7 Questions with John McCoy, Washington State Representative

Courtesy of John McCoy
Courtesy of John McCoy

Richard Walker, http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com – January 16, 2013

John McCoy, a citizen of the Tulalip Tribes in Tulalip, Washington, was elected November 6 to a sixth term in the Washington state House of Representatives. A Democrat, he represents the 38th District, which includes the Tulalip Tribes reservation, 40 miles north of Seattle.

He’s an important voice and a builder of bridges of understanding about the state’s First Peoples. The hallmark of his fifth term was a bill that establishes a procedure for states to cede jurisdiction over criminal and civil matters on tribal lands to federal and tribal governments. This year, he’s chairman of the Community Development, Housing and Tribal Affairs Committee; vice chairman of the Environment Committee; and member of the Education Committee.

He also is chairman of the executive committee of the National Caucus of Native American State Legislators; there are 79 Native legislators in 18 states. He is the former general manager of the Tulalip Tribes’ Quil Ceda Village.

McCoy, who along with Jeff Morris [D-Anacortes] are the only two self-identified American Indians in the state legislature, recently talked to Indian Country Today Media Network about his expectations for 2013.

Sales tax revenues are up, but overall revenues are nowhere near where we need them to be. Where’s the money going to come from to fully fund education and meet the state’s other needs without implementing a state income tax?

Everything is on the table. We’re discussing, right now, what can we accomplish as a legislative body and what items are we going to need to take to the voters of Washington. You know, the voters, they’ve sent a mixed message. They keep voting for the supermajority vote of two-thirds [of the Legislature] to pass any tax issue, but they turn around and tell them that they want all these services. Well, those services have to be paid for. So their message is we want all these services, but we don’t want to have to pay for it. There needs to be some reality set in with the voters, that if they want all these things they’ve got to pay for it because we can’t print money.

Will the Legislature be proposing some funding measures?

More than likely, I don’t know. Because of the makeup of the Senate now, we’re going to have to step back and review what we’ve been working on for the last year to figure out what we can and can’t do.

There are some brilliant young leaders in Indian country in Washington state. How do we get more Native people to run for state office and the Legislature?

I struggle with that almost every day. We need more bright young leaders. Because of the lack of resources, they in essence have had to stay home and take care of the community at home. But now that a majority of the tribes have resources, that they’re taking care of their own, now they need to understand that if they’re to be more successful, they’re going to have to start working with surrounding communities to accomplish things that they need to. In essence, we can’t live in a vacuum anymore, the vacuum of the reservation. You have to expand because you might say you’re outgrowing the reservation. If you’re going to outgrow it, then you have to work with surrounding communities. Standing around and thumping your chest over sovereignty – no, it’s the art of negotiation now: What is it that we can do to co-exist that is a win-win situation for everybody in the community. Tulalip’s done a pretty good job of that, but like everything else, it needs constant nurturing.

It seems too that if there were more Native people in the Legislature and mainstream politics, it probably would do a lot to improve the understanding of the culture and people as well. Wouldn’t it help build relationships?

Yes, I strongly believe that.

Was there anything that came out of the last session that gives you hope for the future, either in bipartisanship or the Legislature’s ability to work things out?

As horrible as last session was, I was able to get the retrocession process revamped. The previous process, which I used to take Tulalip through in ’96, that process was cumbersome. It was difficult to get through … I streamlined it. The first session of the biennium, there were all kinds of crazy things happening to that bill. I talked to the speaker, the majority leader, the governor. … The governor appointed a task force, which I chaired, and I convinced the Legislature to apply for and get that process qualified as a [Continuing Legal Education course], and they did.

We went through the education process, of what retrocession really is. We only needed three sessions [and] when we reintroduced the legislation, it sailed right on through. Again, it was about education, getting everyone to understand what retrocession really is – It’s Indians having jurisdiction over Indians within the boundaries of the reservation. Don’t read anything into it, that’s all it means.

What legislation of import do you see coming up in the next session?

I’m introducing a heavy lift bill to allow tribes to compact for their own tribal schools in the state. A heavy lift bill is a bill that is going to generate a lot of controversy. Once again, I have a lot of education to do.

How did that issue evolve?

A few tribes came to me and said they wanted it. They actually got excited about the charter school initiative, because they wanted their own schools. Well, the charter school process is cumbersome for tribes, not that it couldn’t work, it was just going to be cumbersome, and I had this bill in the works before the language for the initiative was done. The reason for the bill is that some tribes were successful in negotiating with their local school districts to create their own school which is actually in current law. The problem is, unilateral action can be taken and a couple tribes had their school districts tear up the memorandums unilaterally, so it undid everything that they had been working so hard on. So they wanted certainty. So, in working with the tribes and a couple of national organizations, we think we have a bill the tribes and the state can agree to. Another bill I’m working on which almost got passed in last session – it got caught up in the budget morass – is having the state recognize the fourth Friday of the month of November as Native American Day.

There really are 50 Eskimo words for ‘snow’

By David Robson, New Scientist, Washington Post

Anthropologist Franz Boas didn’t mean to spark a century-long argument. Traveling through the icy wastes of Baffin Island in northern Canada during the 1880s, Boas simply wanted to study the life of the local Inuit people, joining their sleigh rides, trading caribou skins and learning their folklore. As he wrote proudly to his fiancee, “I am now truly like an Eskimo. . . . I scarcely eat any European foodstuffs any longer but am living entirely on seal meat.” He was particularly intrigued by their language, noting the elaborate terms used to describe the frozen landscape: “aqilokoq” for “softly falling snow” and “piegnartoq” for “the snow [that is] good for driving sled,” to name just two.

Mentioning his observations in the introduction to his 1911 book “Handbook of American Indian Languages,” he ignited the claim that Eskimos have dozens, or even hundreds, of words for snow. Although the idea continues to capture public imagination, most linguists considered it an urban legend, born of sloppy scholarship and journalistic exaggeration. Some have even gone as far as to name it the Great Eskimo Vocabulary Hoax. The latest evidence, however, suggests that Boas was right all along.

This debate has rumbled on partly because of a grammatical peculiarity of the Eskimo family of languages. Boas studied Inuit, one of the two main branches; the other is Yupik. Each has spawned many dialects, but uniting the family is a feature known as polysynthesis, which allows speakers to encode a huge amount of information in one word by plugging various suffixes onto a base word.

For example, a single term might encompass a whole sentence in English: In Siberian Yupik, the base “angyagh” (boat) becomes “angyaghllangyugtuqlu” to mean “what’s more, he wants a bigger boat.” This makes compiling dictionaries particularly difficult: Do two terms that use the same base but a different ending really represent two common idioms within a language, or is the difference simply a speaker’s descriptive flourish? Both are possible, and vocabulary lists could quickly snowball if an outsider were to confuse the two — a criticism often leveled at Boas and his disciples.

Yet Igor Krupnik, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center in Washington, believes that Boas was careful to include only words representing meaningful distinctions. Taking the same care with their own work, Krupnik and others charted the vocabulary of about 10 Inuit and Yupik dialects and concluded that they indeed have many more words for snow than English does.

Central Siberian Yupik has 40 such terms, while the Inuit dialect spoken in Canada’s Nunavik region has at least 53, including “matsaaruti,” for wet snow that can be used to ice a sleigh’s runners, and “pukak,” for the crystalline powder snow that looks like salt.

For many of these dialects, the vocabulary associated with sea ice is even richer. In the Inupiaq dialect of Wales, Alaska, Krupnik documented about 70 terms for ice that mark such distinctions as: “utuqaq,” ice that lasts year after year; “siguliaksraq,” the patchwork layer of crystals that forms as the sea begins to freeze; and “auniq,” ice that is filled with holes, like Swiss cheese.



Building Bridges: January 2013 Outlook Column – Diversity

“Building Bridges” is the first in a new series of monthly columns to appear in the North County Outlook and written in rotation by leaders of the City of Marysville, Tulalip Tribes and Marysville School District. The purpose of these columns is to highlight various facets of successful partnerships that have become a hallmark of relations between our governments and respective communities, for the mutual benefit of all. Our sincere thanks to the North County Outlook and Editor Beckye Randall for graciously agreeing to provide us with this great platform for sharing our stories with the public.

 A growing community such as Marysville that looks to pride itself on being a welcoming, more prosperous and livable city, is one that learns to celebrate our differences and leverage them to become our strengths.

I established the City of Marysville Diversity Advisory Committee, now into its third year, to build on that ideal. The Committee advises me on policy matters involving the community’s cultural and ethnic differences, and prioritizes issues concerning diversity and inclusion to ensure that the diverse character of our city is represented in decision-making processes.

Marysville has a lot to gain by becoming a more diverse, inclusive community that values diversity. In our community and business partnerships, and outreach with citizens, we recognize that diversity is an asset essential for innovation. It is more than just the right thing to do; diversity will enrich our community.

Both Tulalip Tribes and Marysville School District have been key partners in this endeavor, and they have provided their wisdom, key staff members and resources to the Committee since day one. In addition to the Tribes and District, the Committee is composed of community leaders from various ethnic populations, advocates for people with physical or mental differences, the business community, churches and location organization. I am indebted to the Committee for its tireless work and to the excellent support that is receives.

Bringing these diverse voices to the table is helping to ensure that as more people from ethnic populations and people with disabilities become active in positions of community leadership at levels more reflective of our broader population, the greater community will view these diverse populations as respected, valued members of the community. Committee Chair Marvetta Toler was a catalyst for making this Committee a reality, and her leadership has been indispensible, culminating in her nomination as first recipient of my Leader in Diversity Award in 2012.

Marysville is a growingly diverse community. Two major social-economic forces have changed the face of the Marysville area for the better. The influx of sailors and families stationed at Naval Station Everett have added a diverse character to the community, and the economic revival of the Tulalip Tribes and strong partnership the City and the Tribes have forged has laid a foundation for prosperity for both communities

Additionally, we have seen increases in our Hispanic, African-American and Russian/Ukraine communities, as evidenced in 2010 Census data. For illustrative purposes, consider that Marysville’s Hispanic and Latino population increased rapidly from 1,222 in 2000 to 6,178 in 2010 or as a percentage, from 4:8% of Marysville population in 2000 to 10.3% in 2010.

All too often, building an inclusive community does not emerge as a priority until a negative incident or series of problems erupts that require response from the City, resulting in time spent undoing damage and building community. That wasn’t the case in Marysville. We took a proactive approach, confident that a handful of key community leaders would step up and work together to bring the rest of the community along.

Committee members spent a year developing a vision and mission, and zeroing in on areas where they believed diversity actions could have the most impact. Beyond government and education, they chose business/workforce, outreach and engagement, arts and culture, partnerships with community stakeholders, law and justice, and children and families.

The Committee’s activities culminated in January 2012 with a Diversity Two-Year Work Plan. This thought-provoking document serves as a set of priorities, goals and recommendations designed to educate, enrich, promote, strengthen and enhance the social fabric of Marysville, and keep the inclusiveness dialogue going.  Here are a few of their achievements, and projects in the works:

  • Added a prominently displayed translation tool on our city website.
  • Developed brochures about the Diversity Committee’s work in English, Spanish and Russian/Ukraine.
  • Delivering 20-minute community outreach diversity presentations to various groups, and seeking out other groups to present the message.
  • Participating in roundtable Race Conversations through the School District Superintendant’s diversity work via the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
  • City airing blocks of daily Native American programming provided by the Tulalip Tribes and shown regularly on our community cable access channels.
  • Working with Leadership Snohomish County to produce a diversity video.
  • Exploring the concept for a multicultural fair to be held in September in Comeford Park, and working jointly with the Marysville Arts Coalition to develop a Diversity Arts Contest tied into the fair.

Our vision is that Marysville will be a welcoming and inclusive community that recognizes and honors diversity and is free from prejudice, harassment, bigotry and hate; strives to achieve equality of opportunities for all residents, and creates a harmonious environment.

The City of Marysville, working with Tribes, School District and other key partners, is committed to being a community that takes pride in our ethnic diversity, creates an environment where differences are valued, and builds on the sense of belonging and quality of life we have come to share.



Indian Education Parent Committee meeting, Jan 16

The Indian Education Parent Committee meeting will be held tomorrow evening in the 1st Floor Training Room of the Tulalip Administration Buildin, beginning with a light dinner at 5:00 p.m.

A brief tentative agenda is as follows, there will be a full agenda at the meeting:

I.  Announcements: Liaison/Advocate School Reports

II.  Superintendent Search Process – Chris Nation, Wendy Fryberg and Wayne Robertson

Parents are encouraged to attendIndian Education Meeting

Regional burn bans called to protect public health

Puget Sound Clean Air Agency

Burn bans in effect in King, Pierce, Snohomish

SEATTLE, WA – To protect the public from unhealthy levels of air pollution, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency has issued burn bans for King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. The bans are designed to reduce public exposure to harmful wood smoke pollution from indoor and outdoor burning.

Wood smoke is a growing health concern nationally and increasing attention is paid to the health impacts from short- and long-term exposure to the fine particles and other pollutants it contains. Recent studies have tied wood smoke exposure to health effects such as aggravated asthma, increased heart attacks, acute bronchitis and chronic lung disease.

Locally, high levels of wood smoke pollution violate the federal Clean Air Act in the greater Tacoma area. Within this area, known as the Tacoma-Pierce County Smoke Reduction Zone, the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency is implementing robust new enforcement and assistance programs recommended by the community to clean up the air.

Fine particle pollution levels are monitored daily by the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency at more than a dozen locations in four counties, including three sites inside the Smoke Reduction Zone. The figure below shows daily accumulation of fine particles as measured by a device known as a “Federal Reference Method sampler.” The sampler inhales approximately twice as much air as the average adult over the course of a 24-hour period.

Burn ban
Burn ban24-hour fine particle pollution build-up on air quality filters (from left to right): 1) new filter; 2) good air quality; 3) air quality deemed “unhealthy for sensitive groups” (i.e., burn ban conditions).


The “Stage 2” burn ban will remain in effect as long as air quality conditions remain poor. Until then, no burning is allowed in any wood-burning fireplaces, stoves or fireplace inserts. Use of pellet stoves and all outdoor burning is also prohibited.

Residents should instead temporarily rely on their home’s non-wood source of heat.

Updated air quality information and current burn ban status are available through the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency at www.pscleanair.org or (800)552-3565.

Burn ban lowered to Stage 1 for King, Pierce and Snohomish counties

Source: Puget Sound Clean Air Agency


Please rely on your home’s cleaner source of heat until air quality improves.

The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency is lowering the air quality burn ban to a Stage 1 in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties effective at 1 PM on January 15, 2013. The ban remains in effect until further notice.

“Air pollution levels throughout the region have dropped, likely due to clouds and warmer temperatures,” said Dr. Phil Swartzendruber, agency forecaster. “The drop in pollution could also be due to the help of our communities following the burn ban.”

Dr. Swartzendruber added, “Calm, cold, and clear weather conditions are likely to continue over the next few days, so ongoing cooperation with the burn ban will help keep our air healthy.”

The Clean Air Agency will continue to closely monitor the air quality and weather situation.

During a Stage 1 burn ban:

  • No burning is allowed in fireplaces or uncertified wood stoves. Residents should rely instead on their home’s other, cleaner source of heat (such as their furnace or electric baseboard heaters) for a few days until air quality improves, the public health risk diminishes and the ban is cancelled.
  • No outdoor fires are allowed. This includes recreational fires such as bonfires, campfires and the use of fire pits and chimineas.
  • Burn ban violations are subject to a $1,000 penalty.

It is OK to use natural gas, propane, pellet and EPA-certified wood stoves or inserts during a Stage 1 burn ban.

The Washington State Department of Health recommends that people who are sensitive to air pollution limit time spent outdoors, especially when exercising. Air pollution can trigger asthma attacks, cause difficulty breathing, and make lung and heart problems worse. Air pollution is especially harmful to people with lung and heart problems, people with diabetes, children, and older adults (over age 65).


Tulalip Diabetes Day, Jan 16

Tulalip Diabetes DayProviding culturally sensitive diabetes health care to promote the overall well-being of our people

Join the Karen I Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic staff on Wednesday, January 16 for Diabetes Day 2013.

The event is schedule for 9:20 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and will being 8:00 a.m. with an opening prayer and song. Lunch will be served at noon.

Clinic staff will be offering comprehensive Diabetic Services for all Tulalip Tribal members and authorized patients of the Karen I Fryberg Tulalip Health Clinic.


United Way free tax preparation site in Marysville opens Jan. 22

United Way of Snohomish County, www.uwsc.org

(Marysville, WA) – Last year, volunteers at the free tax preparation center organized by United Way of Snohomish County helped 347 customers file their taxes and brought back $516,974 in refunds. That money gave a boost to the local economy, built up savings and helped people pay off credit card debt.

This year, the free tax preparation center in Marysville will be located at Goodwill’s Marysville Job Training and Education Center on 9315 State Ave. The site will be open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3.pm from January 22 to April 15.

This service is available for households earning $51,000 or less.

The Marysville site is one of six sites being opened by United Way throughout Snohomish County. The others will be in Everett, Lynnwood and Monroe. All of the sites will be staffed by United Way volunteer tax preparers.

In 2012, 2,511 Snohomish County working families had their taxes prepared for free at a United Way Tax Preparation Site, saving an estimated $414,315 in tax preparation fees. United Way customers had an average refund of $1,700, which amounted to nearly $4.28 million in refunds (including $1.25 million in Earned Income Tax Credits).

Over the past six years, United Way volunteers have prepared 9,181 tax returns worth more than $15 million in refunds for Snohomish County working families.

This year’s sponsors and partners include The Boeing Company, the Washington State Department of Commerce, Moss Adams, LLP, Goodwill, the Walmart Foundation, and the Internal Revenue Service.

What You Should Bring

Although no appointment is necessary, people should bring a picture ID; social security card or tax identification number for everyone on the return; W2s or other income statements from all employers, any 1099 forms; the name, address and tax ID number for your child care provider; records of student loan payments; record of payments for educational expenses such as college tuition; mortgage interest and property tax statements; a bank account number to receive your refund via direct deposit; last year’s tax return – if you have it; and if you’re filing jointly, both spouses must be present to file electronically.

For more information, please visit http://www.uwsc.org/freetaxpreparationcampaign.php or call 2-1-1 for information and referrals.


Cantwell Names Indian Affairs Committee Staff Director

U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Incoming U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Chairwoman Maria Cantwell (D-WA) announced Friday that Mary J. Pavel will serve as Staff Director for the committee in the 113th Congress.
Pavel, a member of the Skokomish Tribe of the state of Washington, is an expert on Tribal law and policy. A graduate of Dartmouth College and the University of Washington School of Law, Pavel became one of the first Native American women to be made a partner in a National Indian Law Firm. She joined Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson & Perry in 1992 and became a partner in January 1999.
Pavel is the Founding President of the Native American Bar Association of Washington, D.C., and is a member of both the Washington State Bar Association and the District of Columbia Bar Association.
“Mary is well-known as one of the best and sharpest policy experts in Native American and Alaska Native policy and law,” Cantwell said. “Mary grew up in Washington state and understands the diverse issues facing Tribes in the Pacific Northwest and across the country. I look forward to working with Mary to improve economic opportunity, strengthen education and increase access to health care for all of Indian Country. With Mary on board, I am confident that the Senate Indian Affairs Committee is ready to tackle tough issues and make significant progress for Tribes.”