Acupuncture can ease allergies, study says

By Landon Hall, The Orange County Register

Heather Rice calls them “kitty cat whiskers”: one acupuncture needle inserted on each side of the nostrils, an acupuncture point known as Large Intestine 20.

The treatment helps alleviate symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis: runny nose, congestion, nasal drip and general misery, said Rice, a licensed acupuncturist at University of California-Irvine’s Susan Samueli Center for Integrative Medicine.

“One thing I notice almost immediately is that in just 30 minutes, they say, ‘Oh my God, I can actually breathe,'” Rice said. “I don’t want to say it’s 100 percent, but with at least eight out of 10 people, their noses will open up. They can breathe better, and they’re not as congested.”

The benefits Rice has observed are confirmed in a new study, although the benefit isn’t as pronounced as she has found in her day-to-day work. The paper, published last week in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, followed 422 Germans who suffered from seasonal pollen allergies.

Over the course of eight weeks, the subjects were divided into three groups and given three treatments: acupuncture, together with the antihistamine cetirizine (marketed as Zyrtec); a “sham” acupuncture, along with the drug; and the drug only.

The group that had real acupuncture with the drug reported a slight improvement in their symptoms, a boost of 0.7 points on the Rhinitis Quality of Life Questionnaire, compared with the group that got no acupuncture; and a boost of 0.5 points compared with the group that received the fake acupuncture, which involved sticking them with needles in places that aren’t accepted treatment points.

“The improvements may not have been large enough to be noticeable or to make much of a difference to people,” the authors said in a summary of their paper.

This brings up the big question once again about acupuncture: Does it really work, or do people just convince themselves it works? And does it matter?

A large analysis of previous studies last year determined the effectiveness rate for real acupuncture was about 50 percent, and for sham acupuncture it was 43 percent.

“UCI’s been studying that as well,” Rice said. “They can’t say it’s not the placebo effect. That is an ongoing thing.”

The German study also found that the improvement from acupuncture had disappeared two months after the study ended. That doesn’t surprise Rice, who says further treatments are needed to keep up the therapeutic benefits.

“That’s kind of how acupuncture works with those kinds of things,” she said. “What I say is this: Would you rather be on antihistamines every day or come and get acupuncture once a week?”

State lawmaker backpedals on bike riders polluting air

By Jonathan Kaminsky, Associated Press

OLYMPIA — A Washington state lawmaker apologized Monday for asserting in an email last week that bicyclists pollute the air with their heavy breathing.

But while Republican Rep. Ed Orcutt of Kalama, the ranking minority member of the House Transportation Committee, said that his statement was “not a point worthy of even mentioning,” he didn’t retract his claim that cyclists contribute to climate change with their “increased heart rate and respiration.”

“What I was trying to say is bicyclists do have a lower footprint but not a zero footprint in relation to automobiles,” Orcutt said. “I didn’t close that thought out very well. It was poorly worded.”

Orcutt’s initial statement came in a response to an email sent to more than 30 state lawmakers from Dale Carlson, the owner of three South Sound-area bike stores. Carlson was upset about a proposal to create a $25 fee for all new bicycle purchases of $500 or more as part of a transportation revenue package.

Orcutt, a conservative who opposes most tax increases, told Carlson by email that cyclists should help pay for the upkeep and construction of roads.

In support of his view, he wrote that “the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”

Carlson said he appreciated Orcutt’s subsequent apology, but said the lawmaker’s views “still seems way out there.”

“Cycling has so many positive attributes to society,” Carlson said. “It should be encouraged and not discouraged.”

Dr. Lonnie Thompson, a climatologist and glaciologist at The Ohio State University, called Orcutt’s line of reasoning “crazy.”

“We have to breathe whether we’re riding a bike or not,” said Thompson, who added that burning through a 12-gallon tank of gas releases 314 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air.

