See free movies at libraries

School’s out for a week beginning April 1. How about free movies at the library?

Source: The Herald

The Everett Public Library Evergreen branch, 9512 Evergreen Way, Everett, is offering a Spring Break Family Film Fest of PG-rated movies at 1 p.m. beginning April 1 (no fooling) and continuing every day next week:

April 1: “Wreck It Ralph”

April 2: “Frankenweenie”

April 3: “ParaNorman”

April 4: “Brave”

April 5: “Madagascar 3”

For more information, call 425-257-8250.

Some Sno-Isle libraries are also showing kid-friendly movies this week:

April 3: “The Odd Life of Timothy Green,” 5:30 p.m. at Coupeville Library, 788 NW Alexander St., 360-678-4911.

April 4: “Rise of the Guardians,” (mildly scary) 4 p.m. at Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. 425-771-1933.

April 4: “ParaNorman,” 2 p.m. at Mukilteo Library, 4675 Harbour Pointe Blvd., 425-493-8202.

April 6: “The Odd Life of Timothy Green,” 11 a.m. at Darrington Library, 1005 Cascade St., 360-436-1600.

April 6: “The Odd Life of Timothy Green,” 2 p.m. at Oak Harbor Library, 1000 SE Regatta Drive, 360-675-5115.