Providence partners with Tulalip Tribes to offer support to tribal members during medical care

Article by Monica Brown, photos by Brandi N. Montreuil

Tulalip Community RoomTULALIP, Wash.- Recently Providence Medical Center and Tulalip Tribes have been strengthening their relationship so that both may benefit; staff at Providence will have more knowledge about what tribal member’s needs are in times of crisis and tribal members will feel more at ease while in the their care.

The old surgery waiting room has been remolded and is designed to accommodate traditional practices when tribal members are hospitalized.   The new room called the Tulalip Community Room has been set-aside for tribal members to use and features a variety of sitting areas, a TV, phone, a small kitchenette, a computer with Internet access. The room also features elegantly carved art pieces by James Madison and Joe Gobin that decorate the walls,Tulalip Community Room and a large timeline of Tulalip Tribes history welcomes visitors as they walk in.

Tulalip Community Room is designed to provide comfort and privacy for family members and space to accommodate large gatherings.

“Especially in crisis time, all of our friends and family want to be there to give them [each other] a handshake, a hug. That’s how we are during crisis,” stated Don about the larger and quieter rooms.

Tribal member Dale Jones reads the Tulalip Tribes Past & Present timeline piece.
Tribal member Dale Jones reads the Tulalip Tribes Past & Present timeline piece.

Providence and Tulalip plan to meet every six months in order to address any underlying issues that may occur while tribal members are hospitalized.

“You’re an important and special part of our community,” said CEO of Providence Medical Center David Brooks. “I appreciate meeting here today and having open communications.”


Monica Brown: 360-716-4189;

Help Break Guinness World Record for Largest Snowball Fight

Seattle is attempting to break the record for the World’s Largest Snowball Fight which is officially held by the Republic of Korea at 5,387 participants.

The Snowball fight will be held at the Seattle Center January 12th 2013. Tickets are $25 per person and all proceeds will benefit the Boys and Girls Club of King County. Participants must be at least 18 years of age or older. Photo ID will be required for entry.

So much Snow and so many people

162,000 lbs. of snow, enough to fill 34 dump trucks.

6,000+ people building forts and participating in the world record.

12 bars and pubs in lower Queen Anne will be offering discounted Snow Day drink and food specials. Click here and visit “Pub Crawl” for the complete bar listing.



12:00pm – Registration opens at Seattle Center

1:00pm — Snow Fort and Snow Castle competition begins

4:30pm — Snow Fort and Snow Castle winners announced

5:00pm — World’s largest snowball fight

5:30pm — Guinness World Record presentation

6:00pm — Pub crawl and war stories!

Snow Fort Competition – Anyone is welcome to come early and play in the snow but teams participating in the snow fort competition have raised at least $1,000 for the Boys and Girls Clubs of King County. Participants will receive ten free tickets, Snow Day shirts, a massive amount of snow and prizes if they win! If you’re interested in participating please email us at

For more details about the attempt to break the Guinness record for largest Snowball fight check out this website.

The Nature Conservancy: Working for Nature and People in Washington in 2012

The Nature Conservancy brought people together in 2012 to conserve and restore the lands and waters that support our quality of life.

Press Release, Robin Stanton, The Nature Conservancy in Washington

Seattle, WA | January 03, 2013

In 2012 The Nature Conservancy’s Washington chapter restored estuaries, restored forests, created new community collaborations, plucked derelict fishing gear from coastlines and brought science to bear on some of the most pressing problems facing us. From the Washington coast to Puget Sound to east Cascades forests and eastern Washington sagelands, The Nature Conservancy brought people together in 2012 to conserve and restore the lands and waters that support our quality of life.

Here are highlights of how donor support helped people and nature thrive in Washington in 2012.

Puget Sound

The Conservancy completed two restoration projects in Port Susan Bay, restoring estuary habitat for salmon and other marine life and improving flood control measures for neighboring farmers. These two projects—at Port Susan Bay Preserve and at Livingston Bay—improved more than 4,000 acres of tidelands in the vitally important Skagit and Stillaguamish River deltas.

