Recognizing the national crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

“My hands go up to all our friends and relatives who are joining us on this most important day – the day to acknowledge the missing and murdering Indigenous women who have been taken from us. To be honest, it’s been a really heavy day of talking about atrocities that have been inflicted upon us for 500 plus years now, since the beginning of colonization. 

“We talk about statistics and about how 3 out of 5 Native Americans will experience violence in their lifetime and have sexual crimes committed against them. We talk about statistics in a way that never make it personal because it’s too hard to talk about our own experiences and share what we’ve been forced to go through ourselves. So I’d like to acknowledge anyone who as a child experienced sexual abuse or as an adult been a victim of physical, emotional or mental abuse…it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault what happened to you as a child. It’s not your fault for what happened to you as a teenager. It’s not your fault what happened to you as an adult. That trauma does not define you.

“The abuses and the atrocities that continue to happen to our people are not our fault. We are reminded that colonization has used rape as a war crime against us. That war crime is intended to silence us; it’s to take our voice and make us feel like we have no rights. And sometimes the law, the police and the justice system make us feel like we don’t have any rights either. This gathering today proves our voices have not been taken away, that we will not be silent, and that we are not giving up.

“Together, we say ‘we will not silence anyone and enough is enough!’ in one united voice. That is so powerful. When we speak we are standing on the shoulders of our ancestors, who never knew us but prayed for us in this moment. They knew we would need their prayers and their strength to continue and carry on. So I ask us to make the prayers for our next 7 generations. I ask us to make a commitment to work on our own hurt and pain, a commitment to do more, a commitment to be better. 

“I thank you all for stepping into this space because I know it’s not comfortable and to talk on these issues isn’t fun. To say you have an abuse problem in your family is not comfortable. To say that you come from sexual abuse and physical violence in your family is not comfortable, but it’s a reality many of us share. 

Let us continue to find ways to work together and continue to find ways to be healthier because we don’t have to carry those emotional scars any longer. I am so thankful for everyone being here and love you all for the good work that we’ll continue to do together.”

Those eloquent, heartfelt words were shared by Tulalip’s own Theresa Sheldon as she welcomed hundreds of community members as they assembled at the grass covered lot across from Hibulb Cultural Center on Wednesday, May 5. Friends and relatives from both near and far respectfully dawned an assortment of red clothing, red regalia, and red handmade signs in a united effort to recognize the national crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW).

Sobering Statistics

  • Indigenous women are murdered and go missing at a rate higher than any other ethnic group.
  • Indigenous women are murdered at a rate 10x higher than all other ethnicities.
  • Murder is the 3rd leading cause of death for Indigenous women.
  • More than 4 out of 5 Indigenous women (84.3%) will experience violence in their lifetime.
  • More than half of Indigenous women experience sexual violence (56.1%).
  • More than half of Indigenous women have been physically abused by their intimate partners (55.5%).
  • Nearly half of all Indigenous women have been stalked in their lifetime (48.8%).
  • Indigenous women are 1.7 times more likely than white American women to experience violence. 
  • Indigenous women are 2x more likely to be raped than white American women. 
  • Murder rate of Indigenous women is 3x higher than white American women. 

*source: National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center

To understand the complex and ongoing MMIW crisis one must first admit the current systemic response to violence against Native women is immensely inadequate. Then one must realize the rate at which Tribes are losing their life-giving women is devastating to not just the tribal communities, but to the entire nation as a whole. Insufficient resources on the state level and lack of clarity on jurisdictional responsibilities on the federal level combine to severely hinder efforts to locate those who are missing. Furthermore, the current legal framework for persecuting crimes committed on tribal citizens by non-tribals is exceedingly complicated and creates many barriers for victims and Tribes working to protect their membership. 

Despite a federal trust obligation to protect Native American communities, violence against Indigenous women in the United States continues at epidemic proportions. It greatly exceeds that of any other demographic of women across the country. While many issues need to be addressed to confront this human rights issue, it is clear that limitations placed on tribal government jurisdiction by the federal government are a key contributing factor, with non-Native perpetrators falling through the cracks in the system time and time again.

“A huge thank you to each and every one of you joining us in the circle here today. We know that we come with our prayers and that’s the strongest medicine we have. The thoughts we have in our mind create reality,” shared Deborah Parker, who serves on the National Indigenous Women’s Resource board and is renowned for her critical role in the passage of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). “When I was a young girl I witnessed violence in our community, and I said a prayer then that when I get older I’d like to be a person to help change the laws to protect our people. 

“If we speak forward with our voice and with our truth and with all of our strength, then we can move mountains. And truly there are others who believe in our words and will stand beside us,” she continued. “These are our lands. We’ve been taught we are caretakers of these lands. That’s a big responsibility for us as Indigenous people. Each and every person in this circle, from youth to elder, can fulfill this responsibility and bring about change that benefits us all. We need our women to be safe. We need our young people to be safe. We need our future generations to be safe. By standing together and working together we will make this prayer a reality.”

By learning from the experiences of surviving family members, the MMIW movement can work to achieve the changes needed to safeguard the lives of Indigenous women and strengthen the authority of Native nations to protect their citizens. Exemplifying this notion was Tulalip tribal members Udora Andrade, Veronica Jimicum, Lynette Jimicum and Denise Hatch-Anderson who together brought forward prayers and a reminder of the ongoing search for Mary E. Johnson. Mary is a Tulalip woman who has been missing since December 1, 2020.

Following a series of speakers from all levels of Tulalip leadership and enrichment programs, Deb Parker led a large contingent of singers and drummers in sharing the Women’s Warrior Song, which was gifted from her First Nations family in British Columbia. The cohesive red wave continued to share in culture, song, and a united purpose to raise MMIW awareness well into the twilight hours.

“Our hands go up to each and every one of you who attended and helped make this moment possible,” said event coordinator Josh Fryberg. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to all in need. It will take each and every one of us to continue to be the difference, not just for us but for our future generations. By living in a good way that honors our Ancestors we will continue to bring unity, to raise awareness, and strengthen our culture, together.”

Breaking ground for future transitional living

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

During the morning of May 10, tribal council officially broke ground on what will soon be emergency transitional living units for Tulalip’s membership. Located across the street from Tulalip Bay fire department, this will be the first of several planned sites intended to prevent homelessness. This first site will consist of five units that will be fully furnished, including a kitchenette and washer and dryer. The living space is small (240 square feet) and meant for emergency purposes and short term living only. 

“I’m so appreciative of the work that has been done to get us ready for today. These transition units will be a blessing for our community,” stated C.O.O. Wendy Fryberg. “We recognize that our people sometimes have transition requirements, and homelessness should not be a concern for our members who have find themselves in such challenging circumstances.

“Clients who stay in one of these units will be connected with a Case Worker to assist them in obtaining additional resources to help with obtaining permanent long term living accommodations,” she added. “The goal is for the Case Worker to provide information, support and wrap around services for clients to work through the processes in place to obtain services, such as getting on lists for housing, finding funding, applying for jobs, etc.”

In addition to providing a sense of stability for families who will use the transitional units as a stepping stone to independent living, each unit will provide essential comforts like water and sewer utilities, electricity, the ability to have cable and a Wi-Fi connection.

Rent will be $300 per month to cover the water, sewer and PUD bills. There will be more information coming out about the policy, eligibility, and application process for Tulalip membership interested in temporarily residing in one of these transitional units.

