Obama promises ‘big push’ for pre-K proposal

President Barack Obama is promising a “big push” for his proposal to provide pre-K for all 4-year-olds.

Source: Associated Press

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is promising a “big push” for his proposal to provide pre-K for all 4-year-olds.

Obama says having the world’s best education system will help create jobs and boost the middle class, but it starts with early childhood education.

He said studies show that pre-kindergarten kids do better in school, are less likely to become teen parents and are more likely to attend college, have a job and form stable families.

Obama announced the proposal in his State of the Union address last week. Republicans have questioned the cost, which the White House has yet to reveal.

In an interview broadcast Friday with radio host Yolanda Adams, Obama says, quote, “we’re going to make a big push on that.”