Protecting and restoring shorelines is a vital part of restoring Puget Sound and supporting communities throughout the region. The Conservancy’s work supports the Puget Sound Agenda developed by the Puget Sound Partnership.

Washington Coast

It was a big year for restoration at the Conservancy’s Ellsworth Creek Preserve, at Willapa National Wildlife Refuge and on the Conservancy’s property on the Clearwater River, a tributary to the Queets. Funding from the jobs bill passed by the state Legislature last spring enabled the Conservancy to permanently remove 3 miles of old, hazardous road in the Ellsworth Creek Preserve while improving and upgrading an additional 4 miles. The improved roads enabled hired crews to do restoration thinning operations on 200 acres of former tree farm. Thinning the Douglas-firs makes room for spruce, cedar and hemlock to grow.

Locally hired crews and volunteers planted 11,000 trees at Ellsworth and on the adjacent Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, and another 8,000 trees on the Clearwater.

The Conservancy led establishment of the Washington Coast Marine Advisory Council to give local communities a voice in marine and coastal management.

The Conservancy worked with partners to remove 32 derelict nets in Grays Harbor and implemented a pilot derelict crab pot removal on the coast, retrieving 98 pots.

East Cascades Forests

Conservancy scientists published a first-of-its-kind study of how forests in central and eastern Washington have changed over the last 100 years, a study that sets the stage for science to guide forest restoration efforts so they’ll be effective.

As part of the Tapash Sustainable Forests Collaborative, the Conservancy restored 746 acres of forest west of Yakima, improving wildlife habitat and reducing the threat of catastrophic fires. Locally hired crews also removed 13 miles of high-risk roads in the region.

With partners, the Conservancy launched a new collaborative, the Northeast Washington Forest Vision 2020 Collaborative, to improve management on 900,000 acres of forestlands near Colville.


The Conservancy’s 35,000-acres Moses Coulee Preserve is a laboratory for managing sage lands in central Washington. The Conservancy and partners are continuing an experiment on a biological control for cheatgrass, an invasive weed that has devastated rangelands in the western United States. Other ongoing conservation projects include banding and monitoring migrating songbirds, surveying the region’s diverse bat populations and restoring sagelands habitat.


Four young men from Tacoma’s Science and Math Institute (SAMI) spent part of the summer counting bats, looking for marbled murrelets, banding songbirds and overcoming their dislike of spiders as part of The Nature Conservancy’s signature youth program, Leaders in Environmental Action for the Future (LEAF). The Washington chapter joined the program in 2011, hosting teens from New York, where it started. In 2012, the chapter hosted teens from right here in Washington for this paid internship.

Washington’s coastal treaty tribes—the Hoh, Makah and Quileute Tribes and the Quinault Indian Nation—hosted the inaugural First Stewards climate symposium in Washington, DC. The Conservancy and NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries were partners in the four day event, which brought together indigenous communities with scientists and governmental and non-governmental organizations to examine the impacts of climate change on indigenous coastal cultures and explore solutions based on millennia of traditional ecological knowledge.


The Nature Conservancy is an international organization, focused on finding local solutions to global challenges. The Washington chapter is connected to the Conservancy’s work around the world. In 2012, the chapter hosted Aurelio Ramos, the Conservancy’s director of conservation programs for Latin America, as he helped to develop conservation strategies for Puget Sound, for Washington’s eastern sagelands, and for temperate rainforests from Washington to Alaska. And the Washington chapter supported the Southern Andes program with science and geographic information staff, and assisted the Coral Triangle Center in Indonesia to develop its own membership program.

New Leadership

Capping off the year of conservation work, The Nature Conservancy welcomed Mike Stevens as the new Washington state director. Stevens arrived on Nov. 26, and in his first month he has visited all major program sites throughout the state.