By contrast, the Tulalip Tribes homeless shelter utilizes shared utilities, including a shared kitchen area. Many of the region’s tiny home villages that have become more and more common, also lack running water and cooking facilities. 

“This is our first project of this type. Yes, we have the homeless shelter, but these units have their own bathroom and kitchenette,” explained Vice-Chairman Glen Gobin. “These transitional units will provide a foundation for tribal members to build upon and carry on in a good way. We pray this will be a success for individuals and families who find themselves in such circumstances. This project is intended to assist and help them build a good positive foundation and move forward in that good way. It’s always about our future and the steps we take for the next generation.”

Immediately after the ground breaking ceremony, Tulalip’s committed construction team eagerly got to work on what is sure to be a game changer for those of most need in our community. 

Fallen TPD officer honored at Spokane PD memorial ceremony

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News; photos courtesy of Paula Cortez

“We stand here today to honor our fallen brothers and sisters in law enforcement,” said Sgt. H.G. Whapeles of the Spokane Sheriff’s Office. “To honor their commitment, and to pay homage to the sacrifice they readily gave for the safety of their community and their partners. We proudly swear to them to strive as law enforcement community, to pick up the torch that these brave men and women have passed off to us, to make our communities safe, and to set in place the training needed so no more names needlessly end up on these sacred stones. We gather here today so that we will remember them, so that their legacy will be kept alive in the hearts of the men and women who serve and risk their lives every day.”

On the morning of May 4, law enforcement officers from multiple departments across Washington State convened outside of the Public Safety building in the city of Spokane. The bright Spring day brought some much-needed healing and closure to families, as well as fellow officers, as they gathered to remember their loved ones who fell in the line of duty over the past year. 

For 33 years, the Spokane Police Department has organized a special ceremony, with the exception of 2020 due to the worldwide pandemic, in remembrance of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice while fulfilling their vow to protect and serve their respective communities. This year, eighteen brave individuals and two K-9 officers were honored and recognized for not only dedicating their lives to the badge, but also for the heroes they were while off-duty, to their family and community members alike. 

Among the eighteen law officials honored at this year’s ceremony was Tulalip tribal member and police officer, Charlie Cortez. Beloved by the people in his community, the news of his disappearance broke the hearts of those he held dearest and shocked the masses, as people from around the Nation followed the story closely each day, hoping and praying for any positive word. 

“Our family is honored to have our son recognized for his great sacrifice for his community,” shared Charlie’s mother, Paula Cortez. “The law enforcement world out there seems to know what to do to make sure the survivors of officers are uplifted. We have this deep debt of gratitude for the efforts that they’ve been working on to keep his memory alive.”

In order to safely gather, due to the continued presence of COVID-19, there was a limited number of guests invited to the ceremony. However, the two-hour event was livestreamed over Facebook for those who wished to watch but could not attend, and then later posted to YouTube so family members can revisit and watch the honorable and special occasion whenever they please. 

“We were actually informed by the Chief of Police that the Spokane Police Department was honoring Charlie,” said Paula. “We got up early, we went to the memorial wall. Everyone who made the trip was mom and dad, grandma, auntie, cousins, nieces and nephew, his brother, his children Dominic and Peyton, Tawnya and her husband, the Chief of Police and most of the Fish and Wildlife team from the Tulalip Police Department.”

The ceremony began with the presentation of colors, followed by a vocal performance of the National Anthem. To further honor the fallen officers, beautifully arranged wreaths were placed on a large granite wall, over the newly-etched names of all eighteen officers and the two K-9 officers, while the somber sound of bagpipes filled the air. 

After a number of heartfelt words and prayers were shared by special guest speakers, each fallen officer was commemorated by the Chief of their departments as they read the officer’s eulogy aloud, before a member of the family officially unveiled their loved one’s name on the wall. As Chief Sutter memorialized Charlie, noting his love for hunting, fishing and digging for geoduck, Paula, along with Charlie’s children and his father Alan, held a flag up-high that featured Charlie’s photo, the TPD seal, the Tulalip Tribes killer whale emblem and a soaring eagle, while they also wore similar-designed t-shirts that read ‘Our Fallen Hero’.

“When we read his name, we really felt like the organization that put this honoring on – they are like an extended family to us. They really do care about the sacrifice our son made while serving his community,” mama Paula expressed. “When the bagpipes were playing ‘Amazing Grace’ – that song always brings tears to my eyes. I think the main thing was the honor guards were so professional in the way they presented the whole thing, it was beautiful and honorable to be able to witness that for my son.”

Charlie’s name and legacy will live throughout the Tulalip community for generations to come. And with this recent honoring, fellow officers who gather at the remembrance wall in Spokane will also know the young Tulalip officer’s name as well as everything he stood for, including upholding the law, protecting his tribes treaty rights and of course his everlasting love for his family, people and community. 

As the event came to a close, the honor guard, which consisted of officers from various departments state-wide, performed a ceremonial bell-service which often replaces the 21-gun salute at memorial services for police officers. Upon leaving, the guests were encouraged to visit the ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ trailer, which is a truck that will travel around the country to raise awareness and honor those officers whose lives were lost in the line of duty. 

The memorial ceremony in Spokane was just the first of many as Charlie’s family has been informed his name will be etched into several remembrance walls in the upcoming months, to ensure his memory lives on. Charlie’s name will be displayed not only in Spokane, but also in Olympia and Washington D.C.

“It still hurts the family,” Paula expressed. “We have to look at our waters in a different way now. But I think all the different organizations and foundations are honored to be of service to the families and are dedicated to uplifting our son’s name and his memory. It helped to have the Tulalip Police Department by our side, they were very supportive. We definitely made a mark over there. The Spokane news also mentioned Charlie’s name in their publication because we traveled so far to get there. We will plan times to go over there and to the other memorial walls once the COVID-19 pandemic goes away. It’s an honor for us to be able to witness the ceremonies that they work so hard at putting together for the families.”

It’s been nearly six months since the Tulalip Fish & Wildlife officer went missing at sea and the search for Charlie continues while his family, community and fellow law enforcement officers and agencies find ways to celebrate his life, times and legacy as a Tulalip man, father, son, uncle and cousin. Upcoming events include a visit from the ‘Beyond the Call of Duty’ trailer on May 29, a day after Charlie’s birthday. The truck, a motorcycle club and a TPD escort will journey from the Tulalip Justice Center to the Tulalip Marina at 9:30 a.m. where a mid-morning b-day celebration and BBQ will take place in his memory.  

Charlie’s name will also be spoken in remembrance at a number of Virtual Roll Calls, including a virtual candlelight vigil that will be held May 13, at 5:00 p.m. at 

Thank you for keeping Charlie’s family and the Tulalip Police Department in your prayers. As always, please send any potential evidence, information or your own informal searches to us by texting 360-926-5059, or emailing, or leaving a voicemail at (909) 294-6356.

Autism walk connects community, raises awareness

By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

Although it was a dark and cloudy day that threatened rain at any moment, smiles shined bright on the afternoon of April 30. While music played over a large sound system, a group of approximately 100 Tulalip citizens socialized, danced, and munched on delicious salty and sweet kettle corn outside of the Don ‘Penoke’ Hatch Teen Center, eagerly waiting for the main event to begin. 

