Press Release, Larry Nyland, Superintendent’s Office
The Marysville School Board was named Board of the Year at the Washington State School Directors (WSSDA) annual conference November 17th. “Marysville School Board received the honor of being named a Board of Distinction last year. Being named Board of the Year this year is certainly a tribute to our board and their focus on the district’s four year goals, mission and vision. Their commitment to student achievement has made a big difference for our students and our staff. Long term goals, along with board support and encouragement, allow schools to focus on student achievement,” says Superintendent Nyland.
Each year, WSSDA honors outstanding school boards that demonstrate understanding of their leadership role and follow through on their responsibilities, while showing concern for the educational excellence for all students.
The application process is based on the Washington Effective School Board Standards, which ask the boards to:
Show how their actions align with effective board governance practices;
Document their focus on educational excellence and equity for all students;
Identify how they create conditions for student and staff success; and
Share their commitment to continuous improvement and accountability.
Marysville was recognized as Washington board of the year for school districts of 9000 students or more.
Congratulations to Chris Nation, President, Wendy Fryberg, Vice President, and Directors Dr. Tom Albright, Cindy Erickson and Pete Lundberg.
TULALIP, Washington- Mentoring another person is one of the greatest gifts you could give them; there’s almost no better feeling in the world than to help another person accomplish their dreams. And to a child, having another caring adult in his or her life, someone who believes in them and supports them, can be life changing.
In recognizing the importance of mentoring in a child’s life, staff at Tulalip Tribes Youth Services is working to implement the 7th Generations Mentor Program, a program specifically designed for Native American youth and open to Tulalip tribal members age 10-17. And equally as impressive, out of 565 federally-recognized tribes in the United States, the Tulalip Tribes was chosen by the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention to be one of ten recipients of the 7th Generation Mentoring Grant, which is instrumental in funding this project.
“The goal of this program is to reach out to Native American youths and guide them towards healthy lifestyle choices and to build lasting relationships between tribal youth and caring adult mentors, through group and cultural activities and on-on-one mentoring,” said Saundra Wagner, Tribal Mentoring Specialist.
Youth Service’s staff is asking for volunteers, age 18 and above, from the community to serve as mentors. These mentors are required to have a current driver’s license and a background check will be done on each individual. Mentors will also participate in a two-hour training, designed for learning about relationship building. Mentors will learn how to build confidence in Native youth through affirmation of their skills and values and to help youth understand the tribal history, culture, and value systems that have guided their people for generations.
A good mentor–mentee relationship takes time to develop, and volunteers are asked to spend at least one hour a day, twice a month, with the youth. Mentors and kids will take part in fun activities like going to the movies, shooting hoops or just hanging out and talking, and to promote Native culture, workshops such as drum making will be available. Monthly meetings with staff, mentors and mentees will be held to discuss progress, future development and weekly activity suggestions, to help sustain and strengthen mutual mentoring relationships
“Research and evidence shows that developing a strong sense of cultural identity and pride for their heritage can motivate tribal youth to make positive life choices. Our goal is to enhance the cultural identities of our tribal youth in hopes for reducing risky behaviors,” said Saundra.
Still in the early stages of the mentor program, staff is working to fill their calendars with fun, educational and cultural workshops and outings for the youth, and is open to suggestions from parents and the community.
If you are interested in becoming a mentor or if you know of a young person that might benefit from this program, contact Saundra at
“I am really excited to have the opportunity to get this program going; to see a child’s confidence and behavior change because they have a bigger sense of belonging. These youths are our future as tribal leaders, mentors, and positive members of our community,” said Saundra.
Ben Lubbers faculty instructor for Northwest Indian College and Faculty advisor for the Student Wellness and Cultural Awareness Club presents the “River of Renewal” at the Hibulb Cultural Center.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle and academic achievement with the Student Wellness and Cultural Awareness Club
Article and photo Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington- Students and staff at Northwest Indian College (NWIC) Tulalip site are working to raise awareness about healthy living and cultural significance. A goal that led to the formation of the Student Wellness and Cultural Awareness Club (SWCA), which is essentially a support group open to all enrolled students of NWIC.
