Healthcare blossoms at Seattle’s Pike Place Market

Source: SEIU Healthcare

CoverMe Rally sends message to Olympia to fund Medicaid expansion covering more than 250,000 people, saving the state $225 million and adding 10,000 jobs

SEATTLE – More than tourists flocked to Pike Place Market Thursday. Dozens of everyday Washingtonians rallied outside the Pike Market Medical Clinic calling for full implementation of Medicaid expansion. “Cover Me,” they chanted, as nearly 100 umbrellas printed with “Cover Me” opened in unison creating a display that rivaled the floral bouquets in the Public Market.

“Just because I work in the service industry doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have health insurance,” said Cassie Cotham, 27, of Seattle, a volunteer with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. She delayed seeking medical care because she was uninsured, but two years ago she became so ill she could no longer work. Cotham was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. “Medicaid expansion would allow people like me to seek necessary medical care and not worry about balancing bills with going to the doctor.”

Cotham isn’t alone. More than 261,000 low-income Washington residents would be covered under Medicaid expansion, if the Legislature acts this session. The expansion would use Federal dollars to expand coverage to thousands of people, would save $225 million dollars and add 10,000 jobs statewide.

“Too often we see people desperately ill in the emergency rooms of our hospitals because they’ve postponed seeking treatment due to a lack of insurance coverage,” said Susan Tekola, a nurse with SEIU Healthcare 1199NW. “We support Medicaid expansion because it makes sense to provide quality coverage for all Washington residents allowing them to enjoy more healthy, productive lives.”

People at the rally wrote messages on two umbrellas which will be delivered to Washington House Speaker Frank Chopp and Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom urging the Legislature to act swiftly.

“We hope our political leaders hear the message that Washington’s bounty should include not just salmon, great coffee and wonderful produce,” said Lynne Treat, of Chehalis. She’s a volunteer with AARP of Washington. She spoke Thursday about the need for people between ages 50 to 64 to have coverage. “All Washingtonians deserve quality health care.”

A recent Elway poll found that two-thirds of state residents support Medicaid expansion. Studies show that people without health insurance have a greater risk of prolonged illnesses, disability and death.

The rally was organized by the Healthy Washington Coalition, which represents a broad range of more than 70 organizations across the state.

Having fun and living healthy

By Kim Kalliber, Tulalip News staff; Photos Jeannie Briones


Tulalip Tribal member Thomas Reeves learns the importance of brushing his teeth properly.
Tulalip Tribal member Thomas Reeves learns the importance of brushing his teeth properly.


Staff at the Tulalip Early Head Start (EHS) Learning Center proved that learning to live healthy could be fun. On March 13th a crowd of young children were seen donning firemen hats, eating healthy treats, playing games, and learning the basics of proper healthcare at the EHS Mini Health and Safety Fair.

“Here at Early Head Start, we decided it [fair] would be a good opportunity to provide health and safety information to our parents in the program and other families,” said Katrina Lane, EHS Family Partnership Coordinator.

A variety of booths, filled with educational information and hands-on learning techniques, aimed to increase parents knowledge of healthy eating, including proper food portions and basic nutrition, along with treating head lice and common household products that can be poisonous to children. Tulalip Health Clinic staff stressed the importance of immunizations and well child examines to combat disease and viruses and ensure the overall well-being of children.

Members of the Tulalip Dental Clinic were on hand to teach kids and parents about proper dental care, and Tulalip firefighters talked about safety tips, and handed out bright red firemen hats to the kids.

Parent Heather Spencer talked about why attending the health fair was important, saying, “to learn and to teach my kids a better way of life.”

Based on the success of this event,  EHS staff are looking forward to the Health and Safety Fair becoming an annual event.

Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle

Melissa Cavender, Tulalip Tribes Health & Safety Specialist

Living a healthy lifestyle means living a way of life where you make healthy choices that contributes to your own health and wellness. It’s about practicing good eating habits to maintain a healthy weight and to prevent infections and diseases.

A healthy lifestyle also includes practicing healthy habits such as exercising, and avoiding harmful habits. It also comprises of having the right and positive attitude about life and living, loving your work or whatever you do and being in a healthy relationship.