“Normally, we couldn’t come to an event like this because Jared isn’t good with lots of people and loud noises,” emotionally expressed Tulalip mother, Kristie Fryberg. “But because this is for him, it’s awesome. It feels really good. My family, we’re all excited to come out and do this. I just know the more we talk about it, the more it’s going to be better for him when he becomes an adult and we can’t be here for him.” 

Every April, communities around the country focus their efforts on a shared goal of raising awareness and providing support to individuals who have been diagnosed with autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopment disorder that reportedly affects 25 million people globally and impacts each person in a different manner. The disorder is known largely to present a challenge in the early childhood development phase of life, particularly when it comes to communication and sensory sensitivity.  

Several programs answered the call when the Youth and Family Enrichment Manager, Josh Fryberg, began planning the end-of-the-month celebration including, the Tulalip Boys and Girls Club, Jared’s Corner, the Tulalip Police Department, the Tulalip Bay Fire Department and Leah’s Dream Foundation. 

“When you have a child and they are diagnosed with autism or any disability, you feel alone,” said Founder of Leah’s Dream Foundation, Deanna Sheldon, as Leah happily found amusement in a bubble wand. “With something like this, where you see the community coming together for a greater good to create awareness, it’s really fantastic and an honorable feeling. With autism or any disability, there’s isn’t any one thing. Any child can look neurotypical but with autism there’s so many hidden layers; some children may not talk, some children may have sensory issues or whatnot. This is a great way for Leah’s Dream to embrace our community and raise awareness and show people we are all not the same.”

Leah’s Dream Foundation was established in 2015 by Deanna and family when her daughter was diagnosed with autism. The funds raised by the non-profit goes directly towards resources, sensory items and toys, parties, gifts and activity packages for local children and young adults living with autism and special needs. The foundation also awards grants to the Marysville School District to help autistic students succeed in school, by ensuring they are afforded adequate curriculums, programs, tools and supplies during their educational journey.

Joyous laughter erupted across the youth center’s campus as the group enjoyed each other’s company. Turquoise event t-shirts were thrown over everyday attire to proudly display the garment’s messaging that read, ‘Fighting for Autism’. 

The event was chiefly organized by the Tulalip Youth and Family Enrichment program, who called upon their community, local organizations and a handful of departments from the Tribe to present a fun-filled day to not only raise awareness, but more importantly, to celebrate the unique, loving individuals living with autism within the community, who continue to teach us in more ways than we know on a daily basis. 

Upon seeing the turn-out for the afternoon gathering, Tulalip Youth and Family Enrichment Activity Specialist, Anthony Mclean shared, “It’s really heartwarming to get so much support and to raise awareness for a good thing. This is a good gathering for us to be together and see everyone’s faces. It’s nice to have all the departments come together as one, just to show the Tribe we can work together on something positive.”

Masked-up, signs in-hand and led by a TPD escort, the participants took a step for the cause, walking from the youth center to the Katherine ‘Molly’ Hatch Senior Center, where the collective stopped to offer a traditional song to the elders. In a moving moment, the elders shared knowledgeable and encouraging words in return to the group, thanking them for the song and spending some time. 

After exchanging good-byes, the people made their way back to the teen center to enjoy the rest of the afternoon together. Upon return, a special ‘happy birthday’ solo-dance-performance was dedicated to Tyler Fryberg, who thoroughly enjoyed the moves of his friend, Kai Holmes, as he got down in front of the brand new kettle corn truck, while the popcorn chef himself added some background vocals to Kai’s dance recital.   

“This was all Josh Fryberg,” said the Founder of Jared’s Corner, Jared Parks. “He’s the one who reached out to me about the Autism Walk. I told him I’d come out and donate about 400-800 free bags of kettle corn, because that’s what we want to do is give back to the community and raise more awareness for autism.”

In case you didn’t know the origin of Jared’s Corner, Jared Parks and Kristie Fryberg began the kettle corn business in honor of their 7-year-old son, who shares the same name as his father. Kristie is often quick to admit that her son’s autistic diagnosis changed her entire family’s perspective on life, ultimately bringing everybody closer together to rally behind and support Jared throughout his journey. 

“That’s why we created this, to give back in this way,” Kristie shared. “This is exactly what we talked about when starting it, to have days at the Tribe where we can give away free popcorn, have the kids gather, and to give back to those people who spend time with our children and are helping them, the therapists and the teachers.”

Over a few short months, Jared’s Corner has grown from a small popcorn stand to a full-blown food truck where the Parks family can whip-up, bag-up and hand-out large quantities of their kettle corn, which comes in a variety of flavors. A portion of all their proceeds are donated to a number of pro-autism programs and foundations to continue raising awareness.


“We want to let the people know we really appreciate their support,” said Jared. “Even if it’s just five bucks here and there, it’s created this – a bigger trailer. It’s created the ‘Autism Awareness Mobile’ and I’m going to be everywhere, Microsoft, T-Mobile. I’m going to be crossing boundaries and representing Tulalip in a good way.”

Prior to this year’s walk, Jared Sr. shared a few words about his son exclaiming, “I don’t call it a disability, my son has a superpower!”

The collaborative walking event was the perfect way to cap-off Autism Awareness Month, as well as a great opportunity to set-off a chain of upcoming summer events geared toward inclusion, raising awareness and supporting our loved ones living with autism. Tulalip Youth and Family Enrichment intends on hosting events every-other-week alternating between field days and gym days, Leah’s Dream Foundation will hold their annual Golf Tournament fundraiser on July 17 this year, and the Parks family has plans of expansion, raising awareness one kettle corn order at a time. 

“It felt good just walking together, coming together to raise awareness for autism and for our kids with disabilities,” said Josh. “I think for a lot of us, it felt really good seeing a lot of our youth we haven’t seen in a while. It was a sense of unity, coming together in a safe and friendly way. With COVID going on, everyone was masked-up, we had our temp-readers in the front when everyone came in. The words I’d like to share is just continue to be yourself. Continue to do the best that you can do. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. For us, as adults, let’s help as much as we can and let’s continue to raise awareness and provide as much as we can for our youth and community members. We’re here for you, we love you and if you need anything please let us know. It’s going to take every one of us to make that difference.” 

UFC legend Ken Shamrock connects with signature style at Tulalip Remedy

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

In collaboration with The Dab Roast and Tulalip entrepreneur Rocky Harrison, Ultimate Fighting Championships (UFC) hall of famer Ken Shamrock made a special guest appearance at the reservation’s retail cannabis establishment on Monday, April 19. His highly anticipated arrival during National Cannabis Awareness Month was well-received by professional wrestling followers, UFC fans, and, of course, cannabis enthusiasts 

“Shamrock is here today to promote The Dab Roast, a new high quality vendor we recently got in for cannabis concentrates and who tribal member Rocky Harrison hooked us up with,” explained Remedy manager Jenn Bontempo. “This is significant because it marks our first celebrity appearance at our store. Having celebrities promote Remedy and the products we sell broadens our customer base and brings in more potential tax revenue for the Tribe. As a staff, we’re very excited to see what opportunities this creates for us going forward.” 

The fittingly nicknamed World’s Most Dangerous Man’s arrival to Tulalip was confirmed only days prior. Yet it built enough buzz for a platoon of adoring fans to descend on Remedy with childhood memories of his WWF wrestling, vintage ankle lock days, or more recent recollections of his dominance as a mixed martial artist during the UFC’s foundational years. 

