Power Up With Breakfast!

Submitted by AnnCherise Jensen, Snap-Ed Coordinator

Don’t forget about Breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day! A healthy breakfast gives us the fuel and the energy we need to make it throughout the day. Believe it or not, our bodies are constantly burning calories, even when we are sleeping. After the recommended 8 hours of sleep each night, our bodies wake up craving “fuel” aka “Breakfast”. Without eating breakfast, it is easy to get tired, irritable and fatigued. Start your day off by consuming a breakfast that includes a well-balanced amount of carbohydrates, healthy fats and lean proteins. This will to keep you fueled all day long, keeping you fuller and energized for a longer period of time. Here are some examples of some easy healthy breakfasts to start your day off right.

  • Breakfast Burrito (recipe provided below)
  • Greek Yogurt with granola and berries.
  • Cheesy scrambled eggs with avocado and salsa.
  • Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and bananas
  • Whole grain cereal with low fat milk and berries
  • Fruit smoothie with protein powder and almond milk.
  • Instant oatmeal with almonds, low fat milk and raisins.
  • Cottage cheese and pineapple.

Breakfast Burrito (Makes 4 servings)

  • 1 1/3 cups black beans (cooked, mashed with 1 teaspoon canola oil or use canned vegetarian refried beans)
  • 4 tortillas, corn
  • 2 tablespoons red onion (chopped)
  • 1⁄2 cup tomatoes (chopped) 1/2 cup salsa, low-sodium
  • 4 tablespoons yogurt, non-fat plain
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro (chopped)


  1. Mix beans with onion and tomatoes.
  2. Microwave tortillas between two sheets of slightly damp white paper towels on high for 15 seconds.
  3.  Divide bean mixture between the tortillas.
  4. Fold each tortilla to enclose filling.
  5. Place on microwave-safe dish and spoon salsa over each burrito.
  6.  Microwave on high for 15 seconds.
  7.  Serve topped with yogurt and cilantro.

Nutrition Information per serving: Calories: 155/ Total Fat: 2 g / Saturated fat: 0 g  / Sodium: 287 mg / Total Carbohydrate: 18 g / Dietary Fiber: 5 g / Protein: 7 g / Source: What’s Cooking, USDA Mixing BowlFind

Find more healthy eating tips at:www.kidseatright.org and www.eatright.org/nutritiontipsheets

TELA focuses on good health, produces lots of smiles

Article/photos by Micheal Rios

On Thursday, March 9, the Betty J. Taylor Early Learning Academy (TELA) hosted a mini health fair in collaboration with local physical, mental, and spiritual health experts. It was a great opportunity to engage students, staff, families and the community about healthy eating, physical activity, health services, and other local wellness resources.

Vendors included everyone from representatives from the Tulalip Police and Fire Departments, the schools music therapy and child development booths, to Tulalip’s all new SNAP ED (Eat Smart. Be Active.) program. Overall there were 24 health fair vendors, two health care institute parent trainings, and a photo-booth for a nice family keepsake.

“The Mini Health Fair at the Tulalip Early Learning Academy was a great reminder to encourage both parents and the children to consume the required 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. The kids loved their veggie cups and were excited to try an apple fruit salad!,” explains Snap-Ed Coordinator, AnneCherise Jensen (pictured above) of her vendor experience. “Children require good nutrition for proper growth and development. Taking affirmative action towards preventative health care will have a huge positive impact on a child’s health; this is why it is so important to teach kids healthy eating habits at an early age. By maximizing high nutrient foods and minimizing consumption of sugary/processed foods, we can help children develop essential healthy eating habits for a healthy future.”

Targeting the energetic and active audience of 3 to 5-year-old students, the TELA vendors came up with creative setups to make it easier for the easily intrigued minds to approach them. Many of the vendors brought different variations and very colorful handouts, poster boards and prizes. Enticing the kids to come up to the tables for prizes and delicious, organic snacks where they would then learn about making good health choices was a successful strategy.

Some of the kids may have been shy at first and hesitant to walk around the setup of booths, but with eye-catching displays they were able to come out of their shells and learn information they might not have known before.