Your body requires lots of water. But how many glasses of water can you drink in a day? And it needs fresh vegetables too. Too little water rich food, having too much food consisting of carbohydrates, proteins and high fat food and eating beyond moderation are among the causes of weight problem and low energy.

And this is why eating fruits is good for you. All fresh fruits provide nutrients, enzymes and are water rich and contain the natural sugar, fructose. And almost all of them contain fiber, protein and vitamins. They act as your body cleansing agent to eliminate waste. Dried fruits like figs, prunes, and raisins are equally healthy and provide medicinal benefits.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the easiest thing to do, provided you know the right tricks. Excess stress jolts your mind and you will see its spill-over effect in every aspect of your life. The key to counter daily pressures and stress is to lead a healthy life and develop healthy habits. You will find your productivity visibly enhanced and your mental framework quite positive, if you follow a healthy way of life.


“Spring Ahead” and Practice Your Home Fire Drill!

Safe Kids Snohomish County
Snohomish County, WA – Every day at least one child dies in a home fire.  In that same day, 293 children suffer from a non-fatal unintentional injury caused by a fire or burn. As you change your clocks this weekend to “spring ahead”, be sure to Practice Your Home Fire Drill! It isn’t enough to talk about it with children. They need to practice.
Remember,children younger than age 7 are more vulnerable to smoke and flames in a fire, less likely to wake up if a smoke alarm sounds while they’re sleeping and have a hard time escaping a burning home by themselves. Children under age 5 typically lack the motor skills and mental capabilities needed to quickly escape a burning building, but children as young as age 3 can follow an escape plan if they have practiced it often.
“Fire can spread rapidly through a home, leaving a family as little as two minutes to escape safely once the alarm sounds,” said Shawneri Guzman, Safe Kids Snohomish County Coordinator. “Along with a properly installed smoke alarm, parents should plan several escape routes out of their home and then designate a safe place to meet. Then practice with your kids so they know exactly what to do.”
When children see smoke or fire, they may try to hide in a closet or under a bed. So, as soon as your children are old enough to understand, make sure they know the sound of the smoke alarm and what to do when they hear it.
A voice recordable smoke alarm to supplement the smoke alarms in your home might be a good idea. Children often will wake to the sound of your voice giving them commands, rather than a beeping smoke alarm.
Teach your children:
  • Not to hide from firefighters.
  • How to crawl low under smoke to reduce smoke inhalation
  • How to touch closed doors to check for heat before opening
  • Two ways out of every room
  • Where your family meeting place outside your home is
Remember, working smoke alarms and a practiced fire escape plan with your entire family could mean the difference between life and death. Download your Home Fire Escape Plan Worksheet by visiting our website
Safe Kids Snohomish County works to prevent unintentional childhood injury, the number one cause of death for children in the United States. Its members include local fire & police agencies, hospitals, child focused organizations and more.  Safe Kids Snohomish County is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide, a global network of organizations dedicated to preventing unintentional injury. Safe Kids Snohomish County was founded in 1999 and is led by Providence Regional Medical CenterEverett. For more information about fire safety for children and families, as well as helpful tips and videos, call 425-261-3047 or visit

Canned tuna recall due to bad seal or seam

The following canned tuna was shipped nationwide. Don’t take the chance of consuming a bad can.


Tri-Union Seafood Issues Voluntary Recall on Select 5-Ounce Chunk White Albacore Tuna in Water

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Mar. 6, 2013 – Tri-Union Seafoods LLC is voluntarily recalling a limited amount of Chicken of the Sea brand 5-ounce cans of chunk white albacore tuna in water.

The seams on the lids of the cans do not meet the standard for seam quality. Cans that do not meet seam standards could result in product contamination by spoilage organisms or by pathogens, which could lead to illness if consumed. There have been no reported illnesses to date, and Tri-Union Seafoods is issuing this voluntary recall to ensure the highest margin of safety and quality.

The specific product being recalled is Chicken of the Sea Brand 5-ounce chunk white albacore tuna in water sold at retail nationwide in single cans between February 4, 2013 and February 27, 2013.