One such super fan was 34-year-old Jason Willden of Arlington. A regular consumer of Remedy’s diverse cartridge selection, he was ecstatic when he got word that Shamrock would be doing a meet and greet. He arrived nearly three-hours early, was first in line, and waited patiently for an autograph on his replica WWF Intercontinental Championship belt. 

“Shamrock was my whole childhood!” exclaimed Willden. “I remember being a little kid and watching TV when he became Intercontinental Champion in 1998. His wrestling persona was to always be the aggressor and just kick-ass.”

As anticipation continued to build, the line began to wrap around Remedy. The early Summer-like weather of high 70s and radiating sunshine was perfect for the occasion. When doors opened and the event began, eager fans scurried inside Remedy where they had ample opportunity to purchase cannabis products, like the Dab Roast concentrate or some simple pre-rolled joints to elevate their mood.

Unable to contain her excitement while waiting in line, proud auntie Emerlinda Sanchez stood out as she spoke to her MMA fighter nephew Calob Ramirez (Chickasaw) via video chat on her cell phone. Calob was unable to attend in person because he’s currently training in New Mexico, but thanks to mobile technology was still able to exchange a heartfelt message with one of his heroes.

“Shamrock is a tremendous wrestler, grappler, striker…put simply, if it weren’t for guys like him, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do what I’m doing,” said Ramirez. “I’m so grateful to praise a living legend and express my gratitude for his inspiration on me and so many others who have pursued a career in mixed martial arts.”

While many of the Remedy visitors came from off reservation to see the now 57-year-old former UFC Superfight Champion, there were a share of Tulalip citizens who turned out for the occasion as well. Super heavyweight David Enick, known for a thunderous punch in his kickboxing days, admitted he was a little nervous to meet Shamrock, but couldn’t pass up the opportunity shake his hand and get a picture. 

“For me, I don’t know Shamrock too well from his UFC days, but have lots of memories watching him perform in WWE,” said David. “It was shocking to meet him and really cool to exchange my experience as a fighter with one of the legends.” 

After two excitement filled hours of exchanges with fans, signing autographs, and providing photo opportunities there was one moment that stood out from the rest. One wrestling superfan was absolutely overcome with emotion as the WWF icon signed his authentic 1997 Ken Shamrock action figure he’s owned since childhood. If that ain’t love, we don’t know what is.

An expression of pure joy radiated from one fan to another, which Shamrock later described as “So cool. Those kinds of fan interactions really show the impact and inspiration that we as professional athletes and entertainers have. The fans are the main ingredient to our success, so being able to talk to them, hear their thoughts, and share in experiences about what I meant to them growing up is awesome. Events like this really allows me to show my appreciation for their support.”

Fans came from near and far to have the WWF and UFC legend sign a beloved piece of memorabilia, say ‘thank you for all the memories’, and have a pic snapped with the World’s Most Dangerous Man. Tulalip Remedy anticipates this being just the beginning. Stay on the lookout for more celebrity appearances in the near future. 

‘True visionary’ John McCoy honored with State Senate resolution

Brian Cladoosby, left, chairman of the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, speaks witth Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, right, as Sen. John McCoy, D-Tulalip, center, a member of the Tulalip Tribes of Washington, looks on, Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017, at the Capitol in Olympia, Wash. Inslee later signed a bill that seeks to improve oral health on Indian reservations in Washington state.The measure is the first bill the governor has signed this legislative session and it allows tribes to use federal funding for dental therapists. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Sen. John McCoy, D-38

Highly regarded Tulalip citizen and now retired State Senator John McCoy was honored by Washington’s Senate on Friday, April 9. McCoy retired a year ago, shortly after winning re-election, because of health challenges. His sudden departure during such a turbulent time didn’t allow for his colleagues to give him a proper send-off. That unsettled acknowledgement was remedied during April 9’s legislative session when State Senators, both democrat and republican, passed SR 8623 – Recognizing Senator John McCoy. 

“It is my great honor to bring this resolution before the [Senate] today to honor my friend, mentor, and colleague Senator John McCoy,” said Senator June Robinson (D-Everett), who succeeded McCoy in the House and now the Senate. “The words of the resolution talk about many of the wonderful qualities that Senator McCoy brought to the legislator and everything that he does. 

“He is the ultimate long-game player,” she continued. “In true Native American philosophy he always reminded me to think about the future and to think about the long game. You can make this decision now, but you can change later. Sage advice from a true visionary. Someone for whom this body and the state of Washington and the people of Washington are much better off because of his service.”

After 17 years of service in the Washington State Legislature, McCoy announced his retirement after submitting a resignation letter to Governor Jay Inslee last April. The longtime Democratic lawmaker leaves behind a legacy of steady leadership and commitment to serving his community. He brought a career in military service and years as a computer technician to his work at the Legislature, culminating in a lawmaker who effectively advanced economic development and equality of opportunity for his district.

“John has been a good friend for many years. If you live in the Snohomish County area, then you’ve seen John at democratic events and all the community events. He is a rock within the community,” described Senator Steve Hobbs (D-Lake Stevens). “Everyone talks about how he is a rock within the tribal community, which is true, but he’s also a rock in the greater community of Snohomish County as well. He has been such a leader on issues regarding tribes, water and the environment. John is also a huge advocate for our veterans. On that note, as a fun fact, John has had that high and tight since the ‘60s.”

During his five terms in the Washington State House of Representatives, McCoy fought for students, for the environment, for a healthy economy and for tribal communities. He sponsored policy that expanded support for students struggling with behavioral and emotional health needs, protected water rights and access, and integrated comprehensive tribal history and culture education into teacher preparation programs.

“Rising in strong support of this resolution honoring Senator McCoy,” said Senator Ann Rivers (R- La Center). “My politician DNA is very different than John’s, but that doesn’t mean that there’s a lack of respect there. While we may not fully agree on all things or have different approaches on where we want to be, there are some things we agreed on wholeheartedly, like his tireless efforts on behalf of children and making sure their cultural needs are met so they can adequately learn in schools. It was a real honor to be on the same side of policy with him.”

McCoy’s most notable political achievement may be Senate Bill 5433, which he authored and was subsequently signed into law in May 2015. Senate Bill 5433 made it mandatory for schools to educate students about the history and governance of northwest coastal tribes. Washington has since worked diligently with sovereign tribal nations to develop a first-of-its-kind curriculum, Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty, which is taught in schools throughout the state.

“John is a quiet giant both on local and national affairs,” explained Senator Steve Conway (D-Tacoma). “Acknowledging the role he played in bringing tribal issues to this legislature and creating a committee focused on Native Americans in this state. A leader in the Native American community, he’s made an imprint on Washington State history and American history by bringing focus to Native American issues in our state and country.”

The 77-year-old retiree’s focus now shifts to spending time with his wife Jeannie, their three daughters, ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren His considerable contribution and service to public office is characterized by tireless advocacy for Native American communities, expanded access to high-quality education, and environmental sustainability. 

Before McCoy became one of the longest serving Native American legislators in state history, he led efforts to bring better telecommunication infrastructure to the Tulalip Tribes. He was also instrumental in developing the economic powerhouse that is Quil Ceda Village. Quite the legacy. 