Sheena Robinson attended the health fair with her kids because it offered them a chance to get out of the house to do hands-on activities.

“I liked the nutrition station because it taught my boys what healthy and unhealthy snacks look like,” Sheena said. “I try to teach them about these things at home, but I think sometimes it clicks more if it’s coming from somebody else and learning first-hand through interactive activities.”

CrossFit, More Than Just A Workout




By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News

Constantly varied functional movement, performed at high intensity, is the definition of a CrossFit workout – though many argue that CrossFit is more of a lifestyle than a fitness program. Founded during the early aughts, CrossFit has been growing in popularity across the nation over recent years. The regimen combines several aspects from a variety of sports, namely gymnastics and weight training, into one extreme workout of the day, or WOD. Each day participants push themselves to their personal limits during a fast-paced interval workout session that is often timed to track progress. Over the past decade more and more CrossFit gyms have been opening their doors nationwide, benefiting many communities by promoting health and fitness.

Five years ago Apollo Lewis dedicated his life to helping members of the Tulalip community define and achieve their fitness goals by opening Tulalip Bay CrossFit. Beginning his fitness journey at a young age, Apollo has essentially been working to become a CrossFit trainer his entire life.

Apollo states, “I’ve been exercising since I was fourteen. I had to wait until I was old enough to be allowed to weight train. As soon as I was fourteen and a freshman I went straight to the weight room and started moving barbells.”

He continues, “I’ve played a whole lot of sports and have a lot of background working with the coaches that trained me. I played a sport every season in high school. After high school I attended Spokane Falls Community College where I became a decathlete where I participated in ten [track and field] events over two days. Following Spokane Falls, I went into semi-pro football and it was shortly after football when I stumbled upon CrossFit.com”

While researching new workout routines, Apollo discovered a website that posted daily workouts. He taught himself during the beginning of his CrossFit journey. He explains, “it was a great blend of gymnastics, conditioning and weightlifting. I picked that up and ran with it at the YMCA by myself, until I found CrossFit in Marysville, and that’s what initially started my career.”

Many people may perceive fitness as intimidating because of the intense activity; however, anyone and everyone can practice CrossFit.

“It’s not difficult, the workouts can be modified to your skill level. For example, if you’re doing the chest to bar pull-ups and you’re new [to CrossFit] and can’t do it yet, then you can use the [resistance] bands to help you until you’re able to do it by yourself,” states CrossFit coach, Oceana Alday.

During class Coach Lewis motivates by encouragement as well as by example, often performing the WODs right alongside his students.

Another aspect of the CrossFit culture is the Paleo diet. The diet excludes items such as sugar, dairy, all processed foods and grain from daily intake and emphasizes consuming foods such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables and fish.

“I love helping the community. I have children and family here and I wanted to have a permanent spot where I can use the things that I’ve learned to help other people and to spread the word of fitness. I also wanted to give the community a place to hang out. Especially for kids and teens because back in the day there was no teen center. I wanted to be that hang out place where people can turn a bad addiction to a good addiction and so the kids can have somewhere to go that’s a positive environment. My goal is to keep adding years to people’s lives.

At CrossFit I’m teaching GPP – general physical preparedness. This is everyone from kids to grandparents. I want people to able to pick up their children or grandchildren and be able to play with them. I want the elders, if they fall down, I want them to be able to pick themselves back up and look at that experience as nothing but another burpee,” states Apollo.

Tulalip Bay CrossFit is open daily with the exception of Sunday. Currently there are five classes offered Monday through Friday at 6:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m. as well as 6 p.m. On Saturdays Apollo opens the gym at 9:30 a.m. to the kids of the community with a regular session following at 10:00 a.m.

For more information about Tulalip Bay CrossFit please visit their website tbaycrossfit.com


Lifting Our Community Through Recovery

Leah Crider (center) was wrapped in a special Louie Gong made blanket by Coordinator Sarah Sense-Wilson and MC Jobey Williams.



By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News 

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. To increase public awareness of problem gambling and the availability of prevention, treatment and recovery services here at Tulalip a free community-wide celebration was held at Hibulb Cultural Center on Friday, March 3.