A 2011 study by the European Cycling Federation found that bicycle riding is not emission-free, but is more than 10 times less polluting than driving a car. That study took into account the manufacture of the raw materials of a bicycle and the increased food consumption that fuels the physical activity, but did not factor in increased rates of respiration.

Hookah lounge can’t allow indoor smoking

Judge rules in favor of Snohomish Health District
Snohomish County Health District
SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash. – Hookah lounges are just like bars, restaurants and other businesses when it comes to the state law that prohibits smoking indoors.
Washington’s Smoking in Public Places law, or SIPP, was passed by voters in 2005 and prohibits smoking in public places and places of employment.
On Feb. 26, following a two-day trial in Snohomish County Superior Court, downtown Everett’s Hideout Hookah Lounge, also known as the Wetmore Café, was ordered to comply with the law by prohibiting indoor smoking by its patrons. In addition, the court levied fines of $89,100 against the business owners for “intentionally and repeatedly” violating the law after numerous warnings and an official Health Officer’s Order from the Snohomish Health District, which brought the lawsuit. The fine was based on $100 per day per violation..
A hookah is a glass pipe filled with water that is used for smoking flavored tobacco, often by several people at once. Hookah is a growing trend that has the attention of public health because it attracts young people to a dangerous habit.
“Smoke is smoke,” testified Snohomish Health District Health Officer Dr. Gary Goldbaum. “Hookah tobacco may smell sweet and be cheaper than cigarettes, but it is no less harmful or addictive. Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease in the United States.
“We are glad this ruling makes it clear that hookah is not a potential business opportunity – it’s an unhealthy behavior that people can choose to do in private, but they can’t expose other people to it,” Goldbaum said.
Health District staff made several initial visits to the Hideout Hookah Lounge in February 2012, shortly after the business opened as the first of its kind in Snohomish County. Staff attempted to educate the
owners about SIPP requirements such as prohibiting indoor smoking, smoking at least 25 feet from doors, windows and air intakes, and posting “no smoking” signs which were provided by the Health District. City of Everett police and the state Liquor Control Board were also involved in seeking to enforce the state’s no indoor smoking ban
The court determined that smoking in the Hideout Hookah Lounge resulted in smoke permeating adjoining public uses within the building, directly in violation of SIPP’s goal of protecting people from secondhand smoke. The ruling also established that charging a membership fee or providing a membership card does not make the Lounge a private club. In addition, since it was established that the Hideout Hookah Lounge is a public place and a for-profit business, employees need to be protected from secondhand smoke under the SIPP law. Workers are defined as employees under state law even if they “volunteer” for no pay.
Thirteen follow-up inspection visits and numerous letters and notices directing the business to stop allowing indoor smoking were issued by the Health District before it filed the lawsuit in June 2012.
“It’s important that we provide a level playing field for all businesses that comply with the law,” explained Snohomish Health District Tobacco Program and Healthy Communities specialist Ann-Gale Peterson.
Snohomish Health District officials continue to work with county and city staff to ensure that potential business owners and code enforcement officers understand that SIPP prohibits smoking in all public places and in places of employment. 
“Our goal is to educate and gain compliance with businesses through cooperation,” Peterson said. “We always hope to avoid court action and consider it a last resort when all other options for enforcement have failed,” she continued.
To report SIPP violations or learn more about local tobacco programs, call the Snohomish Health District Tobacco Resource Line at 425.339.5237. The state Tobacco Quit Line may be reached at 1.800.QUITNOW (800.784.8669).
Established in 1959, the Snohomish Health District works for a safer and healthier Snohomish County through disease prevention, health promotion, and protection from environmental threats. Find more information about the Health Board and the Health District at

Health secretary to step down after nearly 15 years at helm

Washington State Department of Health

Washington State Secretary of Health Mary Selecky has announced plans to retire from state service and return to her longtime home in Colville.