FDA set to approve Genetically Engineered Salmon

Article by Monica Brown

The Food and Drug Administration has given their approval, pending a 60 day public debate, of the AquAdvantage Salmon developed by the Massachusetts based company Aquabouty Technology. The salmon was developed out of need from the growing human population which outweighs the current salmon population.

The AquAdvantage Salmon have been genetically engineered from Atlantic Chinook to grow at a faster rate on small amounts of food and are made specifically to be sterile females to help prevent reproducing with wild salmon. The idea behind the genetically engineered salmon (GES) to be female is a precaution to prevent escaped salmon from mingling with the wild salmon, had they been sterile males they would cause a disturbance in the spawning grounds by fighting over territory with male wild salmon. Although, Aquabounty has stated there is a slight chance that a small percentage of females may be fertile, but state the chance of them escaping to the wild are very slim.

According to FDA regulations, upon approval, the GES will be required to be grown in a physically contained system to prevent escape and at approved facilities only. When placed at the marketplace the GES will not be required to have any special labels or markings due to the fact that they are genetically the same as wild salmon and pose no threat for human consumption.

The imposition the GES will make on the environment and human diet is still dependent on the future consumption of the salmon.  As well as the impact it will make on the economy in the lives of Atlantic Fishermen. Since it is not clear yet how far the GES will be shipped, and we won’t be able to tell by labels or on restaurant menus, it prefer wild salmon to either fish for it yourself or get it from someone you know.

If you would like to comment on the Aquadvantage Salmon, the comment section for the 60 day public debate can be accessed here. Comments will be accepted until February 25, 2013!submitComment;D=FDA-2011-N-0899-0003

Comments by others may be viewed here!docketDetail;D=FDA-2011-N-0899

Tribal member promotes Tulalip Community Watch at Tulalip

Tulalip tribal member, Stan Jones III discussed his plans for the new Neighborhood Community Watch Program.
Tulalip tribal member, Stan Jones III discussed his plans for the new Neighborhood Community Watch Program.


  Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff writer

  TULALIP, Wash. – Tulalip tribal member Stan Jones III has lived on the reservation since 1994 and has seen firsthand the increase in crime and drugs.  In an effort to combat this rising problem, he organized a neighborhood community watch to urge the community to work together to help make Tulalip stronger by fighting against crime and drugs.

“It started off as a Facebook group, trying to get people together as far as awareness in the area,” said Stan. “I want the community to be aware of the problem that is occurring and to stand up against it.”

Stan decided to get the community more involved by establishing monthly neighborhood watch group meetings, where community members gather to provide each other with direct support, encouragement, and discussions on current issues in the community.

The first meeting, held November 17, 2012, at the Tulalip Administration Building, consisted of guest speakers, educational information on safety, discussions on crime tips and feedback from the community.

“The last meeting went well, we had two tribal police officers there and Ross Fryberg was able to give out a ton of information,” said Stan.

The foundation of these meetings is to bring awareness to community members and to work together to re-establish control over the neighborhood by being aware of unusual activities and reporting crimes, promoting an increase in safety, which reduces crime and drugs in the area.

“Meetings cover education, prevention, help or resources, empowerment, and safety and even these small steps push out a level of organized crime,” said Stan.

Another goal of the watch group is to educate the community on ways to report suspicious activities and basic home maintenance, such as installing security lights, updating locks, and installing a home alarm system.

“Burglars want to spend no more than a minute breaking into a home. A simple thing like dead bolting the door is important, as are putting a piece of wood in the window, clearing shrubs and bushes around your home, and replacing dead light bulbs, “ said Stan.

Community participation in neighborhood watch groups is a positive way for community members to play a part in the fight against crime and bond through community involvement. Community members can make a difference and see a decrease of opportunities for criminals to commit crimes and drug use.

The next Neighborhood Community Watch meeting will be held January 22nd at the Mission Highland Community Center at 5:00 p.m.

For more information about the group and how to get involved, please contact Stan Jones III at 425-750-2331. You can request to join Tulalip Community Watch on Facebook to receive helpful tips to help keep you and your family safe.


Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188;

Seattle Based ANAE exhibits energy technologies at Dubai Exhibition

Alekson Native American Enterprises LLC Press Release

Jim Alekson
CEO of Alekson Native American Enterprises
(206) 898-5869 | Email:


Seattle, Washington – The USA Regional Trade Center Exhibition officially opened today in Dubai, UAE and Alekson Native American Enterprises LLC (“ANAE”), a 100% Native American owned enterprise, was among the showcased exhibitors.

The USA Regional Trade Center, endorsed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of State and the UAE Ministry of Foreign Trade, facilitates and encourages trade and commerce between U.S. Businesses and the MENA Regional Market encompassing the Middle East and North Africa.  USARTC levels the play field and lowers the barriers to U.S. Company entry into the MENA Regional Market.

In 2009, ANAE began directing its business development attention toward green energy technologies and assembled a collection of elite technologies from around the world.  This collection came to the attention of the USARTC and two months ago, they extended an invitation to ANAE to exhibit several of its energy related technologies and business initiatives at the Dubai Trade and Commerce Exhibition.

The innovative technologies and initiatives showcased by ANAE include SACHEM Hi-Energy Wood Pellets, a substitute for thermal coal; AIRE-FOILTM vertical-axis wind turbines; ECO-LOGICTM LED smart lighting systems; FARM-OF-THE-FUTURETM hydroponic food-crop cultivation systems; and CASTAGRATM industrial coatings for protection against corrosion in the oil and gas industries as well as other energy related technologies. 

ANAE aligns itself with world-class inventors and mechanical and electrical engineers to secure and bring revolutionary technologies to the United States.  All of the exhibited technologies have been commercialized and have years of field-proven success. They have been developed within the United States as well as elsewhere in the world.  Sachem Energy SolutionsTM, an operating division of ANAE, is responsible for advancing technologies commercialized outside of the United States. 

“We are very honored the USA Regional Trade Center invited us to participate in this prestigious event.”  “We are pleased to have been given the opportunity to showcase and advance Indian Country participation in the world’s green energy revolution.” stated Jim Alekson, CEO of Alekson Native American Enterprises LLC. 

“We are pleased to have ANAE participate in our Trade and Commerce Exhibition and represent business development opportunities in Indian Country.”  “Innovative technologies advanced by ANAE and its Native American Partners represent a real step toward reducing the world’s dependency on fossil fuels to meet its ever increasing energy needs.” comments Kim Childs, Vice President of USA Regional Trade Center

Alekson Native American Enterprises LLC

Alekson Native American Enterprises LLC and its Sachem Family of Companies are 100%  Native American owned by Members of the Citizen Band of the Potawatomi Nation of Oklahoma and their Native American Partners.  ANAE is steadfastly devoted to advancing initiatives that bring about economic diversification for Native American Communities across the United States.  Our mission is to advance innovative technologies and initiatives that create jobs, encourage entrepreneurship and advance 21st Century educational and job training opportunities in Native American Communities. For additional information visit: and  ANAE is also on Twitter.

USA Regional Trade Center

USA Regional Trade Center facilitates and encourages trade and commerce between U.S. Businesses and the MENA Regional Market encompassing the Middle East and North Africa.  USARTC provides U.S. Companies, educational institutions, individuals, federal and state agencies, trade groups, professional associations, think tanks and legal, accounting and banking institutions with an integrated business platform for exploration of trade opportunities and facilitation of U.S. exports to the MENA Regional Market. For additional information visit:

Mayor of Marysville establishes new Youth Council

Press Release, Office of the Mayor, Dec. 3, 2012

Mayor establishes new Youth Council; seeks student members to give young people a stronger voice in their community’s future

MARYSVILLE – The voice of Marysville’s youth needs to be a bigger part of the dialogue when talking about how the community builds for tomorrow.

Mayor Jon Nehring is establishing a new Youth Council to create that essential link among Marysville’s teens, the community and city government.