“The Tulalip Tribes is a trailblazer in Indian Country for acknowledging Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Our efforts to illuminate and shine a spotlight on problem gambling and recovery contributes to the wellness movement in Tulalip,” states Sarah Sense-Wilson, Problem Gambling Coordinator. “Events like this provide us a platform and an opportunity to address gambling disorders as a real public health concern, negatively impacting individuals, families, and communities. Our goal is to invite people to learn about gambling addiction and to destigmatize the illness by seeking recovery through a wide range of treatment services offered through Tulalip Family Service’s Problem Gambling program.”


Comedian and motivation speaker Kasey Nicholson (left center) brought lots of laughs and smiles to his fellow Natives.


The celebration event consisted of a large gathering of local residents, members of the gambler’s anonymous community, and friends to the cause who offered guidance and support. Master of Ceremony was Jobey Williams, drumming and singing was provided by the talented Terrance Sabbas, and the keynote speaker was Native comedian Kasey Nicholson.

Kid, elder, and family friendly, the atmosphere was shared by all as attendees enjoyed a bountiful salmon dinner with lots of entertainment and encouraging words.

Many of us have been personally affected by friends or family members who are problem gamblers. We’ve witnessed the devastating effects of financial, emotional, spiritual and physical toll on our families and community. Gambling addiction has a rip tide impact on our people and we want to encourage them to seek help and have the courage to make change.

Heartfelt, personal life stories of gambling and alcohol addiction and their road to recovery were shared by Jobey and Leah Crider. Their words were truly inspiring as audience members absorbed the emotions invoked in journeys from co-occurring addictions to recovery and healing.

“I am overwhelmed with adulation for Jobey and Leah’s willingness to share their triumphant victories over the powerful, life-taking addictions,” marvels Sarah. “The gamblers anonymous community is growing in our region, as more and more folks seek help and begin to reconnect with their community. It is important we continue to provide spaces and opportunities for folks in recovery. Fellowship is a core principle of every 12-step program and we want to honor our gamblers anonymous community by celebrating their recovery.”

Lifting our community through recovery is vitally important for building a network of support for both the inflicted and their friends and family members.



Among the celebrations attendees was twenty-five year old tribal member Brando Jones. Brando grew up in Tacoma and when he was a teenager fell into the vicious grips of alcohol and drug addiction. Now 22 months clean and sober, Brando has recently moved to Tulalip and has been attending Tulalip cultural events to help him remain spiritually strong on his road to recovery.

“The reason I attended this event is because it’s important for people in recovery, like me, to hear words of wisdom and advice from people that have been where I’ve been, people who’ve battled the beast of addiction and came out on top,” says Brando. “It’s truly inspiring to see Natives from different tribes helping each other out and showing their concern and offering support for our people. We may be from different tribes, but that doesn’t stop us from coming together to help each other in our addictions and recovery.”

During Problem Gambling Awareness Month, Tulalip Family Services and the Problem Gambling Program will be hosting and co-sponsoring several upcoming special events throughout the month of March. These events include the ‘Community Fun Run/Walk’ at Tulalip Heritage H.S. campus on Saturday, March 11th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm and the Youth Dance that night from 6:00pm – 9:00pm. There will be an Elders Luncheon March 24th from 11:30am – 1:00pm at the Elders Center with guest performer Star Nayea. Concluding the month, there will be a Movie Night for the youth on March 31st at 5:00pm, where the youth will share a special educational presentation on problem gambling awareness.

National Nutrition Month: Getting Creative with Fruits & Veggies


By AnneCherise Jensen

We all know fruits and vegetables are extremely healthy for us, but a lot of us don’t get the five servings of fruits and vegetables recommended in a day. Fruits and vegetables contain the vitamins and minerals essential for our bodies to grow and develop properly. It’s extremely beneficial to our health if we consume a wide variety of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. Let’s enjoy the benefits of healthy foods as we celebrate Marchs National Nutrition Month.

One way we can incorporate more servings of fruits and vegetables into our diet is getting creative on how we prepare them. With internet available at our fingertips, we have accessibility to a wide variety of recipes, websites, food blogs and cooking channels. Social media has allowed us to learn how to cook almost everything and anything at any given moment. This great resource allows us try new healthy foods in a fun and enticing way.

