July 10, 1990 – July 5, 2023

Drew Hallam was born July 10, 1990 in Everett Washington to Cathy Wood and Duane Hallam. He passed away July 5, 2023 in a tragic car accident.
He grew up in Mount Vernon, Washington with a passion for competition and adrenaline. He became a fierce athlete and a strong teammate. His love for sports continued into his adulthood where he continued in CSSA softball with his NA family. If he wasn’t on the field or the court, he was instilling his love for sports in his son Kieran.
Kieran became Drew’s proudest accomplishment, he showed him the fundamentals of each sport. Watching his son become as fierce a competitor as himself was the highlight of his life.
Drew loved his family deeply. He had a talent to leave an imprint on all he came across in life. He was also kind and generous to anyone he met. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for those he loved.
It’s no surprise that Drew found a career as an arborist, and from the start exceled in the field. He mastered his craft and became an expert who thrived in the most difficult of situations and removals. No tree was too tall and no job to extreme.
He will be missed.
Drew leaves behind his son Kieran Hallam, mother Cathy Wood, father Duane Hallam, brother Brian (Kylie) Hallam, his brother in life Danial (Angel) Osburn, grandmother Sandie Markle, grandfather Harry Alexander, aunts and uncles Stacy Alexander, Corrine Markle, Nancy Hallam Caudill, Gene Hallam, niece Adaline Hallam and numerous cousins.
Service will be held on Tuesday July 11th at 10:00 A.M at the Tulalip Tribal Gathering Hall at 7512 Totem Beach Rd. Tulalip, Washington 98271, with burial following at Mission Beach Cemetery.
Memorial flowers to be sent to Tribal Gathering Hall.