Selecky has served three governors since first being appointed “acting secretary” in October 1998. Her nearly 15 years as Washington’s secretary of health make her one of the longest serving state health leaders in the country. Selecky had been the administrator for the Northeast Tri County Health District in our state for nearly 20 years before taking the state job. She marks 38 years in public service this year.

“Public health affects every person in our state. I’m especially proud of the great progress we’ve made lowering smoking rates and getting more kids vaccinated. We’ll have a healthier future because of it,” said Secretary Selecky. “It has truly been an honor to serve the people of Washington and to work with such dedicated state, local, and tribal public health professionals.”

Under Selecky’s leadership, Washington’s adult smoking rate has dropped 30 percent, and youth smoking rates are down by half; childhood vaccination rates are the highest in years.

“Thanks to Mary, Washington is a healthier place to live and raise a family,” said Gov. Jay Inslee. “I thank her for her valuable service to the people of our state and wish her all the best as she returns to the beautiful town of Colville.”

Secretary Selecky has committed to continuing to lead the Department of Health until a successor is found.

New state plan focuses on health inequities

Washington State Department of Health

Good health is not shared equally in our state or the nation. Native American men in Washington die seven years before their white neighbors, and babies of black mothers are twice as likely to die before their first birthday compared to the babies of white mothers.

These are just two examples of health inequities faced by racial and ethnic minorities in our state. These so-called health disparities happen because different conditions and resources shape our health. Communities of color tend to have lower incomes and less education, for example. Lower income and less education lead to less access to health care, nutritious food, and safe and healthy environments. The unequal distribution of social and economic resources isn’t the only factor that contributes to health disparities – these inequities show up even when factors such as education and income are taken into account. The added stress of how society treats people of color also contributes to the many factors that lead to inequities in health.

For several years, the Governor’s Interagency Council on Health Disparities (a group of state agency leaders) has been working to address this issue. The council strives to make sure that programs and services offered through the state are culturally and racially appropriate, work to break down barriers, and improve the conditions facing our state’s many diverse ethnic and minority populations. You can learn more about the council’s work and its new top priorities on its website.

While some of the factors that influence health are out of the control of individual people, each of us can take important steps to be as healthy as we can be and to support the healthiness of the places we work, play, and live.

Salmonella outbreak is a serious reminder to handle and cook poultry properly

Washington State Department of Health

An outbreak of Salmonella illnesses linked to chicken in Washington and other states points out that all poultry products carry the risk of contamination. Thorough cooking and proper preparation and handling can make poultry safe to eat.

Since last June, at least 56 people in Washington got sick from a specific strain of bacteria known as Salmonella Heidelberg. The disease investigation linked that genetic pattern of Salmonella to Foster Farms plants in Washington and California. None of the Washington patients died; 15 were hospitalized.

Salmonella is a common cause of foodborne illness, accounting for 600-800 reported cases in Washington each year. Poultry is common among the many sources of Salmonella bacteria. Salmonella in raw chicken is not limited to any one brand. The U.S. Department of Agriculture allows the sale of raw poultry that contains Salmonella, so the bacteria may be in all brands. In most cases of Salmonella illness, a source is not identified.

Symptoms of Salmonella illness usually include diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps. The symptoms usually begin one to three days after exposure, and the illness usually lasts four to seven days.

Proper poultry handling, preparation, and cooking can help prevent foodborne illness. Raw poultry should be kept separate from other foods; it should always be thawed before cooking to avoid undercooking. Cook poultry to 165 degrees F. Always wash your hands after handling poultry and thoroughly clean utensils and surfaces after preparing poultry.

Oglala Sioux demand an end to illegal alcohol sales activity harming their people

Pine Ridge Liberation Day Event Turns Into Alcohol-Related Showdown in Whiteclay Nebraska, Says Alcohol Justice

PINE RIDGE, S.D., March 1, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Alcohol Justice is reporting that a serious confrontation over illegal alcohol activity occurred last night on the border between Whiteclay Nebraska and the Pine Ridge Native American Reservation in South Dakota. 