This week’s National Nutrition Month Challenge it to meal plan throughout the week, incorporating five servings of fruits and vegetables in each day. To expand the challenge, try out one new fruit recipe and one new veggie recipe and share your ideas on the Tulalip Facebook page. Trying these fun new ways to prepare our fruits and vegetables can get us excited and motivated about incorporating healthy fuel into our diet. It can also motivate others to start making healthier food choices along the way.  Making these small changes over time will help improve our health now and into the future. Start today by substituting cookies with these Apple Slice cookies that both kids and adults will love!

Apple Slice Cookies 

  • Red Delicious Apples
  • Peanut Butter
  • Almond Butter
  • Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • Shredded Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

Directions:  Cut the core from the apple, or cut the core out of each piece after you have sliced the apple.  Slice the apple into ¼ inch slices using a large knife.

If you’re worried about the apples turning brown, you can add a squirt of lemon juice to a zip lock baggie, add the apples and toss around for a few minutes. This will keep the apples looking fresh for a longer period of time.

In order for the Peanut Butter to stick, the apples must be dry. Set apples on paper towel, and blotch them until they are dry with another paper towel.

Spread a layer of peanut butter or almond butter on each apple slice.

You can get creative here. Add coconut flakes, walnuts and some mini chocolate chips to the top of the layer of either peanut butter or almond butter.


Music Therapy Offers Healing to Tulalip-Marysville Community


By Kalvin Valdillez, Tulalip News 

The Snohomish County Music Project is using music as a tool to strengthen the Tulalip and Marysville community. With over fifteen programs, the Music Project has dedicated their time to improving the mental well being of Snohomish County community members through music therapy.  The Marysville School District originally reached out to the Snohomish County Music project when looking for alternative therapy for children who have experienced trauma in their young lives. Music Therapy is now offered to many schools in the Marysville School District including, Marysville-Pilchuck, Quil Ceda Elementary, and Marysville Arts and Technology.



Quil Ceda Elementary student, Oliver walked into a spare room of his school’s library wearing a visibly huge smile. As he took his seat, Music Therapist Victoria Fansler handed him a stack of cards. Each card displayed a cartoon making facial expressions with the corresponding emotion (i.e. happy or sad) written in text beneath the cartoon face. As his instructor retrieved her guitar from its case, Oliver examined the cards. Once he picked two cards out of the deck, Victoria began strumming her guitar to an interactive welcoming song between teacher and student, pausing only for Oliver to respond to questions within Victoria’s lyrics. When her song reached the question ‘how are you feeling today?’ he revealed the cards he had chosen, excited, because he was in Music Therapy class and upset because his aunt postponed her visit with him until the weekend.

This warm-up exercise allows the student to express their emotions and presents them with the opportunity to explain why they are feeling those emotions. Victoria begins each of her sessions with this exercise as the majority of her students from the Marysville and Tulalip community happily sing along. At the end of each session she remixes the welcome song to recap the session and say ‘goodbye until next week’.

Tulalip Cares Charitable Contributions recently funded Victoria’s music therapy program through the Snohomish County Music Project. She is currently working full time in the Tulalip-Marysville community helping students work through traumatic life events by using music as an instrument of healing.

Countless studies have shown that music therapy has assisted many victims of trauma. While focusing on music individuals are able to relax, therefore reducing stress and anxiety levels. Music therapy provides an outlet for individuals to express their emotions creatively.

Victoria also provides services to the Betty J. Taylor Early Learning Academy once a week and works primarily with students who are currently, or have previously been, involved with Child Protective Services or beda?chelh.  In cases of neglect, children are sometimes unaware of social cues, such as facial expressions and vocal tones. For this reason, Victoria incorporates mirroring into her lesson plans, to help the children at the academy recognize emotions that others display.



