Tulalip supports Chief Seattle Club through clothing donations

Chief Seattle Club volunteer Robert Brown helps to haul in the donation of clothing and blankets from Tulalip.
Chief Seattle Club volunteer Robert Brown helps to haul in the donation of clothing and blankets from Tulalip.

By Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff

SEATTLE, Wash. – The Chief Seattle Club has been serving urban American Indians and Alaska Natives for the past four decades. It’s a safe place where homeless and low income Native Americans can receive help; enjoy a hot meal, and access social services.

“In addition to providing meals we also have nurses that come here every day from the Seattle Indian Health Board for healthcare. Downstairs there’s the laundry, people can wash their own clothes, take a showers, and get hygiene items. We also have a clothing bank. We provide financial assistance for those that are trying to get into housing or trying to prevent from being evicted from their current housing. We also offer bus passes, and ID cards,” said Jenine Grey, Chief Seattle Club Executive Director.

The Chief Seattle Club thrives on donations to provide care and essential needs for Native Americans. Sizable donations from outside communities, such as the Tulalip Tribes, help to keep the Club running successfully.  Every month, Donald “Penoke” Hatch, Tulalip Tribes Board of Director, delivers a truck load of donations that are given by the Tulalip community, consisting of new and used clothing, sleeping bags, blankets, and other essential items.

“I bring 12 to 15 truck loads a year. I want to help my people. There are a lot of different areas within the tribe that are donating things,” said Don.

Tulalip Tribal member Donald "Penoke" Hatch
Tulalip Tribal member Donald “Penoke” Hatch on his monthly visit to the Club.

The Chief Seattle Club staff is always in need of sleeping bags, jeans, sweatshirts, jackets, socks, underwear, backpacks, towels, and toiletries.

Among the many benefits offered at the Club, Native Americans can join in on the Sunday service, held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with Father Pat Twohy.

The Chief Seattle Club is located at 410 2nd Ave. Extension South, Seattle, WA 98104. For more information about the Chief Seattle Club and donation hours, please contact, Executive Director, Jenine Grey at 206-292-6214 and email jenine@chiefseattleclub.org.

Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188; jbriones@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov


Falcons defeat Seahawks 30 – 28

By Monica Brown

On Sunday it was an unfortunate end to the season for the Seahawks as they went up against the Atlanta Falcons in the NFC Divisional playoff game. Seahawks had a an almost painful to watch first half and an exciting second half but just when we thought they had it, the Falcons came in during the last seconds (literally seconds) to win by a field goal, ending the game 30 – 28.

Stage 2 Burb Ban in effect for King, Pierce & Snohomish Counties until further notice

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
Please rely on your home’s cleaner source of heat until air quality improves
SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2013 – The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency is issuing a Stage 2 burn ban in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties to protect residents from worsening air quality.  The bans are effective at noon, Sunday, January 13, 2013 and remain in effect until further notice.
Overnight, many areas around the Puget Sound reached air pollution levels of “UNHEALTHY FOR SENSITIVE GROUPS”, especially in areas where wood burning is common.  Agency forecasters expect the current cold, dry, and stagnant weather conditions to extend well into the week.  The Clean Air Agency will continue to closely monitor the air quality and weather situation.
During a Stage 2 burn ban:
  • No burning is allowed in ANY wood-burning fireplaces, wood stoves or fireplace inserts (certified or uncertified) or pellet stoves. Residents should rely instead on their home’s other, cleaner source of heat (such as their furnace or electric baseboard heaters) for a few days until air quality improves, the public health risk diminishes and the ban is cancelled. The only exception is if a wood stove is a home’s only adequate source of heat.
  • No outdoor fires are allowed. This includes recreational fires such as bonfires, campfires and the use of fire pits and chimineas.
  • Burn ban violations are subject to a $1,000 penalty.
It is OK to use natural gas and propane stoves or inserts during a Stage 2 burn ban.
The Washington State Department of Health recommends that people who are sensitive to air pollution limit time spent outdoors, especially when exercising. Air pollution can trigger asthma attacks, cause difficulty breathing, and make lung and heart problems worse. Air pollution is especially harmful to people with lung and heart problems, people with diabetes, children, and older adults (over age 65).
(Note: The Seattle Parks Department prohibits beach fires at Alki and Golden Gardens during the burn ban.)
For more information:

Tulalip Tribal Member Charged in Death of Toddler

Source: 7th Space, 7thspace.com

An enrolled member of the Tulalip Tribes was charged today with second-degree murder and two counts of criminal mistreatment related to the October 2012 death of her young daughter and the neglect of her second daughter, announced United States Attorney Jenny A Durkan. Christina D Carlson will make her initial appearance in United States District Court in Seattle at 2:30 today. Carlson was transferred to federal custody this morning and the criminal complaint was unsealed. The complaint describes how on October 8, 2012, emergency crews were called to an address on Marine Drive NE on the Tulalip Tribal Reservation where Carlson was performing CPR on her 19-month-old daughter, who was unresponsive on a blanket on the ground.

The child was unconscious, not breathing, and covered in urine and feces. A second child, a 33-month old girl, was found strapped in her car seat in a nearby vehicle. The child was pale, unresponsive, and covered in urine and feces. The girl was transported to the hospital and later recovered.

The 19-month old child died and the Snohomish County Medical examiner classified the manner of death as homicide by parental neglect. According to the report, the child was malnourished and dehydrated, weighing only 19 pounds. The child’s skin in the diaper area was excoriated and infested with maggots. Her hair was infested with lice.

The investigation revealed that Carlson had been living in the car with the girls on the property since mid-September. On October 8, 2012, Carlson had left the girls in the car while she went to use a phone at the residence on the property. Carlson was away from the car for more than an hour by some estimates. About 20 minutes after the neighbors told her to go back to the car and her children, Carlson returned asking them to call 9-1-1 because the youngest child was unresponsive.

Second-degree murder is punishable by up to life in prison. Criminal mistreatment is punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The charges contained in the complaint are only allegations. A person is presumed innocent unless and until he or she is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

The case is being investigated by the Tulalip Tribal Police and the FBI. Press contact for the United States Attorney’s Office is Emily Langlie at (206) 553-4110 or Emily.Langlie@usdoj.gov.

States want to arm Teachers

By Monica Brown, Tulalip News staff

In light of the mass shootings having taken place many states are taking action. States are either reviewing gun control policies or choosing more proactive ways to protect themselves. While Oregon, the location of the Clackamas Town Center shooting, is divided on whether or not they are pro-gun and Washington has recently offered a Gun buyback program part of a gun safety initiative in order to reduce gun violence, Alaska is definitely pro-gun.

As stated in the Anchorage Daily News, U.S. Sen. Mark Begich stated that he had no current interest in a ban on sales of assault weapons in this country. Begich said decision-makers can’t “jump to the clamor of emotion” and create legislation that they think will be the “magic solution” to gun violence. He says there’s a broader issue of violence and a need for improved mental health services that need to be looked at.

The Alaska State Legislature will consider House Bill 55 sponsored by Republican Rep. Bob Lynn,

“An Act allowing school districts and private schools to adopt a policy authorizing one or more permanent employees to possess one or more firearms on school grounds under certain conditions.”

Alaska is not the only state mulling around the idea of arming their teachers, other states such as Texas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Alabama are also taking to the idea of arming teachers and school personnel.

Seattle’s first buyback will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26 in downtown Seattle in the parking lot underneath Interstate 5 between Cherry and James Streets. The Seattle Police Department will monitor the buyback.


Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2013/01/10/2748491/begich-warns-against-knee-jerk.html#storylink=cpy





Tulalip’s NWIC Hosts a Teach In about Idle No More

By Monica Brown, Tulalip News staff


January 11, 2013 Northwest Indian College’s extension site at Tulalip hosted a Teach In/potluck at noon for students and staff to talk about what Idle No More is, how it came to be and what it means for all of the indeigenous cultures around the globe.


Idle No more, NWIC students and staff at Tulalip College Center
Idle No more, NWIC students and staff at Tulalip College Center

Tulalip's NWIC Students and Staff

Watch Video’s here of their meeting,

What is Idle No More from Tulalip News on Vimeo.

What is Idle No More from Tulalip News on Vimeo.

Tulalip prepares for annual Point-in-Time Count

By Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff

TULALIP, Wash. – on January 22, 2013, the Tulalip Tribes will join the annual Point in Time Count to gauge the local homeless population. By counting the homeless, Tulalip may become eligible for federal funding to assist the homeless with permanent housing.