“We have so many strong sober relatives that the only option is to continue to heal,” stated activist Olowan Martinez. “We no longer hide our spirituality, we no longer walk in shame of who we are. An escape from the slavery of alcohol is now occurring and soon the mind of the Oglala Lakota will also be liberated.”

Eyewitness reports state a Round Dance celebration for Liberation Day 2013 (in recognition of the 1973 Wounded Knee Occupation) turned into a showdown between Nebraska state troopers and Native Oglala Lakota activists working to end destructive alcohol use when Nebraska State troopers walked onto Pine Ridge sovereign land. They warned Bryan Brewer Sr. , Oglala Sioux Tribal President, that if he stepped into Nebraska he would be charged with trespassing.

A state trooper performed an alcohol Breathalyzer test on Whiteclay Nebraska Sheriff Terry Robbins due to his behavior and results were not made public. Over a hundred Oglala Lakota marched into the town of Whiteclay forcing the state troopers to withdraw from the area. Tribal President Bryan Brewer Sr. stated that “…on Friday March 1st, activists will return with five times as many people to shut down Whiteclay.”

25% of Pine Ridge Reservation youth suffer from Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

2/3 of Pine Ridge Reservation adults suffer from alcoholism.

What:  Liberation Day 2013 Rally to end illegal alcohol activity in Whiteclay Nebraska

When:  Friday, March 1, 2013 

Where:  Border of Pine Ridge South Dakota and Whiteclay Nebraska

Who:  Representatives from:           

  • Oglala Lakota Nation
  • Deep Green Resistance
  • Community Supporters

Why: To stop the illegal alcohol activity at Whiteclay, Nebraska such as:      

  • Retailer participation in alcohol smuggling into the Pine Ridge Reservation
  • Trade of alcohol for sex
  • Loitering at the premises of alcohol retailers with open containers
  • The inability of Nebraska Liquor Commission to stop illegal retailer activity
  • Recent homicides and physical violence
  • Alcohol sales to minors                                                                  
  • Alcohol sales to intoxicated people

Source: PRNewswire

Health Insurance Program Now Covers More Kids and Teens

Apple Health for Kids offers Native American families a quality, free or low-cost insurance option
More kids and teens in Washington State qualify for health insurance through Apple Health for Kids than ever before. Apple Health for Kids, a free or low-cost health insurance program for kids and teens in Washington State, seeks to provide an affordable health insurance option to families across the state. Today marks the launch of a statewide campaign to enroll uninsured kids and teens in the Apple Health for Kids program.
With Apple Health for Kids, kids and teens under the age of 19 receive quality medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage. In addition to having access to a network of doctors, hospitals and clinics, families will have no copays or deductibles. New federal guidelines mean most families that make up to 300% of the federal poverty level qualify. Premiums range from free to $30 per child, depending upon a family’s household income. No family will pay more than two premiums. For example, a family of four that makes $5,700 per month likely qualifies for $30 per child, per month health insurance premiums.
About one third of the 83,000 uninsured children in Washington live in Pierce, King, Yakima, and Clark counties. While the Apple Health for Kids campaign will include statewide outreach, specifically reaching target audiences in those four counties will be a priority. Special attention will be given to American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Hispanic/Latino populations that currently have lower levels of enrollment. Several partners are assisting with outreach efforts, including Community-Minded Enterprises, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Yakima, Kauffman and Associates, Inc. and Desautel Hege Communications.
“More families than ever are looking for ways to save money, but still provide quality health care to their children, and Apple Health for Kids is the perfect solution,” said Jo Ann Kauffman, MPH, President and CEO of Kauffman and Associates, Inc. “Families, including those who use Indian Health Services, can easily enroll to have access to things like x-rays, immunizations, well-child checks and maternity care.”
The campaign is using an innovative, research-based model to promote easy enrollment and offer one-to-one support for people going through the enrollment process. A new website,, has been developed which simplifies the application and links enrollees with representatives who can help them fill out the forms and answer questions they may have. Phone interpreting is available in 240 languages.
Now through June, Apple Health for Kids will be promoted at special enrollment events as well as existing community events like Hoopfest. Employers and childcare providers will also receive information and materials to educate employees and parents about the program. It is important that all families in Washington State know about this quality, free or low-cost health insurance option, so advertising is part of the outreach plan as well.
Families with kids and teens should visit or call 1-855-900-3066 to learn more and see if they qualify.
About Apple Health for Kids
Apple Health for Kids (AHFK) was created in 2007 as part of the Cover All Kids law signed by Governor Gregoire in order to expand existing health care programs for children by making it affordable to all families. Since its creation, the program has made innovative changes to application and renewal processes to offer families a single, streamlined enrollment process and comprehensive benefits to all eligible applicants. AHFK has also undergone changes to expand eligibility to more of Washington State’s 83,000 uninsured children, now covering families making up to 300% of the federal poverty limit, regardless of immigration status.