The UPC code (also known as the bar code) is found on the label of the product and is 0 48000 03355 0. The Best By date is printed on the bottom of the can and is 01/18/17. The product lot codes that are part of this voluntary recall can also be found on the bottom of the can and include:

3018CA2CKP 01/18/17
3018CA3CKP 01/18/17
3018CA4CKP 01/18/17
3018CAACKP 01/18/17
3018CABCKP 01/18/17


3018CACCKP 01/18/17
3018CAECKP 01/18/17
3018CB3CKP 01/18/17
3018CADCKP 01/18/17





“The health and safety of our consumers is paramount. As soon as we discovered the issue, we took immediate steps to issue this voluntary recall by alerting our customers who received the product and by asking them to remove it from store shelves,” said Shue Wing Chan, President of Tri-Union Seafoods.

No other codes of this product or other Chicken of the Sea products are affected by this voluntary recall.

Consumers looking for additional information can call our 24 hour Recall Information line at 1-800-597-5898.

Tuna Recall


Bumble Bee Foods Issues Voluntary Recall On Specific Codes Of 5-Ounce Chunk White Albacore And Chunk Light Tuna Products Due To Loose Seals


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 6, 2013 – Bumble Bee Foods, LLC, has issued a voluntary recall on specific codes of 5-ounce Chunk White Albacore and Chunk Light Tuna products. The recall has been issued because the products do not meet the company’s standards for seal tightness.

Loose seals or seams could result in product contamination by spoilage organisms or pathogens and lead to illness if consumed. There have been no reports to date of any illness associated with these products.

View more product photos here

Tuna Recall

Products subject to recall follow:

Brunswick Brand 5oz Chunk Light Tuna in Water – 48 Count Case (Case UPC 6661332803)

Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
6661332803 3018SB1CLP Best By Jan 18 2016
6661332803 3018SB2CLP Best By Jan 18 2016


Bumble Bee Brand 5oz Chunk Light Tuna in Water – 48 Count Case (Case UPC 8660000020)

Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
866203 3016SBCCLP Best By Jan 16 2016
866203 3016SBDCLP Best By Jan 16 2016
866203 3016SBECLP Best By Jan 16 2016
866203 3017SB1CLP Best By Jan 17 2016
866203 3017SB3CLP Best By Jan 17 2016
866203 3017SB4CLP Best By Jan 17 2016
866203 3017SB5CLP Best By Jan 17 2016
866203 3017SB6CLP Best By Jan 17 2016
866203 3018SB2CLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SB4CLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SB5CLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SBACLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SBBCLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SBCCLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SBDCLP Best By Jan 18 2016
866203 3018SBECLP Best By Jan 18 2016


Bumble Bee Brand 5oz Chunk Light Tuna in Vegetable Oil – 48 Count Case (Case UPC 8660000021)

Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
866213 3016SACCLH Best By Jan 16 2016
866213 3016SADCLH Best By Jan 16 2016
866213 3016SAECLH Best By Jan 16 2016
866213 3016SAFCLH Best By Jan 16 2016
866213 3018SAFCLH Best By Jan 18 2016


Bumble Bee Brand 5oz Chunk White Albacore in Water – 24 Count Case (Case UPC 8660000025)

Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
866253 3017SA1CKP Best By Jan 17 2016
866253 3017SA2CKP Best By Jan 17 2016
866253 3017SA3CKP Best By Jan 17 2016
866253 3017SADCKP Best By Jan 17 2016
866253 3017SAECKP Best By Jan 17 2016
866253 3017SAFCKP Best By Jan 17 2016


Bumble Bee Brand 5oz Chunk Light Tuna in Water – 6 Count Case of 4-Pack Cluster (Case UPC 8660000736)

Cluster Pack UPC Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
8660000736 866203 3017SBACLP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000736 866203 3017SBBCLP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000736 866203 3017SBCCLP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000736 866203 3017SBDCLP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000736 866203 3017SBECLP Best By Jan 17 2016


Bumble Bee Brand 5oz Chunk White Albacore in Water – 6 Count Case of 8-Pack Cluster (Case UPC 8660000775)