By Senators Robinson, Billig, Brown, Braun, Carlyle, Cleveland, Conway, Darneille, Das, Dhingra, Fortunato, Frockt, Gildon, Hawkins, Hasegawa, Hobbs, Holy, Hunt, Keiser, King, Kuderer, Liias, Lovelett, Mullet, Nguyen, Nobles, Padden, Pedersen, Randall, Rivers, Rolfes, Saldaña, Sheldon, Short, Stanford, Wagoner, Warnick, Wellman, Wilson, C., and Wilson, L. 

  • WHEREAS, John McCoy was first elected to the Washington State House of Representatives in 2003 and was elected to the State Senate 2in 2013;and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy was a dedicated public servant, faithfully 4and tirelessly representing the people of the 38th legislative 5district for 17 years before retiring in 2020; and 
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy began his honorable service with a 20-year career in the Air Force, gaining experience that would inform his deep dedication to serving the good of the people; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy was a leader in the community through his work to diversify the economy of the Tulalip Tribes by establishing and managing Quil Ceda Village; and, was a leader in the Senate as Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, never wavering in his inclusive and supportive approach to leadership; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy worked on a wide breadth of issues, including advocating for disenfranchised communities, lifting the voices of sovereign tribes, and expanding access to quality education and health care, as well as internet access for every Washingtonian; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy was an unrelenting force for those with the least financial resources and political power in the state, giving a voice to those who did not have one in our political process; and
  • WHEREAS John McCoy championed the passage of the Native American Voting Rights Act that expanded voting rights access in tribal communities; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy passed legislation that ensured Native American history, culture, and government would be taught in all school districts; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy worked persistently for 12 years to pass legislation that would allow dental therapists to provide care on reservations; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy was a strong advocate for the environment, pushing for tougher rules on oil transportation and water quality, as well as expanding production of alternative energy; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy faced challenges that seemed insurmountable with tenacity and perseverance, offering the advice of “It’s okay to make a mistake as long as you learn from it… and are sure not to make the same mistake again!”; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy will be missed for his steady leadership, strong moral compass, and his ability to find the perfect bolo tie for every occasion; and
  • WHEREAS, John McCoy is a loving husband to his wife Jeannie, a father to three daughters, and a grandfather of 10 grandchildren and two great grandchildren
  • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington State Senate recognize Senator John McCoy and the contributions he made to the state and the people during his 17 years of service in the legislature.

I, Brad Hendrickson, Secretary of the Senate, do hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Senate Resolution 8623, adopted by the Senate April 9, 2021


Secretary of the Senate 

The Dom Joseph Podcast: A Voice for Tulalip

By Kalvin Valdillez; photos courtesy of Dom Joseph

The gift of gab is a skill, a highly coveted technique that has been perfected over time by the Indigenous Nations of America, who have historically shared the knowledge of their people, by means of oral tradition, to each passing generation. Years upon years, tribes have utilized the art of storytelling to convey important life lessons such as minding your elders, taking care of Mother Earth, and hunting, fishing and foraging for nuts, berries and medicinal plants. Not to mention intertribal ceremonies like namegivings, powwows, potlatches, canoe journey, as well as many other lifetime achievements and celebrations. Stories are an integral piece to the Coast Salish culture, which each new generation continues to builds upon, keeping the traditions and lifeways of the people strong and alive for years to come. 

During a modern era where information and technology seem more disposable than ever, Native communities are finding new methods to highlight their way of life and are exploring new ideas to document their stories, that otherwise would have been handed down vocally to a select few. The presence and access to a tool such as the internet, allows the word of the tribe to reach the masses. Anyone inquiring about the culture of a specific tribe are essentially just a few clicks away from learning about that Nation’s true history – of the treaties, the relocation, boarding schools, traditional diets, and in some cases even the ancestral languages and songs are accessible to those who are looking. And what makes it even more exciting is that information is often put out directly from the source today, and isn’t heavily relied upon one-sided history textbooks and ill-informed school districts as it once was. 

Tulalip tribal member Dominick (Dom) Joseph’s passion for this traditional skill has led him to the forefront of a new movement that is taking the internet, and therefore the world, by storm. The media format of podcasting has been gaining momentum since the late aughts and has blossomed over the past decade. More and more people are catering to their niche fanbases by creating their very-own platforms to discuss topics that are nearest and dearest to their hearts, whether that stems from a love of music, movies, current world events, self-help, or even exhilarating true crime stories. 

Dom has a strong love for his people, his culture and rez comedy which he effortlessly showcases on-air. His unique journey with storytelling and podcasting perfectly displays his adoration and pride for his tribe, his family and his cultural lifeways. When he speaks, he uses his good-natured humor to open up about issues that he is working through, as a young Native college student experiencing life off the reservation for the very first time. The aptly self-titled project, officially known as the Dom Joseph Podcast, provides a space where other Natives can relate, gain perspective, and join-in on a good old-fashion laugh-your-ass-off session with a natural emcee who shares his unfiltered thoughts, jokes and stories on a weekly-basis. His podcast continues to gain momentum as each day passes, and more youth, elders and everyone in between are tuning-in to find out what the Dom Joseph Podcast, often referred to as the DJP, is all about. 

Tulalip News: Why don’t we just dive right in? Let’s talk about your background and who your family is.

I’m Dom Joseph; I’m Tulalip. I have one little brother, Lukas Williams. My mom is Chena Joseph and my grandpa is Kenneth Joseph.

What led you to podcasting?

My background really came from editing. I went to Marysville-Getchell and I went to Tulalip Heritage. I started editing at a young age, making funny videos. I started getting into podcasting about three-and-a-half years ago. It all kind of started when me and my grandpa would meet every week and we would talk about football. He’d call and say, “alright grandson, who do you think is going to win?” and we’d sit on the phone for about 20 minutes every week. I thought why don’t I turn this into a podcast, so I can be prepared to talk my grandpa every week. And so, I started my first podcast, which was called ‘Weekly Take’, about three years ago, and that was all sports related. I ran that for about a year and I started really falling in love with the whole process of podcasting. I liked having something to be creative about every week.

It wasn’t until one of my family members was like, “I love your podcast, but I don’t really listen to sports.” I thought, Oh yeah, I guess some people don’t really listen to sports. So, I decided to start another one.

Who are some of your inspirations in the podcasting world today?

Joe Rogan. Theo Vaughn. A lot of the comedians in L.A. who have their own podcast, I think are hilarious. I’ve gotten to actually do some work for Joe Rogan and Theo Vaughn in an internship in L.A. I’ve been doing that remotely because of COVID. 

When you were first starting out, did you have an idea of what the Dom Joseph Podcast would be, or a direction in which you wanted to take it?

You know it’s funny, I sat there for about two days thinking about a name. I was like, ‘man, I can’t think of a good name or a logo.’ Eventually I just said, why don’t I make it my name, something easy and then the logo will be my favorite color, which is red, and we’ll just go from there. And ever since then, it’s just been the Dom Joseph Podcast.

You have a pretty awesome backdrop in your videos, is that a Pendleton blanket?

Okay, so the first episode, I didn’t even have video. And then the next episode, it was just my face. And then finally I was like, why don’t I put a Pendleton behind me? But I had the fisherman Pendleton, and that’s the Puyallup designed one. But I’m not Puyallup, I’m Tulalip. I get how that could be a little confusing, so then I had a Tulalip flag up for one episode. When I came back home, my mom was like, “hey, that’s mine.” So, I didn’t get to take that one back home to Pullman, where I go to school and I record at. Eventually I was like, why don’t I just get a blanket that I know everyone has? The latest one behind me, I think I got at a powwow, it’s like the ones sold at Billy’s Blankets in Tulalip.