Members of SWCA believe that by educating fellow students and community members about the benefits of a nutritious diet, paired with keeping in tune with the Native American culture and current issues that Native Americans are facing, will benefit not only their physical and spiritual well-being, but will help in decision making about the impacts they have on the environment.
Though newly formed, the club has already shown steady progress in their endeavor. Students have planted and cultivated a garden at the NWIC Tulalip site, and plan to share the harvest of carrots, onions, sage, corn, tomatoes, peppers, and peas with the community. Encouraging attendance at the Tulalip Health Fair so students can learn the importance of maintaining routine health care check-ups is also on the agenda, as well as participating in cultural events around Tulalip. Drum making and other culturally relevant workshops are in the planning.
Club members are also reaching out to high school students, teaching the importance of a good education and attending college, while working to ensure that their own fellow students are getting the educational support they need.
“The main objective of SWCA is to provide students a safe environment and opportunity to learn and be able to practice their culture and instill in them it’s okay. We want to make sure that if they need help with homework that there’s a group of people they can go to make sure they get it done,” said Stephanie Spiering, student at the NIC Tulalip site.
Club members are asked to research films that focus on Native American political or environmental issues and share them with the community. On November 13th, members of SWCA presented a documentary film, “River of Renewal” at theTulalip Hibulb Cultural Center.
This film examines the water and wildlife crisis in the Klamath Basin, how the communities that harvest food from the basin suffered due to a lack of water to serve the needs of irrigation and fisheries alike, and how local tribes and community members came to a common ground, recognizing that economic revival could occur only if ecological vitality were restored. How leaders from different communities can work together to seek to seek a way beyond economic stagnation, and environmental disaster is the lesson that SWCA members wanted to share with the public.
“The film represents collaboration between stake holders to solve environmental conflicts and that gives us hope for the future with limited resources to work together and make sure that salmon, water, and other natural resources are shared and that tribal fishing rights are recognized, so we have enough resources for not only for tribes, but also to commercial fisherman, and farmers” said Ben Lubber, faculty instructor for Northwest Indian College and Faculty advisor for the Student Wellness and Cultural Awareness Club.
The HibulbCultureCenterwill be showing the film choices of SWCA quarterly. Please visit for a schedule of events. Visit for more information on the “River ofRenewal” documentary.
SWCA also hosts an open mic night, held at the Tulalip Administration Building every second Friday of the month, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Community members are invited to share in an evening of poetry, singing and comedy.
SWCA is non-profit organization accepting donations for plants, supplies for cultural projects, film events, and school supplies and all enrolled students at NWIC are encouraged to join in on the club’s bi-monthly meetings held at the Tulalip site at 1:00 p.m. For information on the Student Wellness and Cultural Awareness Club or to make a donation, contact Ben Lubbers at 425-870-0379 or visit The Northwest Indian College Tulalip site is located at7707 36th Ave NW,Tulalip,WA98271 .
Chery Neskahi Coan, Tulalip Legacy of Healing Advocacy Center and Safe House Senior Residential Aide.
Article and photo Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington- “One out of three native women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime,” said Cheryl Neskahi Coan, Senior Residential Aide for the Tulalip Legacy of Healing Advocacy Center and Safe House.
Staff at Tulalip Legacy of HealingAdvocacyCenterand Safe House is working to educate the community about domestic violence and put an end to the cycle of abuse. “ “In Her Shoes ~ Native Version”, is an interactive workshop designed to help people understand what victims face in every day life, and opened to the community on October 30th. This Native version workshop held at the Tulalip Administration Building, focused on acts of abuse based on real-life stories of Native American women. This workshop builds off of the “In Her Shoes, Economic Justice Edition” workshop offered on October 18th at Tulalip.