Cluster Pack UPC Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
8660000776 866253 3017SABCKP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000776 866253 3017SADCKP Best By Jan 17 2016


Bumble Bee Brand 5oz Chunk White Albacore in Water – 6 Count Case of 8-Pack Cluster (Case UPCS 8660000776)

Cluster Pack UPC Can Label UPC Can Lot Code Can Best Buy Code
8660000776 866253 3017SA3CKP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000776 866253 3017SA4CKP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000776 866253 3017SA5CKP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000776 866253 3017SAACKP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000776 866253 3017SACCKP Best By Jan 17 2016
8660000776 866253 3017SB2CKP Best By Jan 17 2016

These products were distributed for retail sale nationwide between January 17, 2013 and February 28, 2013.

Bumble Bee Foods SVP of Technical Services and Corporate Quality Assurance Steve Mavity said: “Due to can integrity concerns, our top priority at this time is to remove these recalled products from distribution as soon as possible. We are working closely with our sales team and with retailers to help expedite the recall. We must assure our consumers and retailers of a safe and quality product so we very much appreciate everyone’s part in disposing of the products with the specific codes indicated.”

Mavity added, “There have been no consumer reports of illnesses attributed to these products, but because we’ve identified an issue with seal tightness, we’re voluntarily recalling products to ensure the highest margin of safety and quality.”

Consumers who have purchased the recalled products should discard the product by disposing in the garbage.

For any questions concerning this voluntary recall or reimbursement, consumers can contact Bumble Bee Consumer Affairs 24 hours a day at (800) 800-8572.


View all FDA recalls here

Healthy twist makes steamed clams even better

Asian steamed clams with broccoli rabe. Photo: Matthew Mead / Associated Press
Asian steamed clams with broccoli rabe. Photo: Matthew Mead / Associated Press

By Sara Moulton, Associated Press

I’d love to claim that this wonderful recipe required hours of arduous research and testing (not to mention the expert application of all of my hard-won culinary skills) before I was able to settle on the exact proportions of its ideal ingredients.

But I’d be lying. In truth, I had almost nothing to do with it. The clams did it.

Certain ingredients — including clams, mussels, rack of lamb, skirt steak and dark chocolate — make meals delicious with very little effort on your part.

Really, you’d have to be an idiot to screw them up. Clams and mussels are especially generous, delivering a one-two punch of taste thrills: the succulent bivalves themselves and the deeply flavorful juices that stream out of them when they’re cooked.

My favorite way to mess with clams is to steam them, as in this recipe. You toss all the ingredients into a pot, pile on the clams, put on the lid, crank up the heat, and presto!

Ten minutes later the dish is done. The only problem is that the clam liquor at the bottom of the pot is so tasty that I’m forced to sop it up with slice after slice of bread.

That’s why I decided to bulk up this dish with broccoli rabe, a healthy and savory vegetable that absorbs some of the clam liquor as it cooks (though the clam liquor that remains still cries out for at least a slice or two of toasted country-style bread).

As a way of blunting the vegetable’s slightly bitter edge, your first step with broccoli rabe is to blanch it.

Cut off the tough ends of the stems, then boil it all in a large pot of salted water for two minutes. Next, drain it and transfer it to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking and set the color.

Finally, chop it crosswise into pieces about 1/2-inch thick. It’s just much easier to eat that way. The garlic, chili sauce, ginger and sesame oil in the broth are complements strong enough to stand up to the robustness of the broccoli rabe.

After insisting above that there’s no way to screw up cooking with clams, I’ve got to emphasize one crucial step, a step to ensure that the little guys turn out tender.

You need to remove each clam from the pot as it opens up. The first ones will be good to go after four or five minutes. The last clam might stay clammed up until five or six minutes later, by which time the first clams — if you’d left them in — would be horribly tough.

That’s it. Quick, easy, nutritious, delicious and satisfying. Try it and see if you don’t end up happier than a clam.