Wait, That’s GMO, Too?

An Initiative Heading to the Fall Ballot Would Require Labeling Genetically Modified Foods

By Anna Minard, Seattle Stranger

I’m wandering the aisles of Central Co-op, a natural foods market on Capitol Hill, checking its shelves for genetically engineered foods. Once you know what to look for, it turns out those ingredients are everywhere—even here, among the fake meats and packages covered in leafy art, smiling animals, and hand-lettering. They’re in the whole-grain bread, in the veggie burgers, in the peanut-free soy nut butter. You can’t always tell from friendly labels—”100% natural,” “multi-grain,” “fair trade.” But you may be able to tell soon.

Washington State will be voting in November on Initiative 522, which would require food made with genetically engineered ingredients (also known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs) to be labeled as such at the retail level.

When I set out to research the initiative, I thought I’d end up with a clear and obvious answer about how I felt about it—and what the science says. I was wrong.

I was raised on organic produce, bulk-bin grains, and peanut butter you had to crank by hand; these food-labeling people are my people. But I still wanted to see hard science that backs up the squick factor of vegetables birthed in a petri dish. I wanted studies I could point to, something I could wave around and say, “Here! Here is incontrovertible proof that GMOs are evil! Their curse will last for generations and our grandkids will have four noses, and here, have some organic hummus.” But the smoking gun just isn’t there. Not that the anti-labeling side is all that convincing, either.

Genetically engineered food crops have been around since the 1990s, and they took off rapidly across the United States. Now certain American crops are almost universally GMO: more than 90 percent of soy and sugar beets, and 88 percent of corn, according to the US Department of Agriculture. Modifications are done at the genetic level (mainly by corporations that don’t exactly inspire trust, like Monsanto and Dow Chemical), often to make a crop resistant to a particular pest or herbicide. The FDA regularly approves new GMO plants—and soon, an animal: GMO salmon are on their way.

GMOs aren’t just in the processed food you grab in a stoned midnight run to Safeway. And while a 100 percent organic product can’t contain GMOs, lots of foods we think of as “natural” can and do.

For example, Gardenburger’s package is stamped with a cartoon cow and chicken embracing, and the message “There are no unimportant ingredients. If it’s in here, then it’s got a role to play.” That includes corn- and soy-based ingredients (and remember that nearly all US corn and soy is GMO), and when we e-mailed their parent company, the automated response we got back said that some of their products “do contain biotech ingredients.” In a form letter, the company explained: “It has become increasingly difficult to maintain non-biotech sourcing of the soy proteins.”

Franz Family Bakeries offers a “100% Natural, 100% Whole Grain” loaf of bread, touting its “premium Northwest grown & milled ingredients” and lack of high-fructose corn syrup. We asked Franz about GMOs in their bread, and they “do use cornmeal, soybean oil and canola oil in our products, and most of the corn, soybeans, and sources of canola oil are GMO, so most certainly these ingredients would be genetically modified.”

