By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News
Last November, the Tribe’s legal department added a new facet to their civil legal aid program. This service aims at helping Tribal children with disabilities and special needs, ensuring that they have an opportunity to thrive and succeed within the state’s education system. During their search in finding someone to represent Tulalip students, they were introduced to Alexis DeLaCruz, whose passion in education and disability rights has made a big impact in Native America, specifically for Southwest tribal nations.
That passion is fueled by her personal background, having a father with a disability and mother who dedicated her life to public school education. Among her many accolades and list of important work that she’s conducted thus far, Alexis was instrumental in the Steven C Vs. the Bureau of Indian Education, which resulted in a big win for Native students nationwide.
Alexis is looking to bring that knowledge and experience to her new position as TOCLA’s Education Attorney to help parents/guardians understand the rights that their children are legally entitled to. She plans on doing so by providing education and resources to the community at large. And when necessary, she is ready to step into the legal battlefield if an institution or school district is violating those rights.
Tulalip News recently sat down for a one-on-one with Alexis on the morning of March 20, just hours before President Trump signed an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education. Which is why it is extremely important for Tribal families to understand what this means for their students and how it will affect students with disabilities going forward.
Below, you’ll find an in-depth Q&A with Alexis. Please take a moment to read about Alexis’ new role and how she intends to uphold the Tribe’s educational values and protect the rights of its future generations.
Why don’t we start with a little bit about your background?
I am biracial. I am half Mexican American and half Anglo. I grew up in a trailer park in Denver, Colorado. I was the first in my family to go to school, to receive any type of education; the first in my family to go to law school. My first career was actually in journalism. I worked at a small daily in northwest Colorado called the Steamboat Pilot in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. I was their cops and courts reporter.
What led you to your current work?
There was an incident in my personal life. My dad was involved in a single vehicle rollover accident, and that left him a quadriplegic. It really changed the way that I viewed the world, that my family viewed the world. And just seeing the discrimination and hardship that people with disabilities face was very eye-opening to me. And at that point in my life, I was complaining a lot to my sister about the injustices that people with disabilities face every day. And she said, you either need to do something about it or stop complaining to me. And I said, ‘Okay, I’ll go to law school’. And so, I left the newspaper and started applying to law schools. I was looking for programs that had a strong commitment to social justice and public service, and that’s what led me to Seattle University School of Law. I was very myopic in my approach and what I wanted to do – a Disability Justice lawyer. I wanted to focus on disability rights work, and I was very fortunate to get connected to Disability Rights Washington, which is a statewide nonprofit that protects the rights of all Washingtonians with disabilities, including folks who live in Indian Country.
I interned for them for two years. And then my path led me to the Southwest. When I was in law school, I had not taken federal Indian law or was not necessarily connected that way. So, I’m very unique in what I do, because I’m at the intersection of disability rights work and representing Indigenous folks. And it has been the greatest gift of my life – to be invited into these spaces and to try to help kids the best I can, and their families.
Can you touch on some of your work in the Southwest?
I was in the four corners of the Southwest, working for a program called the Native American Disability Law Center, and was serving predominantly the Navajo Nation and Hopi communities, as well as the Pueblos in New Mexico. We also represented and served the reservations in southwest Colorado, parts of Utah and Arizona. I feel very strongly about my services, and so wanted to make sure it was the right change, and being able to join this strong team of incredible attorneys and advocates was the right thing. Before I started here in Tulalip, I brought a federal lawsuit against the Bureau of Indian Education called Steven C vs BIE (Bureau of Indian Education).
Do you mind expanding on the that lawsuit?
It was the first time anyone had ever held the Feds responsible for Indian education. It is one of the most important, if not the most important, education case that has ever been brought in Indian Country. And I was one of the co-architects of that lawsuit. That case was brought on behalf of individual members of the Havasupai community. They’re the tribe that lives at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. And those students only had one option to go to school. It was a BIE operated school, and it is K-6. And so, it was really important for that community to address the long-standing concerns that they had about the types of education that their students were getting.
At the time we got involved, in early 2014, students were only receiving math and English. And even only learning those two subjects, 0% of the students were proficient in either. So, our team of attorneys started looking into those issues and realized that it was more than just an individual concern, that it was really a system-wide issue that was impacting all of the students. We brought together a dream team of attorneys from a number of organizations and filed a lawsuit in January 2017 in Arizona Federal Court. That case went all the way to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and ended in two landmark, historic settlement agreements after the judge found that we had proven much of what we were alleging was wrong at that school. It was an important outcome for Indigenous kids in this country, particularly those who attend BIE schools.
That’s amazing. Can you speak to how that affects Tulalip students?