And so, I went with that blanket because more people have that one, and I thought it was kind of cute. If a little kid wanted to make their version of the Dom Joseph Podcast, I know they have that blanket at home and they could just put that behind them and make something fun. And I also just thought it was funny, it looks like I’m getting a photo taken for a tribal ID.

Were there certain stories that you initially wanted to talk about?

Growing up I’d hear crazy stories about my cousins all the time. Through word of mouth or at basketball tournaments and canoe journeys, just laughs and crazy experiences my cousins lived through. I thought, why don’t I do something like that for my little cousins to have? Maybe if – say I’m out doing something away from home or I pass away, they at least have that piece of me, of my memories to listen to. I think that’s really important, especially as Native people, to have a story we can to listen to and relate to. 

So, what you’re doing is, in a sense, traditional. It’s storytelling! That’s how we shared and passed on knowledge through the generations. And now you’re doing that for the future generations through podcasting.

Yeah! You know, the storytelling aspect didn’t really hit me until the middle of the podcasts. I was like, ‘Man, this is actually storytelling.’ I’m out here telling jokes and discussing what I’m going through. And that’s how people learn right? Through the experiences of other people. 

Not a lot of us go to school. I mean, the statistic of Native Americans who go to school isn’t really that big compared to much other [ethnicities]. If I could story-tell and just kind of make it sound fun, or make the college lifestyle sound great, that’s important messaging for me, for us. That’s a big part of it, especially for other tribal members. The whole podcast is me – I’m Tulalip and grew up on the rez, so it’s going to sound Native. A lot of people think that I’m pigeonholing myself down to just be the Native guy. Dude, that’s who I am. That’s not a problem for me. Storytelling is a big aspect of my podcast and it’s something that I’m proud to do. 

What are some topics that you’ve discussed so far, that you really enjoyed talking about? And what do you wish to talk more about in the future? 

Basically, the topics just kind of come up. It’s about what people are going through. For instance, I just had Jared Parks on and he shared about his kettle corn experience, about my little cousin and autism awareness. My favorite thing is to share everyone’s experiences. 

Other topics I’d like to talk about are whatever makes people laugh. I haven’t really touched upon the culture or tradition as much as I would like to, so eventually, I’d like to delve more into that. One of the next guests I want to have on is my grandpa. But with elders, I want to make sure it’s a comfortable conversation. I don’t want it to sound forced, I want us both to be comfortable. I really want to have him on just to talk and hear about what it was like at Tulalip back then. Like the stories I used to hear when he’d tell me, ‘grandson, that Admin building wasn’t even there before’ or ‘Boom City used to be on the water.’ Some in-depth stories like that would be really cool to touch upon.

You are essentially bridging the gap between generations, that’s super important in today’s fast-paced society. What are some other reasons you believe hosting a weekly podcast is important?

I think it’s important just for myself, it keeps me busy. I keep myself busy in other ways too, through sports or Xbox or hanging out with friends. But having a creative outlet is really good too. A lot of people have different creative outlets such as making drums or going to sing, I feel like this is a really good outlet for me because I was used to it – I was used to being on my computer and editing around all the time. So, if I was doing it for all these other people and providing value for them, why couldn’t I do it for myself? 

For kids just starting out, who want to explore podcasting and use it as a creative outlet, can you talk about some of the equipment that is needed to get started?

I’m actually in the process of making a total course on how to do it, and I’m not going to charge for it, I’m just going to post it. But what kids should do first is just record themselves on their phone. That’s where you can really start, that’s what I started with. But if you want to get into it more, you’ll need a mic, you’ll need a computer, and something that connects your mic to the computer. You can record it on software such as Audacity, or GarageBand if you have a MacBook. There’s a lot of recording software you can use but really all you need is a mic, a computer and the internet. 

And this is where I get a lot of questions. I upload it to Soundcloud and when you go to Soundcloud and you upgrade to Soundcloud Pro, you can get an RSS feed. And when you get that RSS feed, that’s how you can feed it to other platforms such as Apple Podcast or Spotify. But having an RSS feed is pretty key if you want to post it to other platforms. 

Yeah, I actually heard the DJP on Spotify before I saw any footage.

Spotify is probably my favorite platform that it gets posted to. That and YouTube, because YouTube is video. But yeah, Spotify is definitely my favorite platform because I could see a lot of the analytics easier.

You mentioned your episode with former Tulalip BOD Jared Parks, have you had other Tribal members featured on the pod?

Yeah, I’ve had Darion Joseph on. I’ve had Breland Joseph on. I’ve had my brother on. I’ve had my girlfriend, she’s from Tuscarora. I’ve had my buddies from Yakima on. So yeah, I’ve actually had quite a few Native Americans on the podcast. And I kind of want to keep that key. I’ve also had almost every race of people on there, and I think that’s what makes it open. I want anyone on who wants to come and share. 

One of my guests, I met at a sweat. It was my girlfriend’s uncle’s brother, and he was telling me he is comedian. And I was like, let’s record this conversation and it just started from there. You know, we meet people every week and we don’t know whether that person is going to be in our life for that moment, another week or another year. I think if I’m able to capture that conversation for other people to hear, and get insight or experience from, I think that’s really important.

You have a rising listenership forming locally at Tulalip. People on Instagram and Facebook share your podcasts to their stories and timelines regularly. Where do you see the DJP taking you and how do you plan to continue to grow your audience?

My five-year goal is to stay consistent and see where it takes me from there. I see a lot of these successful podcasters right now, in Native America and also the L.A. comedy scene. I keep referring to them because that’s where I’ve been working, just seeing how they’re getting sponsors, or how they book really cool guests. That’s the most important thing, I want to have a platform where I can communicate with cool people, some of my biggest inspirations. And maybe eventually get on their podcast and have conversation. I want to be a voice for Tulalip, that’s a big key for me.

Do you have a certain ritual or anything that you must do before you record the podcast?

Kind of. Every week is different. I wish I had a quirky thing or ritual I did beforehand like eat a lemon or something. But sometimes just getting in front of the mic is the ritual, just to get into that mode as soon as the camera’s on.

What days are the episodes typically released?

I like to release them on Sundays or Mondays. That’s usually the time people don’t really have class. I like to have them recorded by Wednesday or Thursday, and that’s usually the solo episodes. People enjoy the solo episodes because it’s just me, but a lot of people like to also hear from guests. I like to think I’m kind of interesting, but sometimes if you’re listening to me for four episodes in a row, I get how it could be refreshing to hear from others. Like, who’s Dom talking to this week? 

For our readers who have yet to check out the DJP, do have any episode recommendations to start with?

Oh, my goodness. That is a very good question. Yes, actually. If I were to recommend any, my little brother’s episode is a really good one, which is titled Lukas Williams 2, Dom Joseph Podcast episode 51. We made this big bracket of animals and we put them against each other, like a March Madness bracket. And the bracket wasn’t necessarily the interesting thing, it was more of the chemistry me and my brother have. And I’ve had some episodes where I have people on and I don’t really mix well with them and that’s okay too. 

Another good one was Powwow Judge, episode 65. They get better as they go. And then I believe Powwow Menus is also a good one, which is Episode 77. And then Movie Pondering, which is 76. They’re all pretty good but those ones come to mind.