Asian steamed clams or mussels with broccoli rabe

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon grated or finely chopped fresh ginger
½ cup finely chopped scallions (white and green parts)
3 large cloves garlic, minced
1 teaspoon Chinese chili sauce (or your favorite hot sauce)
½ cup dry white wine
½ cup low-sodium chicken broth
3 dozen littleneck clams or 2 pounds mussels, scrubbed well
½ teaspoon sesame oil
3 cups blanched and coarsely chopped broccoli rabe
8 thick slices country-style bread, toasted

In a large saucepan, heat the oil over medium high. Add the ginger, scallions and garlic and saute for 1 minute. Add the chili sauce, white wine, chicken broth and clams. Cover tightly and cook until the clams start to open. As they open, transfer the clams to a bowl. It will take 7 to 10 minutes for all the clams to open. Discard any clams that do not open.

Keep the saucepan over medium heat. Return the clams and any liquid in the bowl to the pan. Add the broccoli rabe, then cook just until heated through. Add the sesame oil and stir well. Divide the clams and broccoli rabe, along with the cooking liquid, between 4 shallow soup bowls. Serve each bowl with a few slices of toasted bread and a soup spoon.

Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 450 calories; 100 calories from fat (22 percent of total calories); 12 g fat (0.5 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 45 mg cholesterol; 52 g carbohydrate; 4 g fiber; 8 g sugar; 29 g protein; 500 mg sodium.

Not all Native American Veterans able to get adequate care

By Monica Brown, Tulalip News Writer

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) released a comprehensive report in September 2012, of American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) veterans.  There are over 154,000 AI/AN veterans in the U.S. with over 6,000 in Washington state.

“American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Veterans have played a vital role in the United States military for over two hundred years. Recognizing their long history of distinguished service, this report seeks to provide comprehensive statistics on this important cohort of Veterans through an examination of AIAN Active Duty, Reserve, and National Guard data together with demographic, socioeconomic, and health status statistics for AIAN Veteran, “states the U.S. dept of veteran affairs.

Native Americans serve in the U.S. Armed Forces at a higher rate per capita than any other ethnic group and have had more female servicemembers than any other group of servicemembers.  The report, titled “American Indian and Alaska Servicemembers and Veterans,” shows that  AI/AN alos have higher unemployment rates and aren’t recieving health care.

The Veterans Health Administration Office of rural Health states, “Native Veterans face many challenges to receiving adequate care. These challenges include long distances to care with few transportation resources and limited access to specialty care. Rural Native Veterans must sort out an often confusing mix of local and federal health care providers with overlapping and sometimes inconsistent coverage across Native, local, state, and federal levels. Frequently, Native practices in health and healing are not well-integrated into care they receive from clinics or hospitals. Finally, rural Native Veterans often are among the most impoverished with little access to training opportunities and few viable prospects for employment—all factors which are closely tied to poor health outcomes,”

US Census Bureau populations
US Census Bureau populations

Here are some statistics from the study:

The unemployment rate of AI/AN vets is 7.1%

The unemployment rate for vets of all other races is 4.9%


15.3% of AI/AN vets who do not have health insurance

6.3%of vets of all other races who do not have health insurance


36.4% AI/AN vets who suffer from one or more disability

26.2% of vets of all other races who suffer from one or more disability


18.9% AI/AN vets who have a service-connected disability rating

15.6% of vets of all other races who have a service-connected disability rating



Objections mount as FDA reviews genetically engineered salmon

Published: March 5, 2013

By ERIKA BOLSTAD — Anchorage Daily News

WASHINGTON — Every summer since 1979, Kim Hubert has fished for sockeye salmon in Alaska’s Bristol Bay. It’s a family business in tiny Togiak that has, from time to time, also employed his wife and three children.

Hubert and his 21-year-old daughter work the nets now. They’re small permit holders who may catch and sell thousands of salmon in their nets each year, depending on the success of the run.

“We’ve got a fish camp out there, we enjoy the people and the bay and the work,” said Hubert, 58, a retired schoolteacher who lives in Eagle River. “Some years we lose a few bucks, and some years we make a few.”

They and other fishermen have been casting a wary eye on Washington, where the Food and Drug Administration is considering whether AquaBounty, a Massachusetts-based company with a lab on Prince Edward Island in Canada and growing facilities in Panama, may sell genetically engineered salmon to consumers in the United States.