In elementary schools, Victoria teaches the children how to express their emotions through music. Oliver, for example, is a huge Eminem fan. In his individual session Oliver wrote down and illustrated everything that makes him feel safe as well as his fears. While working on the assignment a Bluetooth speaker played a cover, performed by kid YouTube sensation Sparsh Shah, of Eminem’s ‘Not Afraid’. Oliver is familiar with the Eminem song and because of the tools music therapy has provided him, he was able to write his own lyrics to the track. Oliver said that those particular lyrics that he wrote are in memory of his little brother who passed away when they were both at a young age.

Aside from her acoustic guitar, Victoria uses a variety of instruments in her sessions including a melodica. The free-reed instrument is essentially a keyboard that requires users to blow air into it for sound output, much like a wind instrument.

“A lot of people suggest meditation and focused breathing for children with trauma, but I found that sometimes it can be hard trying to convince kids that sitting still and breathing quietly will help them feel better. The Melodica is really engaging, if you hold a long exhale breath it makes a really pleasant sound that lets you explore the keys and get creative while playing it. This helps build self-awareness so the kids can feel comfortable self-expressing musically and recognizing what tools they already have within themselves,” Victoria states.

Another instrument that assists with trauma recovery is the drum.  Victoria explains, “We use a lot of rhythm because we know, neurologically, what trauma does to the brain. For example, when we have a flashback and trauma is overtaking the mind and body, the part of the brain that tells you what time and place you’re in, basically shuts off. With rhythm and drumbeats it forces us to engage in the present moment, our brains can’t help but track how fast the beat is going. We call that entrainment. It keeps us from being stuck in the past with our traumatic memories and how they might make us feel. Through entrainment we help our clients realize that although a traumatic event occurred, it is in the past and it is not going to hijack their brain at any given moment anymore.”

The Snohomish Music Project offers a variety of programs countywide including music therapy services for infants, children, teens, Veterans suffering with posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as senior citizens suffering with memory-related illnesses. The non-profit’s headquarters is located at the Everett Mall and hosts live music performances weekly.  Since 2010 the Snohomish County Project, previously known as the Everett Symphony, has refocused their time and energy to help heal and strengthen communities.

“Rather than using music as tool to provide performances, we have transformed and provide a way to use music as a tool to help community members thrive and to help make impactful changes in the community. We are able to help individuals better themselves and they in turn become positive contributors to our community,” states Snohomish County Music Project Director, Vasheti Quiros.

Victoria is making a positive impact in the community through music therapy and because of its popularity and high demand, (she has over twenty kids on a waiting list at the early learning academy) Victoria hopes to expand her program and open services to the entire Tulalip community.  She currently is in talks with Youth Services about hiring youth of the community, with hopes of training them to become music therapists.

For additional information about the Snohomish County Music Project please visit their website www.scmusicproject.org

Change your life 15 minutes at a time

Wellness Wednesdays promote healthy eating and exercise


AnneCherise Jensen, Tulalip Family Haven Nutritionist, demonstrates how to make a simple and heathy apple fruit salad.


By Kim Kalliber, Tulalip News

Many people spend hours each day sitting at their computer for work or staring at their phones for entertainment. Now community members and Tulalip tribal employees can take a quick afternoon break to learn healthy recipes and tips for exercising.

Snap Ed Wellness Wednesdays kicked off February 15 with a cooking demonstration by AnneCherise Jensen, a nutritionist with Family Haven. Taking place at 2:00 p.m. in room 264 of the Administration Building, each demonstration offers hands-on learning.

Fresh fruit salad was on the menu for the first event. The easy to make salad consisted of four ingredients, though AnneCherise encourages everyone to add their own ingredients to personalize their meals.

Attendees not only learned a new recipe, but AnneCherise discussed the health benefits of each ingredient. Such as the difference between red and green apples (green have more nutrients but using both is always a good idea and adds more color) and that the skins should be left on to increase fiber intake. And did you know that Greek yogurt has less sugar and more protein than standard yogurt?

And of course, there’s the fun of tasting the finished product. It’s a good afternoon revitalizer where attendee input is encouraged.

Wellness Wednesdays will alternate each week between cooking and exercise demos. Exercises will include walking, yoga, dancing, cross fit and more.

No sign up is required. Simply join in, have fun and and learn healthy tips that just may change your life.

For information about Wellness Wednesdays, contact AnneCherise Jensen at ajensen@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov.