Cirque du Soleil star Nakotah LaRance will hoop dance to flute, hand drum and hip hop beats by Brian Frejo at this year’s SWAIA Winter Indian Market. Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1, 1:30pm.

Kitty Leaken
World champion hoop dancer and Cirque du Soleil star Nikotah LaRance will perform in collaboration with musician Brian Frejo at the SWAIA 8th Annual Winter Indian Market this Nov. 30-Dec. 1.
Santa Fe, NM (PRWEB) November 05, 2013
SWAIA’s 8th annual Winter Indian Market features performances by Nakotah LaRance (Tewa/Navajo/Hopi/Assiniboine) and Brian Frejo (Pawnee/Seminole). LaRance and Frejo will join forces for two performances showcasing original Native music and choreography that weave both traditional and contemporary elements.
About Nakotah LaRance
Nakotah LaRance is a six-time world champion hoop dancer who has showcased in competitions and performances around the world. He is most known for his performances in Cirque Du Soleil’s “Totem” and The Knocks & Fred Falke music video “Geronimo”.
About Brian Frejo
Frejo plays the Native American flute and hand drum and is a member of the Grammy nominated Native drum group “Young Bird”. As acclaimed DJ, music producer and promoter Shock B, Frejo has produced and performed at special events throughout the country.
Performances are on Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1, 1:30pm at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center.