McCoy heads up the new Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee

Press Release, Clint Robbins

OLYMPIA – A veteran Snohomish County lawmaker is poised to take the reins of a key, reconfigured legislative panel.

State Rep. John McCoy will chair the new Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee in the Washington State House of Representatives. With his appointment just recently confirmed by the members of the House Democratic Caucus, McCoy will assume responsibilities for putting the committee gavel to work when the 2013 legislative session launches Monday morning, Jan. 14.

In addition to the critical matters defined in its title, McCoy’s committee has dominion over issues involving veterans, tourism, and parks/recreation affairs.

“We will review topics ranging from accessibility and affordability of housing, to state-assistance for low-income housing, to rules and regulations for housing authorities, to the Housing Finance Commission, itself,” McCoy said.

“I am very excited to help move our state forward on the exploration of these concerns and related issues,” added the recently re-elected legislator, who will be leaving his post as chair of the House Technology, Energy & Communications Committee. Indeed, in the past several years he has played a substantial role in shaping policy discussions around technology, energy and communications problems and questions.

But hold on, folks. The work for McCoy, D-Tulalip, in the upcoming session doesn’t end with the Community Development, Housing & Tribal Affairs Committee. He’s also taking on the responsibilities of vice-chairing the House Environment Committee.

The Environment Committee looks at topics involving air quality, aquatic lands, oil-spill prevention, recycling and solid waste, hazardous waste, toxics, climate change, renewable-energy standards, as well as energy availability, production and conservation. Further, this committee maintains a close eye on what the Puget Sound Partnership is up to regarding Puget Sound and Hood Canal.

Yes, there’s more. McCoy will keep his position on the House Education Committee. And no, good people, you don’t need to be any sort of modern-day Horace Mann to know what subjects that committee deals with.

UIHI Launches Native Generations Campaign to protect Native babies

Press Release, Crystal Tetrick, UIHI

SEATTLE, 2012 – For every 1,000 American Indian and Alaska Native babies born in U.S. cities, as many as 15 die before their first birthday*. To raise awareness and share valuable health and prevention messages about this problem, the Urban Indian Health Institute (UIHI) has launched Native Generations, a campaign addressing the high rates of infant mortality among American Indians and Alaska Natives. The campaign was made possible by funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health.

“We are pleased to launch the Native Generations campaign, which highlights examples of innovative and vital programs serving Native families in two major cities,” said Ralph Forquera, Founding Director of the Urban Indian Health Institute, a division of the Seattle Indian Health Board. “The majority of American Indians and Alaska Natives – almost 70 percent – reside in urban areas. As the Native Generations video shows, connecting families to health care and providing support grounded in Native culture can reduce risk for infant death and help put an end to the infant mortality crisis.”

Native Generations depicts examples of effective approaches to outreach in Seattle and Detroit.  As a vital prevention strategy, the video shares compelling stories of urban Native parents who have discovered ways to embrace their culture and community for the health of their families. The video teaches parents about infant health, safety practices and health risks.

“The disparities in infant mortality and maternal and child health among American Indians and Alaska Natives are striking,” said J. Nadine Gracia, M.D., M.S.C.E., Acting Director of the Office of Minority Health. “Efforts like Native Generations underscore that, when culturally competent services are combined with awareness and education, we can make a difference in improving infant health and reducing disparities.”

In the next few months, the Urban Indian Health Institute plans to distribute the video to health providers and community organizations that serve American Indian and Alaska Native families.

There are Urban Indian Health Organizations in 20 states supporting Native generations in urban areas. Urban Indian Health Organizations provide health services, cultural activities and resources to protect the health and well-being of Native generations.The Office of Minority Health is dedicated to improving the health status of racial and ethnic minority populations – including African Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders – through the development of policies and programs that will eliminate health disparities.

View the video along with materials and other resources for families on the Native Generations webpage:

*Data Source: Linked Birth-Death Certificate Data: U.S. National Center for Health Statistics, UIHO service area counties, 2002-06

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to improve the protection of Indian sacred sites

By Monica Brown, Tulalip Tribes Communications Department

News Release

Release No. 0354.12
USDA Office of Communications (202) 720-4623

Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, and Interior Sign Memorandum to Collaborate to Protect Indian Sacred Sites

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Also Participates

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2012—Four cabinet-level departments joined the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation today in signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to improve the protection of Indian sacred sites. The MOU also calls for improving tribal access to the sites. It was signed by cabinet secretaries from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy and Interior. It was also signed by the chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

“The President is insistent that these Sacred Sites be protected and preserved: treated with dignity and respect. That is also my commitment as Secretary of USDA,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “I know my fellow Secretaries share in this commitment. We understand the importance of these sites and will do our best to make sure they are protected and respected.”

