The Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI) is reopening in its new location on the weekend before the New Year. The new location is at Lake Union Park within a restored facility which offers 50,000 square feet of exhibit space.
The two permanent exhibits comprise of, True Northwest: The Seattle Journey which features thousands of artifacts and images which tell the regions history and Waterways to the World a maritime gallery with artifacts from the MOHAI and Puget Sound Maritime Historical Society. The two temporary exhibits will on display are; Celluloid Seattle, examines Seattle’s relationship with film and how it has developed over history on display till Sept 8th, 2013 and Punctum/Poetry, will help bring to life MOHAI’s historic photo collection through poetry and spoken word produced by Seattle high school students and will be on display till May 27th, 2013.
Exhibits soon to come are; Still Afloat, Seattle’s Floating Homes and The Center for Innovation an exploration and showcase of the region’s history of innovation.
The MOHAI is located at:
860 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109
Hours of Operation:
Open daily from 10am to 5pm and Thursdays 10am to 5pm, except Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Admission prices:
Free for youth, 14 and under (with adult)
$14 for adults
$12 for seniors (65 and older), Students and Military
Admission is free the first Thursday of every month.
For inquiries please either visit their site MOHAI or call at 206-324-1126
The question on many minds of the residents in the Snohomish county; is Paine Field going to have commercial flights? On December 4th the FAA announced that they found no significant impact that would prevent Paine Field from taking on commercial flights.
In 2008, studies began to assess whether Paine Field would be able to support commercial flights. The study was so extensive it assessed the effect it would have until the year 2018 on subjects from noise to the economy. The Washington State Department of Transportation did an Economic Impact Study and estimated that the potential of commercialized flights at Paine Field would directly and indirectly produce 65,430 jobs and $5.5 billion in income.
Tulalip Tribes, along with other nearby tribes, were notified of Paine Field’s intention of establishing commercial flights and asked if they had any concerns they would like to address. The Tribes were assured if during construction for a new runway that any cultural findings came about further construction would be halted, but that the land intended for construction was “pre-disturbed land”.
Airlines interested include Allegiant Air and Horizon Air. The planes would seat 75 – 150 and would land and depart only a few times an hour. Before they can take on commercial flights parking will need to be expanded and another runway built. The Environmental Assessment found that air quality, noise levels, traffic would not be reason for concern.
Release Date: 12/21/2012
Contact Information: Jennah Durant or Austin Vela, 214-665-2200 or
(DALLAS – December 21, 2012) The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded the Comanche Tribe of Oklahoma $65,000 to provide continued support for the tribe’s water pollution control program. The funds will be used to take samples to assess surface water quality on tribal lands, compile data which may show changes over time and determine if a more thorough watershed management program is needed. Sampling data will determine whether water quality standards are being met, note any changes in the quality or condition of the tribe’s water, and provide planning tools to improve the function and health of stream ecosystems.
The mission of the EPA is to protect public health and the environment. The EPA supports efforts to improve the quality of tribal land watersheds. This cooperative spirit supports work to protect water quality that ensures the health of watersheds that cross state and tribal boundaries.
As our nation prepares to begin the New Year, the U.S. Census Bureau today projected that on Jan. 1, 2013, the total United States population will be 315,091,138. This represents an increase of 2,272,462, or 0.73 percent, from New Year’s Day 2012 and an increase of 6,343,630, or 2.05 percent, since the most recent Census Day (April 1, 2010).
In January 2013, one birth is expected to occur every eight seconds in the United States and one death every 12 seconds.
Chief Theresa Spence of the Attawapiskat First Nation in Ontario has vowed to die unless Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General David Johnston to discuss the needed respect for aboriginal treaties which pertain to their housing, food and education. A four day fast has been called to honor Chief Spence who is now in her 17th day of her hunger strike.
People across North America are being asked to pray for Chief Spence and Canadian Prime Minister Harper that he “open his eyes and heart”. They have been asked to join her in a four day fast to show support. The fast will begin today December 27 and run to December 31.
Chief Spence will end her hunger strike if her request to meet with Canadian governmental officials is granted. No meeting has been granted or arranged at this time.
Idle No More began with 4 women, Nina Wilson, Sheelah Mclean, Sylvia McAdam and Jessica Gordon, sharing a vision of bringing together all people to ensure we create ways of protecting Mother Earth, her lands, waters and people. The women began discussing the possible impacts that some of the legislation would carry if people do not do something. It became very evident that the women MUST do something about the colonial, unilateral and paternalistic legislation being pushed through the Government of Canada’s parliamentary system. They began with a piece of legislation called Bill C-45 which attacked the land base reserved for Indigenous people.
The women decided that they would call a rally to inform the public that this bill intended to, without consent give the minister of indian affairs power to surrender the lands reserved. They felt that this would ultimately make room for oil, nuclear and gas industries to tear up the land for profit. From this rally they also informed the public on other legislation that affected and ignored the treaties made with the crown but also the waters, land and people that it would impact in very harmful ways.
The women then helped other communities to coordinate efforts to hold similar rallies with the same goal in mind – Stand up and speak up against undemocratic and internationally illegal government acts. These rallies took place all across the country.
The women seen that there were many other communities that needed to come together in an act solidarity and resurgence to assert their inherent rights as a sovereign Nation, thus The National Day of Solidarity and Resurgence was called for December 10, 2012. This was an enormous event that never in history seen many nations and diverse groups of people come together. These events and acts have continued to grow and from the talk of grassroots has no intention of slowing down. The group called Idle No More have witnessed these events spreading out internationally within the united states as well as the United Kingdom sharing in helping to support our cause of opposing the government’s actions as well as support to asserting our Nationhood.
The women will continue and remain in a position to have the grassroots voices be heard by;
Supporting and encouraging grassroots to create their own forums to learn more about Indigenous rights and our responsibilities to our Nationhood via teach-ins, rallies and social media.
Build relationships and create understanding with allies across Canada.
Take steps to contribute to building relationships with international agencies such as the UN to raise awareness to the conditions Indigenous people have been subjected to and assert our sovereignty in the international arena.
Acknowledge and honor the hard work of all grassroots people who have worked, and continue to work towards these goals. They are the inspiration for IDLE NO MORE
Idle No More calls on all people to join in a revolution which honors and fulfills Indigenous sovereignty which protects the land and water. Colonization continues through attacks to Indigenous rights and damage to the land and water. We must repair these violations, live the spirit and intent of the treaty relationship, work towards justice in action, and protect Mother Earth. On December 10th, Indigenous people and allies stood in solidarity across Canada to assert Indigenous sovereignty and begin the work towards sustainable, renewable development. All people will be affected by the continued damage to the land and water and we welcome Indigenous and non-Indigenous allies to join in creating healthy sustainable communities. We encourage youth to become engaged in this movement as you are the leaders of our future. There have always been individuals and groups who have been working towards these goals – Idle No More seeks to create solidarity and further support these goals. We recognize that there may be backlash, and encourage people to stay strong and united in spirit.
We contend that:
The Treaties are nation to nation agreements between Canada and
First Nations who are sovereign nations. The Treaties are agreements that cannot be altered or broken by one side of the two Nations. The spirit and intent of the Treaty agreements meant that First Nations peoples would share the land, but retain their inherent rights to lands and resources. Instead, First Nations have experienced a history of colonization which has resulted in outstanding land claims, lack of resources and unequal funding for services such as education and housing. We contend that:
Canada has become one of the wealthiest countries in the world by using the land and resources. Canadian mining, logging, oil and fishing companies are the most powerful in the world due to land and resources. Some of the poorest First Nations communities (such as Attawapiskat) have mines or other developments on their land but do not get a share o…
f the profit. The taking of resources has left many lands and waters poisoned – the animals and plants are dying in many areas in Canada. We cannot live without the land and water. We have laws older than this colonial government about how to live with the land. We contend that:
Currently, this government is trying to pass many laws so that reserve lands can also be bought and sold by big companies to get profit from resources. They are promising to share this time…Why would these promises be different from past promises? We will be left with nothing but poisoned water, land and air. This is an attempt to take away sovereignty and the inherent right to land and resources from First Nations peoples. We contend that:
There are many examples of other countries moving towards sustainability, and we must demand sustainable development as well. We believe in healthy, just, equitable and sustainable communities and have a vision and plan of how to build them.