More than 33,000 fishermen, environmentalists, food safety advocates and others have written to the FDA with concerns about the agency’s preliminary findings. Among the worries is that the genetically engineered fish might escape and mix with wild salmon. The company says that’s unlikely, not only because the fish are sterile but also because of its production process.

But there’s a reason that Alaska bans salmon fish farms in the state, the Sitka Conservation Society, an environmental group in southeast Alaska, said in its letter to the FDA. They fear that the company will expand to the U.S., where the fish would be closer to native salmon populations.”

These farms pollute water with concentrated fish waste and feed, spread sea lice and ultimately lead to escapement and interbreeding,” the organization said. “If genetically modified salmon are permitted, it will be only a matter of time before they are muddling the pure wild population in Alaska.”

Mostly, though, fishermen in Alaska fear that the new, faster-growing farmed fish would threaten their livelihood eventually by flooding the market with cheap fish. They’re also pressing for the AquaBounty salmon to be labeled as genetically engineered because they think that their wild-caught, more expensive product is superior. They want no confusion in the marketplace.”

In some ways I felt threatened,” Hubert said. “The threat may not be immediate, but I think down the line there could be some repercussions. We’ve had a lot of issues with labeling, and the ability (of consumers) to choose and know where the fish come from: what kind of stocks, whether they’re farmed or wild fish.”

Aqua Bounty has applied for federal approval to commercially produce a growth-enhanced, transgenic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). At 18 months, the transgenic fish is clearly much larger than the same-age normal fish. But overall growth of the same generation of fish evens out by 36 months. (Image Credit: Aqua Bounty Technologies)
Aqua Bounty has applied for federal approval to commercially produce a growth-enhanced, transgenic Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). At 18 months, the transgenic fish is clearly much larger than the same-age normal fish. But overall growth of the same generation of fish evens out by 36 months. (Image Credit: Aqua Bounty Technologies)

The AquaBounty fish are Atlantic salmon that have been genetically altered with growth genes from a Chinook salmon and a sea eel. That makes them grow faster than other farmed Atlantic salmon, although they don’t get any bigger than regular salmon.

The FDA issued a preliminary finding in late December that the fish, known as the AquAdvantage Salmon, is as safe as eating conventional Atlantic salmon and that there’s a reasonable certainty of no harm in consuming it. The agency also issued a draft environmental assessment that there’s little chance of environmental harm from farming the fish.

However, after pressure from Congress — especially from Alaska lawmakers — the FDA in February extended the public comment period on its findings by 60 days. People have until April 26 to weigh in, and after that the agency will decide whether to issue a final report or pursue a more comprehensive environmental impact statement.

AquaBounty executives aren’t currently granting interviews. The company’s last public statement came in mid-February, when the FDA announced that it would extend the comment period. AquaBounty Chief Executive Officer Ron Stotish said at the time that they weren’t pleased with the delay.

Some food safety advocates are pushing for the FDA to do a full environmental review. They’re also petitioning the agency to consider the AquaBounty fish as a food additive rather than as an animal drug. The FDA uses its animal drug process to consider the safety of all potential genetically modified animals sold as food.

That change would make the approval process more transparent, as well as focus on the safety of the salmon as food, said Patty Lovera, the assistant director of Food & Water Watch. It joined Consumers Union, which is the advocacy division of Consumer Reports, and the nonprofit Center for Food Safety to petition the FDA.”

We just think it’s really deficient on the food front,” Lovera said. “What do we really know about allergies? What do we know about nutrition profile? That stuff’s really sketchy in that application that they put in. And we’d like to see a lot more of that, considering you’re going to eat the whole thing.”

People and animals already consume plenty of genetically modified grains, which aren’t required to be labeled in the U.S. A ballot measure requiring such labeling failed recently in California.

But the fish are the first genetically engineered animals being considered for human consumption in the U.S., and the approval process is being closely watched in the biotech field.

There’s a huge market for heart-healthy fish: Salmon is the second most popular seafood consumed in the U.S., behind tuna. And an estimated 91 percent of the seafood consumed in this country is imported; about half of that is from aquaculture.