“American Indian service members are fighting to protect America on distant battlefields,” said Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. “I’m pleased this new agreement will help protect Indian sacred sites here at home.”

“Protecting America’s air and water and our nation’s heritage is an important part of the Energy Department’s commitment to Tribal Nations across the country, particularly those that are neighbors to the Department’s National Laboratories, sites and facilities,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “I look forward to continuing this important work and collaborating with other federal agencies and Tribal Nations to protect Indian sacred sites throughout the United States.”

“We have a special, shared responsibility to respect and foster American Indian and Alaska Native cultural and religious heritage, and today’s agreement recognizes that important role,” said Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar. “Inter-agency cooperation fosters our nation-to-nation relationship with tribes, and that’s certainly true when it comes to identifying and avoiding impacts to the sites that tribes hold sacred.”

“Through collaboration and consultation, the signatory agencies will work to raise awareness about Indian sacred sites and the importance of maintaining their integrity. The tools to be developed under this MOU will help agencies meet their Section 106 responsibilities,” said Milford Wayne Donaldson, FAIA, ACHP chairman. “The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation is very pleased to be part of this historic initiative to address the protection and preservation of Indian sacred sites.”

The MOU will be in effect for five years and requires participating agencies to determine inter-agency measures to protect sacred sites. It also sets up a framework for consultation with tribes, creation of a training program for federal employees to provide educational opportunities concerning legal protections and limitations related to protection of the sites, creation of a website that includes links to federal agency responsibilities regarding sacred sites and the establishment of management practices that could include collaborative stewardship of those sites.

The MOU calls for development of guidance for management and treatment of sacred sites including creation of sample tribal-agency agreements. It sets up a public outreach plan to maintain, protect and preserve the sites, and calls for identification of impediments to federal-level protection of the sites. Additionally, the MOU provides for outreach to non-federal partners, tribal capacity-building efforts and it establishes a working group to implement the terms of the agreement.



USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay).

US Department of Labor to publish final tribal consultation policy

Press Release, U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Public Affairs

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Labor will publish in the Federal Register next week its finalized tribal consultation policy, which establishes a formal process through which the department will engage in consultation with federally recognized tribes on actions or policies that will have a significant impact on tribal nations. This policy requires that the department’s government-to-government consultation with the federally recognized tribes involve appropriate tribal and department officials.

“The finalization of the Department of Labor’s tribal consultation policy constitutes an important step in our ongoing efforts to more meaningfully engage with Indian Country,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “Implementation of this policy will ensure that the department honors the government-to-government relationship shared between the United States and the federally recognized tribes.”

President Obama previously has cited Executive Order 13175, which was issued by President Clinton, tasking executive branch departments and agencies with engaging in regular and meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of federal policies that have tribal implications.

Following the president’s charge, the Department of Labor began devising a plan. The Department of Labor held a series of consultative listening sessions, including meetings with representatives of the Native American community, the department’s Native American Employment and Training Council and the National Congress of American Indians, preceding the finalization of the tribal consultation policy. A draft version of the policy was published in the Federal Register on April 18, 2012, followed by a comment period that ended June 18.

The final policy will be published during the week of Dec. 3. A copy can be viewed at

VA and Indian Health Service announce national reimbursement agreement

Native Veterans Able to Access Care Closer to Home

Press Release, Department of Veterans Affairs,

WASHINGTON — American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans will soon have increased access to health care services closer to home following a recent Department of Veterans Affairs and Indian Health Service (IHS) joint national agreement.

“There is a long, distinguished tradition of military service among tribes,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. “VA is committed to expanding access to native Veterans with the full range of VA programs, as earned by their service to our Nation.”

“The President has called on all Cabinet Secretaries to find better ways to provide our military families with the support they deserve, and that is exactly what we are doing today,” said Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans benefit from this agreement, which provides increased options for health care services.”

