By Micheal Rios, Tulalip News
The Council for Tribal Employment Rights held their 2016 National TERO Convention in Bellingham, Washington from August 1-3. The three day convention was highlighted with an awards banquet that gave special recognition to TERO programs, commissions, and directors for excelling at what they do and being leaders to their fellow tribes.
Tulalip’s very own TERO program was honored with the National “TERO Program of the Year” award. Teri Gobin, TERO Director, accepted the award on behalf of her TERO team; Tory Chuckulnaskit, TERO Manager; Linda Henry, TERO Admin Assistant; Lynne Bansemer, TERO Client Service Coordinator; Lisa Telford, TVTC Family Career Navigator; Billy Burchett, TVTC Site Coordinator; Mark Newland, TVTC Teacher; Robert Henderson, TERO Compliance Officer; Ginny Ramos, TERO Compliance Officer.
Teri accredited her staffs innovative thinking and passion to better serve the Tulalip Community by improving the quality of their lives, through job preparation, training, employment, business and economic opportunities.
TERO stands for Tribal Employment Rights Office. TERO codes require that all employers who are engaged in operating a business on reservations give preference to qualified Natives in all aspects of employment, contracting and economic opportunities; while prohibiting employment discrimination. TERO offices were established and empowered to monitor and enforce the requirements of the tribal employment rights code.
Through the commitment and steadfast determination of Tulalip TERO, the TERO Vocational Training Center (TVTC) has become the first and only state and nationally recognized Native American pre-apprenticeship program in the country. In recent months the TVTC program has garnered much attention and praise for its constructing and contributions of tiny homes to homeless communities in the Seattle area.
For more information about Tulalip TERO programs, classes and employment assistance please contact TERO at 360-716-4747 or go to www.tulaliptero.com