Higher ED can help young adults get a general education diploma or high school diploma

Submitted by Josh Cleveland, Higher Education Specialist 

Why GED or HS Diploma?

  •  Increase Your Self-Esteem
  • Better job opportunities
  • Chance for college, technical school, or vocational education

What is an HS Diploma?

The HS Diploma is a record attained from going through courses at the high school level with passing grades. 

What is a GED?

GED is equivalent to the HS Diploma. Colleges, universities, and technical or vocational schools usually accept GEDs.

Which to choose?

Both GED and HS Diplomas are relatively the same—both open options for employment, or opportunities for college and universities, technical, or vocational education.

Although, some schools or universities prefer HS Diploma over GED. To get over a GED hurdle, a prospective student could take courses to attain an associate degree to transfer into a university that prefers the High School Diploma over the GED.


The GED or HS Diploma courses or programs need some form of accreditation. Higher ED can review these to prove accreditation. Most state, regional, or federal accreditation is acceptable. Accreditation reviews will be on a case-by-case basis.

Additionally, the program must have unofficial transcripts upon graduation to prove courses were taken. We cannot allow places that only give a diploma, as a diploma alone does not prove courses or coursework were gone through and learned. 

Please inform Higher ED before enrolling or registering for a program to help ensure the cost is covered. A Higher ED packet, tribal ID, and an invoice (from an accredited program) are general requirements Higher ED needs to cover the program’s costs.


The Tulalip Tribes cover the cost of GED or HS Diploma courses for enrolled Tulalip Tribal members. 

Locations of courses:

For adults, GED and HS Diploma courses in-person are limited. There are some in-person courses for GED or HS Diploma, but it is subject to what schools are currently offering. Due to limited in-person, hybrid (online and in-person) are usually limited. Although, online courses are more often available for adults and are becoming the standard for many institutions.

For more information about in-person, hybrid, or online GED or HS Diploma courses, feel free to reach out to Higher ED.

GED or HS Diploma for Youth: 

Depending on the student’s age, GED or HS Diplomas may have to go through Youth Activities/Education or Higher ED. This will be on a case-by-case basis. Feel free to contact Higher ED or Youth Activities (Phone: 360-716-4909) for Youth.

GED or HS Diploma: 

 Please refer to Higher ED or Higher ED’s website for references of currently acceptable institutions for GED or HS Diplomas. 

A couple of options we currently use, are either Penn Foster (online HS Diploma program), or Everett Community College [EvCC] (for GED or HS Diploma). The GED program through EvCC can either be all online, or we have an in-person session on Tuesdays from 5 PM – 6:30 PM in the C-2 building.

Likewise, institutions not listed may be brought to Higher ED to review accreditation on a case-by-case basis. Link: https://www.tulaliptribes-nsn.gov/Dept/HigherEducation

Questions or Concerns: 

For more information, questions, or concerns on formats (online, in-person, or hybrid) of courses, classes, and assistance to help get accredited courses or classes funded, don’t hesitate to contact Higher Education (Higher ED) at highered@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov, or 360-716-4888.

  • Higher ED Contact Information: 
  • Email – highered@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov
  • Phone – 360-716-4888
  • Website – https://www.tulaliptribes-nsn.gov/Dept/HigherEducation
  • Address: 7707 36th Ave NW building D-1, Tulalip, WA 98271