As a result of the national agreement, VA is now able to reimburse the IHS for direct care services provided to eligible American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans. While the national agreement applies only to VA and IHS, it will inform agreements negotiated between the VA

and tribal health programs. VA copayments do not apply to direct care services provided by HIS to eligible American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans under this agreement.

“The VA and IHS, in consultation with the federally-recognized tribal governments, have worked long and hard to come to an equitable agreement that would ensure access to quality health care would be made available to our Nation’s heroes living in tribal communities,” said Dr. Robert Petzel, undersecretary for health, Veterans Health Administration. “This agreement will also strengthen VA, IHS and tribal health programs by increasing access to high quality care for Native Veterans, particularly those in highly rural areas.”

Poetry is alive at Hibulb Cultural Center

LuLu Canales takes a break after of series of poetry she read to the crowd on at the Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center on December 6th.

Article and photo By Jeannie Briones

TULALIP, Washington- Poetry is alive at the Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center. Guest poet, Jamestown S’Kallam tribal member, Lulu Canales, is a student at the Northwest Indian College at the Tulalip site and on December 6th, she shared the most intimate moments of her struggles, pain, and joy, giving the audience a gritty look into her heart and soul.

Despite her small stature, Lulu stands tall in front of her audience, her words flowing with a fierce energy, piecing like jolts of electricity, sending out a tidal wave of emotions. The crowd responded, listening attentively to every word being spoken.

Only 20-years-old, she draws on past experience to provide her inspiration. She wrote her first poem at the tender age of seven, a poem about the loss of her mother, a woman she never knew. Poetry became a way for her to heal from the pain she felt throughout her lifetime.

“Poetry and music, that’s my life, poetry is the only way healthy way I know how to get the yuckiness out in a positive matter,” said LuLu. “If I am feeling angry about something and I feel like writing a poem, I will turn on real harsh hip hop beats, real fast, big base, really slamming and booming and it will come to me. One word turns into a phrase, a phrase turns into two lines, and into a stanza, and it will keep going and by the time I have come down, I’m sitting there with one to three sheets of paper. I try to let all my poetry have a beat,” said LuLu.

Lulu’s mother is Native American and her father is Hispanic. She never knew her mother and was raised most of her life by her father. As a young child, she had an appetite for words and read the dictionary for fun. Her need for knowledge and words fueled her curiosity and her natural ability to write raw emotions on paper.

At a young age, Lulu gained insight into her soul through poetry. She feels everything happens for a reason and that people good or bad have taught her valuable and tough lessons. She hales her late uncle, William Hunter, for changing her life. At thirteen, she recalls her uncle was the most sweet, loving, and charismatic man.

“With the exception of my father and my two little brothers, William David Hunter is one of the most important men in my life. He gave me the gift of being the women that I am today through learning my Native culture; he gave me back the other half of who I was.”

Another mentor to Lulu is her adoptive mother Renee Roman Nose. Both share a love for writing poetry. Renne inspired her to write and read her poetry, and through that support and encouragement she now shares her poetry and wants to help other through her poetic words.

“I am going to school for my certification in chemical dependency. Ultimately my goal is to be a social worker because I come from a hard background. I know there are kids out there like me who didn’t hear when they were younger that they have potential and that they have talent and what’s in their head and heart is important. I want to go out there and tell them, you are important and you do count, you are a person, and what’s inside is important. I want to take this poetry and writing and take it to people who need it and help them through my writing,” said LuLu.

For more information on future poetry series or other series at the Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center & Natural History Preserves, please call 360-716-2600 or visit

nes: 360-716-4188;

Tulalip Bay Restauramts awarded AAA Four Diamond Distinction

AAA Diamond Rating Process Reviews More Restaurants Than Any Other Entity in North America

 Press Release, Lisa Severn, Food & Beverage Director, Tulalip Resort Casino

Tulalip, Washington – Tulalip Bay Restaurant at the Tulalip Resort Casino has been honored with the prestigious Four Diamond Restaurant Award from AAA. For the 2012 Diamond Ratings, 31,000 establishments qualified. However, only 3.8 percent of those hotels and restaurants earned this distinction.  Dining venues at these rating levels offer an extensive array of amenities and a high degree of hospitality, service and attention to detail.