Here at Tulalip, there’s not an operating BIE school. There was one. Historically, there was a boarding school here. And I think many of the experiences that I’ve heard those students and families talk about sound a lot like the types of stories that this community has about how the boarding school has impacted them and how the boarding school era had impacted them. So, it’s all related. The practices that the states or the federal government can have on Indigenous students at school, it’s really a big deal. And as an education lawyer, it’s a particularly concerning time because of what’s happening at the federal level. We expect that President Trump will be signing an executive order today dismantling the Department of Ed, and I think it’s going to throw the state systems into even more chaos. And for this community, it’s been really important for me to start figuring out what Washington State’s plan is to protect not only all students, but students with disabilities, tribal students, students who have been impacted by historical trauma, students who are in foster care, students who might be involved in the juvenile justice system. Those are all core components of my work and things that I’m hoping to contribute to ensuring that Tulalip’s kids are getting not only a legally sufficient education, but one that feels holistic, afe and healthy.
Can you talk about TOCLA and your role in the department?
TOCLA is the Tulalip Office of Civil Legal Aid. We are a legal aid law firm that provides free civil legal services to the Tulalip community. I am the first-ever education attorney in this role. It’s really exciting because my understanding is this role was created in response to the community organizing and coming together and saying, ‘We need somebody who can help address the educational concerns of the community.’ It’s really, in my experience, rare and unique for a tribal legal aid program to have a position specifically earmarked to represent the educational needs of its young people. It’s so thrilling to me to be here, and I’m so honored and humbled and privileged to be in this community and working with these students and families because education is everything. If students don’t receive good quality, legally sufficient education, it impacts their outcomes later on. All of the data and the research tells us that if young people are not reading well by the third grade, it is very difficult to make that that time up. And then you add concerns about disability status. If students with disabilities are not having a free, appropriate public education provided to them, they fall behind.
When I think about my work, and approaching it with humility, I always say children are a community’s most precious resource. And I know Tulalip is incredibly committed to its children. When I was learning more about the community and just immersing myself in the traditions and the customs of the community, it was very clear to me that education is a value. It’s a priority.
Now that you’re here, what does it feels like? What are your first impressions about the community?
I have been welcomed with open arms. It has been a really beautiful experience to be invited into this community, and I think anytime a non-native person is invited in, it’s not something to take lightly. I always approach not just my individual clients, but everybody with respect. I am learning a lot, and I appreciate deeply the community trusting me with their stories and their experiences. Because it is not easy to talk about when things have not gone well at school, or when I am hearing elders talk about the impact of their time at the boarding school. We know that those experiences get passed down generationally. You might have a grandma or a grandpa who were forcibly removed from their community and sent to a boarding school and forced to assimilate into dominant culture. And then that passes to the next generation, and then that passes to the next generation.
I think approaching the work with a trauma-informed lens, and knowing that, particularly for Indigenous students, who have been very impacted by destructive, harmful federal policies and practices, and seeing that again here in 2025 is concerning. It’s also something that drives my work, like when I think about what is yet to come, there’s so much we don’t know, but I do know that when people stand shoulder to shoulder together and say, ‘We are not going to accept this, we’re going to fight for our children, we’re not going to be afraid, we’re not going to take it,’ that’s when true social change happens. And particularly in the education context. When you see successful models of education reform, it’s when students and families stand up and say, what’s happened here is not right. And again, very humbly, I am excited to continue to stand shoulder to shoulder and build on the already good work that the community has been doing to move the needle forward.

You just touched on it, but can you talk a little more about why it’s important for parents to know their rights and to know they have this support?
As I’ve been learning more about the concerns, I’ve heard stories about longstanding mistrust within Marysville School District and families – not knowing where to go or whom to turn to. A part of holding a school system accountable is knowing what your rights are. Because when people have that education, knowledge is power. When individuals can say, this is actually my right, and I’m going to stand up and do it, that is when you see students getting what they need, what they are legally entitled to. It’s when you see people taking concerns more seriously. One of the reasons I love being an education civil rights lawyer is forcing systems to do things they maybe don’t want to do or wouldn’t do otherwise, even though these rights have always existed.
For Tulalip students and families – without having access to those rights or really knowing where to go. Where do you turn? Do you go to the school’s website? Do you go to the State’s website? Who talks about this? I know, before I came on, there were a number of attorneys here doing community education presentations. And so, it’s like we’re sort of building momentum of what’s happening. When we see systems change and social movements, it’s because people have said, I know my rights and I’m going to stand up and enforce them. And this community particularly has a strong history of doing that, particularly around natural resources, like the Bolt Decision and so many other cases where this community has enforced its treaty rights. Education is also something that is included in the Point Elliot treaty. So that’s another area where folks can start harnessing some power around treaty rights.
With the looming executive order and the mistrust between Tribes and school systems, can you speak about some of those rights in regard to special needs students and examples of areas you can help with?