The Youth Council will advise the Mayor on issues affecting young people in Marysville and provide youth perspective on a range of community issues and topics. The Council will also provide a forum to engage with City leaders, participate in a community service project, and connect with their peers, and learn about civics and city government.

“I’m hoping that we get young people to become involved from a variety of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are ready to share their valuable views with city government,” Nehring says. “My goal is that every young man and woman will leave the Youth Council with a better understanding of civic duty and a moral responsibility to our community.”

Nehring also believes young people willbenefit from involvement in the Youth Council through developing their personal and employability skills.

The Youth Council is open to Marysville teens ages 14-18 and enrolled in public or private school, or home-schooled (at the City’s discretion and under some circumstances, 13-year-olds may be permitted to join). Parent or guardian signature required for all ages.

Interested applicants are invited to download the application from the City website at Applications are due by 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10. Return in care of Youth Council/Doug Buell, Marysville City Hall, 1049 State Ave., Marysville, WA 98270. Or scan signed copy to

The Youth Council will be structured to meet monthly for one-hour, after-school meetings in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. However, as a substitute for sitting in meetings, field trips such as the Police Department, a Fire Station, Municipal Court, Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Tulalip Hibulb Cultural Center, and a spring community service project, could also become part of the annual agenda, as well as other recreation activities.

For more information contact Community Information Officer Doug Buell, Youth Council Liaison, at (360) 363-8086 or email You will be notified of a kick-off meeting to be scheduled later in January 2013. Food and refreshments will be provided.

It’s bingo time at the Senior Center


Bingo at the Tulalip Senior Center
Bingo at the Tulalip Senior Center


Article and photo by Jeannie Briones

TULALIP, Wash. –  Tulalip tribal elders and community members started New Year festivities early on December 31st, with a game of bingo where the top three winners won cash prizes.

“We  come down to have breakfast, socialize, and to see everybody,” said Tulalip elder April Moses.

The staff at the Tulalip Senior Center work to put together daily meals and provide a safe place for elders to feel comfortable.

For more information about activities, schedules, or other question, please call the Senior Center Main Line at 360-716-4684.


Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188;

Chief Spence urged to end hunger strike for her health

Article by Monica Brown

As Attawapiskat’s Chief Theresa Spence’s 17th day of her hunger strike over bill C-45 comes to an end she is being urged by the federal health minister and first nation’s leader to end her hunger strike since they fear for her health. They are suggesting she meet with Aboriginal Affairs Minister, John Duncan whom she has refused to meet and speak with stating that she wishes to meet with Prime Minister Harper. Chief Spence has only had fish broth and water for the last 17 days as she is camped out in a teepee on the island which is considered by the Anishinabe to be traditional territory.

In support of Chief Spence flash mobs of round dance protesting have begun all over Canada and recently across the globe urging this problem be addressed. People have been invited to support and join Chief Spence in her hunger strike for a four day fast.

New Democrat MP Charlie Angus has said that Chief Spence’s hunger strike has entered a deadly phase and is reaching out to other chief’s in order to solve what has become a national crisis. Stating that, “This is much bigger than Theresa Spence, it’s much bigger than an individual community, this is across the country now and it really needs the prime minister to take action.”

Plans for protests across Canada and the U.S. are still in the works for the coming week and hopes are that this will meet an agreeable end.

Tulalip fishermen spruce up their vessels for 2013

Tribal members Joe Hatch Jr and Joe Hatch Sr working together to install a rebuilt motor.
Tribal members Joe Hatch Jr and Joe Hatch Sr working together to install a rebuilt motor.

Article and photo by Jeannie Briones


TULALIP, Wash. – For Tulalip Tribal fisherman Joe Hatch Sr, fishing is in his blood.  For 30 years he has fished the waters around Tulalip and  is passing down his line of work to his son Joe Hatch, Jr. On December 28th, both father and son were in good spirits at the Tulalip Marina as they worked on transporting the rebuilt motor that the F/V WinterHalter will be sporting when it carries in the next catch of geoduck, clams and halibut.


Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188;