Even the crazily named I.M. Healthy Chunky SoyNut Butter, which announces on the label that it contains non-GMO soybeans, doesn’t guarantee that other ingredients in the same jar, such as corn-derived maltodextrin, aren’t genetically engineered. And the boxed gluten-free cake mix from Cherrybrook Kitchen contains some ingredients that “are not GMO-free,” the company says.

This isn’t to pick on these companies at all, or the groovy grocers that carry them; it’s just to point out how ubiquitous GMO ingredients are. And if I-522 passes this fall, we’ll be reminded wherever we shop how common they’ve become. Or, on the other hand, the measure could prompt more food producers to eradicate GMOs from their ingredients to avoid the GMO label altogether.

A vast majority of the American public supports labeling foods with GMO ingredients. A 2010 NPR/Thomson Reuters poll found that 93 percent of Americans were on board. Worldwide, more than 60 countries already label foods with GMO ingredients, including members of the European Union, China, Japan, and India.

Still, the opposition to labeling is fierce. In November, Proposition 37, which would’ve mandated labeling of GMO foods, lost on the California ballot after the opposition dumped more than $45 million into a campaign arguing that labeling GMOs would be deceptive, pointless, and expensive. The donor list looked like exactly what you’d expect: Monsanto, Dow AgroSciences, BASF Plant Science, Kraft Foods Global, Nestlé USA, ConAgra Foods.

Here in Washington, there’s already opposition to I-522. The Seattle Times came out strongly against it, saying that “there is no reliable evidence crops containing genetically modified organisms… pose any risks.” The Washington Association of Wheat Growers is opposed as well, saying that mandatory labeling of GMO foods “that are indistinguishable from foods produced through traditional methods would mislead consumers by falsely implying differences where none exist.”

When it comes to the science, people on each side promise they can debunk anything the other side claims to prove. Biotech researcher Dr. Martina Newell-McGloughlin gave compelling testimony at an I-522 hearing in Olympia, saying, “There is practically no domesticated plant or animal today that has not been genetically engineered over the last 10,000 years,” since we’ve been selectively breeding, grafting, and even irradiating foods forever. Today’s precise genetic engineering has been found by all major science and health organizations to be “as safe or safer than” conventional methods, she said. Further, she argued, GMO foods are actually “more thoroughly tested than any in the history of food,” subjected to years of research before they make it to market.

But George Kimbrell of the Center for Food Safety, who helped draft I-522, says, “We’re essentially taking the science from the industry for safety,” because the FDA doesn’t do its own pre-market testing, instead signing off on testing done by Monsanto and other companies developing the biotech foods. Dr. Michael Hansen testified in favor of I-522 in Olympia; he works for Consumers Union, the public policy arm of Consumer Reports, and he points to his organization’s long-standing position in favor of mandatory pre-market testing as opposed to the current system of “voluntary safety consultations,” as Consumers Union describes it. In place of that, Hansen says, they support labeling so consumers can at least make informed choices.

Another commonly heard argument is that labeling would burden manufacturers and grocery stores. But initiative spokeswoman Trudy Bialic, who works for PCC Natural Markets, which is running the I-522 campaign, says that’s bogus. GMO labeling would be “no different from any of the other things we keep track of already,” she says. “It did not cost us to add country of origin labeling, it did not make food unaffordable when we added nutrition panels, [and] it did not create a lot of extra costs when we started labeling trans fats.”

I-522 is also written differently than Prop 37. It specifies who’s required to do the labeling—the manufacturers—whereas Prop 37 didn’t. And Prop 37 was roundly criticized as being catnip for tort lawyers, who could claim damages from companies that didn’t properly label. In Washington, I-522 doesn’t allow awards for damages, just a reimbursement of attorney’s fees. Kimbrell says it was “deliberately drafted narrowly” to disincentivize costly lawsuits.