These laws have been on the books for 30, 40, 50 years, and so it really is about letting people know there’s a better way. It doesn’t have to be this one way. Something I tell families all the time, you might not know what your right is or what the law says, but you know when something’s wrong in your gut. Every parent, every guardian, every grandma, every auntie, every uncle that I have ever talked to, when they’ve said something felt wrong, they’ve always been correct. I always tell people, just trust your gut. If it doesn’t feel right, it’s probably not. And come and talk with me and my team. Start educating yourself about what is supposed to happen so you can educate yourself first, as your child’s first advocate and sometimes only advocate, so that you can make sure that your student or your child is getting the absolute best education that he or she can get.
With all of these rights we’ve been talking about, there are ways that you can make a complaint when things don’t go right. I’m going to take a very specific example. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or the IDEA, is the primary federal law that protects students with disabilities. That law contains a set of what are called procedural safeguards that tells families what they can do to address concerns. And there are options, from what I call informal advocacy all the way to something that can look like filing a lawsuit or something that’s more formal. I can help with all of that. I have been able to help families at IEP meetings, those are Individual Education Program meetings, and that’s the place where you can come together and talk about a student’s concerns with the school. The IEP meetings are meant to be collaborative, where the student and families voice is heard, and folks talk about what a student needs – What are the parents’ concerns? What needs to happen? And maybe it’s not working for this particular student. It can be just going to meetings and supporting families that way. And then it can be looking into concerns and investigating what has happened for a student and then advising families of what those legal options are.
There’s a state complaint system. They’re called Community complaints that families can file with the state OSPI, the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. There’s a state complaint mechanism that you can say, I have concerns that the school has done something wrong to my student with a disability, and file that. And then you can go all the way to what’s called a due process complaint, and that’s the most formal complaint you can file under the IDEA. We do advise that folks either consult with or talk with an attorney if you’re considering that level of advocacy, because it can result in a hearing that looks like a trial, where the school will have an attorney. There will be folks testifying, and witness documents will be exchanged, and so I can do all of those.
Why is this work important to you?
The work is important to me, personally and professionally. I’m the child of a public-school teacher. My mom was an AP calculus teacher. She strongly believes in public education and ensuring that all students have equal access to good education. I am the product of a public school system. I did not go to private school. I didn’t have money growing up, and my education was my key out of poverty. Having an education literally changed my life, and I recognize the privilege that I have. And to quote Spider-Man, with great power comes great responsibility. So, it’s personally important to me to protect the rights of all kids to get a good, strong public education.
Professionally, it’s important to me to do this work in Indian Country, because not many people do it. It is important because the outcomes for Indigenous students are among some of the worst in the country. When you look at the many factors that affect education, it’s poverty, it’s where you live, it’s who your family was. Are you Brown? Are you a boy? Do you have a disability? When you’re looking at children who are most impacted, it’s typically young, brown and black men with a disability who have very poor education. Native kids, just across the scope have poorer outcomes than their nonnative, non-disabled peers. For me, it is important to continue to address the systemic issues that impact these outcomes. To continue to ensure that all kids, including Native kids, have access to education. I love what I do, and I get to work and talk to kids all day long, and when the time comes and they need someone to stand up, I will do that too. I believe that with tenacity and hope, and a heavy dose of optimism, that we will continue to move the needle forward for our community, for Tulalip.
I saw that you are gearing up for your first community gathering tonight?
Yeah! We are planning, with the Tribe’s Education Division and Positive Youth Development, to host an event every month through the rest of the year. Folks should definitely pay attention to emails, or wherever they get information, about these events. They’re going to be held once a month at 5:00 p.m. at the Admin building. We’ll be talking about a variety of things. Tonight, we’re talking about school discipline. We’ll also be talking about special education advocacy, what’s changing at the federal level, and how it might impact students, helping parents become good advocates for their children.
And I want to mention, that it does not take a lawyer to advocate for a student. It takes a parent or a guardian or a caregiver who knows a little bit about what their rights are, to stand up and say this isn’t right. Part of my role is to build capacity in the community for folks to say, I can do this. And that’s what my hope and my dream is, that individuals are able to take what they’re learning through either the materials, or meeting or working directly with me, to say I can do this. It’s just about knowing that you can ask for what your student needs and what to do if something goes wrong.
There’s going to be a big back-to-school event probably in August, and I invite people to come out and ask me questions. I’m always open to talking to anybody who wants information about education, civil rights, my door is open.
What is one thing you want parents or families to know through reading this article?
Don’t give up. There are people who are here to help. And if you have concerns about education, just come and talk with us, and let’s see what we can do together. And I really want to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to the community for trusting me with their stories and their hopes for their young people. I truly believe education reform starts at the community level. The Tribe, as well as individual members of the Tribe, they have the answers. They know what their community needs, what children need. And I see the law as one tool in moving that forward and effectuating that. I’m really excited about what is to come.
For more information, please contact Alexis at (360) 716-4166.