By Jeannie Briones, Tulalip News staff
Since the opening of the Tulalip Conditioning Center five months ago, community members have taken advantage of the various exercise equipment that the center offers, including treadmills, elliptical bikes, recumbent bikes, a heavy punching bag, speed bag, dumbbells, bench press, curling bench, ab crunchers, and other devices to provide an overall well-balanced workout.
“This center provides a healthy and safe program for our community. Diabetes run within Native American communities, so my main objective is providing somewhere the community can workout for free and feel safe at the same time,” said Josh Fryberg, Youth Services Recreation.
“I am thankful to have the opportunity to workout. I have kids and can’t workout at home, so I want to take advantage of this time,” said Tulalip Tribal employee Jadah Milam.
To better ensure that folks meet their health goals, Josh encourages people to workout in pairs and set weekly obtainable goals.
The Conditioning Center is available at no charge to tribal members, tribal employees, and community members. The center is open Monday through Friday, usually from 12:00 – 4:30 p.m., but hours may vary at different times throughout the week.
The Center is located at 7730 36th NW Ave W, Tulalip, WA 98271 (across from the Tulalip Boys & Girls Club). For additional questions, please contact Josh Fryberg at 425-377-4110.
Jeannie Briones: 360-716-4188; jbriones@tulaliptribes-nsn.gov