Please join us in creating this vision.
Response to Legislation
Idle No More calls on all people to continue to oppose and reject all imposed legislation originating from the federal government. The unilateral imposition of these Bills is in direct violation of the Treaties and the Treaty relationship that the Original peoples of Turtle Island made with the British Crown. Indigenous peoples and nations have not been consulted and therefore, the actions taken by the federal government does not reflect the international standard of Free Prior and Informed consent. The continued imposition of federal legislation on Indigenous peoples and governments’ is not in line with the legal principles of “acting in good faith” and maintaining the “honour of the Crown”. There are many nations taking action(s) to reflect acts of Indigenous nationhood, sovereignty and jurisdiction in response to the passing of legislation such as Bill C-45 and we must continue on this path. When we stand strong and believe in our ways and assert acts of Nationhood, it does not matter what amount of legislation the federal government introduces or passes because it is not with our consent and therefore, is not applicable. Stand strong and believe in the spirit and intent of our Treaties as that’s what our ancestors are calling us to do.
We must continue to assert acts of nationhood premised on ancient ways and teachings that were given to us in our original instructions by Creator when we were placed here on Turtle Island. We encourage people to advocate for our Mother (the land), the Water (giver of life) and those generations that have yet to come. We must keep that warrior spirit alive and continue the advocacy efforts as there are other Bills in parliament and our energies must be directed towards fighting against them. We will continue to rise up and make our presence known across Turtle Island, the land that is rightfully ours as Creator put us here. Stand Up and Rise UP – this Fight is NOT Over. We need you all in this – we shall PERSEVERE!
Denney Juvenile Justice Center will begin new program that will benefit youths within the county’s At-Risk Youth and Juvenile Offender Drug Treatment court. With the $10,000 grant from Tulalip’s Charitable Donations Program, Denney is using the funds to train juvenile justice workers and create activities for the youth to become engaged in activities which are positive and create a place where youths will feel safe to discuss issues that are troubling them.
The youths in the program will be separated by gender which will give them a chance to talk with justice workers about specific topics which they might have otherwise hesitated talking about. The first open group will be made available to teenage girls, then boys and then possibly to all youth within the Denney Juvenile Justice Center. Parents are encouraged to attend and become involved in the activities arranged.
The idea of the program is to engage the youths into talking about what is hindering their recovery from drug abuse. By expanding their involvement in positive activities and build relationships with parents, youths will be more capable of overcoming issues which have caused them to abuse drugs.
Kids at Tulalip Montessori School sing Happy Birthday to Tribal member Christian Aviles.
By Jeannie Briones
Don’t you sometimes wish that you could go to work or school in your pajamas? Well that’s exactly what staff and students at Tulalip’s Montessori school did on December 19th, to celebrate their last day of class before winter break.
Adding to the day’s excitement, the snuggly pajama-clad group celebrated the 3rd birthday of student Christian Aviles. After a festive rendition of Happy Birthday had been sung in his honor, Christian blew out three candles on his cake and shared his favorite cookies, that he brought for everyone to enjoy.
Tulalip Tribal members, William McLean III, Tisha McLean, and Angela Davis show their support at the Walk Against Tobacco and Drugs.
Article and photos by Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington – Tulalip Tribal members and community members joined together on December 19th for a walk to honor loved ones lost to tobacco and drug-related illness and to support the many efforts taking place to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, and raise awareness of the health impacts of using drugs.
The first annual “Walk Against Tobacco and Drugs, ” organized by Tulalip Tribal member Tisha McLean and friends, began at the Tulalip Longhouse and spanned almost 2 miles, finishing at the Northwest Indian College Tulalip site. Despite the cold and rain, people showed their support, sending the message that they care about each other and share in the common goal of saying no to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
“I am walking, in part, for my son who is an addict. He has the same problem as a lot of tribal members. I am a spiritual person and our ancestors are walking with us and they’re thankful that somebody’s paying attention to the problem we have. It doesn’t have to be leaders; it has to be our community, our kids that are here today. Tobacco is the leading killer, it tops alcohol and drugs,” said Tulalip Tribal Board Member, Marlin Fryberg.
