It’s here! It’s time! It’s going to be AWESOME!!! The Jet City Rollergirls are pleased to bring you Season 6 of Everett’s finest on the flat-track. Featuring all four home teams, as well as guest teams from the Northwest Region. And all bouts are double-headers! Season 6 kicks off February 6th. Visit their website at for a schedule of events and more information on the teams.
Gregg Rosenthal, Around The League editor,
The Seattle Seahawks found themselves in an unfamiliar position early in Sunday’s NFC Wild Card Game against the Washington Redskins, trailing by two touchdowns. They didn’t blink.
Scott Campbell, Information Officer / VP Fastpitch Softball, Marysville Little League
Dear MLL Parents:On behalf of the Marysville Little League Board of Directors, I’d like to welcome you back to a new season. We are very excited about the upcoming season. You will be receiving more information in the next several weeks, but for now we wanted to give you information regarding registration. We are actively adding more information to our website ( to keep you more informed. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at for 2013 is 100% online this season. This change will allow us to save money on registration forms and ensure that your data is accurate and up to date.Please note that we will not be using Cedarcrest Middle School for registration. (See below for more details)The registration process is broken down to 3 steps.
Step 1: Verify your child lives in the Marysville Little League boundaries.
Our boundaries are similar to the Marysville School Districts boundaries… If your child attend (or should attend) a Marysville School District school, you most likely are in the boundaries.
Option 2: Attend one of four registration events. At these events, we will have computers set up for you to register your child. No more paper forms.
Sat, Jan 12, 2013 @ Marysville Library 10:30am – 3:00pm
Tue, Jan 15, 2013 @ Cedar Field (1010 Cedar Ave) 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Sat, Jan 19, 2013 @ Marysville Library 10:30am – 3:00pm
Thu, Jan 24, 2013 @ Cedar Field (1010 Cedar Ave) 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Registration Fees must be paid at the time of registration.
Credit Cards will be accepted online and in-person. Cash payments are available in person only.
Checks will be accepted.
Online registration ends on 1/31/2013. Any registrations after 1/31/2013 will be assessed a $25 late fee
Step 3: Provide copies of birth certificate and 3 proofs of residency
Little League Regulations require us to verify birth certificates and 3 proofs of residency. The complete rules and types of documents can be found here: The easiest and most common types are driver’s license, car registration and insurance documents. Other easy ones are utility bills (you can use only one), bank statements, school records. Just make sure that have your address printed on it.
Very Important Note: The key is that these documents must be in effect between 2/1/2012 and 2/1/2013
Tulalip Hawks play against the Lummi Blackhawks, December 114th.
Tulalip Heritage Hawks went toe to toe against the Lummi Blackhawks during a home game for the Hawks on December 14th. During the heated exchange of points scored and rebounds it looked like the Hawks would end the night with an amazing win, until Blackhawks made a last minute drive to score in the last four seconds of the game and connected with the hoop to take the win with a final game score of 62-64.
The first quarter ended in a tie for both teams scoring 14 points. Hawks took a three-point lead going into the third quarter where the Blackhawks make a return with a two-point lead and continued into the fourth quarter, ending with a three-point lead over Hawks 15.
Keanu Hamilton led the Hawks with 19 points scored, Payton Comenote 13, Dontae Jones 12, Shawn Sanchey 7, Brandon Jones 6, and Robert Miles 5.
Tulalip Heritage Lady Hawks tested their skills against the Lummi Blackhawks on December 14th in a home game and left the court with their fifth straight win of the season with a final game score of 56-23.
Tulalip, WA— Though their volleyball season was off to a rocky start with a few losses, the Heritage Lady Hawks have pushed through the defeats to find their first two wins. On Friday, September 28th, the girls faced Skykomish and emerged victorious with a score of three to one. Tuesday, October 2nd, they faced Lummi Nation and triumphed over them with a score of three to zero. Way to go Lady Hawks!
Tulalip Boys and Girls Club kids have a blast shooting hoops with the Seattle University mens and womens basketball team who paid the club a visit on September 13th.
In the 2012 Heritage Hawks football opener, a home game played at Quil Ceda Stadium on the Maysville/Pilchuck High School campus, the Tulalip Heritage Hawks hit the field looking strong and determined. The weather was still quite warm for the 5pm kick-off on Saturday, September 8th and both teams looked fired-up and eager to play. The Heritage Hawks scored first, within the first minute of play, and never looked back. By Halftime the Rainier Christian Mustangs managed to put only 6 points on the scoreboard against the 20 points earned by Tulalip Heritage.
After the half the Hawks dominated the Mustangs and won the contest with a final score of 60 to 14. D.J. Kidd, twelfth grade tailback for the Hawks, ran for 135 yards and scored three of the touchdowns for the team. The Hawks scored twelve points in the first quarter, eight points in the second, twenty for the third and another twenty for the fourth quarter. Let it be noted that the Heritage coaches didn’t intentionally run up the score. Heritage just dominated Rainier Christian, and short of stopping and waiting to be tackled, the scoring came as part of normal play. It’s a nice start to their football season; let’s hope they keep their momentum going.
You can watch the Heritage Hawks game on-demand at Click on “Sports” at the top right of your computer screen and navigate to Heritage Hawks Boys FOOTBALL vs. Rainier Christian Mustangs 9-8-12.
Tamara Brushert planks during the Trim Down Tulalip
Article by Sarah Miller, photo by Patrece Gates
The summer is winding down. The days are slowly getting colder. Soon fall will be here. For some, the summer is a time to hit the beach and soak up the rays. However, some decided to participate in the Trim Down Tulalip fitness challenge, held by the Health Clinic’s Fitness Trainer Patrece Gates. During the trim down, Patrece helped people get into better shape and encouraged them to not only become more active but to be more wary of what they eat.
“In the beginning, we had 36 people sign up,” Patrece commented. “However at the end, we only had thirteen. There was a total of 72 pounds lost during the challenge.”
This is Patrece’s third year doing the challenge. She brought in Snohomish Boot Camp to help whip everyone into shape. Each week, on Thursdays, a fitness challenge was held at the Boys and Girls Club gym. The boot camp style exercises helped get the ball rolling on not only losing weight, but conditioning muscles.
“This year, they did a lot of squats, lunges, push-ups and sit-ups,” Patrece continued. “It was a lot of basic work outs. We had the gym split up into different stations. Everyone would be at one station for a couple of minutes and then we would rotate. People were really into it.”
The trim down held weekly raffles for different workout equipment such as weights, stability balls, and yoga mats.
“The participants were really disciplined and they really enjoyed working out hard,” Patrece said. “There weren’t a whole lot of problems with it this year, everything ran smoothly. Seeing everyone show up and seeing them excited to weigh in was my favorite. I think these challenges are very important to the community. It helps them become more disciplined with weight loss and healthy eating, it keeps them active and gives them ideas on working out and it brings people together in a positive way.”
To get started on your own journey to weight loss and healthy living, you can contact Patrece at 360-716-5643.