Right on. I have a feeling a lot of our followers are going to go through and binge a few episodes now.

If people start from the middle, that’s okay. It’s not like a series. I made it so you don’t have to listen to every one sequentially, in order. 

Do you see the Native market for podcasting growing in time as well? Do you see other tribal members expressing themselves through the art of podcasts in the near future?

Oh yes, of course. I actually think I heard this in high school, but we were the first people ever to get our pictures taken. The first camera was used by some guy who went to a reservation and took pictures of Native Americans. I think this podcasting platform, for all Natives, is a really big thing that’s going on. I think it’s only going to get bigger. I think eventually, it’s going to get to a point where some individual is going to create a platform that is strictly for Native podcasting. Personally, I think we’re the greatest type of people to do it and I think we deserve to get our voices out there. I believe a lot of Native Americans, especially Tulalips, could story-tell for days and they can make you laugh through it, they can make you cry through it. I definitely do see a lot of Native Americans in podcasting. 

It is definitely exciting and filled with possibilities. What fuels your passion for this new form of media?

Mainly, I’m happy with where it is right now with just for my family to hear. As long as I never lose that fun part of it, I’m going to keep doing it. And I think anyone who likes to story-tell should definitely get into podcasting, because it’s a really fun thing to do and everybody has something they could share.

Right now, I don’t have the degrees, the reputations, the following that I would like to be at, but that comes through consistency and contributing my time. That’s what’s going to get me to the end goal, which is to have our people here.

There’s a lot of focus going into mental health today. And of course, as Natives, we deal with generational trauma and work on trying to break those cycles. Do you think that podcasting could help us work through some of that, by talking things out and gaining perspective from others?

When I first started DJP, it kind of started from a place of – I needed to talk to someone. And to be honest it was a hard breakup, that’s what it was. I didn’t know who to talk to. So, I started reaching out. It was a little bit more comfortable for me to talk into a mic than to go meet a total stranger from somewhere I wasn’t from, because I wasn’t home at the time. If I were to recommend anything, I would recommend doing a podcast because it does definitely help with that. But seeing a professional also helped me.

I think podcasting does help with mental health though. It’s something that I can go and talk to for forty-five minutes. Some people talk to their journals and they write for thirty minutes. Me, I kind of go in and vent. And sometimes there are recordings that I don’t even post because it’s really impactful. Or maybe it’s too deep to post, or I say someone’s name and they don’t want me to post it.

Mental health is something I really support. I think in the past ten years, it’s definitely gotten a lot more awareness. And I think with podcasting, it could help bring even more awareness to that, especially for Native kids. Native youth in general, is who I do this for. If someone younger than me from the rez listens, and they are able to get away from that bad thought, that bad experience, by hearing me say something or just telling a funny story they’re able to laugh and just get away from that bad cloud or that bad test grade, that’s what it’s all for. 

Alright, last question. Is the podcast suitable for all ages?

Um – sometimes I swear on there. I know that is a big thing, so that’s why I’m hesitant to say it’s totally kid-friendly. Because sometimes I do bring up some 18+ stuff, which is to say I swear like a fisherman on there, and I’m working on that. So, I would say definitely more PG-13. 

The Dom Joseph Podcast is available to stream on Apple Podcast, Spotify and YouTube. Next time you need a good laugh, have a long commute, or simply need something to listen to while you run errands, workout or clean the house, be sure to check out an episode of the DJP! 

Tribal Council swears-in new leadership after historic voter turnout

Mel Sheldon (left) and Pat Contraro (right) being sworn-in as Board of Directors.

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

Back in March 2020, pandemic precautions prevented Tulalip from holding its annual General Council. The Board of Directors election was held though, albeit two months later in May, amongst reservation-wide stay home orders and a lot of self-quarantining. The unique set of circumstances gave many progressive minded citizens plenty to think about in terms of the Tribe’s future direction and immediate needs of the people. As a result, the convenience of being able to cast an absentee ballot from the safety of home led to an unprecedented rate of voter engagement and ballots cast for the 2020 Board of Directors election.

Well, history repeated itself in the best kind of way last month as the 2021 Board of Directors election resulted in another historic voter turnout by Tulalip’s membership. A whopping 1,413 total ballots were counted during the Tribe’s March 20 election day.

Elder Pat Contraro sent shock waves through the reservation when she was declared top vote getter with 447. The stunning result was largely due to the hefty increase she received in just one year’s time; last election she received only 176 votes. It’s a true testament to her straight forward, no nonsense approach that she’s ran on for years now. Her candidate platform never wavered from ‘Transparency, Accountability, and Integrity!’  

“I am honored that you have entrusted me to represent you – our membership,” Pat announced via Facebook. “For the past several years many have allowed me into your homes. You have shared your needs, ideas, concerns, and aspirations for our Tribe. Our future holds challenges, but we can overcome them if we rise above the politics and go back to our teachings – which includes caring for our elders, our youth and one another. 

“I look forward to working for and with you to restore jobs, increase housing, and make changes so our children may be assured of a positive future,” she added. “I am eternally grateful to my tribal family, friends, and supporters who have remained and/or joined me in my journey during the past five years. I will serve you to the best of my ability and continue to listen and respond to your needs and concerns.”

This year’s second open Board seat ended up being a battle of incumbents, with Mel Sheldon, Jr. (385) outpointing Marlin Fryberg, Jr. (375) by only 10 votes. The super slim margin once again proved that when it comes to Tulalip elections, every vote truly does matter.

“To the 1,400+ members who voted in this election, thank you, your voice speaks volumes,” reflected Mel after the election results were made official. “It shows how much our people care about their community. This was my closest election ever, outside of the year I got voted off, so it’s a real learning opportunity for me. I will make it a priority to reach out and listen to those who feel their views aren’t represented at the Board level, and look forward to building the momentum we created last year into even more economic opportunities for our people. 

“As a Tribe, we are in a golden era of opportunity,” he continued. “The continued success of our casinos and other business endeavors has created so much opportunity for our people. If they choose to capitalize on it, then they have opportunity for the highest quality of education, career opportunities in construction trades, and job opportunities in a wide range of tribal programs that will help us take our economic development to the next level.”

The latest rendition of Tulalip’s Tribal Council was sworn-in on the morning of Friday, April 2 by Chairwoman Teri Gobin. Extensive well wishes and messages of appreciation were given by one Board member after another to exiting councilmember Marlin Fryberg for his two-decades of service to his people. Then Pat and Mel raised their right hands and took their oaths to preserve, serve, and protect the constitution and bylaws of the Tulalip Tribe.

“As a team, I know we can get some really good work done,” said Chairwoman Gobin as she looked towards her fellow Board members. “We have over 5,000 tribal members now. It’s our entrusted responsibility to look out for their best interest, to create and develop necessary services that keep in mind our future generations, and to work together as a team for the benefit of all of our people. It’s a challenge, but with a shared vision we can accomplish amazing things.”

Trailblazer Deb Haaland represents Native America as Secretary of the Interior

Vice President Kamala Harris, right, speaks during a ceremonial swearing in for Interior Secretary Deb Haaland in the VP’s ceremonial office on the White House campus. (Getty Images)

By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News

The last few years have been a whirlwind of history making transformation for Laguna Pueblo tribal member Deb Haaland. In late 2018, she burst onto the national scene by becoming the first ever Native American woman elected to Congress. While representing her home state of New Mexico, Congresswoman Haaland won over the hearts of tribal members everywhere with her unapologetically bold speeches and genuinely Indigenous perspective on U.S. politics. 

Even if we didn’t live in New Mexico, she become our de-facto Congresswoman because she represented us, the millions of people from hundreds of tribes that together create Native America.

Following the battle for America’s soul, aka the 2020 presidential election, President Biden announced Representative Haaland’s name as his top candidate for Secretary of the Interior. In doing so, the Biden Administration acknowledged the history of past mistreatment and destructive policies that have hurt tribal communities.

After all, the Department of the Interior is the primary federal agency charged with carrying out the United States’ trust responsibility to Native people, maintaining the government-to-government relationship with the federally recognized Tribes, and promoting and supporting tribal self-determination. Interior provides services to over 2.4 million Native citizens that include education, social services, economic development, law enforcement, housing improvement, disaster relief, road maintenance, and natural resource management. 

Haaland, an enrolled member of Laguna Pueblo, made national headlines in 2019 when she became the first Native American woman elected to Congress.

Seems only appropriate that after so many generations worth of termination based policy and mismanagement of tribal appointed funds, that an actual Native American political leader finally be given an opportunity to manage the Interior. Only then can true healing begin and trust start to build between the 574 federally recognized tribes and the U.S. government agency tasked with supporting their overall health and development.

“I’ll be fierce for all of us, for our planet, and all of our protected land,” said Deb Haaland in her nomination acceptance speech. “This moment is profound when we consider the fact that a former secretary of the interior once proclaimed it his goal to, quote, ‘civilize or exterminate’ us. I’m a living testament to the failure of that horrific ideology.”

Representation and diversity matter to the 35th generation New Mexican, whose connection to her Laguna Pueblo people is unquestioned. Her unique life experiences as an Indigenous person shape the 60-year-old’s political decisions to benefit her Native brothers and sisters in a manner previously unimagined. She explained to The Guardian, “We don’t need people who all have the same perspective, we need people from various parts of the country, who’ve been raised in different ways, who bring that history and culture with them, and employ what we’ve learnt from their parents and grandparents, and bring all of that to bear in the decisions that we make. 

“Environmental injustice and economic injustice have taken a hold of so many communities, and they’ve had enough. They want us to pay attention and help them to succeed. As far as Indian Country is concerned, I want to make sure tribal leaders – and all marginalized communities – have a seat at the table.”

After a two-day confirmation hearing in early March, basically a high-profiled, public interview by congressional leaders of both political parties, the U.S. Senate met on March 15 to vote on Haaland’s history making appointment. The vote was 51 for and 40 against, more than enough to confirm her as President Biden’s Interior secretary. It was another remarkable vote on the side of Haaland who has broken down yet another barrier and opened the door to new possibilities by becoming the first ever Native American Cabinet secretary. 

The build up to her Thursday, March 18 swearing-in ceremony was full of fervor across Indian Country. And to her credit, the tribal trailblazer embraced the momentous occasion in true indigenous style by proudly wearing a traditional ribbon skirt, white leather moccasins, and an assortment of turquoise Native bling for the nation to see.

Agnes Woodward, a Plains Cree dressmaker from Kawacatoose First Nation, proudly displays the ribbon skirt she designed for Haaland’s swearing-in ceremony. (courtesy A.Woodward)

Standing in front of Vice President Kamala Harris with her right hand raised, Deb Haaland was sworn as the 54th Secretary of the Interior. The long rainbow ribbon skirt adorned with a corn stalk, butterflies and stars was impossible to miss. The ribbon skirt is a symbol of resilience, sacredness and survival is not bound to one specific tribe, but heavily influenced by Plains tribes. 

The story behind the dress is one of empowerment and survival of a community and also its designer. The garment was made as a “celebration-style skirt” in recognition of Haaland’s historic nomination, explained its creator Agnes Woodward, who is Plains Cree from Kawacatoose First Nation in Canada. The 38-year-old seamstress devoted weeks to creating the distinct piece of clothing from her home in North Dakota. While the rainbow colors are meant to represent all people and the pair of dark blue butterflies serve to offer an uplifting message, the cornstalk is a symbol of Haaland’s enrolled membership of the Pueblo of Laguna.

“Growing up, sometimes it felt like no matter how much we as a people fought for our right to be heard, for our right to be at tables making decisions on our behalf, it felt like we were often not heard,” said Woodward, the Plains Cree dressmaker, to CBC Radio. “So for Deb Haaland to be in one of the highest positions in this country in front of the world, standing in a ribbon skirt that represents our people is definitely a moment that obviously means we’ve been seen and that we are visible. Because she represents all of us.”

From Deb Haaland to Congresswoman Haaland to now Secretary Haaland with Cabinet-level decision making power, her journey has taken her from a New Mexico based reservation to the highest echelons of decision making in Washington D.C. She will lead the Department of Interior in a continued effort to respect tribal self-determination, ensure meaningful consultation with tribes on matters affecting their interests, and work in partnership with tribal governments to support the development of Native communities.

For the first time in history, the Interior will be led with Indigenous values and integrity. Following her swearing-in ceremony, Secretary Haaland said, “Today I stand on my ancestor’s shoulders ready to serve as the first Native American cabinet secretary. I am honored and ready to work. I look forward to tackling some of the nation’s most pressing issues so that future generations can enjoy our public lands and waters for years to come.”

Marsh Life mural resides at Edmonds Historical Museum

By Kim Kalliber; Photos courtesy of Ty Juvenil

Edmonds Historical Museum is working to support local Indigenous people and culture. The latest Native art instillation to call Edmonds home is ‘Marsh Life’, a mural carved by Tulalip tribal member, Ty Juvenil. 

Using thick planks of cedar, Ty describes the piece as, “A carved depiction of what summer life may have looked like pre-contact, with various marsh animals, crane, frog, and humpy salmon, also some fishermen with some catch in their nets. At the top is the hills behind Edmonds with some spirits of the hills showing. On the sides of the main panel are two guardian posts, both finger-painted as it was done long ago. One female salmon and one male salmon. Finally watching over the marsh in glass is a frog design. Frogs are known across many native communities as powerful creatures, in the physical realm, as well as the spiritual.” 

Ty explained that the salmon are blue because his kids helped with the painting. “They kept saying they need to be blue so I listened to them and it worked out amazing.” 

The mural rests at the front of the museum in the Reflection Plaza. According to the Museum, ‘honoring the land and the Coast Salish tribes who came before, ‘Marsh Life’ is an artistic depiction and window into what life may have been like for Coast Salish communities living in the area. The piece demonstrates how the biodiversity and natural resources of the marsh were an important part of Coast Salish traditions and way of life.’

“The whole project should have taken less than a year, but due to Covid we had to wait,” Said Ty of the project’s journey. “This was a wonderful journey, and I’m happy we got it blessed before it left Tulalip; I gave it a tour through Tulalip in the bed of the truck.

He added, “I’m hoping one day I can do something like this at home for Tulalip. Just keep paddling I suppose!”

Also, keep an eye out for upcoming Youtube videos from Ty, on how to carve a paddle and other items.  

The Edmonds Historical Museum is located in downtown Edmonds at 118 5th Ave N., Edmonds WA  98020. You can also visit