Emergency Management Coronavirus Update, April 1, 2020

April 1, 2020

We are often asked about numbers. How many people have been tested? How many tested positive? How many masks, gowns, and gloves do we have? Do we have sanitizer? We do have a reasonable amount of supplies. Part of our job as Emergency Management is to track our burn rate and make sure supplies are on order before we need them. Most of this work happens behind the scenes, so today, we’re going to introduce you to the team doing the work. There are many more working on the COVID-19 response, but this is our core workgroup.

Ashlynn Danielson, the Emergency Preparedness Manager, coordinates the team response, bringing together staff from throughout the Tulalip Tribes. Ashlynn creates strategic plans, provides guidance, and best practices to leadership. Vanessa Kelsey, from Contract Compliance, has been detailed into the effort. She is keeping tabs on our inventory and helping to draft protocols and SOPs. 

Jim Steinruck from the Health Clinic is leveraging his health care networks to keep us connected with local health systems. He is heading the effort to create a quarantine site for Tulalip, and he also recently secured 100 test kits for Tulalip. 

Kelvin Lee from our Pharmacy has been diligent about protecting his team, so they can continue serving the Tulalip community through the Pharmacy. He has also been invaluable in securing supplies of masks, gloves, and sanitizer. 

Media and Marketing has been assisting us with getting our message out to the community. Niki Cleary has been actively answering questions on social media, and her team have been sharing information on social media, in the Syeceb, Tulalip TV and their other channels.

Chris Wright from our GIS (Geographic Information Systems) team has been instrumental helping us track all of our information. He is currently working with Media and Marketing to launch a Tulalip COVID-19 response website.

Kevin Jones from TDS and Dr. Okemah from the Health Clinic are working on tele-medicine in order to continue serving our people who still need routine medical care. We are hoping to see video appointments launch soon.  

Community Health has been working around the clock. Verna Hill and her team have been tracking all of the self-disclosed COVID-19 cases, providing guidance to patients and working with Snohomish Health District to map COVID-19 on the reservation. 

Chenoa Henry, with our Grants department, continues to research funding opportunities and provide guidance, so we are eligible for current and future grants. 

Tulalip Bay Fire and the Tulalip Police Department are still interacting with the community on a daily basis. The fire department is working with Community Health on patient transport services, and the community paramedic Jim Reinhardt is helping diagnose and interface with community members who are worried about their immediate health. The Tulalip Police have continued to protect and serve our community, and have also offered to assist in any requested efforts. 

We know that it’s frustrating when we don’t have new information to share but, we wanted to give you a snapshot of what we are doing and let you know that there is a team working hard to keep Tulalip healthy and safe.