When reviewing each property, the AAA team looks for all the accoutrements of a fine-dining venue. Tulalip Bay offers an environment of rich wood paneling, plush seating, a Chihuly chandelier,  award winning wine list, exhibition kitchen, and table-side service. They also judge on menu creativity and found an array of fresh seafood, local produce and prime meat selections. As a Four Diamond restaurant, Tulalip Bay’s highly attentive, dedicated service staff cater to dining guests every need. Sommelier Tommy Thompson is always available to assist with wine selections and share his vast enological knowledge.

“We are honored to receive this award and to share it with the community and our guests.  The Resort is committed to offering an exemplary balance of unparalleled service, luxury and value representative of the AAA Four Diamond rating,” said Severn.

The AAA’s professionally trained inspectors use published guidelines to conduct unannounced property evaluations. AAA grades more properties than any other rating entity and is the only system that covers the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean. It is one of only two that conduct physical, on-site evaluations, assigning AAA/CAA approved lodgings and restaurants one to five AAA diamonds. Travelers can access information about AAA inspections and diamond ratings at  or AAA TourBook® guides are available at AAA and CAA offices across the continent.

About Tulalip Resort Casino

Award winning Tulalip Resort Casino is the most distinctive gaming, dining, meeting, entertainment and shopping destination in Washington State. The AAA Four Diamond resort’s world class amenities have ensured its place on the Condé Nast Traveler Gold and Traveler Top 100 Resorts lists, as well as Preferred Hotel & Resorts membership. The property includes 192,000 square feet of gaming excitement; a luxury hotel featuring 370 guest rooms and suites; 30,000 square feet of premier meeting, convention and wedding space; the full-service T Spa; and 6 dining venues, including the AAA Four Diamond Tulalip Bay Restaurant.  It also showcases the intimate Canoes Cabaret; a 3,000-seat amphitheater. Near by, find the Hibulb Cultural Center and Natural History Preserve, Cabela’s; and Seattle Premium Outlets, featuring more than 110 name brand retail discount shops. The Resort Casino is conveniently located between Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. just off Interstate-5 at exit 200. It is an enterprise of the Tulalip Tribes. For reservations please call (866) 716-7162.

Filmmaker showcases lives of Native people

Article and photo by Jeannie Briones

  TULALIP, Washington-  Makah tribal member Sandra Osawa, is known for her work as a producer, director, and co-owner of Upstream Production. Sandra along with her husband, Yasu Osawa, has created 63 films for various tribes, museums, and non-profit organizations, along with five films that have been broadcasted on PBS. Her production company explores political issues affecting Native American tribes, which is reflected through a variety of documentaries, and contemporary art mediums.

            The documentary film “On and Off the Res with Charlie Hill” was featured as part of the Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center Film Series on November 29th.  Sandra directed the film which takes the viewer on an intimate journey through the life of a Native American comedian and his rise to fame.

            At an early age, Sandra was aware that Native Americans were being depicted as stereotypes in the media. It wasn’t until she worked for her tribe that she became interested in making films that would correctly represent Native Americans in a more contemporary fashion. 

“When I worked for my own tribe at Neah Bay, I was a Community Action Director. I couldn’t find any films relevant to Native people and that began my interest. I decided that I wanted to get into media to see if we can do something about the void in Native American films and to break down stereotypes.”

 After working for her tribe for more than three years, Sandra attended UCLA Graduate film school in the 70s. During this time, Sandra notes there were sixteen minority students enrolled in her film class, more than she had ever seen. After working on experimental films, she received her first break in television in 1975.

“We [my husband and I] did a Native American ten-part series[“THe Native American Series”] for NBC Television. Historically that is important because it has become the first major series produced by a Native American for television in the country,” said Sandra. “The topics range from Indian religion, family, treaties, powerless politics, art, stereotypes, and fishing rights in the Northwest. Some colleges are now buying that series for historical archival purposes because it represents the start for Indians in films inAmerica, so I am really happy that it is getting a bit of attention.”

Through her travels and work in Indian Country she has realized the beauty and rich humor Native Americans have. She incorporated those experiences to portray the realistic personality and humor of Native Americans, by presenting films with real images of Native peoples in biographical documentary filmmaking.