This is a nationwide survey that emergency shelters, transitional housing programs, permanent supportive housing programs, renting assistance programs, homeless resources and outreach centers, feeding programs and food banks are required to conduct.

The importance of this homeless count is to survey the un-sheltered population that includes people who live in cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, and on the street. The homeless count is to understand the size of the homeless population and to determine federal homeless funding.

The count will take place during Tulalip Food Bank hours at the Tulalip Church of God from 10:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sandy Tracy and Homeless Shelter staff, along with staff members from Housing Hope, and the Director of the Tulalip Food Bank, Frances Morden, will work attentively on getting an accurate count of the homeless

The count consists of community members that come in that day. Each person who is considered homeless will be asked to fill out a basic questionnaire form with assistance from volunteers in the community. The survey does not require a name or personal information, but it will ask about the person’s status as a veteran, their living situation, disabilities, and if they’re homeless due to domestic violence.

“We will be approaching people when they’re getting their food from the food bank and asking them if they’re homeless and if they’re willing to participate in the survey. It’s important for Native Americans that we get an accurate count because the number of homeless we find in the county determines what federal funds will be available,” said Sandy.

Having not received funding in the past, Sandy states that next year Tulalip Tribes should be eligible for federal funding to help with the rising issues of homelessness in the community.

“We are part of this national effort to come up with the most accurate numbers. According to the federal government, the amount of homeless has decreased from the past year. In our specific area, it’s seems like the majority of the long-term homeless are due to chemical dependency issues. So until we get a better handle on the chemical dependency issues, we are going to have this ongoing problem,” said Sandy.



Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188; jbriones@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov

Chief Theresa Spence will not attend Friday meeting without Governor General

Source: Rebecca Lindell, Global News

Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:23 PM

Read it on Global News: Global News | Spence will not attend Friday meeting without Governor General

Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence has pulled out of Friday’s meeting between First Nations leaders and Prime Minister Stephen Harper because Gov. Gen. David Johnston will not attend the gathering.

The Assembly of First Nations scheduled a meeting for Jan. 11 between Harper and some of its chiefs, including Spence, but on Tuesday Johnston’s office confirmed he would not attend because it is a “working meeting” with the government on public policy issues.

Spence responded by issuing this statement on Wednesday: “We have sent a letter to Buckingham Palace and requesting that Queen Elizabeth II send forth her representative which is the Governor General of Canada. I will not be attending Friday’s meeting with the Prime Minister, as the Governor General’s attendance is integral when discussing inherent and treaty rights.”

Read it on Global News: Global News | Spence will not attend Friday meeting without Governor General

United Nations speaks out about Chief Theresa Spence to Canada

Canadian authorities must start meaningful dialogue with aboriginal leaders – UN expert

Source: United News Centre

 8 January 2013 – A United Nations independent expert today urged the Canadian Government to establish a meaningful dialogue with the country’s aboriginal leaders in light of recent protests.

“I am encouraged by reports that Prime Minister Steven Harper has agreed to meet with First Nations Chiefs and leadership on 11 January 2013 to discuss issues related to aboriginal and treaty rights as well as economic development,” said the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya.

He continued, “Both the Government of Canada and First Nations representatives must take full advantage of this opportunity to rebuild relationships in a true spirit of good faith and partnership.”

For weeks, aboriginal leaders and activists carried out protests referred to as ‘Idle no more,’ according to a news release from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). It noted that the movement has been punctuated by the hunger strike of Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation, which began on 11 December.

“I would like to add my voice to the concern expressed by many over the health condition of Chief Spence, who I understand will be joining indigenous leaders at this week’s meeting,” the Mr. Anaya said.

The independent expert stressed that the dialogue between the Government and First Nations should proceed in accordance with standards expressed in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The Declaration states that indigenous peoples have the right to maintain their distinct identities and cultures as a basis of their development and place in the world, to pursue their own destinies under conditions of equality, and to have secure rights over lands and resources, with due regard for their traditional patterns of use and occupancy.

In particular, Mr. Anaya highlighted one of the preambles in the Declaration which affirms that treaties, agreements and other arrangements are the basis for a strengthened partnership between indigenous peoples and States.

The Government affirmed a “commitment to continue working in partnership with Aboriginal peoples and in accordance with a relationship based on good faith, partnership and mutual respect,” when it released a statement supporting the Declaration on 12 November 2010, said Mr. Anaya, who has asked the Canadian authorities to provide relevant information on this matter, in accordance with the terms of his mandate from the UN Human Rights Council.

“I will continue to monitor developments as I hold out hope that the 11 January meeting will prompt meaningful and restorative action by the Government and First Nations leadership,” Mr. Anaya added.

Independent experts, or special rapporteurs such as Mr. Anaya, are appointed by the Human Rights Council to examine and report back on a country situation or a specific human rights theme. The positions are honorary and the experts are not UN staff, nor are they paid for their work.

Lucky days for the Enlightened

Six Students Attribute Five-figure lottery winnings to Ramtha School Lessons

 SOURCE Ramtha School of Enlightenment,  www.ramtha.com.

YELM, Wash., Jan. 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — A remarkable run of Washington’s Lottery winners, all from the Yelm area, have cashed winning tickets of $10,000 or more during the past two years.  The lottery champions gave credit to the Ramtha School teachings, claiming their winning numbers came to them after careful studying and discipline.

The winners include:

Patricia Everheart, $10,000 on Dec. 30, 2012

Ana Mihalcea and Laura Mooney, $10,000 on Dec. 11, 2012

Heather Singleton and Justin Wood, $10,000 on Oct. 8, 2012

Diana Hall, $12,365 casino jackpot at Red Wind Casino in Yelm on April 11, 2011

Michelle Enos, $10,000 on March 27, 2011

Heather Singleton, $10,000 on January 17, 2011

The stories from all the winners, along with official photos from the Washington Lottery, can be found at: http://www.rse-newsletter.com/category/lotto-winners/.

The Ramtha School of Enlightenment teaches students to capitalize on their natural mental abilities. According to Ramtha’s disciplines, we have direct control over how our lives play out. These lucky students attribute their winnings entirely to the techniques they mastered at RSE.

Heather Singleton is a two-time winner, with lottery jackpots cashed in January, 2011 by herself and on October 8, 2012 with her partner Justin Wood.

“Every day we participate in Remote-Viewing,” said Wood.  Remote-viewing is a practice that allows students of RSE to sense events and images that have not yet occurred. Heather Singleton and Justin Wood participate in a daily joint-viewing through the website remoteviewdaily.com, and their collaboration paid off this past October when they accurately viewed the winning numbers 14, 16, 12, and 4.

“The disciplines work,” remarked Singleton, who won her first jackpot after practicing Consciousness & Energy, the teaching that the mind can achieve realities which are seemingly impossible.

“I have always been a winner,” says Patricia Everheart , who won $10,000 after practicing Create Your Day®, a technique of beginning each day by focusing on the mind and the day to come. While mentally preparing for her day, she saw “four numbers came across my brain… I said okay, I will play those numbers.” Everheart is one of many Ramtha students to have cashed in the 4-foot long check recently.

In just the past 3 months, there have been 3 student winners of the Washington lottery, and luck had nothing to do with it. Rather, they deliberately chose the winning numbers after viewing them while practicing the techniques taught at RSE.

Anna Mihalcea and Laura Mooney observed their winning numbers while on a Neighborhood Walk®, a moment of light exercise to improve awareness and general health.

“We decided to start focusing on a set of numbers and become them… mind as matter… we are the number,” said the two women, who won the $10,000 prize this past December. “We chose our numbers and observed them in the Neighborhood Walk®, forecasting our future, and we walked right into them!”

Most students won by predicting the numbers in the “Match 4” game.  The students credit their training at the Ramtha School that taught them stillness and a present focus that caused the numbers to appear in their minds. The frequency of these winnings demonstrates these occurrences may have more do to with skill than luck.

 About Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment

Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment (RSE) was established in 1988 by Ramtha the Enlightened One as an academy of the mind that offers retreats and workshops to participants from all over the world and from all walks of life. Using ancient wisdom and the latest discoveries in neuroscience and quantum physics, RSE teaches students how to access the extraordinary abilities of the brain to “Become a Remarkable Life®.” Ramtha’s teachings are not a religion. They offer a unique perspective from which to view the mystery of life.