Even if the AquaBounty fish is approved, however, supermarkets won’t be flooded with genetically engineered fish anytime soon, said Gregory Jaffe, the director of biotechnology at the Washington-based Center for Science in the Public Interest, an advocacy organization. Jaffe was on the FDA advisory panel that reviewed the safety of the salmon in 2010 and found no cause for alarm.

AquaBounty would have to reapply to the FDA to expand operations.

“They talked about hundreds of tons of salmon a year. We import hundreds of thousands of tons of salmon a year,” Jaffe said. “So maybe it’ll be slightly easier to eat one of these salmon steaks than to win the lottery. But if someone wanted to find one of these salmon steaks out there to eat, it’s going to take a little effort.

“That hasn’t stopped lawmakers from Western states from fighting the FDA findings — or at a minimum, seeking a requirement that genetically engineered salmon be labeled. Consumer groups are making the same push.

“Any fish that is labeled as wild-caught, or Alaskan, might see some of its market actually go up,” said Michael Hansen, a senior scientist for Consumers Union. “Since this will not be labeled, people would not know whether the regular salmon they’re buying is engineered or not.

“In his mid-February statement, AquaBounty’s Stotish noted that no new facts had been introduced since the FDA’s findings late last year and that the company doesn’t think the additional comment period “materially affects our chances for approval.”

“There has been neither new information nor a clear legal or regulatory issue raised by the FDA since that time,” he said in the statement.

AquaBounty says in its press materials that it wants its fish to be labeled “Atlantic salmon.” The company says the nutritional and biological composition of its AquAdvantage Salmon is identical to Atlantic salmon, and therefore doesn’t require additional labeling based on its method of production.

The company notes that it supports voluntary branding by the farmers who grow its salmon, to identify what it calls “the environmentally friendly benefits of this product.”

An FDA spokeswoman, Theresa Eisenman, said a decision hadn’t yet been made regarding labeling AquAdvantage Salmon.

The FDA since 1992 has considered bioengineered foods to be no different from other foods “in any meaningful or uniform way.” The agency supports voluntary labeling that provides consumers with such information, however.



Read more here:

Tongue stimulation can reverse serious ailments

By Jason Bittel,

The human tongue is an extraordinary bit of flesh. It’s alternately squishy and tense, at times delicate and others powerful. It helps us taste, talk and tie cherry stems, all the while avoiding two interlocking rows of sharpened enamel that know only how to gnash.

Now, it seems the tongue may even serve as a gateway to the human brain, providing us with the opportunity to treat serious afflictions from multiple sclerosis to combat-induced brain injuries.

The tongue is a natural candidate for electrical stimulation, thanks in part to a high density of sensory receptors and the concentration of electrolytes found in saliva.

This has allowed researchers at the Tactile Communication and Neurorehabilitation Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to develop a pattern of electrodes that can be placed on the tongue and attached to a control box.

All together, the system is called a Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator (PoNS).

Once hooked in, patients undergo 20-30 minutes of stimulation therapy, or CN-NiNM (cranial nerve non-invasive neuromodulation), matched to a regimen of physical, occupational and cognitive exercises specific to the ailment being treated. Each exercise corresponds with different patterns of tongue stimulation, which in turn coax the brain to form new neural pathways.

These pathways remain active even after the stimulation has been removed, meaning the therapy can have lasting effects.

After treatment with CN-NiNM, patients with multiple sclerosis have been shown to have a 50 percent improvement in postural balance, 55 percent improvement in walking ability, a 30 percent reduction in fatigue and 48 percent reduction in M.S. impact scores (a measure of physical and psychological impact of M.S. from the patient’s perspective).

Extraordinary numbers by any standard, but if you really want to understand the project’s impact, read about Kim Kozelichki ditching her hobbled limp for a healthy jog on the University of Nebraska’s Medical Center blog.

Best of all, researchers have reason to believe CN-NiNM can not only slow functional loss, but also restore previously lost functions. It’s this promise that has the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command interested.

In collaboration with the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee and NeuroHabilitation Corporation, the Army hopes to harness this emerging technology to “restore lost physical and mental function” for both service members and civilians suffering from traumatic brain injury, stroke Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

More information