“I really enjoyed the workshop,” said tribal member Charlotte Jones. “It allows people to really see what it’s like to be in that situation. I think that being able to literally walk in their shoes and make decisions that they would face will allow people to have a little more insight and compassion to victims and also for the perpetrators. It’s hard to be a victim, but on the other side, we need to help the perpetrators, to make sure that they don’t victimize further.”
In cases of domestic violence against Native women is committed by non-native perpetrators are usually not prosecuted due to jurisdictional limits in tribal courts and this can lead to reoccurring abuse. Non-natives committing acts of domestic violence against Native American victims are not being held accountable for their actions.
“In Her Shoes ~ Native Version”, explores the real life experiences of Native women in various situations such as, in a same gender relationship, with a disabled partner, in a traditional marriage, and as a career woman. The workshop also addresses the victim’s issues of intimidation, coercion, power, and the control that the perpetrator uses over the victim.
Workshop facilitators also use a series of visual aids called the Native Maze Map: Navigating Systemic Response to Battering. Flow charts show how complex domestic violence is.
“We came together to bring our tribal community together. Our wish is to have community members understand what domestic violence and sexual assault is. There is so much of that happening within our tribal community and throughout all of Indian country. It’s an issue that all tribal communities need to address,” said Cheryl.
After the workshop, participants discussed their overall perception of the victims and the perpetrators and what the participants gained.
“I think this program is a great opportunity for not only women, but men to be more involved,” said tribal member Melissa Cavender. She followed up by saying it’s important to educate the youth about the issues and prevention.
For more information, call the Tulalip Legacy ofHealingAdvocacyCenterand Safe House at 360-716-4100, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. In case of after hours emergencies, call the Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County 24-hotline at 425-252-2873 or for immediate help, call the Tulalip Tribal Police at 360-716-4608. For information about “In Her Shoes ~ Native Version” created by “Mending the Scared Hoop” visit
Press Release, Jodi Runyon, Marysville School District Superintendent’s Office
For the second year in a row, Tulalip Tribes has made a significant gift to Marysville School District. This gift represents the continued partnership between Tulalip Tribes and Marysville School District. “Education is an important part of our future – the future of our students and the future of our community,” said Mel Sheldon, Chairman of Tulalip Tribes.
The previous gift from Tulalip Tribes paid for a district-wide middle school science adoption, district test reporting and provided additional support for Tulalip students. “That gift helped us keep the focus on instruction in spite of difficult budget cuts,” said Larry Nyland, Marysville Superintendent.
This gift provides extra support for district test reporting and for students at Quil Ceda and Tulalip Elementary, Totem Middle School and Heritage High School. The gift will also provide for smaller class sizes, staff training, and instructional support at those four schools.
Quil Ceda and Tulalip Elementary received national recognition this summer for their teamwork in improving student learning. They received second place recognition by Learning Forward at the national conference attended by 15,000 educators. The work being done at Quil Ceda and Tulalip resulted in the training of 33 additional teachers to help spread the work district-wide.
“Our partnership with Tulalip is helping us address the needs of Tulalip students. As a result, we are learning new strategies that will benefit students district-wide,” said Larry Nyland, school superintendent.
“We value the work that we are doing together and believe that this gift will help us continue good work for our young people,” said Mel Sheldon, Chairman of Tulalip Tribes.
Instructor Leila Goldsmith educates the participants through a program called “Stewards of Children”. This training is aimed to help prevent sexual child abuse from happeniing.
Article and photo by Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington – “Stewards of Children is an evidence-based program targeting adults to help give them tools to protect children from sexual abuse. It’s the only evidence-based program in the nation, which means its gone under a lot of research, over many years and has shown to be effective in preventing child sexual abuse,” said Leila K. Goldsmith, J.D., Child Advocacy Coordinator for Tulalip Legacy of Healing Children’s Advocacy Center.
The Stewards of Children, a new program available at Tulalip Legacy of Healing Children’s Advocacy Center, is designed to educate adults about sexual abuse, how to look for signs that your child may be targeted or a victim, and how to prevent it in children.
“I’m excited about giving community members and service providers’ tools to protect children,” explained Leila. “It’s meant to help to empower adults to know what actions they can take to protect children.”
Nearly 70 percent of all reported sexual assaults occur to children ages 17 and under. The lack of education and information puts these children at risk.
Programs like Stewards of Children equip participants with simple proactive steps in protecting children from sexual abuse. This effective program helps adults see signs beforehand and prevent abuse from happening, so children can live a happy life, a world free from fear and shame. Sexually abused children blame themselves and live in a world of secrecy. Without proper help these children are at much higher risk for future problems with violent crime, have higher rates of teen pregnancy, and are at much higher risk of substance abuse.
Adults participating in the Stewards of Children training program are introduced to concepts of consciousness, choice, personal power, and relentless compassion. These four tools become a part of their personal tool kit for protecting children.
The Stewards of Children program is offered to community members who are interested in protecting children in their community. Next training will be offered on November 30th, 12:00 noon – 2:30 p.m. at the Tulalip Legacy of Healing Children’s Advocacy Center conference room. Light refreshments will be served and please respect that the location of the training is considered a safe zone.
One-on-one training is also available by request. For appointments, information on future training or information about the program, contact Leila K. Goldsmith at the Tulalip Legacy of Healing Children’s Advocacy Centerat 360-716-4100. To report child abuse call 1-866-363-4276 or contact the care crisis line at 1-800-584-3578 if you need to talk to someone for help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
TULALIP, Washington – Parenting is a tough, often overwhelming job that takes a lot of skill and patience. It has been referred to as the toughest job for which we receive the least training. Mothers, expectant mothers, grandmothers, or any women who take care of children can benefit from extra support and encouragement – and they can find that much-needed support at Tulalip.
M.O.M.s (Making Opportunities for Mothers) is a support group for tribal and non-tribal females of all ages who are caregivers of children. The group meets every Tuesday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Tulalip beda?chelh conference room. There is no obligation or application process, it’s very simple, all you have to do is show up.
Designed to provide support for female caregivers, the group meets in a casual environment, where women feel safe enough to talk about their concerns and share their experiences with child rearing.
“Our focus of the group is to offer support,” emphasized Teri Wood, beda?chelh Child and Family Therapist. “It’s a place for female caregivers to come and talk about real life.”
M.O.M.s group coordinators, Teri and Tamara Brushert, Administrative Assistant for beda?chelh, encourage open discussion on subjects like self-care, safety, culture, and community, allowing participants to gain knowledge and skills that enhance positive parenting practices.
Other benefits of the M.O.M.s group include monthly guest speakers and a free home cooked meal. And to make it even more worry-free, children are welcome to attend with the caregivers supervision.
If you would like more information, please Tulalip beda?chelh at 360-716-3284.
Article by Jeannie Briones; photos courtesy Roger Vater, KANU TV
TULALIP, Washington – Tulalip KANU TV is delving into family programming. “WaposBay”, a wonderful family television series, had its first airing on November 5th on KANU TV Channel 99.
This award winning children’s animated show is an educational program for the entire family. Set in a fictitious Cree community in remote Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, the series follows the adventures of three children, ten -year-old T-Bear, 9-year Talon, and 6-year-old Raven, as they explore the world around them and experience extraordinary adventures while learning self-discovery with the help of their elders.
Through traditional ancestral teachings, children learn valuable life lessons about respect, cooperation and honesty. These teachings give kids a sense of growth and a moral compass that will equip them in decision-making in a fast-paced modern world filled with technology. Children will learn the importance of family and culture, while learning how to live in balance with the old ways and the new.
“WaposBay” airs daily at 8:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. For more information on this and other Tulalip KANU TV programs, visit
First Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer Paul Allen assisted his daughter Chloe at Totem Middle School
Article and photo by Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington – Ever wonder what it’s like to be a hero for a day? Ask any Watch D.O.G.S. volunteer, like Paul Allen. On October 25th, Paul, wearing his official Watch D.O.G.S. shirt and badge, greeted students at Marysville Totem Middle School as they arrived, officially kicking off the volunteer program that promotes male role models in schools.
Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is an innovative program created by the National Center for Fathering, which focuses on safety and education in schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father figures. On the day of their participation, Watch D.O.G.S. volunteers are given a short orientation with the school representative and are given a daily schedule of responsibilities.
“I think having a male role model is a positive influence that really helps the kids to see there are people who care about them,” said Paul. “I really want to make sure they are doing well in school and that the kids treat others with respect.”
Paul, a former Marysville Grove Elementary School, has witnessed a boost in morale and better behavior among the students, simply by having male role models on hand to bond with them.
Paul’s two daughters are used to their dad participating at school. His 7th grade daughter, Chloe, attends Marysville Totem Middle School, and likes when her dad volunteers for school activities.
“I glad that my dad helps kids that are struggling,” said Chloe Allen.
Paul spent his successful volunteer day assisting kids in the classroom, supervising during lunchtime, and monitoring kids for good behavior. Paul encourages other fathers to volunteer and to set a good example by being a role model, not only for their own kids, but for the entire student body.
Fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, uncles and male father figures are asked to spend at least one day at their student’s school volunteering. They will support the school by monitoring the school property, working with kids one-on-one or in small groups, reading, helping with homework, helping with sports, or whatever needs to be done to plant seeds of success in the lives of the students.
For information on volunteering, contact Marysville Totem Middle School at 360.653.0610. Learn more information about the Watch D.O.G.S. program by visiting
Elishia Stewart, tribal member and Manager of the Tulalip Legacy of Healing Advocacy Center and Safe House, introduced herself and the program she manages before the “In Her Shoe” workshop started.
Article and photo by Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington – Domestic Violence can happen to anyone. Victims of domestic violence usually turn to family and friends for help, so staff at the Tulalip Legacy ofHealingAdvocacyCenterand Safe House is working to educate the community about the realities of domestic violence, and teaching empathy rather than sympathy.
‘In Her Shoes’, a series of interactive workshops created by the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence (WSCADV), debuted at the TulalipAdministrativeBuildingthis month. These workshops are designed for learning about domestic violence through audience participation. Participants act out real life scenarios of battered women – essentially putting themselves in their shoes. The October 18th workshop, ‘In Her Shoes, Economic Justice Edition,’ focused on the added struggles that low-income battered women face and how the community can help bring justice to these survivors.
“‘In Her Shoes, Economic Justice Edition’ pays close attention to each one of these survivor’s stories and how finances and poverty impact their situation and create barriers that make them more unsafe and at risk,” said Traci Underwood, Program Coordinator for WSCADV.
During the workshop, participants stepped inside the victim’s world through an interactive exercise about life choices. Participants were given cards printed with a real story of a victim and abuser. These stories are unique and the victims in each share a similar background, involving a lack of money and resources. Through these cards, participants make “life choices” concerning school, housing, legal situations, social services, friends, etc. These choices send them in different directions in life to face the consequences.
“When you are walking through the interactive process, you learn what happens in a woman’s life with domestic violence,” said Elishia Stewart, tribal member and Manager of the Tulalip Legacy ofHealingAdvocacyCenterand Safe House.
During the workshop wrap-up session, audience feedback was followed by an open discussion period where workshop participants were given the opportunity to voice concerns and questions about domestic violence.
On October 30th, the second workshop in the series, will feature a Native twist, focusing on the struggles that pertain to Native American victims and their abusers.
For more information, call the Tulalip Legacy of Healing Advocacy Center and Safe House at 360-716-4100, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and more information about the “In Her Shoes” series, visit WSCADV at