In the end, a lot of this comes down to how hard the food-industry opposition is willing to fight I-522. And weirdly, it turns out that buying some of the hippie products at the co-op may still be supporting the GMO industry. In California, big food companies poured money into the anti-labeling campaign, leaving labeling supporters furious. Angry green websites called for boycotts of GMO-free Silk soy milk (owned by Dean Foods), Kashi cereals (owned by Kellogg’s), Odwalla juice (owned by Coca-Cola), and tons more, since all those larger parent companies wrote checks to fight labeling. Here, as of yet, no counter-campaign to I-522 has filed with the state. recommended

Additional reporting by Ben Steiner.

With just 5 ingredients, pear crisp is a snap

This pear crisp is easy enough to make on a weeknight and doesn't require fully ripe pears. Photo: Matthew Mead / Associated Press
This pear crisp is easy enough to make on a weeknight and doesn’t require fully ripe pears. Photo: Matthew Mead / Associated Press

By Sara Moulton, Associated Press

Sometimes, even on a weeknight, you really crave a little dessert. But making dessert takes time, and you already are spending time cooking up the main event, namely dinner.

That’s where this recipe comes to the rescue. It’s a quick, easy and delicious pear crisp that calls for just five ingredients: pears, granola, lemon juice, apricot jam and a pinch of salt.

Pears are just now at the tail end of their season. Yes, I know we can find pears all year these days. But believe me, those specimens are going to be nowhere near as electrifying as a fully ripened, in-season local pear.

The problem is the relative rareness of such pears. Ralph Waldo Emerson was onto something when he wrote, “There are only 10 minutes in the life of a pear when it is perfect to eat.”

In other words, most of the time, no matter where it comes from, our pears aren’t at the peak of perfection. And for those times, when pears are unripe and you don’t have time to let them ripen, this recipe comes in mighty handy. Baking an unripe pear not only makes it tender, it also crystallizes and magnifies the fruit’s flavor.

Happily, any kind of pear — and there are many varieties — will work in this recipe, as will a mix of varieties.

Pears also have a lot to offer in terms of health. They’re a good source of vitamin C and a great source of fiber.

As for granola, there are a zillion brands in the cereal aisle of the supermarket. The problem is that many of them are laden with fat and sugar even as they masquerade under a healthy halo.

That’s why the recommended portion on the back of most granola boxes is just 1/4 cup. Pour yourself a normal, adult-sized portion and you might as well be tucking into a breakfast of waffles and sausage.

So when you shop for granola, look for a brand that’s lower in fat, sugar and calories than the competition and which also contains lots of nuts, seeds and dried fruit. And if you want to bump up the nutritional value of this recipe even more, you also could add 1/4 cup of ground flaxseed.

With all of that said, I wouldn’t worry too much about the amount of granola in this recipe. Per serving, it’s about what the granola box recommends, and mostly serves to put the crisp on this pear crisp.

Heck, you’d be much better off serving this dessert for breakfast than dogging a big bowl of nothing but granola.

Speedy pear crisp
1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon apricot preserves or sweetened fruit spread
4 pears (about 2 pounds), peeled, cored and thinly sliced
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Table salt
2 cups purchased granola

Heat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat a shallow 6-cup baking dish with cooking spray.

In a small saucepan over medium-low, heat the preserves until melted and easily stirred.

Set the sliced pears in a large bowl, then drizzle the preserves over them. Add the lemon juice and salt, then toss well. Spread the pears evenly in the prepared baking dish.

Sprinkle the granola evenly over the pears, then cover the dish loosely with foil and bake 30 minutes. Remove the foil and bake another 15 minutes, or until the pears are tender. Serve hot or cold.

Makes 8 servings. Per serving: 210 calories; 25 calories from fat (12 percent of total calories); 2.5 g fat (0.5 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 0 mg cholesterol; 50 g carbohydrate; 5 g fiber; 27 g sugar; 3 g protein; 55 mg sodium.