“It’s truly an epidemic. We all care so much for everybody in our community and want to help everyone,” echoed Tulalip Tribal Board Member, Mark Hatch.
Halfway through the walk, community members where greeted by the Tulalip Police Department, who rallied together to show their support, offering warm beverages.
Wrapping up the event at Northwest Indian College, participants took in a visual display, created by Tulalip police officers, outlining the dangers of addiction. Community members also enjoyed a light lunch, while sharing stories of family members and friends who are addicted to drugs, and the affects this has on their loved ones.
“I have dealt with it my entire life. My parents were addicts, my dad got better, but my mom is still an addict. And I have siblings that followed in their footsteps,” said Tisha, who went on to say that tribal members need to take the first step in wanting help and that people such as herself want to help them embrace a healthy lifestyle and say “no” to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use.
Tulalip Tribal member Charlotte Jones has steady work, thanks to the tribe’s Job Placement Program.
Article and photo by Jeannie Briones
TULALIP, Washington – Many Native Americans who reside on the Tulalip reservation live below the poverty level. While homelessness and unemployment are still common on the reservation, help can be found at the Tulalip 477 Department, where staff is working to enhance the lives of tribal members, and increase employment opportunities.
477 is an employment, education, training and welfare program for federally recognized tribes to address economic and workforce needs in their communities. According to Tulalip’s 477 mission statement, they are seeking to empower unemployed and underemployed community tribal members; to provide a one-stop for support services; job coaching and like skill workshops that will uplift; and bring tribal members to a level of success.
Incorporating federal resources from the Department of the Interior, the Department of Labor and Health and Human Services into a comprehensive employment, education and training program, staff is working to increase tribal member’s success in the job market and gain independence, not only for them, but also for future generations. Other benefits to this support service may include financial assistance for work-related items like gas vouchers, car repair, tools and clothes.
The Tribal Job Placement Program, available through the 477 Department, offers assistance to help tribal members gain the skills for full-time employment and overcome the obstacles that may be holding them back. Some of these obstacles include the lack of a driver’s license, high school diploma or GED. In this program, case managers work closely with participants, offering positive reinforcement and creating plans for obtaining their goals and overcoming their barriers.
“We take them in and assess them to see what their barriers are. Let’s say their barriers include not having a GED. We create a plan with them and write up expectations in their plan, and they will be required to go to GED classes. If they can work, we will network with other tribal entities or departments,” explained Shirley “Dodie” Jones, Adult Service Grants Coordinator Supervisor.
Case managers offer additional support by attending their client’s interviews to help smooth the hiring process and ease their interview jitters.
Once participants are placed in a job, their wages are paid through the Job Placement Program, while they work to fulfill their goals and complete their obligations. Once these obligations are met, applicants may either remain in their current employment position or use their newly gained skills to apply elsewhere.
One success story comes from Charlotte Jones, who for the past three months has been working for Social Services through the Job Placement Program.
“When I came here [to the program], I felt like I had so many things I had to complete and I felt like I was never going to be done with my obstacles. I found someone here to listen and help, and not judge me. I have someone that stands behind me to make sure I am treated fairly,” said Charlotte. “If I didn’t get on the program, I don’t know where I would be. Everything I am doing is to get my life back on track.”
The Tulalip 477 Program is currently undergoing some changes. More training classes will offered, such as cash handling, computer training and work ethics, so participants can gain a better insight of what to expect in the workforce.
Depending on the applicant’s situation and qualifications, case managers may also outsource trainings that are offered at the Goodwill, Volunteers of America, Salvation Army and other outside services.
“We try to find job placement if we think they are ready. We will work to their schedule because we really want to get people placed in jobs,” said Shirley. “If they don’t get a livable wage job, they’re going back to poverty, and what do people do if they can’t pay their bills or buy food for their kids? Most of the time they start drinking or doing drugs.”
For more information, or to find out if you qualify for the 477 programs, email Shirley “Dodie” Jones at