opening prayer and song. Lunch will be served at noon.

Clinic staff will be offering comprehensive Diabetic Services for all Tulalip Tribal members and authorized patients of the Karen I Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic.



FDA set to approve Genetically Engineered Salmon

Article by Monica Brown

The Food and Drug Administration has given their approval, pending a 60 day public debate, of the AquAdvantage Salmon developed by the Massachusetts based company Aquabouty Technology. The salmon was developed out of need from the growing human population which outweighs the current salmon population.

The AquAdvantage Salmon have been genetically engineered from Atlantic Chinook to grow at a faster rate on small amounts of food and are made specifically to be sterile females to help prevent reproducing with wild salmon. The idea behind the genetically engineered salmon (GES) to be female is a precaution to prevent escaped salmon from mingling with the wild salmon, had they been sterile males they would cause a disturbance in the spawning grounds by fighting over territory with male wild salmon. Although, Aquabounty has stated there is a slight chance that a small percentage of females may be fertile, but state the chance of them escaping to the wild are very slim.

According to FDA regulations, upon approval, the GES will be required to be grown in a physically contained system to prevent escape and at approved facilities only. When placed at the marketplace the GES will not be required to have any special labels or markings due to the fact that they are genetically the same as wild salmon and pose no threat for human consumption.

The imposition the GES will make on the environment and human diet is still dependent on the future consumption of the salmon.  As well as the impact it will make on the economy in the lives of Atlantic Fishermen. Since it is not clear yet how far the GES will be shipped, and we won’t be able to tell by labels or on restaurant menus, it prefer wild salmon to either fish for it yourself or get it from someone you know.

If you would like to comment on the Aquadvantage Salmon, the comment section for the 60 day public debate can be accessed here. Comments will be accepted until February 25, 2013!submitComment;D=FDA-2011-N-0899-0003

Comments by others may be viewed here!docketDetail;D=FDA-2011-N-0899