“On and Off the Res with Charlie Hill” covers the life of Charlie through his early years as a comedian with brief reflections into his childhood and his family.

“Meeting all the different people that we have come in contact with in all the films, I have gained intimate relationships with each of our subjects and think in turn, it has made the films more powerful,” said Sandra.

Films that Sandra directed include, “Lighting the Seventh Fire” (1995), “Pepper’s Pow Wow”(1996), and “Maria Tallchief “(2007) produced and written by Sandra.

Visit for listings of her films or you can email Sandra Osawa at


Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188;


U.S. Chamber launches Native American Enterprise Initiative

New advocacy initiative will promote interests and agenda of tribes and tribal entrepreneurs

Press Release, U.S. Chamber of Commerce,

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today launched the Native American Enterprise Initiative (NAEI) to promote the interests and agenda of tribes and tribal entrepreneurs across the country. The NAEI will work with tribes and businesses to highlight opportunities for economic growth and networking for Native American enterprises, as well as promote foreign direct investment on tribal lands and pursue an aggressive advocacy agenda before Congress and the administration in coordination with other Native American advocacy organizations.

“Tribes and tribal enterprises across the country face a unique set of economic opportunities and challenges as entrepreneurship and economic diversification in Indian Country continues to grow,” said Rolf Lundberg, the Chamber’s senior vice president for Congressional and Public Affairs.  “The U.S. Chamber is launching NAEI to help boost economic growth and job creation by identifying opportunities and advocating for the policies that will help tribes and tribal entrepreneurs succeed. Drawing on the Chamber’s longstanding track record of successful business advocacy, NAEI will provide value to Indian Country by working to remove legislative and regulatory road blocks to their economic success.”

The issues that NAEI’s advocacy will focus include taxation, energy development, trade and economic development, and promoting a sensible regulatory policy. NAEI’s Leadership Council, composed of major tribes and tribal enterprises, will serve as the governing body of the initiative and will further develop policy priorities.

More information is available at

Tulalip’s larger annual donation to expand “Food for Thought” program

By Monica Brown, Tulalip Communications Department

Marysville Community Food Bank received a larger donation this year from The Tulalip Tribes. The $20,000 donation will benefit many people during these holiday seasons. Steve Gobin agreed,

“This is a larger than normal donation for us, but we understand that there’s a growing need in this community, the homeless population is growing every day. We’d like to help the citizens of Marysville who have been such big contributors to our own economic enterprises, and the most effective way of doing that is to help those in need stay alive, and to help their kids stay healthy.”

With a regular annual donation of $15,000 to the Marysville Community Food Bank, the extra $5,000 will contribute to the “Food for Thought” program, which began in May of 2012, to expand to three schools. As quoted in the Marysville Globe, Amy Howell, coordinator of the “Food for Thought” program, describes how the additional monies will benefit students at Liberty, Shoultes and Quil Ceda Elementary Schools

Amy Howell explains the process of how a child is included into the program, “They (the children) were chosen through input from their teachers, counselors, principal and lunchroom staff; their families sign permission slips to approve them for the program, and nobody above the school level knows which students they are, aside from the ones that I’ve met with personally, so nobody feels like they’re being singled out.”

With the impending addition of students from Shoultes and Quil Ceda, 25 from each school and 30 students from Liberty who are already served by the program, Howell has already met her enrollment goal for the spring of 2013, and is eager to serve more students who would otherwise go hungry between the close of school one day and the opening of school the next day. The “Food for Thought” program helps to relieve childhood hunger by providing nutritious weekend meals to students during the school year.

Marysville Community Food Bank Director Dell Deierling, as quoted from the Marysville Globe, explained that the regular donation of $15,000 will go towards “filling in the gaps” of needed food items and utility payments for the winter holiday season, from Thanksgiving through Christmas and the New Year.

“The community has done an awesome job of keeping donations coming,” Deierling said. “The Tulalip Tribes have been our biggest donors since our current building was built.”

Quil Ceda Village General Manager Steve Gobin credited both the Marysville and Tulalip communities with placing a shared value on the importance of charitable giving.

Donations may be made out to Marysville Community Food Bank and sent to P.O. Box 917, Marysville, WA 98270. If you would like to designate your funds specifically for “Food For Thought,” please write in the memo line of your check the program you wish to support. Donations may also be made online at via PayPal.